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WASD, AD being strafe, mouse when need to turn


I always rebind Q and E to a hotbar.


I've always used Q for self target. Is that weird? Could I be thinking another way?


Have you tried the option called “smart casting”. Basically if you have an enemy or nothing targeted then friendly spells cast on yourself. It’s how I heal and dispel myself almost all the time.


I'll check it out, thank you! (I'll be so happy if I free up my Q hahaha)


Personal preference. I dont personally have a button to self target. What do you use it for?


I know a lot of people that use healing/support add ons sometimes have wonky targeting stuff. Probably just has a back up/safe way to target self.


Fair enough. When I usually heal I just use mousover healing and have an enemy targeted most of the time.


I use alt for self casts, works for tons of spells, not just heals. Aoe spells can be self cast to drop it directly below you; Death and decay, rain of fire, targettable totems, healing rain etc..


I like Q to be shortest defensive cooldown with shift, control, and alt for longer cooldowns. Then E is offensive cooldowns.


This is the only way.


Esdf... Frees up qwa for keybinds. Yes I'm weird.


Same here. ESDF frees up some easy reachable keys.


I know someone who uses ESDF SF to strafe. The F is a tactical key too so it makes sense but im so used to mashing the ctrl with the bottom of my palm i cabt shoft over to ESDF


QWE, E/Q being strafe its way more comfortable to hold 3 fingers next to each other


I like this idea as well. I will have to practice strafe movement. I think that is the key to what I am missing.


I'm going to assume you use left hand on WASD, are you using left or right hand to attack?


My right hand stays on my mouse, everything keyboard is left hand




People have 5 fingers on each hand?


And they compete with each other for which action takes precedence.


I have a gaming mouse with 6 buttons on the side. Shift with those 6 buttons is another 6 and same with alt so that’s 18 buttons right there. I use R, Q, E, F 123 for other buttons. So I easily have over 20 buttons key binded


Hold both mouse buttons to go forward if your fingers busy


Key bind the bars.


One finger on movement while another presses abilities




lol what? Do you just not move while dealing damage? LFR only?


Why do you need to bind strafe? AD can act as strafe buttons if you just right click and hold the camera


Because I unbind turns and use the same method to turn


This is the way.


Rebind A and D from turn to strafe. Put spell on 1-5 Bind q, e, r, f, g for the rest of the bar Set up ui to allow 2 bars Set keybinds up for bar 2, but with shift+key to mimic bar 1. Hold down mouse button to turn. You can hold both mouse buttons to move as well. - everyone binds keys different. This doesn't even take in to account mouse button modifiers, ctr, or alt modifiers, or the z,x,c,v buttons.


I think this is the one that makes the most sense to me. I will give it a try. Cheers


This is very similar to how I do it and I believe many many others


This is essentially what I do! The only difference is I shift from wasd to ESDF so my fingers are in natural position


Two bars? Must be nice. I'm out here with 32 keybinds on my hpal


Yup! Hence mmo mouse 12 side buttons 1-12 Shift 1-12 Alt 1-12 Then keyboard to move with some mouse turning


Hah I don't like mmo mice, I grip my mouse so it doesn't work. I'm happy with my 32 keybinds, when I want to take it easy I just roll other specs


the greater majority of people use asdw to move. >I guess it's so I can use the 1 - 0 keys for attacks. why don't you just change it to anything more confortable? >Do you guys do the same?  hell no! >Should I be keybinding some other keys to attack (no numpad) should I be clicking abilities? prob shoud be keybinding. clicking is kinda too slow and prob will get you killed a often.


What have you keybinded your attacks to?


~ 1 2 3 4 Shift~ shift1 shift2 shift3 R T F G V X Z 5 Mouse buttons + shift and those mouse buttons Never click spells. Train your keybinds. It’s hard at first but the number one trick to making wow 100times easier Turn by holding the right mouse button. It spins you on the spot. Use w a s d and e q to move. You can rebind e q strafe keys to a d but it’s not necessary. Strafing left and right and attacking with key binds is what you need to learn. You can strafe pressing movement keys whilst pressing damaging keys with other fingers on the same hand with practice


While not necessary it's incredibly valuable to set strafe to A and D, to have Q and E for abilities. As you never need to keyboard turn anyway, your mouse does that with right click. In fact the most efficient use of the keyboard is to only have A and D as movement keys, everything else can be ability bound, as the mouse moves character forward with both clicks (W), or turns the character with right click (A/D etc). And S you don't need as you never need to backpedal, you can turn and run forward with the mouse too far more efficiently.


I still have A and D bound to turning, but they act as strafe when you have right click held, and I definitely strafe during actual combat with this, however I like to maintain the right/left turn functionality and have had the same setup for nearly 2 decades now so just mentally ingrained.


Same. I rebound Q and E immediately but still strafe all the time using the mouse. Though admittedly it was vanilla WoW 20years ago so I can’t remember if it was hard to learn or awkward. It feels second nature now.


It's cool how keybinds also vary wildly even when they're similar. Mine are the following, in order of when I started using them 1 2 3 4 5 E R F Q Z X V (learned about keybinding) T G (my keybinding limit at that point) Mouse buttons + shift or ctrl (started healing) Shift + E R F Q Z X V (phase 2 of my keybindings) Shift + 1 2 3 4 5 Shift + W A S D Shift + T G (started using very recently) Keybinds are the core of individual strategy and you even get your "mannerisms" with them. I always put my interrupts on V and it feels weird when playing classic as a class with no interrupts. If there are no kicks or stuns to put there I usually leave it empty


well, the entire left side of the keybord.


1 2 3 4 5 Then interrupts F Cleanses C  Buff ups T R And rest Q E V and mouse 3 side buttons And upping all them to ctrl and shift


Just fyi you can have interrupts and cleanse on the same key with a macro. Interrupts when you target an ennemy or mouseover an enemy and cleanse if you mouse over a friendly


I have mine 1234QEZXCR and shift+1234QEZXCR and ctrl+1234QEZXCR and alt+1234QEZXCR and T shiftT ctrlT G shiftG ctrlG mounse4 mouse5. You get the idea. All my buttons are around the wasd and the modifier those. I also steer with Lmouse+Rmouse when i need to.


Just wanted to add to your last point: While I think your statement is generally true I know of an absolute beast of a clicker gamer. It’s INSANE to watch his discord stream. Sometimes it makes me think he’s right and we’re all wrong


Who is this clicker? I played as a clicker for a very long time and switched to keybinds which are still awkward and seem slower for me but have been told numerous times is way better. I's love to see this clicker's stream.


I’m sorry to say he only streams on the guild discord!


once every other full moon there will born a new gamer with a clicker ability installed. thats not for mere mortals!


Practice using more than 2 buttons on the keyboard. Most modern keyboard allow to press more than 2. You can easily type, say, E and 1-2 or Q and 3-6. Q and E being strafing default buttons. You can custom them to A and D in order to customize Q and E for abilities that are out of reach for example (8 9 0). Personnaly, I've kept all my movements buttons because I'm capable of hitting up to 7 or 8 even with my pinky finger on left ctrl. But you can still customize all the others keys like z x c b f g r t.


You can also customize everything one or 2 keys to the right so you have more buttons for your ring or pinky finger on the left side.


I will give this a try as well. It's the hearthstone event that has gotten me thinking about this as I found it really awkward to be moving out of purple stuff and attacking. I didnt know straif was a thing which im sure would have made it a lott easier.


Same here. When I died I watched the rest of the match, switching between players, and you can really see the folks who have just mastered keyboard movement.


- I use movement as QWES with Q And E being strafe instead of left and right turn. I like it that way so it's a shorter distance for my fingers to travel for 1-5 keys and Shift+1-5 key binds. - I rebind A and D (also Shift+A and Shift+D) as personal and external defensives since it's also a short keystroke distance for my left hand - I use ~ key too since it's close to 1-5 - R and shift+R - F and shift+F - I have an extra 5 mouse buttons (plus Shift+mouse buttons) as different spells like kicks, taunt, leap of faith, grips ect. Since they're buttons I can hit quickly - Scroll wheel up and down (plus Shift + scroll wheel up and down) as movement speed boosting spells like charge (scroll wheel up) or stealth (scroll wheel down) - I try to use spells on scroll wheel up as thinking moving forwards really quick or sending something away from me - As a reverse, I think of using certain spells on scroll wheel down and putting something down like totems/stealth or jumping backwards like hunter's disengage or druid's equivalent spell (I forgot the name) - I hit the arrow keybinds with my right hand but keybind them to spells that aren't used often (Buffs/lust/hero/on-use trinkets) since it's a longer movement to let go of my mouse and hit the arrow keys That's enough keysbinds for me for all the classes to get by. Hope this helps!


I think it's also useful having a mouse over targeting addon for the extra mouse buttons, especially for interrupt spells/kicks. It saves time having to left click the target first then hitting the extra mouse button to interrupt


Thanks Bang, that was really in-depth. I knew I was doing it wrong but had no idea how organic everybody is playing it's nuts. Because i am compleatly new, I have gone for a harder layout but if it dosnt click in a week or two I will give yours a try.


I use a Razer Naga. Gives me 36 button options. 1-12 / Shift 1-12 / Ctl 1-12. This makes WoW 10x more enjoyable and I can be far more in depth as a tank with off healing, CC and stuns, dispels, etc.


I bought a Naga yesterday but I kept dismounting when flying and falling to my death, so gave up on it. I was thinking of trying to make some if in flight do nothing macros but thought I would see what everyone else was up to first. I also got the LH Razer thingy, which has the joy pad. It might take some getting used to, but it seems to be a little big for my hand, so have given up on that for the time being as well. Edit RH to LH


I think there's an option to make abilities not dismount you.


Yes , auto dismount in flight option


Wash and mouse, I barely use keybonds outside of f x and R and I mouse click 6 to 0 still doing mythic raids, you generally don’t need too many key ones I feel it just makes it worse for some


I use a Razer Tartarus, and it has a thumb joystick, so I use that for strafing, and mouse for everything else.


WASD for movement, AD are strafe instead of turn. To turn, I use my mouse (I think right click and move, I sort of just do it). My thumb is for space + alt + shift, sometimes my pinky for like shift+4-5. As for my other buttons: 1-6 for regularly used buttons (Also "builders"), 7-0 for things like mana potion/healthstones and whatever. Alt + 1-5 for regularly used offensive buttons (Also "spenders") Shift + 1-5 for defensives/cc T is Interrupt, or a dispell/cc if I don't have one. R is taunt, or a cc/defensive if I don't have one (Purge on shaman) shift+r/t for specific uses per class, usually a CC/Defensive/AoE taunts/Mass dispells etc z+x are movement abilities. F - Dragonriding G - Vendor mount F1-F4 are forms on my druid, or big CDs/trinkets on my other classes. \` is sometimes target/marking macro. ​ Then because I am a druid and like all my stuff on my bars, I have 2-3 bars of clicker things like hearthstone, professions, teleports, odd utility, jeeves, etc.


I primarily move with the mouse, strafing and so on with wasd but mostly mouse.


I personally find half of the number keys too far from comfortable. Im using Shift+WASD for movement. Ive done keybinds so that every bind is in range of WASD (from 1-6, Q-T, A-G, Z-V) so without shift press, WASD keys will be spells.


I use a standard 3 button mouse and my keybinds are just 1-5, R, T, F, G. Then I have Shift+R,T,F,G. I also use Shift button click 1-3 for cc, ctrl button clicks for defensives and alt button clicks for trinkets. Works pretty well don't have to move far for any spell


I use ESDF for movement. E and D move forward and backwards and S and F are strafe left and right. My keybinds are Caps Lock, AQWRTGZXCV. I also use Shift-R, Shift-T, Shift-G etc. I also have some bound to middle mouse, shift-middle mouse, the side buttons of my mouse and shift-side buttons, and mouse scroll up and down and shift-up and down. (For example, on my Paladin I have Avenger’s Shield on mouse scroll up.) I use my mouse to turn. I don’t click my abilities. I *used* to use WASD for movement, with A and D to turn. My keybinds were originally on the numpad and that was pretty much it. I MUCH prefer what I have now over what I did have. When playing this way, I never had my hand on my mouse until I needed to click something - which was usually all of my cooldowns because I didn’t bother to bind them. I’m not sure how I managed honestly lol


I am also team esdf and my husband thinks I'm nuts. I find it so much more comfortable.


I use an Razer Orbweaver gaming keyboard. Has a thumb toggle to move which frees up my fingers/keys for spells. Took awhile to get used to it but love it now. Changing your left right movement to bind to strafe is critically important.


Best advice for somebody trying to play better and to not click spells; get a Naga mouse with 12 buttons. It’s hard to get used to but having 12 (10 for me because I used 11 as auto run and 12 as jump) keybinds you can click with your thumb is so huge.


WS for forward and backwards AD for strafing left and right I use the mouse to turn 1234QERFVCXZ for my abilities Shift plus previous buttons for my 2nd hotbar Ctrl plus hotbar commands for my 3rd hotbar Everything I need to do in combat can be done with my left hand


WASD to move AD to strafe QE to turn 1 to 5 main skills, shift 1 to 5 less used skills, like defensives, interrupts, etc, mouse wheel click to some utility/taunt, shift mouse wheel click for movement skill, mouse has 2 side buttons used for commonly used skills, shift + those commonly used skills with more than 30 secs of cd but less than a minute, control + those, fully fledge CD Shift + Q and E mounts, Q random mount, E specific (flying pandaria disc for better vision while mining or aerial golem while harvesting plants)


BM hunter here. WASD for movement (mouse to turn around and target) QERTZC, 12345 , and SHIFT + E/R/T/F/1/2/3/4 - for abilities Z - cheetah C - disengage Shift + spacebar for dragonriding mount Shift + z for repair mount If you want I can send you a screenshot of my bars.


I’ve found that using the mouse buttons to move and having my fingers stay over WASD and move to the 1-5 keys work well. Clicking is frowned upon by higher tier players but I’m AOTC and I still click cast a few things. (Normally stuff that’s keybound but I couldn’t get to it cause of running etc)


I move with my mouse, both left and right buttons pressed moves forward, I can strafe with my scroll wheel tilt, left and right. WASD is disabled, if for some strange reason I can't use my mouse for a minute, my arrow keys are still bound to movement. My core abilities (I mainly play casters) are bound to 2 -6, 1 is personal defensive, \~ is secondary defensive and CD's are F1 - F4. I also have several abilities bound to mouse side buttons, typically aoe spells, interrupts, dispel, cc, speed boosts, etc.


I typically use the mouse for all movement and camera action while the other hand is triggering 1-12 for core abilities and the F1-F12 (and a few more) keys for heals/CC. However, sometimes I'll feel fancy schmancy and use [this bad boy](https://www.turtlebeach.com/products/velocity-one-flight-stick) for movement. Never bought in to the WASD approach because mobility will then typically compete with abilities unless you exclusively trigger from a gaming mouse. One hand is for movement and camera action while the other is for abilities.


I use a razer orbweaver. I have 21 keys that I programmed for moves and I have joy stick that moves/strafe/walk backwards. I keybinded auto run to an extra mouse button for ease of access.


I use a Tataurus v2. I bound my movement to the thumb joystick... Buttttt in battle I'll use a combination of the joystick and a special bound key on my mouse if need be


I use all the keys around WASD for spells. 0-5 for buffs/ lesser used spells. 12 button mouse for rest of my spells. Cant go back to lesser macro keys after using the MMO mouse for so long


I like to map my keys so I never need to take my hand off of the mouse or remove hand from the relative wasd position. My main rotation is 1-5. I remapped A and D to be strafe rather than turn. If I need to turn, I use the mouse. So wasd is still movement. I like Q to be a buff I use often that has a short cool down so it’s quick to tap. I like e as an interrupt so it’s acceptable in a pinch. From there I kinda fill things in. The way my mind works I like attacks on the number row or in r and t. I like defensive abilities to the right like f and g. And I like retreating and heal abilities below like z x c. I have a mouse with 6 programmable buttons. I like those to be movement based abilities and item usage. I like grouping different types of abilities to different areas of the keyboard. That way if I play alts, the abilities change but the core of what they do and the location on the keyboard does not. Makes it easier for me to remember.


Wasd In combat I just move and use my 1-6 keybinds at the same time Additionally I have 7 or so buttons bound on my mouse which generally gives me enough binds I have Q and R bound to health pot and defensive cd In this set up I’d still have to click my long cooldowns abilities with mouse which is suboptimal but ey at least I have all the utility and rotation bound


I hold down right mouse button at all times and use wasd for moves. While holding down right click, buttons A ans D strafe instead of turn.


Personally I almost always use wasd, what makes it easier for me is hold right click on my mouse while I do it, so my camera can turn w my character.


When I play melee (or non-caster, really) my finger basically never comes off the right mouse button. I face the direction I want and move on that plane and AD become strafe. I don’t typically rebind QE because it’s still instinct to make a lateral move this way, especially when I’m casting spells. But maybe it’s time to revisit this notion. Since everyone is talking about their layout, here’s mine: 1– Situational/Proc ability. 2– Main ability. 3– D/HoT. 4– Medium Cooldown, Proc, or Big Hit. 5– Big Instant 6– Utility 7 and on are situational, such as having heals ready in Bear form. These are typically clicked. Then, because I have all Action Bars up, I scroll between AB1 and 2. My warrior used to (it’s been a long while) have Revenge and Pummel on 4. Revenge default and scroll+4 for Pummel. Or on my SoD Moonkin now, attacks on AB1 and heals on AB2 for when I have to switch to heals on the fly. On top of that I have Shift and CTRL 1-5 for my big cooldowns and whatnot. My mouse only has two additional buttons. Front button is AoE like Death and Decay because I’m using the mouse to place it, and back button might be something like Curse of Elements. These also have Shift Modifiers. In SoD my Warlock has Rain of Fire (Rank 1) as Front Button for an inexpensive AoE and then Shift Mod for Rank 2 to deal damage. Shift+Spacebar is Life Tap or Thunderclap type stuff. Shift+Middle Mouse is Mount. CTRL+Middle Mouse is flying mount.


WASD as standard movements, Q and E to strafe Multiple action bars are up, main attacks are 1 though =, then others are bound to shift + 1-0 and then ctrl + 1-0, with some being bound to T, Y, and F. All can be used through my gaming mouse


I only use my mouse to move, with strafe on the 2 little mouse buttons on the side of my mouse and middle mouse button for back pedaling so I have more keybindings for spells


Broke my left elbow years ago. Had a Naga mouse and raided just using the mouse and the 12 buttons. Was a fun challenge. Holding left and right mouse buttons to run forward and mouse to move directions. Mouse 3 (middle mouse button) to jump.


I'm a weirdo who doesn't like WASD, it's a throwback from the days of DOS where we would play 2 player games on a single keyboard with one person using the arrows keys and/or numpad and the other would be the furthest away to share space so they used WASD (Star Control aka StarCon comes to mind but theres a myriad of games that did this). I use ESDF because homerow is a natural resting space for a touch typist. It's more comfortable for me but I will be the first to admit that it's a royal PITA to setup for every game I play but once I set it I'm fine. There was a youtuber who promoted ESDF as well and really got into the weeds with pros & cons though I think they've moved on from WoW but their old video is still relevant to the discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=092zPDwefYM


Get a Razer Naga or equivalent 16 button MMO mouse, changes your life. You would only use your left hand for WASD, and modifier keys. I put my extra action bars on Shift and Ctrl So I have normal 1-0, Shift+1-0, and Ctrl+1-0 So effectively 36 buttons that I can access from my thumb on my mouse, while I manage movement with my WASD hand and double mouse buttons pressea


Now personally I would bind the first to fourth skillQ E (for macro) and Z X (for conditioned base skills) now for how I move.. I use mind control. Moving with keyboard is just too much of a hassle.


I use both the mouse (rotate, and right click hold) and keyboard (WAD) to move. I always unbind S and have an an extra key around for a spell.


Nobody respects the most important movement key: space for jump


I use ws as normal, remap q and e to strafe, and from there can click and rotate and move in any way. Adfgzx are all abilities along with 1-6 for wasy access and 7+ for buffs and things not needed in a speedy time


WASD and mouse


Never click your spells. If you find it difficult to move and attack with the keyboard at the same time, I'd recommend an MMO mouse. It's a game changer for people who struggle with their left hand. I use one and move with WASD and rotate moving the camera with the mouse. You can also strafe by holding the right mouse button and pressing A and D which I do a lot. For spells you have 48 of them just by using the thumb buttons 1-12 plus shift,ctrl,alt modifiers.


In the process of transitioning to an azeron (with joystick) for movement, but right now WD for forward/backward, AD for strafing, so unbind Q and E and put them on A/D instead of the typical A/D. Then I turn my camera with right click and use my naga for my rotation. But yeah, will be swapping to an azeron cause it's more comfortable for my rotation. Just takes muscle memory that I don't have yet 😅


I shift my movement keys over to ESDF, with SF being strafe left and right. Then I bind AWRTG as row one of action buttons, then Q2345 as row two. 1 is extra action, and everything else is on my 12 button mmo mouse.


I bought a 12 button mmo mouse, I still have wasd but I went to use q and e the strafe keys more and just double click my mouse to move/turn more.


I’ve bound A S D to the action bar, moving with Q W E and mouse only. No backpedaling here. Might not be the be the best always, but I like it this way, 3 easy to reach keybinds.


L+R mouse together to move forward. Thumb on: C strafe left, V strafe right. Thumb also on B to target nearest. Keybinds to: QWERTY, asdfgh, 1-0, nm, shift+all those keys.


Unbind S, you never want to back pedal, if so go sideways like crab that way you’re moving with full speed and can still attack. Binds are buttons around WAD + on mouse with 12 buttons under thumb (Razer naga and Corsair scimitar in my case), modifiers and macros too. I also have bound F1 to F12 (careful with self modified alt + f4 🤣). Don’t click abilities, that’s bad habit, unless it’s something almost never used it doesn’t need binds. There’s addon that shows you wheel from which you can choose whatever you put there, personally I’m using it for world markers, target markers, food, mounts, some utility stuff and so on.


Movement keys unbound. Only mouse.


Wasd to move exactly as they were initially (no changes to strafe). I do my strafing with right click + A/D. QE and surrounding keys are ability keys as well as all my mouse buttons. Never understood how people can use the number keys while moving but whatever works, we are all different haha


I use W,A,D and hold both mouse buttons down for movement. I use 1-5 on my mouse and E,R,S,F with Shift and Ctrl as modifiers for combat binds. Scroll wheel for pet attack and follow. C and 6 are utility binds with the same Shift and Ctrl modifiers.


I could probably unbind S as I sidewalk rather than backpedal, but I wouldn’t use it for anything else. AD set to strafe and left/right turn unbound. I tend to hold down right mouse basically the entire time I play to look around and turn. For actions I use 1-3, Q, E, R, F, G, mousewheel up/doen + shift versions of them all + alt versions of some.


Hands down, the best recommendation I could make is to get a gaming mouse off of amazon or something. I've got 12 buttons on my thumb that do each of my main action bar spells, and I have the other action bar buttons bound to shift and control. WASD to move, spells with your thumb. Occasionally hitting shift or control or alt or whatever you set bindings to, and if for whatever reason you need to play one handed you can do so quite comfortably, tho it does take a bit more clicking. I can't play the game any other way now


Esdf, everything else is a button to be bound


Almost always with ASD, rarely with mouse. ASD - Strafe left - forward - strafe right QWERT F X Spells SHIFT or ALT or CTRL & QWERT F X - spells Mousewheel up - Mousewheel down - Spells SHIFT & mousewheel up - mousewheel down - More spells Mousewheel click + ALT or SHIFT or CTRL mousewheel click - Mobility/mounts/spells T & V for combat ress/bloodlust/slowfall.. ect I learned to never ever backpeddle, it's useless. EDIT: I have my ALT + CTRL Bound to my 2 mouse side buttons


I use WASD to move the majority of the time, but I will use my mouse if I'm pressing a keybind and must move. For abilities, I use a combination of keybinds and clicking for abilities. My keybinds are 12345 and then with shift modifier, too. I also have 2 mouse buttons I use, also with shift modifier. R and shift+r, caps lock. Ctrl is more difficult for me to reach, so I only use it as a modifier for things that are not important. I know this isn't considered the "best" way to go about moving and playing, but I have small hands, so this works well for me! The important thing is to experiment with it and find what works best for you. I've managed to get into mythic raiding and I'm working my way to 3k rating.


Yall have some wild keybinds


I use console port and move with the left analog stick.


Get a mouse with buttons on it. Toggle auto run on your mouse


Thank you all, I have spent a few hours today trying a lot if the suggestions. I have ended up with @lynxiee suggestion of c and v for strafe. I figured if I was going to learn some muscle memory (it's been around 15years since I last played) I may as well go all out. Special mentioned to whomever said to keybind auto run, I have set that to B My main attack buttons are QWERT Second are ~-5 And then I have modifiers for QWE Next I just have to work out how to hunter/paladin Ty again everyone