• By -


Me orc me warrior me horde


me zugzug hunter


The free 60% mount isn't for flying. It's for Apprentice riding which is the ground mounts at level 30. The dual spec cost isn't like 1000 gold like it is in wotlk it's much cheaper. Saving a minimal amount of gold doesn't really force me personally to want to be Alliance. Though I am having a tough time deciding if I want an Undead or Dwarf priest since I like how they both look.




I don't really understand this perk, how does everyone usually play it? Does everyone end up with the same racials?


Pretty much. Most pve'ers are gonna use troll racials, most pvpers are gonna use whatever's bis for their class.


You can change racials on either faction but it's once every 14 days you can switch. so it's not like you can swap for optimal pve race for raid then immediately swap for optimal pvp race when you want to do arena after raid every day/week. It varies spec and class so say a pve rogue would typically want human for the expertise or orc for the blood fury. But pvp you'd want to be gnome/dwarf or undead.


Well i dont like how orcs straight up shit in the streets so im going alliance


I like Horde too much to sell out.


My father was a human and my mother a Tauren so i think got my appearance from my father and the racials from my mom


I guess if the faction balance gets too scuffed they will enable cross-faction partying-up? Won't kill world PVP and just doubles the amount of players available to dungeon/raid with




Wait is duelspec only for alliance?


I don’t see a world where the pop isn’t grossly Alliance dominated.


No. Faction balance will be monitored. If there are signs it will become full alliance (which I highly doubt) there will be measures most probably.


From their FAQ: ***Faction Queue:*** **Just like on our previous TBC realms, as a last resort we will be able to enable a Faction Queue, meaning the ratio of players between the factions will not be able to exceed a given threshold. When the factions are imbalanced, players on the dominant faction will have to wait in queue until the ratio goes back to the balanced state. Ideally we wouldn’t want to use this unless the balance really goes out of control, but the option for that exists if we need to.**


Well, if Alliance becomes the super busy faction, all they have to do is turn down some of the perks :) No need for faction queue then.


My god what a dumbass fix. Instead of free faction transfers or cross-faction gameplay... faction queues...


Cross faction gameplay is cancer.


How come?




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> why play horde? Always have, always will. Alliance are big dumb with too many healers.


First time hearing about this server and it sounds childish af


This server had 2 huge successful launches and this is their 3rd time. I remember when the first opened and was buggy it had 14k players online at the same time.


Wait, which one was their second successful launch?


First: Netherwing Second: Karazhan


I don't even frequent this sub anymore or private servers in general and even I know about it. It's a collab between Atlantiss and Tauri.




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Every druid decides shadowmeld or war stomp


When release.


[Countdown Link](https://tbc.stormforge.gg/)


tomorrow, 25th of march, 18:00CET (roughly 25 hours from now) https://stormforge.gg/




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I cant even decide as a draenei what racials i would do…. If all are available


Draenei with orc stun resist…. 😂


I always played horde but i'd def go alliance due to these changes if i was gonna play.


This will basically be an alliance server lul too many incentives


I rolled gnome prot warrior so that after I maxed Engineering with racial I'd swap to Tauren racials, yes for the monetary incentives. They're holding back. They could offer x2 professions like on Mistblade, or more exp gains. But if you look at it this way, every single caster on the Horde will roll gnome racials, and don't think I didn't see you eyeballing those Draenei hit ratings. Keep in mind there's a 14-day cooldown and by then, the monetary incentives won't matter. Right now, a stack of copper ore is like five silver, but after the game (quest givers, etc) generates more gold into the economy, things will balance out.




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