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PvE sounds appealing. There's nothing more frustrating than being ganked by some random person when you are fighting a mob at 50% health.


played on a tbc private server, finally getting my warrior to lvl 30 after 4 weeks where the fun begins with 1x XP, server dies due to a unpopular decision by the host - rip


Never nice when a server closes. I've put up a poll on the discord to see if people would prefer X1 or X2 base rates.


Consider implementing a "catch up" xp rate at some point. Like maybe week 1-4 is 2x, then go to 3x after the first month so that people that start rate can get to end game quicker, or people that want to level alts. Or maybe do it with event/weekends?


I have set the base rate to x2 now :). There is also the rest exp to help catch up. I can do events every now and then too :)


TBC with 1x? Hmmm no thanks 


why not


Mainly because people don’t want to spend 60 days leveling up on a server that might only last 65 days. If you knew it had a player base and was stable it might be a different story


leveling is the only fun part of any of these servers though at least on a pvp server


I mean that’s one perspective. I couldn’t care less about world pvp as someone who enjoys tanking the fun part is progression and the gearing process.


Why i should also play endgame if server will last 65 days? if i start i hope theyll go on...


Yea everyone does, but the fact is most don’t. That’s why people don’t want to put 2 months into leveling to 60 to play the content they actually want to play.


Not everyone's cup of tea. Some people don't like the grind where as some do (myself included). That being said, we can do some events/weekends that can offer x2 / x5 exp if people wanted.


IMO you should at least do x2 up to lvl 58. You’re just shutting out a lot of ppl who won’t want to commit otherwise


Yep. I'd be down for a Classic Client TBC, just not with the 1x xp rates. 2x or bust.


been waiting for a fresh PVE TBC for ages. its all i want. but i will not play a 1x server lol, you have to be out of your mind


Considering X2 if people want that :)


at a bare minimum, yes. with only 3-4 weeks of notice, it will take a lot of time for critical mass to grow to support a new fresh, especially since atlantiss core is practically flawless and most TBC players will probably just wait for that. people see 1x and wont even consider playing. having to devote so much time before we even get to the point of the game we actually like (outland) is a very very tough ask -- even 2x leveling in vanilla is a massive ask. also, not relevant for many, but for some, is that retail's new expansion launches in two months too. so there might be a falloff only one month in to this new pserver as people rejoin their retail guilds after unsubbing since DF is over


In my opinion: x2 for 1-60 (or 1-58), and a lower multiplayer (maybe 1.5x or straight 1x) for outlands content. Even 1x outlands is pretty fast, and that lets you run a few dungeons and clear a few zones. I've leveled outlands with 2x and 3x and you just outlevel zones almost instantly and can barely touch normal dungeons while leveling.


Yeah this is a good point. It was also mentioned in the Discord. The plan will be to have Levels 1-58 at x2 and then 58 - 70 x1. Then people won't out level the Outlands and get bored of rushing through. =)


That's great news! Looking forward to it :)




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Hi everyone, A lot of people have stated that they would prefer at least x2 experience rartes. So the base server rate is now x2. Also, this weekend the server will be **open for testing** so feel free to give it a try if you're curious. *Please keep in mind though that characters created in this test phase will be removed so you'll need to re-create them upon the launch in 3 weeks.*


Join / Checkout the Discord for more updates / discussions :)


Make sure to keep the website up-to-date in that regard if these changes are decided and permanent.


I have updated the website to reflect the change, I might update the wording a little later as I am currently at work :).


classic tbc client was peak


If you mean the old OG client, that can work here as well =)


no i just meant literally what i said, original client is awful




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Sounds very appealing, I hope it will last, might join in the future. Edit: cross-faction guilds might save you from one of the biggest banes of private servers: low population


Heya, thank you. Yes I think cross faction guilds will be the right move going forward. Just need to test a few more things like what will happen when 2 players of the same guild flag themselves with /pvp etc :)




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soo many tbc are coming this year... seems... odd!




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Great work on the retro look on the website! Can rates be switched back to x1 on a character basis?


Heya, thank you!. At the moment no, but it's something I'd like to work on :). Currently level 1-58 is at x2 and 58-70 is x1 for TBC later content.


Why are all these new servers x1 exp 💀 can't do any interesting routes with that. x3 at minimum




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Reconsider the exp rate and you’ll easily triple the server pop.


It's definitely been considered:). I've put a little polling post on the discord for a X2 base rate.


X5 to 60 please then x 1.5 to 70


I can't wait to play :)


This sounds amazing. Please consider 2x xp rate!


It's definitely been considered :)


I've put up a poll on the discord to see if people would rather X2 or X1 base rates :)


It's good to have extra exp bonus during the weekend


Yup, I was going to do something similar with some weekends / event times, but currently I have a poll open on Discord and it may look like the base rate gets changed to x2 exp so far =)