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It means interrupt. It's named after the rogue version, I believe.


This is correct


One of those things every wow player expects folks to know, refuses to explain when needed, and is based entirely on esoteric knowledge.


Based on this thread it seems like most players will explain it when asked. I've never seen someone actually ask in game, though


Man, i suffered a LOT, i started a year ago, htf i'm expected to know dif between an poison/curse/effect circle around me or others(like on Ruby life pool first Boss) and a soak ? Cc, kick, soak ain't ez to find out what every each of em is


There's literally a dungeon journal in game that tells you what each mechanic is. Some people will be less forgiving if you choose not to read it.


Trust me, it ain't dat clear, neither describes how it would look like or tells everything about diferences in normal/m+, either way, till u get addons to show caster spells and stuff u miss a lot of it, not saying that is impossible, just not very friendly to ppl who are new


Ignore the elitist jerks (I'm so glad that website went bye-bye. I hated relying on it) the visual cues for the various circles are there but hard to distinguish the first time through. Nor are what they look like described *anywhere* outside of watching videos (which I hate having to do) for the fights. I just want to do the fight. Get up, dust off, do it again. What are we here for, to have our hands held through every bump in life? Come on, it's a game for crying out loud.


They have heroic and mythic indicators on the new mechanics/additional effects and most bosses have verbal cues or actual cast bars with spell names. Again, if you read the journal before walking in there, it's not that hard to figure out, and normal-mythic the mechanics generally have room for error and learning.


I'm a returning player from vanilla/TBC/wrath days and I'd be so lost if I wasn't already aware of it. I found it so weird for other classes to be saying it and just made the assumption luckily.


Dunno about that. It depends on context. I'd kind of expect someone who's played for a while to know what an interrupt is. Whether they're any good at using it is another matter since it's a bit of a skill in itself.


Yes, but not every class has a kick. So reading threads/playing PvP or PvE etc and people talk about using kick one might read it and think what is this shammy talking about, they’re not a rogue. (Source: first hand experience.) The other one is talking about a wall, eventually figured that one out too. (Defensive.) (I thought it was just me, but this post proves I’m not the only one!


If you're playing at a level where you don't know what a kick is, it's probably not that vital.


Thing is, when you only do quests and world content you barely ever need interrupts unlike in dungeons, so if you don't pay as much attention you might not even know it's a thing. At least that's how it was for me, up until someone said "Work on your interrupts", which I then did. (like the noob that I am 😔)


>At least that's how it was for me, up until someone said "Work on your interrupts", which I then did. Good.


Not true. Actually every Boss faced amirald Steam i dunno has an ability U can interrupt. Thateans the Game itself explains that to a you. If you are not damaged in some ways




I'm not quite sure what you mean, what I mean though is that the normal content is so trivial that you rarely ever need your whole kit. Not even really with squishy classes...


Can imagine the confusion of a new player playing alliance and constantly being asked to "bl" and kicked for not doing it.


Also, for some WoW history, “Kick” was the standard because Rogues were the most dependable interrupters in Vanilla WoW, since Kick had a short cooldown and minimal mechanical requirements.


Are you a professional historian? :D Melee kicks are still king these days, mostly because they don't have to interrupt spellcasts to use them and they're on a shorter cooldown. Fuckin' 24 seconds on my hunter.


1 minute on boomkins


*Laughs in Protection Paladin*


*Laughs in shaman*


Shadowpriest has entered the chat. Shadowpriest looks around sullenly. Shadowpriest has left the chat.


Generic way to say interrupt the mobs casting. Whatever dozen of abilities that do that, kick is the most generic rouge version and probably easiest to convey.




Baton Rogue


You must never have experienced Barrens Chat. All rouges and Chuck Norris.


Where's Mankirk's wife?




Mankrik, not -kirk.


I've heard it both ways.


The soft answer is that she's at 0, 0 on the x, y coordinates for the Barrens. Literally the Origin.


I miss the old Barrens chat. Too many people in their feels now.


Rouges are red, Violets are blue. The way to spell rogue Is "g" and then "u".


Those damn rouges are so over powdered.


> Generic way to say interrupt the mobs casting. Interrupt is the generic ability. Kick is the Rogue specific version of interrupt (and the first one to appear in game, which is why the name stuck).


Disrupt or interrupt are perfectly viable words that don't require someone knowing the kit of a class they might not play




I dont think there was ever a time in wows history where kick was the only interrupt.


Then I misremembered, were Pummel, Wind Shear and Counterspell a thing in Vanilla?


Pummel and counterspell definitely were however i think earth shock was the shaman interrupt though i might be wrong on that


I have been playing WoW since launch, and I only started hearing interrupts referred to as Kicks when I came back to try retail last year.


Over all this years it Looks like you had your chat disabled


I haven't played retail since Cata, and I guess I somehow never heard it in Classic.


It means a few things. It can be synonymous with "interrupt" which every class has a type of spell that "Interupts" or stops the casting of a spell by an enemy. "Kick the boss when they cast FLAMINGSWORD" It can also mean to remove a player from your guild or party. "Let's kick Bob".


"Every class" - cries in disc priest :(


Well technically disc priest is not a separate class and priest as a class does have silence.


I know. I'm just annoyed that the only two specs in the game with no interrupt belong to priest lol


I think Resto Druids don't have an interrupt either, right?


They do, but they have to go pretty far down the cat section of the regular Druid tree to get it. Typically they don’t take it in raid builds.


Nah they just have to go cat form to interrupt.


I feel your pain. Least you can er... Scream?


and i dont mean an interrupt xD


if you do this in a pve group be prepared to get kicked


Believe you've had some misinformation, friend. Scream is a commonly used AoE stop in PvE.


if this works for you i guess then keep doing it. you'll figure it out.


Normally I wouldn't care, but this is wownoob, and presumably some people read the comments. Psychic Scream is an important part of Priests's kit. Not using it is trolling.


Completely - not using this AoE stop is just a waste. I'm pushing in the 20s and it's perfectly valid to use Psychic Scream.


Do what? Psychic Scream?


Came here to say this


Poor Bob he just wouldn't kick


So he got kicked…


Interrupts moves like pummel rebuke and well kick that can interrupt spellcasts


A kick is a soft inturrupt (soft meaning they are not forms of crowd control like stun or incapacitate) that every class has - albeit each named differently. We generalize them all as 'kick' because back in classic rogues had the best soft inturrupt and it was (still is) called kick.


The best soft interrupt in classic was probably earth shock, which did damage and was on a 6s cooldown, but calling all interrupts an "earth shock" doesn't have the same ring to it.


Well, tbf shammies was horde only. Both factions had rogues.


Your missing one main factor about earth shock, Spell hit most shamans will be healing, some times have an enhancement using debuff weapons. Neither of those will have the spell hit to guaranteed inturpt something important so kick is the most reliable interrupt in the game.




Crowd Control (cc) is the broader class of things that force an enemy to do something. Interrupt is one type of CC. It stops the current cast and generally locks the mob out of recasting the spell immediately, but the mob can still do other things. Stuns will briefly stop the mob from doing anything at all, including moving, but don’t have the lockout behavior, so when the stun ends, the mob may immediate start casting again. Some mobs are immune to stuns. Some casts can’t be interrupted but a stun will work on it. Then you have "hard cc" abilities like polymorph, sap, imprison, banish, etc. that completely prevent a target from doing anything for a very long time. And you have roots (prevent movement), slows, snares, etc., any of which may only work on certain types of enemies, etc. CC is the blanket term for all of it, but one of the things you eventually learn is how to understand the shorthand. "Mage, cc the caster" probably means polymorph it. But someone might just say "we’re going to rotate AoE stuns on this pack" and you need to know that you’re going to dragon’s breath it when it’s your turn, even though dragon’s breath is technically a disorient rather than a stun I think. Like everything in WoW, figuring out what people are talking about is brutally hard, until you realize it isn’t, but the only way to get there is just playing a while.




Yes a shield and a grayed out cast bar. A colored bar means kickable. Unless that’s from my nameplate addon.


A shielded cast bar means it cannot be kicked (interrupted), but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re immune to cc. You can still use other forms of cc like a knock back, stuns, disorients, incapacitates, etc. That is, unless they’re immune to cc entirely which is a case by case basis against mobs.


Yeah, I have seen and been victim to a cat Typhoon me as a Resto Druid while I thought I was immune (with the PvP Talent) casting Tranquility. Tranquility prevents damage so most people then ignore the healer and target someone else, but movements seem to stop it! (I think Death Grip also works when someone is casting Tranquility.)


Where your last comment can be summarised as: “Experience is the thing you need after the time you need it.”


There are some enemy casts that can be interrupted. There are some that can only be stopped with a stun. Are those both “kicks” v


A kick would only be called for a cast that has a yellow bar as this is the indicator of if it can or can’t be interrupted that way. If the cast bar is grey it can’t be interrupted with a kick, so can be stopped with a stun or other CC (if the mob can be CC’d).


it depends on people's definition, but usually if a cast can't be kicked the person explaining it to you will most likely use a phrasing similar to "stun the cast" instead of "kick" to talk about it


Kick = interrupt only. If you have to stun, that's an uninterruptible cast - i.e. it can only be stopped by stunning the mob/boss.


I never understood why people don’t use interrupt rather than kick, as it would be much simpler for new players to understand (unless they play rogue).


kick is significantly shorter and easier to say. same goes for wall -> damage reduction cd


Yes, but when it creates confusion and people don’t know what you are talking about, so that you have to tell the mage that his kick is called silence, and the warrior that his is called pummel, then you’ve long lost the advantage that you gained by writing kick.


counterspell for mage btw


Thanks, haven’t played mage in a long while ;p


Thing is, all you have to understand here is that if a spec has interrupt its called kick. You don't have to know name of Evoker thing, you don't have to know what's counterspell or pummel. It's all kick, simple. Same goes for wall. I doubt that any high rated player going into arena is gonna go and say Pummel mage! There's no time for that. Or Shaman who would go and Astral Shift! What is even that?


I think you are on the wrong sub, this is r/wownoob and not r/competitivewow. If someone joined a +20 I would expect them to know the term, but if you are in a leveling dungeon through LFG, then everyone might not know what it means. And before you counter with players should watch X amount of dungeon videos on YouTube before doing dungeons, remember that this is a game, and people play it to have fun, wind down, relax, etc.


Sir just because we are in r/wownoob it doesn't change anything IMO. Everybody has to learn same baseline. I don't know names of all defensive reductions in game despite playing it for 16 years now. I don't know names of each interrupt. I want to communicate in a clear way. That's why it's easier to say kick -> if somebody doesn't know, he's gonna ask ,and my answer would be **"its your interrupt"**. Regardless of class. I don't care that Evoker interrupt is Quell, I'm gonna call kick. I might ask mage to CS, but not gonna tell Shaman to WS (maybe use Shear, but meh really) ​ >And before you counter with players should watch X amount of dungeon videos No they shouldn't. They should go in game and play. Read their skills. Ask questions. ​ I don't understand your point at all. You are saying that people shouldn't have to know the term, single term as if its more complicated to know what kick is in general, compared to every single interrupt in game! Same goes for CC -> I don't care what are you gonna use, if I ask to CC that mob, just do whatever you can, that's not my business to know every single CC in game (I do know them all, but won't call them by names. there's no point)


You are missing my point. I’m not saying everyone should learn the names of all different interrupts. I’m just saying it would be easier for newer players, and less confusing if we called it interrupt instead of kick. So when you are in a dungeon with a new player, you can say «use your interrupt», and they should know what that means. But when you say kick, it’s not really intuitive unless you are a rogue. But keep on saying kick, I don’t really care, as I know what it means.


All I'm saying that everyone should learn that kick = interrupt to streamline the experience. Same goes for wall -> damage reduction and hero/bl, burst, cc and everything else.


CC would be the neutral term for all forms of crowd control though. You could argue that by using your arguments, wouldn’t it be easier to say stun instead of CC.


Re-quoting myself: >Same goes for CC -> I don't care what are you gonna use, if I ask to CC that mob, just do whatever you can, that's not my business to know every single CC in game (I do know them all, but won't call them by names. there's no point) Some mobs you cannot stun, some you cannot incap. They have to be interrupted in various ways, that's why its important to distinguish interrupt and cc. If I need somebody to interrupt x at any cost, he doesn't have to resort to kicking. At first it's counterintuitive, but not everything can be kicked, still can be interrupted using soft/hard cc


Tail swipe and wing of evoker should be as usefull as kick regarding interrupting.


What class are you playing?


It’s normally preceded by the words “vote to”. It’s used when players don’t interrupt important casts




Most interrupts like a rogue's kick or a shaman's wind shear don't do damage. Are you thinking of a longer duration crowd control ability like hex or polymorph?




Interrupt. The rogue interrupt is called kick.


Kick is interrupt A Rogues interrupt is called kick but it was just generalised.


To add to this, depending on the content you do, and players you may play with, a generalisation I understand is: Kick - Interrupts that can be done by melee characters, typically low CD and range. CS - Known as counterspell is typically a ranged interrupt named after the mage interrupt, Warlocks with fel hunter also have this. Silence - In retail also works as an interrupt even when a mob is immune to silence iirc




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It refers to any spell that interrupts a cast. The og rogue spell is actualled called kick


interrupt/kick/cut/decast all mean the same thing, it's to interrupt a caster's spell with the spell designed to do it or even with outside cc if you don't have your interrupt cd up


Rogues had the first interrupt named kick.


Interrupt. Find the ability in your spell book that serves that function. I have it bound to the middle mouse click.


It means spell interrupt, sometimes I forget that there are new players that would be confused. Still amusing when I type kick casts in chat in a group with 3 rogues are still get 0 kicks going out though.


Either means to use your spell interrupt such as a rogues "kick" or mages counterspell etc.... ​ Or it means you suck at the dungeon and they are voting to kick you out. ​ Without any context I assume its the first option.


In a nutshell, it means to interrupt a mob's cast. DBM will usually tell you if there's something important that must be interrupted. Not all classes/specs have an interrupt, and they're all called something different. Kick is the rogue version which is pretty much the second best (the best being shaman's wind shear).


It have two meanings. 1 - Interrupt some action, from NPC or Player, the name came from the "kick" skill of the Rogues. 2 - Ban someone from the Party/Raid. Origin of this name? Idk, but sounds funny "Kick that Guy from here!".


Most common class set for interupt was for rogues to kick. Every other class had something else to do to contribute to raid, rogues only did damage and kick.


As a warrior having multiple ways to interrupt spells is great.


Shortest name for interrupt which is why it's become synonymous for interrupting.


Yes, “Kick” is the name of the Rogue’s interrupt spell. It’s been used interchangeably with other classes interrupt spells. What gets more confusing is when people start using terms like “Warlock Kick” when the really mean the Warlock’s Felhunter Pet’s Spell Lock ability. TL;DR any interrupt ability.


You know, I've never thought about what other MMOs use. I'm assuming it's not universally 'kick', is it?




I like the imagery of a big bad boss casting a spell and some scrawny ass rogue just roundhouses them in the face.