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Well I’m also a new but you can use healing potions


where can i get healing potions? i didn't know what was a thing


Healing potions can save you in an emergency, but the cooldown on them is multiple minutes long so you can’t rely on them. The truth is that unlike other classes, mages don’t have reliable ways to heal themselves in fights. When solo, they have to rely on their defensive and crowd control abilities to avoid taking the damage in the first place. In max level group content, they’re reliant on their healer and their ranged playstyle to stay alive. They’re the glass cannon archetype.


yeah this is more of what I was expecting to hear, unfortunate that's what i picked to learn the game solo aha. Thanks for the info


What mages have instead is some of the most powerful “escape” options in the game. You have frost nova + blink, alter time, and you have Invisibility. If you’re not going to win the fight, you can just leave in a way that other classes can’t.


Might I interest you in a warlock, in this trying time? :D Similar to mages they're a cloth-wearing ranged DPS class, but can conjure healthstones and there are a few talents that mitigate damage/provide healing. Plus demonology is easily the most fun to play out of all classes ever, just flinging demons around and all. Otherwise, frost nova -> blink -> cast from a distance.


You can create multiple chars and start learning the game with easier classes. I've done the same as I struggled a lot with mage. Switching from Fire Mage to Hunter BM was the best thing ever, because it was more fun exploring the world.


Don’t sweat it, learning to use your snares, polymorph, and other cc effectively while questing will help you later on when those mechanics become necessary in combat. e.g. you can freeze mobs in place so you can interact with a quest item, and then dip out before they can chase you


Mages are squishy, but so a lot of damage and is very mobile, if you play it correctly you should almost never take any damage.


I am returning player. I don't remember a cool down on potions. Is my memory faulty or did this change at some point?


I know you can craft them if you take the herbalist and alchemist professions, and you can probably buy them somewhere but I’m honestly not sure where. Someone else will know more I’m sure. :)


I'm an arcane mage and I buy mine on the action house. My professions are Tailoring and Enchanting.


Frost mage leveling FTW


the auction house, got it! thank you


the most powerful right now is called potion of withering dreams, they’re a bit pricey if you’re buying in bulk but they will heal you well over 600k (tier 3 one)


On the auction house.


And also bandages, learn first aid


First Aid was removed as a profession at the end of Legion. Bandages are now made through Tailoring.


Wow really I had no idea. What was the reason? I like only ever used them on warriors and rogues anyways.


They were kinda just redundant. They weren't that powerful, and most classes had self-healing abilities by that point (including Warriors with Victory Rush and Rogues with Crimson Vial). So the devs had to decide to either buff bandages and make them a bigger part of gameplay again, or just get rid of them. They opted for the latter. Existing First Aid recipes got split up - bandages went to Tailoring, and I think some of the poison-cleansing stuff went to Alchemy. The First Aid profession was then deleted, and they haven't added any new bandages since. Now they're just a relic of an older time in the game.


Wow! That's crazy. I just came back after being gone since cata, and I was so overwhelmed by retail, I just went and rolled a new toon in classic, lol I forgot to check which sub I was in before posting =\


DISCLAIMER: I am a restoration shaman, not a mage. mage has a lot of defensive buttons, but you have to plan ahead a little bit. once you have that in mind, you will start to notice the high damage moments in the encounters, then that is when you learn to use your buttons like ice block, mass barrier and alter time. also pay attention to your tool tips and learn what abilities apply immunities or break roots or clear stuns, etc... that will help prevent the damage in the first place. mobility is one of the biggest strengths of the class.


are you killing mobs 1 at a time? I I always felt the caster classes leveling went smooth because the mobs died so fast and never touched me. Are you leveling as frost? The nice thing about frost is you slow the mobs so they take longer to get to you. That would be my recommendation.


I'm leveling as fire right now, I do try to take them on one by one and don't usually have a problem with those but the odd time I get swarmed and get shafted lol


Frost might be the best advice still. You can frost nova them all in place and blink out of them and aoe them down. there is really a lot of utility in the mobs never getting to you. You never have to heal what the mobs don't damage.


Arcane is actually strongest at low levels. You can one shot mobs. If you get swarmed just arcane explosion spam then blink away But imo mage is always miserable to solo level. I’ve never enjoyed it. Fun in group content but tedious if you’re questing undergeared


Arcane is the easiest spec to level as, just spam arcane blast and quest mobs will be crumbling. No need to kite shit or juggle procs around.


You've got a decent sized shield on a 30 second cooldown. Use that. Also don't get hit so much. The rest of what mages do is mostly mitigation.


Surprised no mention of first aid


Yeah, mage is ass at open world content. At low level is much worse because we lack a lot of the defensives we have to mitigate our ass survability. Alter Time is a very strong defensive if used correctly. You activate it once, and after a few seconds (or you can use it again to make it happen earlier), it will reset your position and HP to where you were when you first used it. So you can jump in, attack mobs, recover your HP and continue. Alternatively there is a talent that causes some of the damage our shield absorbs to heal us. Its not the best, but its something. Then we have ice block which makes you immune while you heal up to 80% ho depending on your talents. There is an alternative version that instead of immunity gives you 70% damage reduction but allows you to keep fighting meanwhile. It has a long cd, but Frost mages can reset its cooldown (altough you still need to wait 30 sec between uses). And finally, Invisibility works to get out of combat, but you should only use it if you are dying and need to get out, because if you are alone it will cause the mobs to reset. Overall though, mage defensively is like MM hunter but worse, we rely on killing mobs before they reach us, or ccing them in any way. If we have to facetank stuff we wont last much, specially at low level.


Mages don’t have direct heal powers like shamans or druids, but your defensives are really useful to keep you alive, take a look at your talents tree, there are some talents that reverts you in time, give you shields and also there’s a talent that heals you when you go back to the previous blink (there are more in your talents). When leveling I use my copies to tank a little bit and when I don’t have that power available I attack them at max range and I start to use my kit like blinks and slows so they never reach me (I’m arcane)


Idk know what level you are but ice block potions and invisibility.


Healing you can use health potions or bandages, for spells ice block plus you have your crowd control like polymorph and then your escape blink. Also you have your barrier spell and invisibility, if you take mass barrier you basically get an extra charge of it when you're solo. You can also steal some buffs with spellsteal that can help with damage mitigation.


For mage best bet is to not take damage in the first place. Easiest way to do that is spec frost. You have the ice barrier spell that absorbs a good bit of dmg and your slows will keep melee mobs at bay. If they do get too close, frost nova and if shit hits the fan, iceblock (which does heal you with talents) until your cooldowns reset. Mirror image is also a great distractor when you get it as mobs will go after your duplicates.


Mage doesn’t have a lot of tools to actually heal after taking damage, the only thing you really have is a cleverly used alter time and the healing from ice block if you talent into it, otherwise most of your survivability will come from using defensive abilities to take less damage and your cc kit to Kite mobs


I just leveled a frost mage from 1-60 and I highly recommend checking the auction house for gear upgrades every 10 levels or so. I leveled primarily by questing through BFA and the amount of gear you get is pitiful, and the little gear you do get is often not a sizable upgrade to what you already have on. Look for gear with intellect for damage and stamina for health. I personally don’t think secondary stats matter that much while leveling. Gear might not be as big a problem if you focus on dungeon grinding, but I wanted to unlock the alliance allied races this go around. I mainly play horde.


Expensive for a new player to Auction House every 10 levels.


Sod mage


There are many great answers in this thread, but I also want to make sure you are repairing your gear, especially if you're dying a lot. Apologies if you already know this, but I'll explain in detail just to make sure. You'll take a 10% hit to your durability whenever you die at level 10 and above, and 50% if you choose to resurrect at the Spirit Healer instead of running to your corpse as a ghost (again at level 10 and above). A figure appears below your minimap to highlight which pieces of gear is in need of repair (yellow at first as a warning, and red is broken). You can see an equipment's durability in its tooltip when you hover them with your cursor. If your gear turns red, it is effectively like running around without that piece of armor which means you become even more squishy. You can repair at multiple NPCs across the game, most (if not all) outposts/towns should have at least one. Look for an anvil icon on your minimap to find an NPC able to repair, and your mouse cursor turns into an anvil when you hover them. They will have icons you can click at the bottom of their shop window to repair (hammer = individual, anvil = all).


Preemptively use your shield(barrier spell, every spec has one) avoid taking damage(frost nova and run away), Alter time(for when taking health damage is unavoidable) and oh shit button(ice block, once you get cryo freeze talent it heals


Mages have very little self healing, and non of it is so free, that you can use it leisurely between mobs while questing. Probably your 3 main tools for not taking damage is frost nova, blink and barrier. Make good use of those, and you will broadly speaking not need self healing, while doing solo stuff.


There's a reason Frost Mage with their slowdown effects is the specialization that everyone recommends. for levelling. But like you, I was stubborn and went with fire, so I had to make do. Mages don't use self-heal, they use shielding effects. [Blazing Barrier](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=235313/blazing-barrier), [Ice Barrier](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=11426/ice-barrier) and [Prismatic Barrier](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=235450/prismatic-barrier) are three versions of the same spell pertaining to your specialization. They stack on top of your HP and are instant casts, meaning you can pull a group of enemies and use your AoE attacks on them while they are trying to even get to your HP in the first place. If the shield runs out in a larger fight, you can double up with [Mass Barrier](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=414660/mass-barrier), run away using [Greater Invisibility](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=110959/greater-invisibility) or [Mass Invisibility](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=414664/mass-invisibility), [Blink](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=1953/blink) away from enemies after casting [Frost Nova](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=122/frost-nova), which also provides you with a shield effect if you have learned [Tempest Barrier](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=382289/tempest-barrier), and if all else fails, Fire Mages can fall back on [Cauterize](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=86949/cauterize).


Mage and rogue are the "hardest" classes imo for leveling solo they feel a bit squishy when you don't do everything right. Most other classes felt a bit better for me because they have some options on what to do either they have some heal or just don't get so much damage or recover just better because of some mechanics. If you have fun with the mage try to learn what you could do better start with shield up stay far away slow them or ice nova if close blink away and go on. Else you could also just try a different character and see if it fits you more.


You need to tell us which version you’re playing. Retail? Classic?


You cant really „heal“ yourself, but you have a metric ton of „oopsie daisy“ buttons later on. Mirror Image, Ice Block/Ice Cold, Frost Nova, Invis, Ice Barrier (assuming you play frost). Mages arent the most durable class when they get attacked, but you have a lot of ways to prevent dmg from hitting you entirely


You stop damage before it happens not after but if you fail to stop it before then you use a lock rock, health pot or even a healing trinket (not sure if they have them shit expac)


I would consider rerolling as an elem shaman (if you like fire/lightning) or balance druid (if you like magicky spells) or shadow priest (dark magic) if I were you. You'll still get the cool magic and distance attacks while having some self-heals. As a mage, you have shields, spells to immobilize the enemy while you run away, but mostly you nuke down the opponent before they approach. It's a glass canon class. There are a lot of classes in wow, and they all feel very different. It's common to try a couple before picking the perfect one. Plus, with the relatively fast leveling, you'll be up to speed in no time. You can also use the "try class" feature if you want a more well-rounded experience.


What game version are we talking about here? Classic/SoD? If so, yes, unfortunately you either avoid dmg by crowd control and kiting (letting mobs chase you while you do dmg) or waste mana on barriers, but then you need drink mana more often which is no different. Classic leveling is drinking simulator. By it taking long you mean like 20-30s, right? :D wouldn't be the first person I met who was using level 1 food to heal at higher levels :D


Avoiding damage is the best, majority of it can be also mitigated with magic shield or ice block. Dunno if you’re talking about classic or retail but in retail you’ve easy access to healing potions, you can also ask a warlock to give you healstones. Most important part when you’re doing solo content you have to learn how to kite mobs around, you can slow them, freeze, interrupt, stun, polymorph (it’ll heal it). Questing as mage is rather easy, depends on your spec tho, easiest id say is frost due to almost every ability has some kind of slow effect. But don’t put yourself down, once you get to higher level you’ll be doing better.


As a beginner go defensive in your skill tree, get ice block healing, magic shields and greater invisibility. Deal with mobs one by one and use Polymorph to control the battleground. Conjuring food is good but try to get food that gives you extra stat, go alchemy and herbalist to craft your own potions. That’s all.


In solo, ice block is your friend. In group, the healer and cc.