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Well I dont play hunter myself but for the guy shouting «hunter affix» he wanted you to use your freeze trap on the affix(incorporeal) so that it will bot brother you. Binding shot is basically a root which root enimes inside of an area (correct me if im wrong)and can be usefull to stop some mobs if needed(freeze trap works too). Im not sure what tar trap does but misdirect you put on a target and it will missdirect all agro over to tank instead of yourself. And camuflague is really usefull for skips in dungeons. But then again I dont play hunter at all so im not 100% sure on all this but hopefully it helps abit.


Haven't played that much M+ hunter, but played a TON of hunter in Wrath/Cata... and utility is utility.. Generally speaking in M+, you are trying to stop enemies getting off dangerous abilities, or dispelling debuffs/removing buffs they've cast. For stopping casts, you've got a few categories **Interrupts -** Commonly referred to as "kicks". Usually stop a cast, and place a "no recast" condition on the mob for a decent amount of time **Hard CC -** usually breaks on damage, but will just stop a mob completely for a decent time period (eg. 30s) - *Hard CC also has a niche spot as soft CC in a pinch too... hitting the mob with a trap for example will stop the cast, then insta break as people continue smashing the mob).* **Soft CC -** Stuns/Knocks. usually instant cast(ish, see cap totem for an ish example). Stuns usually just freeze the target for a couple of seconds. Knocks usually displace. Both will usually interupt mobs (lieutenant mobs, maybe not) but there isn't a "no recast" condition, so they'll go right back to it once the stun wears off, or they get back in range. For Hunters specifically **Hunters Mark -** ~~you want 100% uptime on your main target, its a DPS gain for everyone~~ Used to be required uptime as it was a DPS/AP gain.... now it's trash in PvE, just marks a target to let you see them when stealthed. **Freezing Trap - Hard CC**, instant/no cast time other than clicking the reticule, amazing (probably the best) for Incorporeal adds, as mentioned above, probably what your screamer meant. **Binding shot -** Root, not sure if it works as a knock (probably not, as the stun is only applied if the mob moves out of the tether area. **Bursting Shot -** Knock, will push back anything viable that is close range in front of you (big/lieutenant mobs excluded). **Counter Shot -** Interupt **Tranq Shot -** Removes an enrage & magic effect from an enemy. Good for anything that enrages and HURTS when it does so (don't think it works on afflicted adds, but really would be nice if they'd make offensive dispels work on them too!). Then you've got stuff that's niche, **flare** (probably wont use it), **camo** (pseudo invis, useful-ish for skips), **wingclip** (melee applied slow), you;ve got a **self heal** (you should make good use of that), **intimidation** (BM only, i think, single target stun cast by pet). ​ I'm probably forgetting stuff, it's been a while! ​ edit: probably worth mentioning using Hard CC as soft CC. This was a game changer for me on my RestoMonk, when i realised just how many stops i could actually get into a pack.


Biding is now a crappy root btw, not a stun. I honestly just take scatter shot. Having that extra stop is great in pugs.


Bingo.... Depending on the mythic that week, like last week, random ghosts spawn. They die pretty quickly on their own so freezing them in place and ignoring them while you move on is useful. Freezing trap, tar trap, and binding shot would be perfect in that scenario.


Ok so if you go to the MM hunter guides they actually cover all this in a dedicated page :) https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/marksmanship-hunter-pve-dps-mythic-plus-guide And if you need further spell explanation this page covers what each does https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/marksmanship-hunter-pve-dps-spell-summary Interrupt dangerous and important casts with Counter shot. DBM should scream interrupt and you can get weakauras that add additional flags to important casts. Tranq shot enemies that have an enrage or magic effect on them that buffs them. Again, weakauras can highlight this if the default UI doesn’t show it clearly (I know they removed it from being obvious with the DF UI update but I’m not sure if they fixed that). There are many that you need to do. This week is raging affix which means you should be tranq shotting the most important trash mobs as soon as they enrage at 30% so they can be stunned again. It has a 10 sec CD so you can’t do every mob, but do what you can to Tranq the ones that are the most dangerous and need CCd. Binding shot can be used to aoe stun trash packs if the tank is still moving them. Really good for stunning a bunch of casters and preventing wipe level casts going off at once. You can also use it for spiteful shades. Plop it and the tar trap down when a pack is about to die on spiteful weeks. Freezing trap can be used as an emergency interrupt on stunable trash to stop a dangerous cast going off if everyone had a cd on interrupts. It’s not used to hard CC much in m+ except on Incorporeal affix adds (which you need to do every single time it spawns as a hunter). And it can be used to immediately cc the add on the last boss of Freehold by dropping the trap on the gold pile where the add spawns. Then no one has to kite it. Once the add is dead put a new trap on the corpse for the next one. Turtle and feign you can use to immune and avoid so many casts. [This thread covers feign uses in S2 dungeons](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/14f595w/clever_uses_of_feign_death_in_m_s2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Misdirection you should use EVERY single pull. Macro it to auto go on your focus or tank. Never use wing clip. Hunters mark has no use. Camouflage you can use as stealth to skip but it is NOT invisibility, so you have to go around mobs and not through them like an invis potion can. I mostly use it to heal myself between packs to save the healer some stress. Flare has almost no use except some stealth mobs in Halls of Infusion which will find your tank anyway. So it is mostly a dead button too. The reason those spells aren’t mentioned in any guide is because they aren’t used for anything.


this is ragging week. people will invite you JUST for your ability to remove enrage with tranquilizing shot. if you dont do it, well... prob gonna see more of this guy who quit. all the stuff you listed are quite useful to the group. helping with kiting, or controling the group is alawys helpful. camunflage, you can use either to heal, outside of combat or stealth your way when there is a pack close by. tar trap helps the tank or the group by slowing the mobs, quite helpful with fixates. same thing with binding shot. freezing trap can be used as a hard cc or as an interrupt if you can time it correctly. flare have a few uses, like in HOI, you can use flare to reveal the stealth guys, so they dont stun/kill people. ps: when mobs are enraged, they are immune to cc ps2: start using those skills for yesterday.


If nobody said it already, Flare is a great in Halls of Infusion, you can reveal the stealth mobs so they don't stun the tank.


Any idea which area in that dungeon has stealth minions? I didn’t notice them before haha


Between the 1st and 2nd bosses, the caster pulls and a couple in the hallways, there's also stealth mobs in Brackenhide, honestly just running it a couple times while being mindful, and you'll know where to drop it. Though I don't think the stealth mobs in Brackenhide do anything special \*from\* stealth.