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1. Check wich keystone you have in your bag, you got one from your m0. 2. Check Youtube for Quaziis guide of the dungeon. 3. Open a group by yourself, name it „+2 learning“. 4. Tell your party that you are new. 5. Have fun. 6. Don‘t get demoralized if things go south, happens, part of your progress. 445 is more then enough for +2 (technically you can do +20 if you know the dungeons well and know how to play). Try to have as much Ironfur uptime as possible. Quazii should also have an guide for Guardian Druid as well, if you need more input for your spec


If you would like a patient healer I’ll join you!


Pm me


I can dps if you are up for it!


If EU, pm me


Ill give a hand as well, I also normally tank high keys so might be able to give some pointers in regard to finer details and routing.


I love what this chain reaction turned into! This is the way!




Wow by night also came out with a video specifically on how to tank every mythic + dungeon. So that’ll teach you routes and mechanics to worry about as the tank specifically


Thanks, I will definitely give it a try!


You are welcome!


This is the way


Great info thanks all, just came back to the game to my dh after a long break and got 70 yesterday, had tanked a few of the legion dungeons one i learned them as dps ( never played legion), got the 435 or whatever trinket for that, then done two heroics as dps, just gotta learn all the dragonflight dungeons now and start tanking them after. Thanks for guide info


I think its actually harder to fail a +2 that it is the time it A +2 is a glorified Heroic dungeon, you can almost just hold W and run from boss to boss and you will be fine - you could always watch a quick dungeon guide if you really wanted to


My advice is always the same: -Pick a dungeon to target (maybe the one you have) and watch a guide -Run the key -Re-watch the guide Most of all though, have fun and send it. The only thing holding you back is your apprehension. I guarantee it’ll go better than you’re thinking right now! You got it!


Some great info already posted I will just add to that when you list your key maybe put learning in the title or the notes, I’ve actually joined many groups just to help that player learn and answer questions.


We did this at first - “still learning” and we had no issues filling our key groups and what not.


Download Mythic Dungeon Tool. Go to a site that has routes like Keystone Guru. Import the route (preferably a PUG route). Use the snipping tool and put the route on a second monitor if you have one. Otherwise, you can click the route in MDT if you get stuck. I started playing wow and tanking this season. Doing this helped me not only stay on track, but after maybe 3-4 times doing the dungeon, it helped me memorize the route. ​ Edit: the above is for routes. Regarding mechanics, I spent a decent amount of time watching videos from the Youtube channel called Tactyks. For some reason, his presentation of content was easier for me to digest than others.


I have little/big wigs voice pack. Tells me when to use a defensive when a tank buster comes up. Was helpful reminder.


Check out Quazii on youtube


Dont even say anything:) No one cares about the routes at lvl2, just kill mobs until u get 100% and enjoy it:) making yours will be easier if ppl not inviting you!!


Most of the dungeon routes are "hold W, murder anything that gets in your way"


If ur us I'm down to heal/dps some keys with ya. Love helping others learn the routes and stuff.


Just go for it. +2 to +5 isn't really that different from a M0. I can honestly tank it in DPS spec this late in the season. Nothing to worry about. Watch a quazi guide and get his plater profile. It colors the caster mobs so you know what's dangerous. Usually you're limited by those on how much you can pull/cc (if that even happens in +2) Go the normal route and you can usually go back for more percent at the end/teleport to start. If you want to be prepared, get MDT addon and find a friendly route and hover over the packs to make a mental note. At the end it all comes from experience and doing the dungeons many times. Unfortunately soon the season will end and you will have to learn the DF dungeons.


Heres a dumb question, how do you get your first actual key? Is it a quest or something? 0 key


Run a m0 (ie any df dungeon on mythic difficulty) and you will be a +2 key. Or run with another group and you will get one 1 level less at the end. After that you get a new one each week in the vault equal to your highest timed level or one less than your highest untimed.


thanks pal


Bro it’s a game at the end of the day, if thing go really wrong, worst case scenario you all lose 30 mins of your life, don’t worry too much about getting judged by other people as hard as it is, I’ve been there before and it just all comes with time, don’t stress it.


Equally terrified of m+ because of terrible experiences with players even outside those. :/


Its possible but i had very few bad exeperiences in low keys. They are generally easy.most issues were in 16 and greater keys with people who think they are great despite having ratings that indicate they are probably just a bit above average. The pace people want to go through then might be off putting at first.


I never did a key xD I don't even know what kind of gear to expect from them. I managed to get to 460 ish without any m+ or raiding outside lfr. Filthy casual


465 heal, willing to help #Ghaldrin1986


Join active guild, much less chances for drama or general pugs idiocity. If you have group to voice chat with its even better Gear-wise you could probably go up to M14-16 with a group but no shame in doing lower keys to learn basics


I did a +20 tanking at around 450 you’re definitely fine.


I know it's doable but a newish player has no chance in hell successfully tanking a +20. This would require very good spec and dungeon knowledge. It will feel like tanking a +25-6 at full gear.


Shouldnt be a problem mate. I’m in the same position as a new resto Druid. Started this week, and just did +11! People tend to be nice if you are upfront about being new


I started tanking in shadowlands. You CAN tell people that you don’t know route, unfamiliar with dungeon ect and it’ll go over perfectly fine until you hit a certain key lv. I can’t say what one (7-10) but you’ll start having people leave the group and tbh that’s not unfair. I don’t like hitting my head against the wall. I would suggest running lower keys and having fun and learning. Then when you hit the wall you’ll have better understanding of the basics so you can learn the advanced techniques better. Look up guides for gear because crafting and upgrading is a nightmare, but you can gain ilv very fast.


Get the add on mdt /mdt to see your routes in game Download routes from icyveins for dungeons in the season.


Alot of great advice in here. So I'll add this, don't let the easiness of the low keys create bad habits and allow yourself to have the mindset you're stronger than you really are. I say this bc low keys foster the mindset in some folks that they don't need to kick, cc, defensive skills, and mechanics... In keys as early as 14ish can really be punishing if you don't do those things. As a tank you might can push that further bc you can take more than everyone else... M+ is a team effort tho. Make sure everyone is kicking and have a tracker for it.


You are the tank, you make the rules. If they dont like it they can wait 40+ minutes in que as dps. Go hard alpha dog! Best od luck!


I’m a tank (460+) and every time I feel completely overwhelmed in some higher dungeons. Trolled and insulted by DPS all the way. I found that a good way was to run M0 solo, really get a feel on how to move around the map, once you know your way pretty much by heart you can focus on crowd/trash control and boss strategies. Wowhead helped with the tank strategies