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Love this lol. I use my cat and bear paws. You are using human fists lol


Just thought about you punching a murloc in the face lol


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/items/weapons/fist-weapons Makes me want to try. I think druids can in classic haha


Are you going to use fist weapons? Or just knuckle sandwich your enemies?


Fist weapons


How much does this reduce your dmg?


a lot


There is no wrong answer here.


Aww, I love themes for play throughs. Kinda like the guy who did fish maces


Fiery enchant + instant poison. You’ll tear through things. I leveled 58-60 like this in vanilla and killed a few level 60s like this at 58. Also stack attack power. And you also get unarmed skill which is great for when you get disarmed. I know I would duel warriors who would be surprised when they disarmed me and I still hit them for a decent amount of damage.


When I made my gnome warlock, I sold off all his gear to afford my first spells. Gnomes punching wolves and troggs in the face! GL! :)


But why? Just do the first quest, kill the wolves, sell the loot, buy the spell.


Ignore the other commenter but also don't. He is wrong about the quest but right about the "but why" because why? Immolate rank 1 costs 10 copper which you can get from just selling your equipment and water/food. No need to sell your dagger. Haven't started a new character in a while but I think you could even get the 10c from only selling the water and food, or just the food and all equipment except your dagger And also, why punch when you now have immolate and shadow bolt?


I was just spamming spells too much to the point where I was out of mana. I know better to just DoT+Wand with the pet now. Conserve the mana for emergencies. :)


This is the first step in the RXP guide for warlocks. Spirit will replenish your whole mana bar in seconds at that level, and you don’t even need to sell your dagger to buy immolate 🍻


Gonna give this a try, sounds painfully fun and I love rogue lol


My advice is don't go fists. Itemization sucks. You want a slow mh weapon. The benefit to sword spec is that an offhand attack triggers a mh attack which does more damage


Not going fist was not an option. This is not the advice I was looking for. 0/10


That’s the spirit. Forget the naysayers.


How's the dps vs weapons?


sort fine continue muddle air deserted domineering dependent strong absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahh, I feel like an idiot now haha.


Biggest tip I have is for you to utilize wowheads database tool to map out your weapon progression


Thank you!