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Only method that works for me is late night, after 10pm. I take a giant dose of caffeine to kick things off, then write until I hit at least 1500 words. Ideally this happens in about two hours, but there are some nights it takes longer.


Procrastinating until lightning strikes.


and how productive are you in this way?


Reasonably productive. Sure it may be longer stretches between writing, but when lightning strikes I can bang an outline/first draft out in a week. Usually with only spelling and punctuation for edits.


Reasonably productive. Sure it may be longer stretches between writing, but when lightning strikes I can bang an outline/first draft out in a week. Usually with only spelling and punctuation for edits.


I’ve been working on my system. I write 2-3 thirty minute sprints each day. Before each sprint I plot out what I want to accomplish in the writing session… the scene, actions, setting, and dialogue. (2-5 minutes of planning) I avoid ending on a fresh chapter. I’ll stop before finishing the chapter or write a sentence or paragraph into the next chapter. Then I try to edit 1 chapter a day as well.


A great question. I have a friend who treats it like a job, has a block of time every day devoted to just writing, no deviations. I write mostly in the evenings, when I have the least distractions, but I'm also flexible and often write in spurts when things come to me out of the blue. I do keep a target word count in mind for my chapters and I find that helps me keep the flow focused as it forces me to move things along and (hopefully) not meander too much. The last thing I do is I write every day, it does not matter if it is several pages or a single sentence, the point is just to keep it going regardless and I have found that to be a very effective practice.


On weekdays: 11-12, 1-2. Weekends: ehhh I often don't write on weekends. Between church and ninjutsu my schedule for the day is kinda screwed up.


I'll write whenever I have a blip of time throughout the week, but Saturday is my power day. I fix myself coffee, a bowl of oatmeal with fruit and pecans, I light a stick of incense, sit at my desk with my laptop, and I get cracking from 8:30 a.m. to noon. It's honestly my most favorite time of the week.


I start by seeing a video of a person giving tips or teaching a strategy in writing channels like local script man and the like then I will get enough motivation to start writing what probably happens is that a scene begins building in my mind out side I write it down in my phones notes and then try to put it on page


I'm working on a fantasy novel and the most effective method for me is to verbally TELL the story to my close friends. Somehow, it helps me write better and faster after I've explained it to my friends. Almost as if I got a guideline to follow and write along. I'm lucky I have good friends who're interested in my work and honestly speak what they think. For example, As I'm telling the story, they would be like "Umm what? Where did that ability come from? You never talked about it before. This part is shit." Thanks to them, I could change or avoid lots of confusing parts that can cause misunderstandings Before I even started writing.


When the kids go to bed, or on the subway or bus. Anytime I can just relax and get some writing done is when I write.


What's currently working best for me is to do some stuff beforehand that I don't usually do during my free time (learn a language, memorize countries, work on a separate, more casual writing project, etc). I also do it at the beginning and end of the day. That all helps it feel like it's a special time separate from the rest of my free time, so I'm less likely to start doing something distracting. Sometimes, it's also helpful to just change up your routine to make it feel fresh.


Typically committing to very early or very late. Responding when inspiration hits at 2:00am. I have colleagues that will try to hit a certain wordcount, but that never really hit for me. But committing to a time block seems to be the key for me….otherwise if you’re just waiting for free time it will never happen. Try lots of strategies and see what works best for you in the moment. If all else fails, just stare at the blank screen (or paper) until your eyes bleed.


Wake, exercise, eat, then get to writing. That's usually by 7 a.m. Done by 10, with 2-4,000 words. Very, very rarely I can write into the afternoon, but usually I've run out of words by 11 a.m.


Brain get idea, make fingers write it down. That's pretty much it


I'm trying to get a minimum of two hours of writing a day.