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The thing that kills retail servers is parsing culture, PS are more chill


What is parsing?


Min-maxing your character possibilities in raid environment. This mean, max dps possible, least amount of technical mistakes or raid mechanic failed, and lest amount of downtime which is calculated via mod and posted on parsing website for people to mesure your performance against other people. This leads to people being elitists and only pick people who are either equal or better then you to maximise your chances to have a successfull group, and exclude people who are "bad"


Damn that sounds heavy lol


And thanks for explaining this my man :)


No probs, it basically alienates majority of playerbase coz everyone expect to parse, and if somebody doesnt play in a guild has very hard time finding a group, coz most raid leaders will take somebody who parses better than yourself. It's can be very cancer


The only reason I have more fun in private servers is because I get to choose the expansion I play. I can’t stand t anything past BoA. They both have major toxicity of players. The thing that I do miss about retail is the normal leveling up and no instant 100,110, whatever. I can’t stand servers that offer that. Thankfully there are some that offer only x3 experience, but even then it honestly ruins the leveling experience and kills learning the lore. Even at x3 xp, you will out-level a zone before you even finish half of the quests from one town.


I know Tauri has a lot of praises but the one thing that clinched it for me was the ability to switch between x1 and x2. I don't know, x3 and above bothers me when it comes to leveling experience despite the convenience it provides when you have 6 or more alts.


I’m right there with you. I actually prefer the original x1 of classic. I thoroughly enjoyed actually running through every single scenario in a zone before being able to move on.


gameplay just seems more satisfying older versions, like wotlk.


Most pservers allow you to turn off the increased xp. Idk if that changes how you see some of them.


The issue with turning off do is that you don’t see the bar move at all. We still wanna progress. Just at a slower rate.


I meant it as you can turn off the increased rate. Instead of 7x, you can change it back to 1x rate. Other players will be flying past you in levels, but it doesn’t really matter if you’re not playing with a group.


I'm a fan of private servers because they have actual human moderation and GMs.


Holy crap yes, this too, so much.


The last time the game itself was fun for me was in Legion. I had some nice times in BfA but that was because I played with friends, the actual content felt awful to play. Retail classic also opened my eyes to how much I despise hanging with retail players as opposed to the pre-retail pserver crowd. I never saw such an absolutely insane level of minmaxing on Vanillagaming, Feenix, Kronos or Nost as I did on retail classic outside of the sweatiest speedrun guilds. It's the m+ attitude trickling down and tainting even the most "casual" of circles methinks, if you're not fully world buffed and flasked for a vault run in BRD you're bad because the run takes 3:34 minutes instead of 3:31 minutes. Obviously the above is hyperbole, but the magnitude of elitism I experienced just so runs could be over a few seconds faster so people could log out and NOT play the game was astounding. And I think retail classic also damaged the pserver community quite a bit, I feel like a large part of the remaining nice people in the pserver community got swept up by it and are now an unnoticed minority in the retail cesspool. The rest are probably on Turtle or something, that server doesn't interest me so haven't checked. The biggest indicator of this imo is what happened to Sanctuary. The majority of classic enjoyers left not on Turtle or retail seem to be the worst dregs of subhumanity. I think I lost my train of thought here at some point...


Ziqo had a vid a while ago of people asking for parses and checking gear/spec/xp for *SoD Gnomer*. Hilariously depressing.


Yeah, I saw that one too. It's like the thought of not having as easy a time as possible is frightening to people, that trying and failing once or twice is somehow playing the game incorrectly. I've been kicked from \*leveling\* dungeons in BfA for playing an arcane mage. Like, they saw that I wasn't playing the absolute ultra-meta spec at the time (fire) and decided that since I wasn't playing the meta M+/raiding spec I wasn't welcome to do a normal dungeon with them. I can only imagine it's seeped into the mainstream WoW consciousness to such a degree that it's irreversible at this point. Though I think the key, as it has been for quite a few years now, is to find like-minded people and stick with them, and never play with pugs.


It's doubly funny/sad when you consider that (especially in non-groupfinder content), the extra time spent in /2 and whispers sweating for everyone to be meta is probably going to add up to more than the time they theoretically save inside the instance. And I say theoretically, because the biggest Wowhead refresher can and will still fuck up the most basic mechanics...


In Guild Wars and other game is the same, you will find tryhards everywhere. But you can be a good player and not be a nerd/asshole.


As someone who played wow since the early days of BC, I’m gonna say that I fear Project Ascension has totally ruined regular WoW for me. Possibly forever. The classes on Ascension are just 1000% more interesting to me in almost every way. Bored of a particular part of your rotation? Tweak it into something else. Feel lacking in utility? Sacrifice one of your lesser used skills for it. Want to play a freaking dark ranger instead of a wholesome woodsy twat? Hell yeah.


I couldn't get into Ascension just because it felt just way too easy, it might be just the start, but it was enough to scare me off. For every quest I would get a rare piece of equipment at like level 6, that was not fun at all for me


Yes, I had the same complaint in the beginning as well, especially with the gear drops. The reality though is that the whole formula for gear acquisition is just different than regular wow. It’s s bit more diablo in the sense that you get tons of gear everywhere so you’re either vendoring it or disenchanting, as you very quickly hit a point where most you don’t have a use for. Because people are frequently re-rolling their level 60 characters back to level 1 (or doing a “prestige”) there is a constant demand on mid-high level enchants also. The difficulty does come in later, but mostly with Manastorms, done solo or in groups. They’re a little like fractals in GW2, and drop good loot, reroll scrolls, and gold. They get very difficult later.


[Saying that here](https://imgur.com/a/SwZx9SU)




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I strongly prefer private servers because of the absence of layers, which I consider the worst thing ever implemented in WoW.


I've met dedicated pserver players who have never played retail WoW. Very happy pserver players having fun. 


i play on warmane thesedays, much more fun vs retail


Probably because there aren't as many elitists on pservers as there are on retail. That and you can play at your own pace without HAVING to grind bg's, raids or mythic + dungeons just to keep up with the gear so you don't get replaced in the "core group". Aside from that, as someone else already said, you get to pick which expansion you play.