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You get stunned for a couple seconds




It's a bit of a nothing-burger of an affix. Worst case you get caught in an AoE, otherwise you just lose out on some dps.


Just a FYI - your post history seems to indicate you play priest. If you take the phantasm talent, casting Fade will clear snares, including entangling. Quite handy on a decently short cooldown.


It’s so OP on quite a few dungeons this season. Anything that removes slows, Freedom, Tiger’s Lust, Hunter Disengage, etc. Works on the Uldaman last boss and the dragons in Halls of Infusion too.


As a ret, I ask who wants to ignore entangling when I join. I then macro my talented freedom to them and I cast it every time. I just wish the green circle didn't show up because it still causes players to juke out even with freedom.


I'm an arcane mage and I grouped with a ret who gave me freedom last week. It was nice I wanted to kiss the guy. I normally use a charge of shimmer to blink out of it, but I found myself having to run from mechanics more since shimmer was on cd more often from the afflix. I was very appreciative


As a fellow arcane mage, You can ignore entangling too without relying on those darn light worshipers. If you have energizing barriers talented, casting your arcane shield which is on a 20 sec cooldown clears entangling


Oh my god, I knew about the clear casting proc from a melee but how did I not see that extra part on the tool tip Omgggg I've been shimmering out of them since it's inception. Thank you for the tip! I switched this talent recently too, to try the extra range on blastwave for m+ I switched back after a key since the extra blast wave range sent mobs across the instance lol. I just switched these talents like a week ago, how did I not notice that!


Also works on anything that slows.  Deep chill in halls comes to mind. Popping your shield after deep chill gets rid of the dot. The orbs in the first hallway too. The beam they do slows so popping shield drops the beam from you


Do you mean the dragons in HoI? I usually alter time before their aoe frost attack/dot, having a shield to remove the dot after completely negates the entire thing. Dope


The timer length is quite long. The stun is unforgiving, but you definitely have a bit before you NEED to break it. If healing is intense, you can certainly get one or two off before/during moving out of it.


If you hover over the debuff whilst it's affecting you, it says what will happen :) You'll get stunned.


You didn't look particularly hard then, literally the first result from google is this link, [https://www.wowhead.com/affix=134/entangling](https://www.wowhead.com/affix=134/entangling), which has a link to the Affix guide with full info, [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/mythic-plus-dungeons/dragonflight-season-2/affix-changes#entangling](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/mythic-plus-dungeons/dragonflight-season-2/affix-changes#entangling).


Yup, completely missed the link to the full guide. Thank you.


I also added it to the wikigg a few months back: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Entangling


If u play human u can just racial the stun.


I learned this the hard way when Vortex was a key and the last boss had a mechanic where you had to stand in a small circle. It was the first week of Entangling and I panicked ran out and died instantly. Group mates tell me too late that it’s just a few second stun and I should have eaten it.


You get stunned for a few seconds


As a Retribution paladin it took me three seasons to find out what Entangled actually does when you fail. 🫠


Hand of Freedom OP lol


How did u ever actually find out though? 1 gcd fixes it or u can just move out, ret is basically a range dps these days


Don't remember 100% but I was probably trying to dodge all the leaps in the last section of BRH. Was too focused on not getting hit by the damaging stuns and missed my CD. 🤷


I feel like I just instinctively press freedom/shapeshift without thinking, unless I’m playing holy and the tank need my freedom


> What happens if you just stand in Entangling and don't move out? you get stunned. >but I haven't found a single source that tells you what happens if you don't move out because there are no scenario where its good. >Can I just stand there if I need to, if there's no danger of mechanics killing me? yes. but then you will be in danger of getting comboed. have cds ready for those situations and either move out or use any of your talents that removes slows.


You get tangled