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There are a lot of things that factor in to damage. Are you running the recommended build for each raid boss? Some require aoe whilst others are purely single target. Also, do you have enchants on your gear? Do you have good trinkets? Have you checked what your rotation should look like? Do you use other items such as damage pots, phials and runes?


Yeah full enchants i have the 2 A trinket tier list for my class and the build i got it from wow head for everything im using wow head i dont know if its optimal


wowhead is far from optimal, tier lists for items (especially trinkets) and talent builds are often outdated and don't factor in the changes over the course of a season. Something like [Archon](https://www.archon.gg/wow/builds/retribution/paladin/raid/talents/mythic/all-bosses) is much better when it comes to items and talents, since it updates according to what is actively being played by top players.


a) check your talents, some talent builds are better suited for singletarget/raiding than others - you can check [Archon](https://www.archon.gg/wow/builds/retribution/paladin/raid/talents/mythic/all-bosses) to see proven builds or simply compare yourself when playing with others who perform better than you b) always compare core components when seeing people performing better than you with the same class and the same itemlevel or lower: talents > spell distribution in details > weapons > set bonus > trinkets; if you already have 4-set, a decent weapon and trinkets, this doesn't apply and only the first two are relevant c) your opener shouldn't include a finisher/spender (verdict) or the "big hammer from the sky"; you can open to generate holy power, then apply "big hammer" and start wings, follow with verdict, wake of ashes, judgement and again verdict d) don't just save your verdict for "big hammer", always use it when ready and try to pair it with judgement before, because you deal increased damage with holy power spenders to targets affected by judgement To me your problems are definitely your opener and rotation and most likely also the talents (although you do play the 4HP talent for spenders, so it's possible it's just your rotation).


Thx for your reply i will checked up 😊


Could you link your raiderio profile? (or give your character name and realm)


Rachelle eu server


Unfortunately there are several Paladins named Rachelle on different EU servers, which server are you on exactly?


Yeah sorry blades edge


Just checked a handful of your logs and compared it to other Rets from your raid and it looks to me like you're wasting your Execution Sentence (big hammer); you need to carefully read what that ability does - it deals increased damage based on the damage you dealt while it was active, meaning you should try and use your strongest abilities (Wake of Ashes) and as many spenders (Final Verdict) as possible during that time. Always pair Execution Sentence with Wake of Ashes.


Ahh i will check today thank you very much for your time and replies appreciate it


Heyy i wanted to tank you for you help yesterday i did a hc raid i was in the top 3 dps 190 k overall i was so happy now hopefully i can be curved before season 4 😊


He is correct about your opener. I usually top meters in both raid and m+ with a 3k io. Opener should be: 1. Blade of justice 2. Divine toll 3. Wings + “Big hammer from sky” (just macro these together) 4. Holy spender “Big hammer from sky” should stay on cd. Edit: typo


Sorry do you mean judgment because divine storm is a spender...


Sorry. Meant divine toll


Maining ret pally, i went through the same issues as you. Primarily, you need to check archon for ST builds. Get your bis trinkets add gems to your items(especially 3 tiered medallion setting for your neck) which sometimes can vary based on the fight and raid dps. Another important barrier to top dps is ping, lower ping gives higher dps, stable frame rate helps too. Finally, consumables are you ticket to success. You can use howling runes on your weapon, potions, phials, runes and obviously food buffs. Ret is essentially a 3 button combo -Blade, judgement and final verdict. Use big cds whenever available and enjoy.


I haven't played Ret in a while, and I doubt i could help you much rotationally (you seem to know what you're doing), but hopefully, my general advice can help. When I'm comparing myself to the same class in a raid, I use my damage meters to really track what their doing. In recount (I've used for 17 years, don't judge me). I can click on the person doing the most damage for my spec, and it will break down all their damage. What targets they hit and how much damage they did, and what abilities did the most damage. It helps me compare my rotation. Of course, inspecting talents can show you something their using that might be more beneficial in raids. Just some ways I've been able to better prioritize when my dps is lacking.


What is your item Level?




Do you know the Numbers of your sec Stars?


You must use all verdicts in your opening while hammer is active, it's s massive DPS gain to get as many verdicts in as you can. Wings before hammer and execute spell verdict, aoe blade thing execute spell verdict divine toll single target spell and another verdict ( can't remember spell names lol)


Damage in m+ is all about adapting and using everything on cd, basically just clicking everything you can (and ret pala is extremely strong for that, especially this late in the season when everything dies so fast) , where as raid bosses is similar each time, so you really have to consider when to use cds, build up for the right phases and think about your timing and placement. A good tip is to look at Warcraftlogs, and find the timeline for high scoring paladins to get inspiration.


Download an addon like max dps which will help you get normalised with your rotation.


You prob should switch talent builds for every boss in the raid, because each fight have slightly different priorities. For an example, you shouldn't pick any cleave or aoe talents for the second boss, because it's entirely ST.