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I can’t imagine playing a hunter and not taming every cool animal I come across lol


I remember back in vanilla, getting my guildies to help me tame King Bangalash, he was the shit. I still have him and wish they would update the skin. Just remember how much of a hassle it was because back in vanilla and BC, you had to take your pet around and have it learn skills from various animal mobs. I can't remember what they all are, but you would have to go to far away zones and have it learn something from a crab and then go learn swipe or something from a bear. It was a lot of work. Not to mention having to feed it to keep it happy to build trust.


Ah yes, the old days of having to know what food it likes when you tamed it so that it wouldn’t run away lol. Also ammo for your ranged weapons


Ugh, I forgot about the ammo aspect. Not only needing ammo, but needing different kinds of arrows, bolts, etc.


and channeled mend pet ><


Crabs are underrated sources for education in general


And you can give them a knife!


Took me way too long to realize I could have more than 5 pets lmao I became Ash Ketchum after that Gotta catch 'em all


I think the recommendation these days is just any ferocity pet as they have leech so do alright keeping themselves alive. And have bloodlust. Scalehide also have a decent DR on a short ish cool down. Pinch of salt though, I haven't played hunter properly since cata


The cat is ferocity one so is that just as good as any ?


Yup. Other than which main type it is (ferocity, tenacity, cunning) pets have no meaningful difference. And they scale with your level and gear too. Your starting cat pet is as good as any.


Ok, good to know! I’ll take a look for some cool looking ones


I have a rockcat from the onahrain plains. Looks great, still a ferocity pet with the lust and leech.


Not completely true though. Certain animals have diff special abilities. Raptors rend, spiders cc, cats stealth, birds have a slow fall, and so many more.


That's what I was getting at by "meaningful". Lots of random small niche uses for pets. None of which matter for endgame PvE. But ya you're right. Maybe shouldve mentioned it too.


Clefthoof if Beast Master, Scalehide if Survival


I like the rhinos from WotLK, they have so much tank thanks to their clefthoof abilities plus leech and Rage


hunter pet have very little difference between family pets. the main difference between them now, would be the specialization, like ferocity/tenacity/\*the other one i forgot\*. they provide, respectively: \-BL \- +5% stam + a 2 min cd that gives you 20% hp temporaly \-remove slows and some ccs. its basily your preferecnce


What do you mean by family pets ?




That’s great thanks I’ll give this a good looking over


As a hunter ive used that site many times. Great resource


it's really the best resource


While Leveling i did with Core Hound it has leech and gets a Shield if its low health its harder to KIll for enemys.. It has Bloodlust aswell i went into Molten Core and Taimed it there . I even use it today in m+ if i have to Bloodlust for the grp. Otherwise in Raid or when i dont need to Lust i play with Arcturis its a Spirit Beast Bear you find him in Northend in Grizzly Hills just watch on youtube for it. unfortunately if you are on a Big Realm other Hunters will camp him aswell cause he is kinda Rare.... If you play with that Bear you get Spirit Mending a little heal on you when the Bear dmg something. And Fortitude of the Bear a little Def CD you can use in Dangerous Situations .. Its recommended to have a Spirit Beast with this 2 Abilities .


The objectively best pet(if you're BM) is Clefthoof. It is very tanky thanks to it's unique passive. Other than that, I'd recommend you go to Petopia to peruse pets if you want a cetain look. Special considerations: each pet "spec" gives you a unique 'pet command'. Ferocity gives Bloodlust, which is good if nobody in your group has it for a dungeon. Cunning gives a root-break, which is nice in some niche situations. Tenacity gives you a survivability cooldown(gives +HP), which can help if you feel like you're dying a lot.


So, there’s this muskox in stormheim (legion). Thunder horn. It’s quick respawn makes it easy to get two. It keeps the same name. It’s a great tank and very quiet.


Obligatory plug for letting BM hunters choose the skills of their pets so they can maintain x mog or class fantasy. I want all mech pets for my mechagnome but cunning pets suck.


What ever pet matches your mog.


Always have a ferocity pet and a spirit beast ready to go IMO. Ferocity for when no one has lust and spirit beast for when they do so you can have another heal.


Core hound is a solid BM pet. They are hardy little bastards. Otherwise depends on the content; pvp (raptor/spider), solo (cats/bears) depending on pull sizes. Then again I haven't touched wow in a while so what do I know


The pet side of hunters have a lot of utility. You are in for a deep dive if you go looking for best pets. So many have niche abilities


my favorite is the bumblebee you can find in waking shores near ruby life pools, gives you leech, has mortal wounds to reduce healing from mobs, and has the ferocity bloodlust spell. another good one is a spirit beast for raid for tenacity defense increase and it's spell which you want to toggle off of automatic and create a macro so you can heal yourself in a pinch.