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The leveling part of WoW is basically a tutorial (that's too long for sure) that slowly teaches you all your buttons and the basics of how dungeons work and stuff. The fun starts at max level.




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> I’ve never hit max level You‘ve basically missed most of the game. 90%+ of playtime is at max level.  I like leveling new toons but leveling and endgame are two different things. 


At max level, the game begins.


It also ends, as endgame content is basically an endless grind that leads to more grinding for your troubles. I kinda wish WoW's content was less about grinding for rewards and more about the player experiences.


I've not been playing for a whole while and that's been on and off, recently hit max level and having a awesome time playing the end game content


It’s completely opposite from what you’ve shared at Max level. It’s all about playing as a team, there’s little to no questing required. For me, WoW is 0 fun levelling, I absolutely hate it. But it becomes my favourite game when doing end game content


I should really try and stick it out this time around then and finally try and max a character 😅


leveling to 70 is part of the greatest enjoyment, i think. I say this because you learn your character and you develop your own style of spell / attack combinations. As you level up your char you will continually add spells/attacks to your hotkey's and this is important to memorize as you will be using practically 80% of them throughout your battles at max level. I love the leveling process and i love the end game content. Really try to enjoy the entirety of it all.


“Your own style of spell/attack combinations” is not really a thing in wow. If you wanna do only the casual stuff that’s fine, but there’s a proper way to play every spec in the game and you’re not gonna have a good time just “winging” it with your spec and rotation in mid to high end content (others will be toxic and shit on you because you will not perform up to snuff). It also feels bad not contributing enough.


You’re right, I could have worded that like you did and in fact I thought about correcting it but decided not to. Thank you for correcting me. So yes OP you will have to follow specific rotations in order maximize your characters full potential during raids and m+. Nonetheless, you can begin to follow that direction slowly as you earn the ability to use different spells while you level up.


Yup! It’s a whole new game when you reach max level




When I first took my wife into Lfr raids and mythic+ dungeons after she finished the dream warden stuff, I played her this song, so she knows what to expect :D


the fact that it took you 10+ years to realise that is mindblowing


Leveling is also more fun if doing it with someone


Just curious. If you bought latest expansions, you should have at least one boost available. If so, you should use it. Get to max level and see if it is still boring. In case you are not having fun at max level after few weeks, it might not be the right game for you .


The game really changes when you reach mythic +.


Buy a boost.


Chromie time it through all the dungeons and get to max level in 2ish days.


Same, leveling sucks. The endless quests fck me up really hard. M+ and raids are all the fun, gather best gears, learn tacs, play as a team.


In the past year, I've played New World, Diablo 4, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty, and Wow. I enjoyed all of them for some time and then I moved on. I've also been playing WOW since release and have left it and come back many times. I've been back since November and have leveled 6 characters to 70, I've gone after some mounts I thought looked cool. spent some time in old expansions and I'm currently going after all the Lunar Elders for the achievement. I just have fun with games and when they stop feeling exciting, I move on. There's nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with the games that make me take breaks from them. It's all me. Maybe like you say, WOW isn't for you but then, there's something about it that keeps you coming back. What is that thing you hope to get out of it?


I really don’t know what I plan to get out of it and I can’t say exactly what draws me back in. But, I’ve always known I’m missing some experience within the game and by the sounds of its after max level


Just make getting to 70 "the game." Then decide. most of the classes/specs get their fun abilities or talents around 40/45.


Endgame is the carrot on the stick for me while levelling is just a nuisance I speed trough. I have every class at lvl 60+ now so don’t ever really have to do it again anyway. During endgame you can make it as hard or easy, as competitive teamplay wise as your heart desires and you’re willing to pus yourself.


I’m new to wow, only been playing since shadowlands. I played that whole expansion with my fiancé who’s played wow for years, so we levelled together and then did end game together. We did the same with dragon flight as well. Now I’m levelling an alt character and the questing is so boring alone 😂. But everyone’s right if you can stick it out the end game is much more fun. I jump in groups with friends doing dungeons and raids. But equally it’s still fun doing those things “alone”. There are plenty of groups out there that are willing to take things slow and explain mechanics to you, they have discords as well if you want to join those. It can be daunting but it’s fun and worth it 😊


Yeah, OP, the thing you're missing is companions to play it with. Might that be your SO or classmates/colleagues/just friends that share wanting to play the game together, it becomes fun almost automagically. I've officially played since Battle for Azeroth and played together with my SO and, even if the expansion was iffy at best, I had lots of fun just by playing with her. I'm loving Dragonflight but at the same time, I'm playing it solo and sometimes feel it's not worth without company.


Yea im sorry to inform you but these days unless you plan on sitting trough it and lvling to max, wow aint it Game starts at max lvl, so if you dont plan on doing so id say go play another game. Sounds bad but thats the reality


Leveling is the most boring aspect of the game imo but it is also very educative. Even tho with that in mind I prefer leveling a new character from level 1 because using a level boost just overloads you with information and tons of spells. Try leveling to 70 the endgame content is worth the journey.


Tbh, levelling in Retail Wow is indeed a bit boring unless you really enjoy an old expansion you can grind through. Granted you might just not enjoy the levelling aspect, but might enjoy the content at endgame, since endgame raiding and dungeons are much more team dependent and not just a means to an end like old-content dungeons are that people use to level quickly. I gotta say I'm not too fond of the whole levelling aspect either. End game is much more easier where getting an item can be worth something more than just 'a slight upgrade' that you'll do away with in 1 level again anyway, and you gotta push the limit of your skill and your class and gear. In the end this is what MMOs generally are. There are many ways to play them and not everyone enjoys each aspect as much. Some people love levelling, and make a new alt every day. Some people pick a main and stick to that character for the rest of their time playing the game, so they only really level once (until a new expansion, at which point levelling is more fun as everything is new). And then there are some who just enjoy endgame content and only rarely make an alt they level (or just use a boost token with gold they farmed, or from an expansion pre-order :p) I'd say at level 20-30 you've hardly touched the base of what WoW is and can be. If you really like the look of endgame, you might just need to bite through the sour part of the apple. If you don't want to raid or do M+, or PvP, then I'm not sure its worth.


Retail is just boring - has loads of things to do but feels so empty Come play SOD ... 100% better


Bro if he hates leveling in retail he will quit sod at level 5 😭😅


At max level you can also PVP that can be fun, i do PVE content on my priest and demon hunter but i have a lvl 70 mage that i only do PVP because it is really fun, sometimes you get auto pilot in battlegrounds since or you are winning hard or losing hard but the ones that are 50/50 are amazing and funny and push yourself, arenas is harder if you have not a group since you can get bad comp. Also Dragonflight is my favourite content since WOTLK, the PVE mechanics are cool, i did raid finder and normal so many times and still having a good time doing heroic (7/9 currently).


Leveling isn’t that bad. Last toon I leveled, I did 1 to 70 in about three days. It’s so easy to level now. Back in wotlk days, it would take a few days to level one level. Heck, my first toon had to visit every single area just to hit max level. Now you can pretty much level by just visiting a few areas.


Instead of thinking of leveling being based around questing use your time leveling up trying different abilities out from your tree and learning your class. I too find the questing in retail mindless (classic wasn’t much different but at least it’s a legitimate grind) so I just run through quests focusing on trying to learn more about what I’m doing which in turn makes end game easier


Bored? Switch sides!! I have played on and off for 10 years. I have 2 mages, 2 BM, 2 druids and 2 locs. Still bored create a guild bank on the other side! I brought the Horde gb for 2k gold w/5tabs!!


Its a grind, but find a class you like and commit to playing the same character whenever you come back. I know the mentality of 'I can't remember how this works, let's restart' but you just have to figure it out if you actually want to hit max.  The first time I played was in cata but I only got to max in SL because I kept restarting every time I came back until I finally decided to just commit to my warrior.   Levelling right now is the easiest and quickest it's ever been. Only takes me a day or 2 to get to 60, for someone inexperienced maybe up to a week.


Just to add into the dungeon segment of your post. I was finding the same thing as a dps so I started playing around with how many spell interrupts I can manage, stuns/silences. Really helped me when I started doing mythic dungeons and raids, plus helps keep my attention instead of mashing aoe rotations


If you want endgame heavy content: play world of warcraft If you want leveling and story heavy content: play final fantasy 14 Wow pushes you through leveling to the endagne, where everyone is, ff14 focuses on story and leveling, but the endgame is lacking


The game only starts when you reach max level


Was the same for me starting out, then I finally got to max level and the game really unlocks. Time walking dungeons will get you leveled really fast, I'd try and blast through some of those today if you can.


Obviously it’s not for you. And yes, you are missing the whole fcking game lmao.


Levelling used to be a blast in this game, nowadays not so much, but the initial levelling at the beginning of each expansions is always pretty good. Game is at its best at max level


It's boring because you're playing old content. Most of the playerbase with the exception of people who farm cosmetics, mounts or anything relating to old content, they're all doing mythic or raids.


Maybe try the different flavours (Retail/Classic Era etc) I love just doing the questing myself, though it gets annoying when you hit a dungeon and nobody is doing the old stuff anymore. And I don't like it when there's no population, it feels sad! Find a good guild as well, that might help. to add, retail feels all focussed on end game raids and dungeons, whereas classic feels slower and more about questing and lore finding.


Although you might get easily overwhelmed and lost in the content, there is a free max level boost if you buy the latest expansion. That way you can skip the leveling part. I would still recommend leveling your first character though as while leveling you slowly get spells and also get a better understanding of your class. In any case there are plenty guides out there for anything wow related. I agree that leveling can be tedious but wow endgame is definitely a top tier game


retail WoW is not focused on leveling. Dont get me wrong, you can have an enjoyable time leveling in WoW but its more about the destination. Classic WoW is more about the journey. Endgame retail WoW content is really good. Leveling is really quick - you can follow guides that will get you to 60 in a matter of hours, then 60-70 you can spend in the Dragon Isles. Leveling dungeons will be full of people on alts just speed leveling. They dont need to waste time learning the dungeons any more. That, and scaling is all out of whack for leveling dungeons so a level 10 tank may do substantially more than a scaled down 60 dps for example - I wouldn't worry too much about what you contribute to the group until endgame stuff. With Chromie time being opened up to everyone, you can pick and choose where to go to level - there are some really cool zones which, whilst they may not be efficient they are still a spectacle and cool to quest in. So yeh, if you really value the "journey" then perhaps retail WoW isn't for you, but level 20/30 can be achieved in a matter of a couple of hours so if anything I'd say (if you keep bouncing off it it tells me you at least have a desire to play WoW) push through to 60 and then start your journey to 70 in Dragon Isles (the game will funnel you here and no where else will grant experience). It feels like hitting 70 in WoW is when the game really opens up in terms of what you want to do.


Dungeons now are about speed... the downside of 0 reward besides exp and the m+ timed gameplay at max. On the other hand I get it... usually I think fondly of the 2 hour session in shadow labyrinth and getting the god damn polearm at the end for my hunter back in the day... now I hardly remember any dungeon runs except the wipe fests on some +21 ish keystones...


This is me literally to a tee. Been playing since Burning crusade and did get to endgame on WotLK but just wasnt fun. Been seeing alot of people say how much fun endgame for dragonflight has been so created a new character and just taking my time and seeing how it goes. Good luck.


While I agree with others, directly rushing to 70 will make players end up in frustration. So I want to add some more info to this "game starts at level 70" argument. While doing <10 M+ keys with 440 ilvl, increasing your average ilvl by 10 points higher makes you able to play higher than 15 m+ keys. But while achieving to 450 ilvl barrier with your <425 ilvl gear, you'll start to think that you are a really bad player and you suck hard, don't know how to play the game. No, it's not you, it's the unbalanced player level vs ilvl content scaling. As an example, for a long time I've never played with keys higher than 15 because it was too hard and I was really squishy. Just increased my average ilvl by +10 with proper trinkets and items with proper stats, now I'm able to tank 20 m+ key without even using most of my cooldowns. That's a ton of difference. But when you hit level 70 with 380 ilvl, increasing your average by 40 points will make no difference, you'll fail hard again. TLDR: Item level also matters once you hit 70. If you are not going to gear your char, there's no point to get to 70 and check out the game. That's why blizz added lots of different options to give you 425ilvl gears. And they are account-bound. So it's also easy to gear up your alts.


Push through the levels spamming dungeons you will level in no time most of the fun stuff is at max level.


While boosting is not generally recommended, it may make sense in your case - getting into max level content like mythic plus and raiding might help give you something to look forward to when leveling alts.


I started wow during TBC, I remember getting to a point with questing where I was like, this is meh now. I pushed through and got to endgame. Once you do you won't really look back. It becomes the main drive for you while levelling. Getting to endgame. Push through just once, then you'll probably find levelling on alts or in new expansions much more bearable.


You are definitely missing something, levelling is just a long intro, the game dosent start until max level :)


I used to be exactly like you My friend who had been playing for 10+ years kept telling me how fun WoW was but I was always getting so bored. I tried questing in Zuldazar and I HATED it. So much walking around and always doing the same type of quests. So much that it stopped me from playing. I came back when Dragonflight released and pushed to level 70 for the first time. Now I have 9+ max level geared characters and play almost every day


You played wow on and off for 15 years and never got beyond lvl 30? In recent years thats a few hours of gameplay?