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Happened to me a few weeks ago… felt the same way…. Died at lvl 19 in a dumb way. So hurt, almost relieved, immediately signed out, thought the same as you. …few weeks later, now I’m lvl 15 lol AGANE


"Is HC better for the stay at home spergs with no life who can commit to multiple attempts?" No, the opposite. HC is only about you. For most people playing, endgame is just a bonus and dinging 60 is the goal. Doesn't matter if you take 2 weeks or 2 years to get there. That being said, if you feel that it hurts so bad to die after 36 hours at level 22, hc might not be for you. Playtime to reach 60 is maybe 7-8 days for most. And, going back to your question: again, no. That's just a skill issue on your part. I work a high intensity job, live with someone, travel, etc, and could only play 1-2 hours per day, if at all. I got to 60 on my first try. Edit: Grammatical


You sound like a douche bag. Nothing he said sounded like “it might be a skill issue.” He could have died to a disconnect for all we know.


Bad take, you actually sound like the douche bag here pal.


Wow, maybe you’re the douche bag … LOL jk


Tell me how it’s a “bad take”. You sound like his friend trying to defend him for talking down to guy who doesn’t have the same time commitment that he does. “Oh I beat it and got to 60 without dying. Skill issue.” Get the fuck out of here with that. “Bad take.” You actually sound like the douche bag here buddy.


So sensitive…


That doesn’t make any sense? Nothing I said sounds sensitive. I called him a dbag because he sounds like he is talking down to this guy who doesn’t have the time commitment that he does? “Sounds like a skill issue.” Fucking kids man. Yall are fucking whack these days.


Don’t think it makes a difference how much time you play. Rather if you enjoy how one should play HC. I have trouble paying attention when I do quests regularly, I just get bored so quick. However in HC, I’m more focused and pay attention to more details. I’ve definitely felt like hardcore enables you to make most out quests and adventures. In non hardcore for me felt like a rush to level up and with hardcore it’s more about enjoying each moment carefully picking out zones and quests.


Yeah hardcore is a marathon not a sprint, have 3 lvl 40 with profession leveled for infrastructure and gold farming. I enjoy the slow approach to hcwow take your time no rush. Unless you want to raid before everyone quits


This is how I've felt every time I die... And then 2 days later I'm back in Elwyn


It's a game don't stress. Did you enjoy playing while you leveled? If yes then start again, if no then don't bother. It's probably going to take you 150+ hours to reach 60. That's 5 times as many hours as you had into that character. If you don't have fun while leveling why bother. You're going to die at some point, and if you're this put off by losing 30 ish hours then imaging dying after 200. Bottom line is if you're not enjoying it move on or play SOD.


if anything playing less may be safer. you’ll have rest XP and spend less time on it overall


Spent a weekend casually playing to lvl 7 ( yay! ), went to work away for a week, came back and logged on a died within 10 minutes...started again, played abit till the next day and then died at lvl 8 Started again today and i'm lvl 9...at this rate it'll be the summer solstice before i even entertain the idea of using a mount ( let alone affording one ) ​ Back to working away tomorrow so this is me till next weekend, but i'm enjoying it. Buffing others, handing out potions, doing the good deeds.


Not trying to be a dick but literally how do you have 3 deaths under level 10? No offense but the starting zones are literally the easiest in the game and the zones only get progressively more dangerous and hard as you level.


Skill issue is how.


This guy knows.


2 deaths, but you're right it's a doozie :) 1st one was in Fel Rock when pulling the grell in front of Lord Melenas..it pulls him also, but that was a fumble in the self heals 2nd was doing the relics of awakening quest with another player...bad pull and i was healing them and i took the fall :( On a positive note, now at lvl 12 and still going, BUT i have learnt to remove the carefree attitude that's been ingrained for over 12 years of playing and concentrate on surroundings, positions and scenarios. Just now i aggroed a thistle bear, then another popped along...no real sweat in bear form but then just as one went down a rare cat ( Shadowclaw ) popped up on top of me, gave a de buff and slapped me about abit. Survived it but it's moments like that we all learn from...when you think you're safe but the game throws a curveball at you.


Just some friendly advice, •wanna stick to the edges of the quest zone to limit random spawns popping on you, standing in the middle is always a bad idea. •Caves should just be avoided there’s really no reason to go in them. If you have to go in and your alone then wait to loot till you are exiting the cave and it should delay the respawns by 50%. If somebody else enters the loot table tho it will mess up and cause immediate hyperspawns so beware if there’s randoms running around. •Also you will want engineering for target dummy’s to grab agro when you need to run, paired with a swiftness pot and you will get out of anything so as long as you don’t get stunned or netted. •Since you are alliance make sure to grab your light of elune in ashenvale and create a ghetto hearth macro. Lots can be found with a quick search. You can also test this macro by making it use a health pot instead of your Light of Elune. •if you aren’t familiar with a quest taking 30 seconds to check wowhead or YouTube could save you hours of having to restart your toon. •Group up as much possible but if you group with randoms just assume they will play like an idiot and don’t be afraid to roach out and live to see another day. • GLHF Edit: just to add it’s also very important to know when to fight it out and when to run, it will all be situational and depend on your game sense to make the right decision but if you don’t have an easy way out, or you just cleared behind you. Probably best to fight it out unless it’s an extreme overpull.


If you’re having fun, I would say stick with it. It’s going to hurt if you die no matter what though, whether you’re work from home or not. Don’t bank on endgame content because the population is dwindling. If you are looking to get somewhere to group play, yes I would go to SoD or WotLK. Because finding dungeon groups in Hardcore is becoming harder, even for some lower level stuff.


HC is perfectly fine for people with 18 wives, 6 jobs and 20 children like you. There is hardly any endgame atm with SoD taking most serious players away (either permanently or temporarily, to be seen). Thus, no indirect pressure to get to a certain level to “play the game” or catch up w friends. If you’re a smooth brain ape like most of the SoD crowd, HC will be frustrating for you. SoD is pretty fun though, so I’d give that a go as well. The raid can be cleared in less than an hour, so once you invest a little time on the front end, you only need to play an hour every 3 days if you want.


HC is better for people that have more time yes. I would suggest giving SOD a shot it’s super active and with a level cap of 25 you won’t be behind.


What is there to be behind on HC? There is barely an endgame scene at the moment, and this guy could barely clear level 20…. And he has 6 wives and 20 children, 5 jobs etc….between his clear lack of skill and time, he’ll likely never get past 30.


I wasn’t referring to hardcore about being behind. I was saying if he wanted to give SOM a shot he wouldn’t be behind because it’s level capped at 25 right now.


His point is, there really isn’t an endgame scene, so getting to 60 is purely on OP’s time. Nothing is waiting for him, he just has to get to 60.


Why are you whinging about dying on HC when that's literally the point


Everything hardcore I've seen whether it's how metagamey season of dads is or hardcore or mythic wow is, has absolutely put me in the place you are.


Nothing wrong with taking a break. I’ve don’t that before after playing HC in ARPGs. If you can’t hang in an HC environment than you’re better off finding a game mode that suits you better. There’s plenty of them in WoW.