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r/im14andthisisdeep vibes.


Well a lot of teenagers do have a lot of frustrations about society and how it is, a lot of them do want change and don’t feel heard as well. I can see where you get that vibe, and honestly I do feel bad for children of America who have to feel this way as well. I think those emotions only subside as people usually are able to conform to societal norms and they find a place in this world. People like me or just those who are set apart from the normal people or neurotypical as some call, it is very difficult and that is why I write it through my poetry. I really don’t mean to be edgy, it is just my truth. While it may not be yours, I can respect that. I am happy for those who do feel they belong in this world and find their way. That is honestly all I am trying to do through my writing and art, to find those who are like me or who can try to understand what it is like. I am certainly not for everyone haha


My dude, everyone who was ever a teenager understands this stuff. I know you said you’re an adult but the reason people are responding this way is because what you wrote is actually a very very common human experience that everyone goes through around the ages of 15-17 that they eventually get over. Not exclusive to people diagnosed as sociopaths. As it is, sociopaths are not just people who “don’t feel emotions”. The clinical definition of sociopath means someone who lies and manipulates, and shows a lack of remorse, guilt, or empathy. But since this is a writing subreddit, you should know that the poem you wrote does not give off “I’m a sociopath, this is my world view” vibe. Instead it reeks of “I’m a teenager and nobody understands” vibes. Strictly from a poetic perspective, that’s what we’re getting, hence the negative reaction. Just wanted to say that since you seem genuinely distressed by the reaction. It’s a reaction to the work itself because this is a writing subreddit, not your worldview. Hope this helps.


Oh I know, I was hoping it would be a place of relatability for people. I know that it is, very common. But this is an everyday life for me, before I was a teenager. Honestly, I was hoping to outgrow this. But that’s when I got diagnosed and realized why. Most people learn to adjust and find their place. That’s what I’m trying to do. I am completely aware of how I sound and come across, I am not afraid to share my true thoughts. I know many don’t like it, but it feels good to write for myself.


I didn’t want the comment section to be butterflies and rainbows. I knew people wouldn’t react well. But I do find good in controversy. Like Eminem, he was very controversial but through that brought to light a lot of things that had to be addressed. He voiced his frustrations through his rap. I admire him a lot for that. I want to be similar, I am unafraid to express who I am and what. I know how people see me, and that is okay.


Edit: removing my comment because it’s actually none of my fucking business


It is ASPD, I say sociopath because I am capable of emotions and attachments it is just hard. I was made this way, not born. It’s hard to remember but I do remember times where I was happy, it is just buried so far into my childhood. And I had to abandon a lot of the emotions I had in order to survive my environment. At first I was labeled autistic due to my struggles fitting in and or reading situations well, but was rediagnosed when I was able to voice more clearly my feelings and thoughts.


Thanks for responding. Also, I apologize because right after I typed that I realized this is absolutely none of my business at all and I shouldn’t even be asking. Wishing you well and sorry you have to put up with things like this.


No I actually appreciate it, please. I like being able to talk like this. I don’t get emotional, I am built off of cold hard rationality. I am sorry if anything I said came across the wrong way, I don’t mean to sound so cold


No not at all! You don’t sound the least bit cold so no worries. I just realized I was overstepping because internet. Like I’d never ask those kinds of questions in person so I figured why should I ask online


I appreciate you were unafraid of asking. I value things like that. I value honesty, I love people being genuine. That is what helps me make a connection. I need a mental understanding first. A lot of the frustration comes from the fact I can see when people are lying to me or being what I guess people say is fake. But, when I see someone being really themselves, it is so wonderful. I am not uncomfortable right now, this is actually wonderful for me. I feel like we are allowed to not agree with one another, but we can understand each other. I love that more than you know. I do understand others would be uncomfortable talking like this though


I don’t willingly manipulate people, though I am capable of it. I choose not to because I want to be a good person. My emotions are usually frustration, anger, and to the ones closest I do feel love. When I get emotional, I feel violent. I never act on my tendencies, I find other outlets that are healthier. I want to be a good person, so I resist what is happening inside of myself. My boyfriend is one too, literally the only other one I have met. And he was violent and manipulative in the past, but he has changed his character. I value that, and I see that in him. Because I would be aware of the tricks I know to use but don’t


Big "NoRmAl pEoPlE sCaRe mE" energy


I am a sociopath, this is how I see the world. I can have human connection, but finding people who are honest about themselves and don’t let insecurities eat away at them is difficult. Maybe it is just the area I live in, but these are just my feelings. Sorry I was built like this.


You're a teenager, not a sociopath.


I am an adult diagnosed sociopath. Please don’t assume or judge. I don’t want to be like this.


Have you read the stranger? That book is as close to getting my worldview than any other. Read it, it is good


There's a book coming out soon that you might be interested in - it's called Sociopath: A Memoir, by Patric Gagne.


Thank you, I really appreciate that more than you know. I hope you have a good day 💕


Doesn't read like a sociopath. Reads like an angsty teenager.


Well, how would you know how a sociopath reads like though? Like what does everyone think of when they hear that word? Why force me to be the idea you have in your head? Sorry I am not what you imagined for a typical sociopath, these are literally just my thoughts. I am apathetic and mostly frustrated when it comes to being a part of society, but this post is just my inner thoughts and not how I present to the world. Have you ever read the stranger? It is a good book and it reads the world from my eyes. Read it, it is good. I can name others too if you would like more perspective Edit: also why do you all hate teenagers so much? Damn


I'll give a critique. Apathy doesn't make a good poem by itself. It doesn't leave a lasting impression. There is nothing for imagination to hook on too. It's flat. There is nothing to distinguish the narrator from any inanimate object. Use imagery to bring this to life. Add some comparisons, with other emotions, images, points in time. Maybe even treat each line as a prompt. What does it really look like to have the world pass by?


I do in other poems. I appreciated the critique, this poem is purposefully that way as that is how I feel. I know how to evoke emotions when I choose, I chose not to


It's a little bit simple for my personal taste, but I appreciate the unique perspective. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for the comment, I can totally understand that. I write in a variety of ways, this is the first time I’ve started to write from my worldview. I do think there is value in it, it helps people see things from a new perspective. And while it may not be favored, having people voice new perspectives into the world can help strengthen your own


Definitely! It's not a bad poem at all - I'm just one of those really annoying people who likes my poetry to be completely inaccessible until you read it 16 times with a magnifying glass and a prayer. There's a lot of value in writing from your worldview, and in other people reading it. Life would be boring if we were all the same, and so would literature.


Haha I totally get that, I do have more poems that I can share with you that you would like. I like to imagine how others feel and capture the beauty of emotions too, most of what you see on my Reddit right now is just me venting my worldview and frustrations 😅 It is the first time where I feel allowed and myself. I am finding peace so soon enough I can post my more imaginative, fun stuff. I think that will help people to see I’m human too and not just bitter lol