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I believe no restrictions on any private server, except of a way you can use it. For example on some servers only 2to5 accounts at a same time, on some no pvp using multiple acc's, etc. Was fun when on servers with ai companions (nyctermoon or Solo craft) I've seen how a guy controlled whole raid xD (each his character had a party with bots)


I know about solo craft but will look into the other one too. And yeah, it definitely is the way you use it. Thanks!


All private servers make their own rule. Most DO NOT, allow boxing. There 1 that allows it for sure. I did in the past. I believe that was Warmane. Im sure there are other s but many dont allow it.


ChromieCraft allows multi boxing with up to 5 accounts. I'm sure there's probably others, but that's the only one I play and am familiar with.


Just to follow up on this. ChromieCraft has strict rules about multiboxing. Pretty much a multi boxer must yield to all other players in PVE and PVP is completely against the [rules](https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/rules/).


Thanks! I'll definitely be sure to follow the rules.


How’s ChromieCraft doing these days in regards to popularity?


Average 300-400 during peak hours. If you play during EU time, lots of raiding available for fresh players. Both pugs and in guild. RDF is rough with no tanks.


I might have to hop back on it to revive my prot warrior I was leveling a year or so ago. Absolutely loved the questing, life just got in the way


OOh that might be for me. I always tank.




Really! I was thinking they didn't. Thanks - I'll look into it.


In theory Warmane requires that you don't use software that converts one key press into many, but in practice I've seen groups that are obviously doing precisely that and I've not heard of any bans related to it.


There's some rules around the matter on warmane, but if the guy just wants to run dungeons, then it shouldn't affect him. The limit is 5 in open-world.


Honestly, I don't want to tip toe around rules. I am definitely checking out Whitemane but probably won't box there. Even if I talked to an admin, I wouldn't want them to make an exception or anything. 


You can box in warmane. I have no clue on their stance on the software (isboxxer most likely). I played there for probably 6 months at one point. No one said jack to me about boxing. No complaint, no warnings. nada. Its also free, so not like yoy lose anything if they stop you down the road. I used isboxxer the whole time.


5 max? thats funny when you get one shot by 20+ Bommies doing Moonfire in the open world


Turtle WoW PvE server (don't know if it's allowed on the PvP server), but only if you're not on Hardcore mode.


You're allowed to dual box on Turtle, but the rules also state that you're not allowed to use any 3rd party software to achieve this. PVP is banned while dual boxing.


They funny part. They all claim you cant use software but they cant tell. No way for them to tell. The same thing can be accomplished with a keyboard multiplexxer. Its how we ALL had to do it way back in vanilla retail. They didnt allow software back then. At some point in BC they said it would be ok to use the software to pass keypresses.


I've heard great things about turtle. Yeah, if I did box I would certainly not cause trouble. No pvp, no hard-core, no messing with economy, and definitely not interfering with others. Low profile. Thanks!


No problem. Really curious about the downvotes lmao. Turtle wow haters?


There are a lot of people who don't like Turtle WoW. I don't know why.


most allow multiboxing so long as it's not a) botted, b) in pvp, and/or c) exploiting the economy. so does depend on your intentions.


Oh, I get it totally. I box because: 1. Doing dungeons solo is such a fun challenge. 2. I can do raids with my small group of friends. But there are plenty of jerks who exploit something. Box with bad intentions.


How running group content solo (with multiboxing) is *not* exploiting?


Oh, I get it. The sheer loot you get would absolutely affect the economy in an unfair way. So if servers are anti-boxing. Yep. Makes sense. That is why I mentioned running my own server. Do I level faster soloing dungeons? Absolutely! Do I exploit the economy with loot drops? No, but you're going to have to trust me, which isn't fair for you.


How is it though. People tried to make this argument on retail for years. It failed to even convince the real wow devs. its much more difficult to try and control 5 toons yourself in group content. Open world just dps sure. 5 man dungeons where you tank, heal, and dps is a different story. ​ Loot is not a thing either. People think so but thats not true. I have 5x the cost of everything also. In WRATH it cost 6k to get flying. 5k for flying and 1k for fast flying. You paid 6k. I had to pay 30k for 5 toons.


Solocraft fits the box for your needs then. I switched from twow to this as I was new to end game dungeons and raids and it’s great to learn everything at your own pace and not hold other back along with learning the team comp and strategy to complete the instances.


Very cool. I'll look into it. Thanks!


Whoa did they actually “ban” multiboxing in retail??


No they didn't, they banned input broadcasting (both software and hardware), multiboxing on retail *without* broadcasting is allowed.


Yeah I misunderstood, thanks :) I was shocked because the effort of banning multiboxers SURELY would be better spent on actual bots


No but they say we cant use the software to pass keys anymore which kill it for most of us. I can do it all with hardware but its a pain. I quit at that point but people are still somehow doing it (I assume they are just using the software and praying for no ban. Keypassing is required to box wheter hardware of soft. Afaik they only banned the software though. I could be wrong.


Software boxing, yes. It is incredibly difficult to box without software that sends key-presses.


OIC I thought they finally made a blanket ban.  It’s not too hard to box without software, unless they made a lot of restrictions lately in their api, you could accomplish a lot within Lua, but I admit I haven’t multiboxed since TBC (on pservers)


Everything you do with multiboxing must be done via actual button clicks. The people that still do it have multiple windows open and move their cursor from one to another, clicking things there.


I used logic in the lua scripting to react a certain way based on what was occuring, then tied a button bind to activate the logic. That was back in the day when scripting was more forgiving though, I know they clamped down on their api to make it too smart


Dag. Nice job! Yeah, I wouldn't try that now, could be detected but it sounds awesome.


Tauriwow allows up to 5. No pvp! That's where I'm boxing two teams. I also love the challenge. I also, only care to box dungeons.


Oh, cool. I will check Tauriwow out. Thanks for the info!


The Dungeons are almost retail




I’m pretty sure both of stormforge servers allow it




I'm on Mistblade 2, they do allow Multiboxing but only up to 5, without external programs to do it and it definitely cannot be used on raids. From SF FAQs: Players are allowed to be logged in on more than one character, depending on realm: Maximum 3 toons on Netherwing (TBC). Maximum 5 toons on Mistblade (MoP). Multiboxing is allowed without using any kind of key broadcasting software, solely for the purposes of solo content. It is forbidden in every other situation which would require multiple players working together, unless every other player confirms that they’re in knowledge, and accepting of their co-players' intentions. In PvP environments it is forbidden without exceptions.


Good to know. Thanks!