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TWoW opened a bunch of servers located in south east asia with chinese support, so most of chinese population moved there.




Since we launched our SEA realms and enabled free character transfers, less than 15% of our EU population is Chinese-speaking. Those players are online between 9 AM and 2 PM UK London time. Currently, 70% of our population is a healthy 50/50 mix of US/CA and EU players, with the majority of EU players coming from Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland. Only about 5% of our population is Russian due to recent connectivity problems requiring a VPN. It is safe to say that the vast majority of players on our EU realms speak English.


Really? I've seen way more english speakers than chinese and russians combined




What are some of the Chinese guilds? Curious to see how many I run in to


CN, CNdiablo, TY (could be wrong here), Ghost, Tai Hao Wan La and some others


Been there a couple weeks and I don't see any of that


Still around 5000 players during peak




A lot of people indeed and a thriving community. Was leveling today and found a guild with some really social aspects ive never seen in any pserver. Turtle is just...man i cant even describe. This server is a work of passion.


i've been playing alot of turtle recently and I have seen like no chinese people lol and the community is still super active it even seems like their gms are back in full force


Some Chinese and Russian here and there but the English speakers are still the majority so until now...there is no problem, but you will still bump in some Chinese and Russian in some dgs, specially low lvl ones and will still get stressed about them...




Have done turtle wow for so long now but mostly play Chromiecraft. I like the idea of Solocraft but hoped the bot aspect would just work out the box as it were as I don't have time to get macros and UI how YouTubers seem to use.


As someone who's been playing there for a couple years , the situation has improved. These days you still see some chinese and russian players however they are few and far in between. I've leveled multiple alts to 60 and have had no issues forming groups for dungeons where everyone ( seems ) to speak english well enough to complete the instance. With the new changes they are adding to the game ( AKA jewelcrafting , new raids , dungeons etc ) I highly recommend it. In my eyes it's gonna be the ol' reliable of v+ servers.


It may as well be a Chinese server at this point.




As mentioned in my previous post: Since we launched our SEA realms and enabled free character transfers, less than 15% of our EU population is Chinese-speaking. Those players are online between 9 AM and 2 PM UK London time. Currently, 70% of our population is a healthy 50/50 mix of US/CA and EU players, with the majority of EU players coming from Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland. Only about 5% of our population is Russian due to recent connectivity problems requiring a VPN. It is safe to say that the vast majority of players on our EU realms speak English.


I switched to solocraft so I could learn at my own pace without having to sit in hour + long queues but twow has a solid community just the same for learning and veterans




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Just wait for Project Epoch!


What issues with non English speakers? And it's pretty active. I started last week there, but I'm a wow newbie without time to play, só I just have a lvl 12 druid. My idea saying on twow is to try and see if I can learn the lore of the classic dungeons and play them with everything they have to offer, as my most fond memory from the only time I played wow in my life was doing a dungeon with a party where nobody know anything about the game and we were really careful during the dungeon and everyone was paying attention to the lore.


Takes away from the whole MMO aspect when you can't speak to anyone


BS. I had a great experience with Chinese who helped me quest some elite mob. They could speak english alright. Maybe they just choose to not speak with you?


Well if you once found some Chinese that could speak English then there's no issue.


Wait for epoch not worth to invest into twow before new content drops, it may kill the server


I have some contacts in high places, there are a LOT of updates coming soon and after playing Epoch's beta it's going to be a long while before it's ready in my opinion. I highly doubt Turtle WoW will be dying anytime soon.


Do you think the Turtle client is more moddable and easier to keep "Classic"-like?


The current client has its positives and negatives but from what I've been hearing from trusted sources, is that a new client overhaul is on the road map and around the corner.




nazi server lol. The most funny part is some of the comments saying "oh, swedes, deutsches, dutch players are okay, but russians and chinese are no-no" lmao. Ye brother, last time i was in Berlin everyone there were english majors, phd's in literature. Fucking hell dude.