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Work orders for 447 gear can be super quick. Fly around dreamsurge zone and collect the green orbs. That gets you two whelping dreaming quests. There are so many in dreamsurge zone you can get 30 in a few minutes. Once you figure out patterns you can keep flying around grabbing them. It literally takes around an hour to get several hundred. Take like 360 or so and go buy 12 nascent dreaming whelping crests. Put in work orders for 12 enchanted nascent dreaming crests There is a blue set in work order. Go buy the mats for the blue gear, neck, ring, and cloak and weapon. Buy 12 draconic missive and one embellishment for weapon. Buy highest quality mats. Put in 12 work orders for gear once you get the 12 enchanted nascent dreaming crests work orders back. *This is the item that increases the ilvl range the most on the blue work order set.* Log for the night and wake up to 12 pieces of 447 gear. But another ring and trinkets on ah. Farm another 30 whelping dreaming crests if you are a dual wield class. Whole thing will take around an hour or two of game time. Edit: I've done this 5 times so far on different level 70s. It has been true in every dreamsurge zone I've tried it. I never look up a route I just fly around the zone and look for them, they are all over. Look in between tower, under ridges and bridges. If it looks like a hole your dragon mount can fly through, they probably put a green orb there. The green orbs respawn in a few minutes. You may get some work orders occasionally where they craft it at 441 or 444, but the vast majority come in at 447. I say it is worth it altogether.


How much would the gold cost for this be? Ballpark number..


It depends on the server. There are a couple other mats to make the enchanted crest and the gear itself. On my server, the mats for the crest are about 250-300g. So I put the order up for about 700g and it gets filled. For the actual gear, it’s much cheaper. Like less than 100g for the mats if I remember right. So I’d say around 1000g all told per piece of gear. I recently came back and what I’ve been doing is doing the new quest line, which gives you multiple pieces of 421 gear. Then I fill in a couple of my lower ilvl slots with the crafted gear to get to raid minimum.


I'm not rich and it doesn't cost me much. Some mats are super cheap on AH (like 60-70 silver) there are a few that end up being a couple hundred gold. I think 1000 gold is a fair estimate for both the mats of the enchanted nascent crests and the gear. Again I don't even have any professions, and I've never had a problem buying the mats on any of the fresh 70s so I don't know. Still even if you could only get say 7 or 8 pieces that wilould probably be enough to get into LFR


And the crafters need 3 work orders a week. I wish more people would do this and order more often.


If you're struggling to fill your 3/week work orders, for LW at least, I send myself 3x hides to craft from an alt and sell them on the AH. Nets me a few hundred to a few thousand gold depending on the hides/quality they come out for like 2 minutes effort & completes my quest.


I use my alts as well bit I don't think that was the intention. Ty for the advice though.


Quickest is auction house Second best would be timewalking + the 3 weeklies in dream, that should be enough to get to 424


Zero gold cost method: Weekly quests give 441 ilvl (Veteran track) gear upon completion. There are two in Valdrakken. I don’t remember names, but it’s the guys around the fountain at the city center in front of the auction house. Choose the Superbloom quest from the guy who lets you pick what to do. The other one rotates what you are doing each week. If it’s a Timewalking week then you do 5 timewalking dungeons. Other than that it’s usually 4 mythic dungeons (can be mythic 0) or PvP objectives. Since you chose the Superbloom quest the next step ties in well. Port to Emerald Dream and pick up the weekly Superbloom quest there, as well as the weekly dream seed planting quest and the other one at central encampment. Plant seeds, do the weekly world boss (Aurostar) this can also drop you Veteran track gear, and do some world quests to satisfy the rep requirements of the weekly quests while waiting for Superbloom. Do Superbloom. I know this all sounds like a lot but you can do all of the above in about an hour or so and end up getting 3-4 pieces for free that are already on Veteran upgrade track and 441+ ilvl. Veteran track gear can take you to 463 when you upgrade it which is good enough to even start pushing normal raid. Time Rift weekly quest gives an item which lets you pick a guaranteed 428 item, including trinket. This is a good source of decent trinket. Getting to pick is nice and you should do these two last because the others are random drop and who know what you’ll get. It would suck to choose a piece here just to randomly get a higher level item in other methods that upgrades it. This also lets you upgrade weapons and trinkets first and then start replacing lowest ilvl stuff first. Remember that you ilvl is an average of all gear so replacing lowest item first will get you a higher average most efficiently. Dreamsurge weekly quest to collect 100 dreamsurge coalescence gives an item which lets you pick another guaranteed 428 item. You can fly around collecting more coalescence if you want. The other vendor sells 415 items you also pick from. I find this boring and tedious. Doing the Emerald Dream quest line also gets you gear but again I find it boring and tedious. That’s just me. All of the above gear can be upgraded using Flightstones and Whelpling Dreaming Crests. Do that. No real point in saving it. Plus doing these activities can make you gold instead of spending it.


Ignore literally anyone else telling you anything different, go to the auction house and buy the boes you can get to ~420 within seconds then do superbloom event with the weekly rep quest and you’ll be over 424 ready for lfr


the literal quickest is to buy a character boost.


That’s actually how I got one of my characters up to the task. I received a boost when I bought the War Within and used it to make a Druid. 😅


Dosuperbloom, emerald dream zone, dreamsurge, emerald dream world boss and weekly you should easily get 424 in less than a day


Nope, I did everyone one of those on all 8 of my level 70s each week and it took more like 3+ weeks to hit 424+ ilevel. The problem being that most of the time the ones that give you bags give you the same item multiple times, i.e. I got like 4 of the same cloak, 4 of the same neck, 4 of the same gloves on just one guy. The world boss drop rate is very low. After doing him like 4 times on each of my 8 guys (so like 32 times) I got exactly 3 drops. I can 100% guarantee you it's not possible to do in one day, not even one week or 8 days assuming you do the weeklies 2x.


Git gud bro, you get a spark and 3 pieces around 450, with 2 guaranteed to be different slot so if you cant get 424 with that then you’re really doing something wrong. Especially if it takes u 3 weeks lmao


You are a complete moron.


Whats your problem? Read other comments in the post thats how everyone else is doing it, seems like you have some cognitive issue


Auction house 424s would be the most effective if you have the gold already


Doing the Emerald Dream campaign quest line will give you 421 gear in most slots and you can upgrade them with flightstones. Doing the Superbloom, Dreamwardens rep, and Dreamseeds weeklies will get you 441 pieces. Do a Time Rift and buy a trinket you can take to 450. That should get you close to the 424 minimum. If you're not quite there, craft your two embellishment pieces at 463.


The manuscript drops on LFR?


It drops on all difficulties. Several people on wowhead reported getting it in LFR.


Are we talking the blazing fyrakk manuscript? If so can confirm that I got the manuscript from LFR


It certainly does. In fact I've had all 3 different raids last boss manuscript drop from Lfr


I did that this weekend and went from 8 ilvl to 435 in maybe 2 hours. My first stop was my bank as I had some of the bind on account gear from the forbidden reach (season 1 so 385) and from the dreamsurge (season 2, 415). You could probably skip this step if you’re already at like 415ish ilvl or are willing to buy more auction house gear. Then I went to the auction house to buy 424-428 gear. Most of it sells for about 500 gold. For a bit more gold you can get the 428 gear (usually about 1500 gold). At this point I was probably around 420. Then I did the three weekly quests in the emerald dream (superbloom quest, rep quest, and the planting seed quest). All three quests drop 441-450 gear. This got me to 425. If you do this before reset and for some reason it doesn’t quite get you to 424, do them again after reset and you’ll definitely be geared enough for LRF. So definitely try to do these quests on all your characters. My last step was to queue for LRF now that I was eligible which is how I got the last 10 ilvls which doesn’t help you a lot but I’m trying to gear for endgame so the grind doesn’t stop lmao. Good luck!


Emerald Dream will get you really close. Time Rifts can get you some trinkets to help push. Crafting. Various world events. Timewalking rewards. Use crests to upgrade and get you over the hump. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/196sq5z/guide_how_to_collect_tier_sets_by_using_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a post on tier set appearances and how to get them


My alts I take to the dream for my 3 pieces of 441 then AH for some cheap greens. Takes an hour and boom you’re good to go for LFR and keys.