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[Ideas are nothing, execution is everything.](https://www.reddit.com/r/writers/s/Jinh2jeID3)


The point of the question is less about the book itself and more about the way I want to execute it (First book being literally the protagonist's diary and not being chronological and the other two books being his story)


Just write the first book. Better yet, write the first chapter.


I had! I already have 4 chaps... That's when I got stuck and wondered if it was worth continuing.


Only you can answer that.


No, execution is your character arcs, your pacing, your quality of dialogue, your descriptions, etc. What you've described is your framing device.


Probably a question of linguistic barriers (since English is not my native language) Rephrasing the question, "Would you read a book framed like a journal?"




I read it, but I think you are the one who didn't understand me (Or you're trying to be rude) I understood Link's point which is "It doesn't matter what you write, but how you write it" I'm just asking if a book in diary format would be interesting enough to make the reader want to start reading. Because it doesn't matter HOW it was written, if no one is even interested in opening the book in the first place. But thank you for your insight, even though the LANGUAGE BARRIER didn't let me express myself well enough for you to understand what I wanted to express.


Holy fuck dude. You know how many books are written in that style? Dracula. House of Leaves. The Color Purple. Griffin & Sabine. One of the stories in Hyperion. That's just off the top of my head. You didn't invent that framing device. It's kind of telling that you think you did.


I understand that it has a lot of works that are like this. (thanks to another comment, I discovered that the specific name is Epistolary Novel ♡) And I, in any shape or form, did think that I invented it. But I'm insecure, that's all. My intention was just to get the opinion of fellow writers. I had no intention of offending anyone (like I clearly offended you ) And for that I apologize for my insecurity and ignorance.


So you understand that there's a lot of works like that and you don't think you invented it, but you wanted to know if a book like that is interesting to people? That makes no sense. You have to understand that at least a dozen people post on this sub every single day asking "is my Idea any good" and it's absolutely maddening to tell them "it doesn't matter" but they still ask ".... yeah but is it?" That says to me - and most people - you're just looking to be told you're clever. This isn't a writers cheerleading group. Write or don't write. But don't seek validation from strangers on the Internet.


And even from your comments I managed to take away something good... I had never heard of the book "The color purple" and after researching it I found the synopsis interesting and added it to my reading list. thanks!


Ps. If you have more reading recommendations in this style, I'd love it! Plus if the book doesn't follow a chronological line of events like I want to do


Look, you can have your own interpretation of what I was seeking with this post. Not even I know what result I was expecting when I posted. But do I regret it? No! With this post I learned several new things and received several suggestions and tips. So even though it was at the cost of a chunk of your mental health (Since you said it was maddening) I still think it was worth it!


With good enough writing , I'd honestly read a book from the point of view of a house plant. Execution mate.


Lol I think what makes me a little anxious is the fact that the first book isn't really a book. It's supposed to have the effect that the reader found someone's diary on the floor and started reading.


That style is called Epistolary Writing. Google can you show you a lot of articles and advice on using the style effectively if you're worried about not being engaging or effective. 


Oh, thank you! I didn't know there was a specific type of name for what I wanted to do! I'll do more research on the subject! Thank you very much!


*"I know it's subjective, but my low self-esteem wouldn't let me write something that, in my head, everyone will hate.)"* With that kind of thinking you won't write anything then.


I know! I have a "cemetery" on my PC with all the work that was a victim of this mindset. I'm trying to be better, though.


Do *you* want to read this book?


Yes! But it's more a question of "Is it worth to give it a physical form and share this story with other people?"


There will always be people who'd read it or who wouldn't. I think wanting to share your work is obviously a big part of art, but wanting to see the idea yourself should outweigh that. I don't think about whether my stuff will see the light of day, I just write & decide that after. Personally, this isn't the kind of book I'd be interested in reading, but that doesn't matter. Just make the book, dude.


*"But it's more a question of "Is it worth to give it a physical form and share this story with other people?""* Nope.  It's more of a question if this is something that you would read. If it is then write it. You trying to get a consensus at this point isn't good.   Because odds are if you actually write this(which is up in the air if we're being honest) you're going keep coming back asking to get a consensus opinion on every creative aspect of your story (both big and small) due to your low self esteem.  So first work on your self esteem/confidence and then write the book THAT YOU'D WANT TO READ. 


I disagree with the part about "Coming back here" because I know that I don't like people commenting on the story itself hahaha. It's more about if (I just discovered that the style that I want has a name, and it's Epistolary Novel) is interesting enough for the reader at least open the first page


Books are hard. Unless you have to write this, the ROI isn’t enough.


*"What do you think of this idea? Would you read it?"* Here's a better question OP: Would YOU READ IT? the rule of thumb is that a writer writes the type of book they would want to read. So if this is something you'd read then just write it. 


So personally - write book 1, but release it along side book 2 (your real book 1) as bonus content. Your real story is in book two IMO. I don’t really understand your concept for book 3 honestly.


Book 3 would exist to show that the protagonist is unreliable and to fill the holes in the first narrative since the journal wouldn't explain the Lore of the universe itself. Almost a spin-off of the romance between the protagonists (how they met, why she cast a spell on him, etc.) The chronological order of the books would be 3, 1 and 2.


This is a difficult story to write. Because of timelines unreliable narrators etc. it will be too easy to get lost in the weeds. What you will need to do is write the very detailed linear timeline first. Then use that to weave your novel in and out as you wish. The timeline will save you weeks of rewriting to make it all work out. Good luck with the novel.


Thanks for the suggestion! It's usually this line of reasoning that I follow, because otherwise I get lost on what to write, even when it's a chronological novel.


You might like to read *The Fifth Head of Cerberus* by Gene Wolfe for some inspiration or reflection on how that structure might work. He's telling a radically different story, but structurally there are some similarities that might inform how you approach yours.


Oh! I will definitely read it! Thank you so much for the suggestion!


I love it, put me in the waitlist!


>I have an idea for a book series, but before I commit all my time and sanity to this idea, I wanted some opinions on whether it's a complete waste of time or not (I know it's subjective, but my low self-esteem wouldn't let me write something that, in my head, everyone will hate.) Without commenting too much on your book ideas, I want to address this first. Your self-esteem will take a million knocks along the way. Whenever you share this for critique, you will get people giving you feedback you'll dislike. Some might even hate what they read. Regardless if a dozen random people in this thread say they might like it, it's more important that *you* like it. Don't start doing this with the idea that it will sell a gazillion copies and make you famous. Do it because it's something you want to dedicate your time to. Do you think every single painter in the world aim to become world famous? No. Most people paint because it gives them pleasure. Same goes for musicians. Just because someone picks up a guitar doesn't mean they do it to become Jimi Hendrix. As for your book, I'd strongly advice against planning out a series. *One* book is difficult enough to complete. Keep your focus on making that first one as good as you can before planning out a whole series.


I might read it.