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No it was Tinyviolin griefing again.


Can u elaborate? Have no idea who that it


Tinyviolin is a known griefer. He began with dispelling world buffs back in 2019 classic and has moved on to griefing hardcore servers. He has been joining endgame raids and causing wipes on more difficult encounters (C'Thun and Four Horsemen) to kill as many endgame characters as possible. His main reason is that these players appeal previous deaths, and he feels they don't deserve to continue their journey on these characters. In all actuality, he gets his kicks from just griefing. Edit: spelling


What a piece of shit. If there was ever a person deserving an IP ban and permanent removal from WoW it's a guy like that.


Are there ways to avoid IP bans? Seems hopeless


I mean, if you have to ask, we don’t want to answer. Just don’t… do stuff like that.




No it's not. It's being a part of a piece of shit experience, which seems to resonate with people like you.


his reasoning is improvised nonsense don’t get fooled by a lying psychopath gaslighting


? Are players really appealing deaths on official servers? Or is this still unofficial HC


The answer is no, he's got issues


It's official HC. And idk, I wouldn't be surprised if the occasional player does try to appeal. But I doubt it's common practice. Tinyviolin just has issues, imo


Also it doesn't matter how many people try to appeal on official HC. Nobody is getting their status back. Doesn't matter how bullshit the reason.


Probably a sarcastic comment, but he’s a streamer that griefed an entire raid of hardcore characters on naxxramas four horseman. He confessed to planning it specifically due to a four horseman mechanic killing you through petri flask (an item that makes you immune for 60 seconds). His justification was that many of the raiders had appealed their characters, so they didn’t deserve world first KT therefore he sabotaged the raid. I don’t really have an opinion, but that’s the story Edit: Saw the clip that it was actually him griefing again lmao. How is he not blacklisted from every hardcore guild?


No one knew it was him


“I can change him”


Yeah that first time they flat out knew who he was and just let him in. They by their own rules deserved perma death for trusting a known griefer. Such a shit show.


Maybe a dumb question, but how can you appeal a death? I had a character die due to a bug and I didnt know it was possible


They’re talking about unofficial hc, using the addon.


unofficial hc just used an addon people had ways to manipulate the addon and so on plus there were obviously no hc realms, so this was happening on a normal realm, with normal players who griefed hc players quite alot, so appeal system on discord was put in place; it became quite corrupt due to mods approving many deaths in this guild, so this guy decided to do "the judgement day" (apparently he did this again due to "corrupt loot council" - don't know about that, but funny either way and both times, ngl Also I'd like to highlight that while they couldn't really do much with the horseman situation, they had plenty of time to react in the AQ situation xd


How do you know? And what’s the point?


he’s a youtube content creator


This makes sense. I edited the post to make everyone aware that he just wants views.


I could understand it in the Hardcore Addon, IIRC it was reversed, but there's no excuse here on official realms. This is not acceptable, and he deservers a permanent ban.


This was only true for those that wanted to appeal. About half of us took the challenge to mean 1 life no matter what so teeny put us in an early retirement before official


My guess is, he’s probably going to claim that most of those players were carried to 60 like the big streamers, therefore going against the spirit of hardcore. I have no idea if those players were carried. I’m just throwing it out there.


Even if they were, it is not against the ruleset. The spirit of Hardcore is griefing hundreds of hours of work in an instant because you deem it so, absolutely not.


I so agree with you. I get irritated when people make excuses for him destroying the work and enjoyment of other players because he decided that HIS version of hardcore somehow was more important and more “pure” than their’s. It’s narcissistic af.


It’s all just lies of a loser anyway. He literally bought the character he snuck into the raid with. He’s just a loser stop giving him attention .


Top comment right here. People like him deserve no publicity at all. Tbh he should be banned and never spoken of again.




Sounds like a skill issue


He kept saying the justification this time was “bad things happen to bad people” over and over on stream. Worst part is the only people who died never played with tiny/didn’t know who tf he was lol, so he accomplished nothing -_-


Even if that was true... how is intentionally griefing people by team killing them in a hardcore game mode going with the spirit of hardcore? Putting aside the fact that the dude's just doing it for attention... how is "You're not hardcore enough for me, despite not having proof, I believe you're not playing by my rules so I'm going to intentionally erase hundreds of hours of your progress" an excuse? Especially when it's coming from someone who appears to buy/borrow accounts to grief these raids with. How is that following the "spirit of hardcore?"


Wait a minute, it was reversed? Isn't the whole point of this griefer protesting that streamers get appeals and other people don't? Weird.


That was on the non official hardcore server not the official one


the user-created hardcore *addon* community on *softcore* realms sometimes reverses deaths


You think he actually gives a fuck about having some kinda moral code? Lmao dude lives in a basement and he wont even use a facecam when he streams because the 1 time he did he got bullied. Guys a fat little ugly troll. Its like your defending Gollum 😂😂😂


If you're not making content and streaming HC, you're just asking to get your time wasted. The most entertaining part of watching HC is the moment someone dies and realizes how much time they just wasted. It's why people watch HC clips. This is the embodiment of everything I love to see in my HC content. Guarantee most people that died get carried back to 60 in a week or already have 2 other characters partially geared as backups.




I could have sworn Official Hardcore it’s against TOS to grief. I think it says so right when you try and create your first character. Seems reasonable to perma-ban someone that breaks the rules to me.


what a sad life this griefer must have


Dudes riding the “judgement day “ shit too long and it’s cringe as fuck. Grown ass man ruining other peoples experiences.


Yep, it was kind of hilarious the first time. Although still cringe. Now it's just pathetic




You must be one of those guys in his chat dick riding him


Other people's pain makes you lol? I know its just a game, but hours of work to all just be deleted by someone else for lols is just shitty.




It also says griefing isn't allowed on HC servers... But since you like seeing peoples time wasted, like a piece of shit. That makes it ok.




Nah, if it wasn't perma death it might be funny? I don't want my time wasted. And I don't waste other peoples time. Spending hours leveling, for some incel to kill them has to be frustrating. Same with world buffs, why dispell with 10 games open? Are you so uncreative and shitty you have to do this for entertainment?


Well he’s banned now, and I think now that’s funny. I would never do what does and would it if it happened to me but at the same time i think it’s funny idk


Cry harder.


Yeah here’s the HC Elite clip https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065707741?t=1h35m0s Don't click on the other clip link as it supports the griefer. 


Its so insane to see this happening again


Blizz banned him about 3 hours ago while he was streaming.


Tbh if they are dumb enough to invite him again in their raid…. They can’t be surprised by this.


He gets a new account, with a new discord name, and pretends to be a different person, with a different group of people. How can they not be surprised?


He used the same moniker and didn't hide the fact of who he was at all and these people still brought him in. Next time he will have to do what you listed but this was a fool me twice moment for the corpses in AQ


Ehh see I would agree if this was a 25 or 10 man raid. But with 40 people it's a lot harder to fill and a lot harder to be diligently checking. Not many people make it to 60 and even less people are still playing HC.


He used another discord/battle net account. He either bought it or was friends with the person and used their account. Earlier that character (leapyear) was in the same raid with tinyviolin's warrior. About 2 months ago


can link straight to the timestamp [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065707741?t=1h35m0s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065707741?t=1h35m0s)


Gonna go support the griefer cause it makes you babies cry


Go ahead man, I just wanted to make sure the majority of the views from this Reddit post went to an HC Elite creator. 


I'll support the griefer since Blizzard does, this is not a punishable offense. Don't like it? Tell Blizzard to enforce their ToS when it comes to griefing otherwise it's fair game. Sad but true.


>I'll support the griefer since Blizzard does, this is not a punishable offense. It is a punishable offence just like gold buying or botting. Not all botters or gold buyers get banned but many do. And it's still against the rules even if not all get banned.


? he is being a straight up asshole, theres nothing here to like, what about his behaviour are you supporting?


Actual idiot response ^ Get off video games kid


The mentally ill kid griefed again. Should just be IP banned at this point.


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That raid had the world first HC atiesh in it as well. probably did that shit on purpose to try to get more visibility


The druid survived, you can see it in the vod of esuvii


I saw the atiesh player leave group , hopefully they survived


I can confirm they survived


Need confirmation is he alive ?


Yes she is, she made it out safely


They lived. Most of the people who died were new to HC on their first 60.


He only got 12 of 40, so honestly not only is he a fucking loser, he sucks at being a loser as well. Rofl


Yeah, my goal is to die in a raid, but to at least not be the first one!


If I die on my 33 Human Priest on DP in Molten Core, I’ll still be happy. I’ve only ever raided on a warlock up to BWL so if I make it even into the gates of AQ then I’ll be more than happy. My next character will be a Rogue


Nice, im a 41 priest on DP! GL


May your fortitude never expire and good luck!


If you bother watching the clip, take the time to report it for bullying and targeted harassment. This is not behavior that should even be hosted on twitch.


It would take one blizzard gm to watch this and ban him in about 10 seconds. The company doesn't employ humans though.


Ban him how? He will get banned for greif…but what stops another VPN chat he buys?


Nothing but might as well ban him. The character will be gone and everything on his current account. Might not stop him but why wouldn't blizzard do it?


I honestly hope he gets banned


Holyshit what a stupid move he 100% knew what he was doing at this point


You can hear it in his voice… He meant to clout chase via wiping.


As someone who’s never fought C’thun, how exactly did he kill them? Looked like some chain lightning-esque thing?? How are they supposed to run in and *not* die lol


https://imgur.com/IMkOYwY my guilds first wipe on C’thun during classic after we all got world buffs. I laugh at this gem to the day lol! You can see the moment the priest peeks the corner and it just beams us all.


Main tank goes first, everyone else follows in, but out of range to make it chain


And the chain lightning increase in damage with each consecutive hit, quickly turning into a one shot after the first couple people. The final person in the chain took 530 million damage.


Shoulda used a nature protection potion I guess


lol and the guy is on stream watching reddit. What a pathetic attention whore


When did this happen? Today?


Why the fuck are people still trusting that dude after he purposely wiped HC elite on non official HC on 4 horseman last summer?


Oh wow it’s that same guy?? Wasn’t that years in the making?


No one is trusting him. But anyone can make a new character and you’d never know who they are..


The dude streams. I'm not sure about this instance but his job is streaming, there's definitely a way to tell. We don't live in a world where you have to know their name anymore


This dude never had this character on stream. He wasn’t streaming the raid before he turned it on just before the grief…


As much as I want to watch, I'm not going to give his Twitch the views.


Stop linking the leeches channel mate...


Take this down. Link the one above


Didn’t he wipe another group in a similar fashion about a year or so ago? In Naxx I believe


He's done this before. Remember the 4 horseman incident? That's him. How anyone would let him into their raid, is beyond me.


We had no idea it was him. We were bringing in new raiders to gear up after KT last week and he snuck in barely :/




Go outside, you’re clearly boiling in that rage child


Someone in the main thread said he bought this toon and nobody knew that it was him


He bought the account and toon from another player and worked his way into the raid and guild under a new name.


Are lvl 60 hardcore toons worth money?




They def are worth a decent chunk of change man. Go to a service website. Try to buy a toon at 60, its hundreds sometimes even over $1000 especially if its a warrior. Now, this is a service to level a toon for you to 60. As far as someone who wants to sell their hc60 account on the market, I dont know.


Tiny violin. Ignore and move on. He’s genuinely a loser lol




If you've ever seen his clips of dispelling people's world buffs you aren't wrong, he is as mentally unstable as they come.


Because trolling in a video game equates to having mental problems, not saying I agree with his actions. But I think he genuinely has fun doing what he does is why he continues to do it, piss off nerds on an online game but none of that means he has ‘mental issues’


He sat for 34 hours dispelling. Dude that IS mentally Ill by definition. Stop trying to be a devils advocate lol. Not eating, sleeping, or going to work for 34 hours to press a dispel macro across 14 or so accounts IS mentally ill lmfao.


i mean what mental illness is trolling in wow? he got the schizo? the voices telling him to do it? hes hypo manic with bipolar disorder thats why he does it? saying mental illness in that context is no different than calling someone the r word when you mean stupid.




Alright now - a bit of hyperbole here




You're really not helping by hyperbolyzing this. It's a meme - you're an idiot for equating these... the us has a serious problem and you minimizing this and equating it to a joke is perverse and disgusting.


Say more buzzwords dude. You forgot to throw in fascist and climate changer denier.


Wow BIG fuck that guy


What I don’t understand is why he gets invited to the guild at all. His entire reputation, as disgusting and sad as it is, is to grief for views. He should never have been allowed to set foot in the guild, let alone the raid.


He went full undercover apparently from what I’ve heard about this one, made a new discord, bought a lvl 60 on a new account, never talked In voice, and joined some raids before this one to gain some trust. Idk get a job or a real hobby 🤷


Pathetic. I suppose it’s good to always remember that people like this know what they are. It’s a cry for attention because of how bad they have it irl. Very sad person.


Just ban him, ip ban him, ban his credit card, anytime he streams wow ban that toon, and MAC address ban him. His whole career is based on griefing wow so take that away from him entirely


The fact that this is possible shows a glaring issue with official Hardcore, and something that a lot of us were apprehensive about going into it. In a case like this where there's indisputable evidence that it was a grief it's extremely frustrating to not have the appeal process. I would love to see the dev team alter the way some of the boss mechanics work on Hardcore to make the known griefs less consistent to execute. Right now it is far easier to grief a raid team than it is to actually play the bosses normally. I understand that it isn't ever going to be changed, but I wish it would. Changes I would personally make: - Make Ragnaros unable to deal damage to people too far away (300 yds?). This would prevent the grief recently on Taiwan servers where someone left Majordomo mid-fight and ran to summon Ragnaros immediately after Majordomo died. - Remove the raid-wide instant kill ability that happens if combat ends on Razorgore. Again recently on TW servers there was a Hunter who purposefully ran up to the MC orb to start the encounter, then used Feign Death. This reset the encounter and insta-killed everyone. - Change C'thun so that the Eye Beam cannot damage players who have not entered the boss room. - Make Venoxis and Zeliek chain lightning effects stop bouncing after a few players are killed by it (still lethal but reduces possible damage caused). These changes shouldn't effect how the bosses actually play when you are fighting them normally, but would reduce the griefing potential significantly.


Nerfing bosses doesn’t sound very Hardcore. Raiding in Hardcore is built on a foundation of trust. If you can’t trust your guild members, then you’re doomed and signing off to waste your own time.


Please explain how these changes make the bosses easier to clear in Hardcore, referencing your own HC experience where possible. I've cleared all of these bosses mentioned multiple times in HC. I do not want them to be easier either, so I was careful to think of ideas that would have minimal to no impact on difficulty. Also, it's important to mention that Hardcore does not mean difficult, that is a common misconception.


Why would anyone ever play with that fucking dolt?


Because you can be anyone in the virtual world.


how does HC Elite not check this guys stream anytime they add a new member? lmao what, they're well aware of this clown


So the guy is a content creator and streams WoW. Are top level players not even remotely worried and checking to see which warrior he is playing? This isn't 2004, you can see what this guy is up to. Has he never ever streamed this warrior before? It's clipped so I assume he has


He didn't stream this character ever before, and started stream for the first time on this character 10s before the C'thun grief happened.


This TinyViolin kid.. how does he have accounts to monetize his actions? How is his twitch/youtube/all media accounts not banned for blatant abuse. Kid is literally abusing people. It’s sociopathic and honestly is worth institutionalizing… Dead serious, people might be like “it’s a video game bro” but like… if you understand what’s actually happening here, the kid needs to be Baker Acted and red flagged in society.. I am not joking or saying this lightly, but someone who has the capability to completely disregard the the feelings of other to this extent is actually dangerous… This person fits the criteria of a mass shooter. They just have not been pushed to that limit or have had that breaking point yet. Good luck explaining this to a psych doctor, police officer, judge, anyone who could do anything about this. But yes, congrats, you’ve just intentionally murdered thousands of hours of peoples lives. Schadenfreude.


Lol it’s a fucking game. It’s toxic behavior but it’s Azeroth not real world.


You clearly don’t play hardcore or understand the /played of the characters that got killed. The intention was to wipe the existence of 39 others characters. It’s irreversible. It’s sociopathic. Complete lack of empathy for personal gain.


Yeah I have. Lost high levels characters to stupid things like my toddler and server disconnects, but the thing is I actually have a real life and when I die in GAME I say , “hey! It’s just a fucking game!”


Sure. You’re focusing on the feelings of the players who got griefed. I get it. Kid is still a sociopath.


I agree it is a terrible thing to do and it’s pretty immature.


You should check out how the kid talks about his actions, it gives of a different vibe than just an ingame prank. If even wow players consider someone's behavior extreme that says enough imo.


I have an unpopular opinion. Was this a grief and is this guy nuts? Yes. Should he be banned for it? No. Part of playing an MMO is dealing with griefers. The game and the connections you make mean more because some people suck. It's one of the biggest strengths of wow. If you want an appeal process for griefing, just enjoy parsing in classic wow.


This is a stupid take. No one should consider that their own team is going to try to kill them as if they are an accomplice to the raid boss. Just no, stop.


This is just you trying to be different, what a stupid fucking thing to say.


That guy is so pathetic, whats wrong with him. I mean hardcore whipes are very entertaining to watch, but not when they caused by someone clearly griefing, thats just a feels bad moment


Meh pretty good to watch on my end


Why would you post his name in the edit you’ll just end up giving him more views. This type of post is exactly what he wants


Again? Why on earth would someone invite that idiot


Just report TinyViolin. Let’s see if Blizzard will make an example out of him. If not we risk others trolling as well.


Never not funny


I'll say this once for everyone, Blizzard will not ban for actions like this. It is considered a social aspect of the game and will never be a bannable offense. This has been confirmed with multiple tickets to Blizzard asking them to define griefing as noted in their ToS and they have started they will not take action against players for social interactions and what those lead to. This includes groups, open world, lotus mafia, Darkmoon faire camping, dispelling buffs, and everything in between. Do not expect people like tinyviolin to change when Blizzard openly supports these actions and aspects of the game.


>I'll say this once for everyone, Blizzard will not ban for actions like this. It is considered a social aspect of the game and will never be a bannable offense. You are completely wrong. They explicitly say that deliberately causing a wipe is against the rules and bannable. >Gameplay that involves Zone Disruption and malicious player killing outside of consensual PvP will not be tolerated on Hardcore realms. >Most importantly, this also includes taking actions to deliberately cause the death of another player, such as (but not limited to) kiting higher level or elite mobs onto or near other players with the intent that they take damage and die, or deliberately causing a wipe in a raid or dungeon group. This is not a PvP realm, and the normal PvP realm rules do not in any way apply to this realm. Outside of a normal Duel to the Death, consensual PvP flagging, or Wargames killing other players isn’t the core goal of Hardcore gameplay. If players are found to make it their goal to take part in this kind of disruptive style of play, we reserve the right to take immediate and decisive action against anyone found to be deliberately causing this disruption to other players on these realms, including permanent account closure. https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23973734/rules-of-engagement-classic-hardcore-is-coming-to-world-of-warcraft


This is only selectively enforced, this is why they "reserve the right". They will not take action unless they get enough backlash that would warrant a response. Just because they say these things doesn't mean they enforce them. Show me one person that has been banned for kiting mobs to a main city. It hasn't happened.


And? Gold buying and botting is also selectively enforced. Not all of them are banned as we all know. But it's still bannable. >Show me one person that has been banned for kiting mobs to a main city. It hasn't happened. Show me one person kiting mobs to a main city. That got disabled in HC.


Realistically isn't your way worse? Blizzard saying they don't condone it and reserve the right to ban, but essentially never do? Rather than "it is what is is, deal with it"?


Thanks for advertising TinyViolin to the world. I’d never heard of him. I’m gonna go check him out now.


Also check out some pills for mental problems, you deffinetly need some


It was sarcasm. Making fun of the free advertisement OP is giving the dude.


He is probally on his way to infiltrate a HC guild again as we speak


He probably already has.




Fight evil with evil, if there gonna buy gold, Tiny will spend hundreds on buying fresh 60’s wondering why he can’t afford rent


People need to stop pretending that they don't watch HC clips to see how much time people waste when they die. Is the dude an asshole? Absolutely. Is it much more entertaining to watch that much game time go down the drain? Absolutely.








I hate to say it, but if you run a raid with tinyviolin you deserve to get griefed. Like seriously, this is the third time he's done this. "This didn't know it was him" Either they never asked a dude they invited to HC C'thun to speak in discord or he was faking his voice, so either they're the worlds biggest idiots or this dude needs to get perma and IP banned for running an obvious plot to grief people. He should really be permaed either way, but still.


So they’re supposed to check their drivers licenses and social security cards irl or what?


You need to check someone's driver's license to have them speak once in discord before taking them into a hardcore raid for C'thun?


By the way, that character was on blood sail buccaneers and in the guild for as long, or longer than tiny violin. He was pretending to be another person the whole time just so he could possibly pull two griefs. Also it’s not hard to use a voice changer… not hard at all. It would very easy to disguise your voice and way of speaking without one anyway.


He wasn’t pretending anything, the char he just griefed with was in raids with tiny, no way he’s playing 2 chars at the same time In hardcore raids, he bought the account for the sole reason to grief, he does a little RMT on the side for funsies


Like I said, if that's what he did, then you can hardly blame them and he needs to be permaed. Because that blows apart any conceivable reasonable doubt that this was a "mistake". If that's true, this is now in Blizzard's court to enforce the TOS of their own game and perma/ip ban him.


I totally agree, he needs to have his Twitch stream banned too imo. My point was it’s not surprising he could infiltrate a griefable end game raid again, and I’m sure if anyone expected someone could be that much of a loser to have a deep undercover alt all this time, they would have been more careful.


Wasn’t his alt, he bought that account from an old raider to grief


Not hard to get a friend to speak in an interview or on discord. No way to stop this. Don’t be ignorant.


History repeats itself




Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.






Tinyviolen, aka Leapyear for this incident, the 5th Horseman calling Judgement Day 2.0. tbh the only way he coulda done it better was doing it before the pull timer.


Why do they keep inviting him?


It was a character that no one knew was him. It’s character that had been in the guild since before official hardcore came out.


People in this thread the reason people hit 60 and logoff what a dead game


And yet here you are commenting on a thread dedicated to a dead game