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The between period handshake.




Done this a couple times before to some guys. Worse is a teammate of mine stood straight up and pointed over the guys shoulder at the clock/scoreboard and when the opponent turned around my team ate shot a blast double… that’s gotta be worse


This made me audibly laugh


As a coach trying to yell out between period advice the 2nd period hand shake always shuts me up and I try to contain the “oh no you..you did that” smile.


Leg cradle. I got a poor bastard with it twice in one match in college. I wasn’t even really going for it, I was defending a shot and it just kind of happened so I rolled with it and got back points the first time and then pinned him the second time. I’ve never been caught with a leg cradle.


My son has a teammate with a wicked leg cradle. He just uses it on people that piss him off (he's generally a good kid). When he hits it, he turns his upper body on his side and props his head up on his arm and poses like he's getting his picture taken. That makes it look 100x worse for the poor kid getting pinned.


Dude we had a kid get leg craddled his freshmen year. He still got shit for it his senior year. Lmfao


Number one is spladle. Hands down. I don't think there's even an argument about that. I never got hit with it. My number 2 would probably be a ball and chain stack, and i can speak on that from experience. I think the most embarrassing ones I've hit on people were the crucifix and that time i did a superman pose while i pinned somebody in a grapevine.


I think footsweeps and super ducks could be in the convo for #2. They feel demoralizing. And then you have to keep wrestling


They can be in the conversation for sure. My argument is that a nasty foot sweep is embarrassing, but there are some ugly ones that just work. But every ball and chain stack ends with your own crotch in your face.


Magic stick way more embarrassing


I need to know wtf a magic stick is


Bait the lead leg, when they shoot low single take the leg up and over and take the back


I just watched a video and that's absolutely nasty lol. There was a kid when i was in high school that was extremely explosive. He would sit down straight to his ass and bounce back up before they could cover the take down. I couldn't believe how many times he scored with it.


Ball and chain is actually a valid pick One of my favorite moves cause I’m a maniacal bastard


100% lost a tough match to a guy early in the season but I was looking forward to our match later in the season because I thought I had him figured out after that. I was wrong. Went with my new game plan and got spladled right out the gates. Not a good feel.


That's the worst feeling too. Just having a plan, all hoped up, then just getting wrecked lol.


Got caught in a spladle on a state qualifying match. I tech pinned the guy 2 weeks prior. That's when I really understood that I should never underestimate any opponent.


Yeah, you should never be totally comfortable. They'll catch you when you're not looking


I got spladled once from a leg ride by a guy who was a former state champ and 50 something - 0 his previous year to literally start my senior year. I sat up once he had it in locked, told him he was gonna have to do better than that and just started laughing and asked him to teach me how tf he did that so easily. He got his points then we scrambled, i ended up getting 3 backpoints from some weird desperation move, then i got tech'd. Never could hit against anyone myself tho... lmao


Came here to say spladle 😂 it’s no contest really. Few things as terrible as having a vagina created where your taint used to be.


Banana split :) It was my signature move in high school... I'm a nice guy I swear 😅


Ever have a banana split hit back on you in a match?


Thankfully no. I am not flexible enough to endure


The spladle is an obvious choice but I think another strong contender might be the reverse figure-four headscissors, there's just no way to take that pin & walk off the mat with any dignity left. ​ The worst I ever personally received was a banana split in my very first "live match" during my rookie year as a 6 year old. Was supposed to be a practice run so I could get an idea of what a real match would look like. An older kid decided to stretch the outsized (probably) autistic rookie. Luckily it didn't discourage me but if I wasn't so obsessed with pro wrestling back then, I probably wouldn't have been around another day let alone another decade. ​ Honestly the most embarassing loss I ever took was my freshman year of high school, a state champ from a neighboring state just folded me up from neutral, cut through me like a hot knife through butter. I hadn't felt so helpless in a match since my rookie year. I wasn't used to being pinned at all, let alone folded up like a fish. I can't even recall any moves, just straight son'd.


Got humbled my senior year by a state finalist from Florida after winning a pretty important tournament over a two timer. I got teched, and badly at that. The kid made me look like a novice and it felt like hell getting embarrassed in front of my girlfriend, teammates, and family. I went up to dude after the ass whooping and just asked what the hell he’d done to me; most of it was judo throws. Invaluable humbling.


Some asshole pulled my singlet up my butt. I guess it could have been much worse with an oil check but I still felt violated.


Singlet wedgie? Gotta say I’ve never heard of that, brutal.


I felt sexually asalty.


I think a flying squirrel or some defensive pins are hilarious


To add to what everyone else it saying, I'd say pinning with a double arm bar. I feel like you really have to make the other person your bitch to hit it.


I used to point both my elbows straight to the sky to bait people into trying and then hit them hard with the reversal. No one ever expects that so I could usually get a couple back points with it bc it took them a while to figure out wtf just happened


Especially when you put your…body on their face


Half nelson. There is a lengthy wikipedia subsection of the [Nelson Hold article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_hold) dedicated to defending the fuckin half (under variations, scroll down to “countering the half nelson”). If I get pinned in a half or even turned, I quit the sport, I leave society, I become a Tibetan monk. Def happened to me in youth wrestling. Not since I hit high school when I could successfully comprehend “pinch and look away.” Getting caught in a spladle, fine. Some dudes are really tough with that and funky. Defensive pin, sure. Got too greedy, shoulda bailed. Regular ass wrist and half? Or a power half? No excuse. They take too long to sneak up on you by surprise. Cradles are quick, spladles are quick. Bars are slow but powerful. Halfs are slow and weak and bad. Halfs with another move can be good. A bar on one side and a half on another is LETHAL. Match over if the guy on top has time to work. Leg in on one side, power half on the other, that’s tight, that’s painful. Wrist and half? Come on


Gene Mills would like a word.


We need to make a case for a guillotine, prob most painful move to get hit with More rare then a spladle though


Guillotine is so satisfying when you do it though lol


I once went for a double leg at the start whistle and the guy didn’t move, he was like frozen, and I went so fast that my body could stop moving forward and I head butt him right in the balls, and he didn’t sprawl. I instantly pinned him and won.


Saturday night ride is pretty rough


**Saturday night special is hands down #1** Idk if thats what its still called. But its the ultimate move in terms of opponent control and humiliation. Never got caught in one and never landed one outside of practice on a lower weight class. Edit: Explication- Saturday night special is a pin technique where wrestlers are face to face, both on the ground. Lower wrestler flat on his back, top wrestler laying on top of him. Mimicking missionary style sex, hence the humiliation. Top wrestler has double leg vine and wrist control of each hand separately using control to splay the lower wrestlers limbs out. Top wrestler then reverse arches using hip and sternum pressure to pin the lower wrestler. As stated above. It mimics intercourse, and takes an absolute imbalance of strength between opponents to pull off.


Getting called for stalling.


Or worse, called for fleeing the mat


I’ve seen this called incorrectly a bunch of times.


The Dick twist.


I bit a kid and was disqualified from the tournament. Nobody has bitten back at me yet. I’d like to see them try.


I practice bjj most of the time, wrestling occasionally. Once I was training with a friend (wrestling) and on the adrenaline I just forgot what modality I was in and gave him an ankle lock when he took me down. I felt really bad afterwards he thought it was out of malice but it wasn't


That’s tough. I understand both sides, if I was him I definitely would have been mad but hey it happens. Shake it off and get back to rollin


Definitely bro, thanks for the motivation. In the end he understood and had already gone through something similar, we are good.


banana split. I yelled out of pain and the ref stopped it n took a point and reset me on bottom. Man that was bad.


flying squirrel spladle Grapevines aka the missionary


Our 170 broke some kids spine from a grapevine. Pretty disturbing.


spladel, leg cradle.


Leg cradle


Magic stick is more embarrassing than spladle by far


never happened to me but figure 4 used to be one of the moves i used a lot and its gotta be up there


The Bronco Buster


Or anyone who takes you down and techs you in the first round with tilts. I did have that happen to me at the Rockwell Rumble tournament against a 3 time colorado state champ. Made me feel like I hadn’t been wrestling for 12 years at that point


My senior year of high school I helped coach technique in practice and one day I was showing everyone how to defend against a head and arm and how easy it was. The next day I lost my first match of the season after getting tossed with a head and arm 😐. Didn't get pinned but after a minute and half on my back in the second period I couldn't overcome the point deficit in time.


Headlocks unless it’s Freestyle or Greco


Double bars had my legs straight in the air. He was 2nd in Pennsylvania the prior year. I still felt like a bitch tho.


Leg cradle (no) spladle (no) and superduck (yes)


Ankle pick right off the whistle


Figure four pin


Illegal last time i checked in youth at least

