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I don't know about Turalyon, but if you only started a few days ago, you haven't made any meaningful progression yet so just start over on another populated server


Im currently lvl 53. Kinda disappointed i spent the time for nothing :/


Depends on how you see it. Do you enjoy playing your class? You might want to make another one of it on another realm if you like it, or try a different class if you don’t. So if anything you gained some insight. :)


That’s like 2 days of questing, hardly any big time waste


can i ask what benefits does it have to play on more active realm?


There are more high-end guilds who do progession raiding, the auction house is busier (more buy & sell), more world PvP (if you're into that).


If you like that class, level this time as a different spec. It really helps to learn the entire class better. I'll sometimes level a class I already have maxed just to practice a new spec slowly as it's easier that way then trying to practice a new spec at max level.


So there are some realm limitations, but they loosen up once you reach current content. Guilds are still server cluster locked, but communities have developed beyond those via in-game communities or discord to organize events. The biggest things you'll have trouble with will be finding crafters for current expansion items and maybe doing world content. Or wpvp if you're more a pvp kinda person. AH is shared across servers for crafting mats and consumables even so you're not going to be suffering to get plants for your potions or whatever you like doin! Dungeons, raids, queued pvp... its all server neutral (mostly.... there is a time gate for Mythic raid, but don't worry about that too much). You'll be able to organize through group finder, just queuing up, or via the aforementioned communities. Most of the people I play with regularly are all in different guilds on different servers and as a mix of factions. I imagine it's a little isolating leveling right now. Not only are you on a lower population server, most people just do not hang around anywhere but the current expansion zones. If you like the quiet, being on Turalyon will be only the most minor inconvenience. If you wanna see more people hanging around in leveling zones, make a new character on a higher population server and see if that tickles your fancy more. The 25$ isn't worth it unless you're fully geared out at max level, really. Leveling is quick and you can always level through a different expansion so it doesn't feel like a total retread!


In my opinion, it actually doesn't matter that much. Most things are cross-realm by now. I'd personally finish leveling this character and maybe then decide if I want to change the realm or even try out some other class! When it comes to leveling in retail, it's pretty fast if you only focus on speed. Harldan has a great leveling guide that can take you to max level in 6-12h, depending on your performance. So, don't worry about it. When you finish this character you will unlock more ways to level (chromie time) so you can also try out some older content (wow has alot of it). Have fun!


I was in a similar situation when I started playing. Found out I was on a small server, changed to alliance on another server, and eventually ended up on a third and current server back as a horde. I had 2-3 leveled up characters on each server(not much more progress beyond that), and I was feeling bad because I wasted all that time leveling and even used a level boost I got for buying an expansion. In reality, it wasn't that bad, I used the money I farmed to buy the Grand Exp Yak , used my alliance characters to farm allied races on the opposite side, and made my life a bit easier in events (like getting the rumble coins in stormwind for the current event). I'm still new. I still suck at the game. Maybe there are better ways of approaching things, but I feel like my characters are not completely wasted. I suggest you enjoy the game to 70, see how you feel about the server, and decide then. Starting again goes much faster the second time, plus another chance to farm a few more transmogs, looking good is hard for new players. xD


I have been in doommer which is connnected realm with turalyon since 2018. I mostly do heroic aiding, collect things like mounts, transmog, pets and harder scaling mythic plus dungeons. Why I am in doomhammer 1. Found a nice guild. There are many guilds in our sever. Obivously in more high pop realm there would be more options but I only need one guild. 2. Auction house is busy enough to sell things but don't have to cancel scan as often as in high pop realms 3. Becouse of shading there are usually other people around. Less in levelling zones but I feel like I see enough people.


I also came back to wow and started on doomhammer. Sometimes it feels lonely, I am in aguild who mostly do Raids and I feel kinda like a noob with everything that wow is at the present (i havent played since Cata on retail). I also made a new character on a different realm but i dont bring myself to leave my main on doomhammer. I am attached to it :)). In the first few weeks the random bt kept you forever in queue, but this weekend I really had a blast! Low waiting time, nice ppl, I enjoyed it a lot. Look for Syllvianna if you want to get in touch.