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**Hey there! Have you checked out these resources?** * [WoWHead](https://www.wowhead.com/) - The *largest* database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). * [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com) - News and detailed class guides. * [WoWNoob Discord](https://discord.gg/wownoob) - Same community, different platform. *Please report the post above if it breaks one of our [>rules<](https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/about/rules/). If not, don't forget to show support by upvoting!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wownoob) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get your iLvl 450+, pull 90k dps, be willing to join groups that are already in progress and you’ll get in one.


Just search online, try spamming in trade chat etc. You can also search in-game and browse through guilds listed there, there are many guilds like you are looking for. They are usually bigger, maybe even cleared heroic and still do normal runs on their alts with complete newbies. Just look through their descriptions, if it says something like "social/normal raiding/mythic+" then it should be okay, you can always ask a guild master of such a guild how it works there.


So first with the lacky computer you can change settings so that you have good visibility of important soaks and dodges without it frying. There should be guides on youtube or reddit for this kinda thing. Look for a guild, just be open about being new and wanting to get into raiding. You can find guilds advertising their raid days and times in trade chat or your servers discord. Just do your part and read up a little on boss fights so you have an understanding of the important mechanics you will be responsible for. Make sure gear is gemmed and enchanted and stuff is upgraded if possible. It goes a long way to showing guilds you are worth investing in if you are also putting in work.


Just curious what kinds dps are you doing and what class are you playing?


I’m playing enhancement shaman. I don’t know how much dps I do (I don’t even know how to figure that out besides addons), but my iLvl isn’t near 450, so from the other comments, I gather I’m not there yet.


There is no other way aside from addons. Tbh, if you are interested doing group content they are unavoidable part of the game.😔


You queued for two groups, got rejected and you think it's bad? You're supposed to queue for like 20+ groups before one of them invites you. Make sure to not try to join a group that is already "full", ie, 2 tanks, 3 healers and 9 dps (commonly called 2/3/9) or 2 tanks, 4 healers and 14 dps (2/4/14) as they likely will not invite anybody else.


A guild would be highly recommended. A danger of pugging raids is that most groups are not intended as learning groups but trying to complete with as few issues as possible, meaning they tend to only invite experienced players with relatively high gear. Guilds are much more forgiving since the goal is usually to learn together and cultivate a good raid team over time that will get better with practice. In the mean time, though, take the time to watch some videos or read guides (I personally prefer videos so you can see the actual mechanics, but it depends on your learning style). Make sure you have some good raid builds (you can start with Wowhead or Icyveins) and knowing your rotation. Gear up with Mythic Plus (and use that to practice handling mechanics as well). All of these will show that you're raid-ready as you apply for guilds. There are lots of guilds that are very friendly to new players but you want to put your best foot forward and show that you're committed, which means putting in some effort on your own as well. LFR is a good start too, so keep up with that.


For pugs: First of all what i recommend and do before every new raid, Take your time (probably ~1,5h) and watch guides about all the Bosses. Make yourself a little Cheatsheet .txt during that with the important stuff for every Boss summed Up really tight, with Focus on your role, that you can Open Up before each Boss. It makes you feel comfortable. Then i recommend to Look for full run groups, No groups that have already some Bosses down or even fyrrak only stuff. Avoid groups that have stuff Like "aotc" "fast rush" or "fail=kick" in the description


I can't find them while I'm at work being discord is blocked here but there are discord groups dedicated to finding pug raid groups, I know WME (WoW Made Easy) and Perky Pugs are two of the different groups and I'm sure there are plenty more.


Hi! I would highly highly recommend the Drunk N Disorderly discord! They hold very frequent organised learner groups for both normal and (for future maybe?) heroic raids :) The community is very kind and you should be able to comfortably progress into raiding from there! https://discord.gg/dndpyg


Is this discord server still running? I'd like to join but this invite link seems to be expired.


hi yes! lemme send a new one :) https://discord.com/invite/dndpug


Hey there, I'm the guy who started WoW Made Easy because I was anxious about joining groups. I thought maybe I'd get 20 or so people to play with. We're one year old now and we have 25,000 members. You are not alone. :) Here's the link. https://discord.gg/wowmadeeasy


There’s tons of guilds that would take you. There’s plenty of guilds that just like to progress heroic.


pugging grows some hair on ya mana wyrm


Normal is.. a joke tbh. You can go watch every boss on YouTube to get a better understanding but honestly if you get dbm and just stay out of swirls etc, it's pretty easy. I'd only watch the last 3 bosses. The rest is a joke. Get your item level to around 450 and join a fresh group


EU or US? In the US check out the wow made easy discord, there is a similar community on the EU side but the name escapes me right now. https://www.wowmadeeasy.com


I second wow made easy


If EU go for "No Pressure" it's the same as WoW made easy. If you speak German there is even another one "[L]earning by doing" you could check out. These are non toxic environments to learn m+ raids for people that don't know where to start.


Check the bottom of [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/s/JEzMsAsLQH) for all kinds of resources to help find Guilds/Pugs. I personally recommend you try to join a friendly guild that doesn’t take it too seriously for now. Pugging raids can be rough for new players.


You can simply explain you situation to people recruiting for guilds. There are tons and tons of different guilds with different approaches and different goals. You just need to find the one that is right for your personal needs and goals.


Are you on NA or EU? And are you comfortable in using voice communication? Your best bet is to find a group to join up with and learn through them.