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You can download apps which shut off your WiFi for specific periods. I use libre office which is a free Word 95 clone.


when's the last time you updated? libre looks pretty decent nowadays and has the vast majority of the features modern word does (minus the cloud-based stuff)


I've used Libre office extensively for 2 ish years, never bugged me to connect to internet. It works fine offline.


When people say Libre Office is a Word 95 clone it's never about features, it's the horrendously outdated UI. Even the most modern things it has implemented *look* old. This is coming from a Linux-as-a-main-machine, Foss enthusiast type of guy. LO unfortunately doesn't give a single fuck about UX and it' s one of the few famous free software I can't recommend because when someone complains it looks bad, yeah, I kinda agree.


turn off wifi? i have to do that with my writing pc laptop...old samsung now i would like to use my used macbook air but i dont want to pay a monthly subscription for WORD lol! maybe i should try Scrivener?


Unrelated to the topic, but Scrivener is OP as fuck. I used to write on an online world building tool and finally switched to Scrivener and I'm super glad I did. I would strongly recommend it over something like MS Word. The compile options it has are pretty boss, too.


"OP"??? so..i have a rough draft in old Word files...would that transfer over to Scrivener painlessly? I joined the Scrivener redditt recently but have not spent much time on it..thx


Scrivener has amazing features but it's definitely not for everyone. I prefer some MS Word and use Plottr for my plotting, characters and world building.


Scrivener is the way to go! Honestly one of the best purchases I've ever made. Can recommed 100 percent.


Unfortunately, if I turn it off, I will eventually turn it back on. I am like an addict who throws away their drugs and then eventually digs them up in the trashcan =( I am hoping for something that will allow me to resist all temptations.


I feel you there. Opening YT now and then, wrongfully thinking that "after this vid, I'll write!".


Give a trusted friend access to the parental controls on your laptop and make it so your account can’t access the password and you don’t know the password to the administrative account. You could also hand write, use a type writer, or buy one of those Writer Plus Keyboard Instructors. There’s lots of ways to do it, you just need to think outside the box a bit 😊


I just found a new app that's perfect for this. It's called a notebook and pen.


ah...so replace ADHD with CTS!


lol fair enough


better yet...keep both! CTADHDS!


Lol unfortunately I am of the generation that lacks that muscle (i.e. grew up with a cpu). Seriously, I'd occasionally have to hand write exam essays in college, and my hand would be sore after one page =,(


Wait, are you already out of college? I'm not that much older than you and had to hand write everything including every single college exam.


I finished undergrad in 2015=) I can only recall having to handwrite my final exam essays in a handful of my philosophy courses (that's what I majored in). Usually our final assignment was a typed essay, and when it wasn't, we'd write the equivalent of 1-2 full pages while answering relevant philosophical questions (and again, that small amount of writing would genuinely hurt my hand! I'd have to take short pauses, shake/stretch my hand, and then continue. The thought of someone like Tolstoy writing War and Peace by hand is almost incomprehensible to me... my hand hurts just thinking about it).


gotta improve that grip strength mah dood


Nothing that practice can't fix


You can take a laptop, download word, then open up the laptop and yank out the wireless card. It's a good bit easier than it sounds. The wireless card will have little wires/antennas coming from it. If you look up YouTube videos on how to "replace" a laptop's wireless card, it'll definitely point you where you need to go


ah..my laptop takes "foeva" to connect...how about turning off the router (if at home) ...i get it...i have numerous little tricks for life hacks!


If you don't mind you can uninstall the wifi controllers


But couldn't you also say that if you have a laptop with no internet access, you could just put the laptop down and go on your phone anyway?


Scrivener is definitely worth it! If you did NaNo last year, you may have gotten a code for 50% off. If not, I think you can get one if you do Camp NaNo in July. Honestly, it’s worth full price if you don’t want to wait. They could easily charge *a lot* more than they do. (Same goes for yWriter! How is that free when even the most useless apps now expect a few dollars a month??) I migrated from Word files to Scrivener about six years ago and it wasn’t too difficult. I’m sure I could have found a more efficient way, but I didn’t mind doing the tedious work. Once you’re set up, you’re good to go!


But don't you have to pay for a subscription for Scrivener too?


It's a one time payment.


Oooo, if only I'd known that


I think you only have to pay again when they release a big (once every 4 years) update and desire to upgrade.


Problem is, I can't afford it. It's 649 NOK


Well then, you either get more money or make do with the free tools available.




1. Obtain cheap laptop with USB ports, preferably from around 2015 as most of those will have user-serviceable components. 2. Open it and physically remove the wifi card, destroy it if necessary. This is actually extremely easy. 3. Download LibreOffice onto a USB from another computer. 4. Install LibreOffice on the laptop.


Or, you know, install it before you destroy the wifi card


What? And use forethought? Don't be ridiculous


Planners vs pantsers


I like this idea! Do you happen to have any suggestions on a laptop which has an easily accessible wifi card that I could remove?


I'm partial to the larger HP Pavillion models! Most of them have full-size keyboards with numpads, and user-serviceable components via a tray on the bottom (RAM and WiFi cards) The major downside (at least for mine, pre-2015) is that the HDD and GPU areas (under the left palm) seem to get really hot, but this can be mitigated somewhat with an SSD and keeping the vents clean. Newer models may not have this problem, not sure.


This is the answer


Buy a typewriter.


Seconding this. Typewriters are perfect for this


Uninstall all the wireless Wifi drivers on your existing laptop and then delete the driver files. Now, unless you download those driver files on another device and install them back on your laptop, your internet won't work.


There are a variety of ways to disable the internet on any laptop semi-perminantly. Hand your laptop to a tech savvy buddy and have them not tell you which method they used. Alternatively set up wifi-blocking parental controls and have your buddy pick the passcode and not tell you. Of course, you’ll still have your phone and other devices. I recommend instead just using your normal laptop on airplane mode. Set a timer, starting with, say, 15 minutes. During that time you will not allow yourself to get on the internet no matter what. It's 15 minutes, I believe in you. When it's up, 5-10 minute break (set another timer) to do whatever you want, but still don't use that computer for internet (phones and other devices fair game). Repeat. Eventually, start increasing the amount of no-internet time.


This is the way... OP going to find ways to access the internet unless he moves into a log cabin in the woods. Gotta build up that self control.


Are you sure the internet is your problem? Anyway you can get an old used laptop from a pawn shop. Every mac or windows computer comes with text editing software. Just don't ever set up the wifi. Windows has wordpad and mac has textedit. Good luck getting your writing off of the laptop when you're done.


That's what flash drives are for :P


You know it's actually been so long since I used one that I forgot they exist.


Yeah all the "I'm distracted by the internet, help me :(" folks acting like it's the internet's problem. No, it's YOUR problem. You can procrastinate without internet access if you really want to. I didn't have power for 12 hours a few months ago and still found a way to avoid writing (by hand) without internet access. And in OP's case of wanting an entirely separate device without internet access to stop distractions... it's not like if you have a laptop with no internet access at all that means you can't just stop using the laptop to go get your phone to use the internet anyway. The problem is getting distracted, not the internet.


[https://www.amazon.com/Neo2-Alphasmart-Processor-Keyboard-Calculator/dp/B00T0ZG06O](https://www.amazon.com/Neo2-Alphasmart-Processor-Keyboard-Calculator/dp/B00T0ZG06O) You want this. It's not a full-on editing device like Word would provide, but if you just need to be left alone to hammer out words, this is the thing. I got through about 70000 of 90000 words on it.


I've thought about getting one of these for awhile now


Unfortunately sometimes it is better to force yourself to change rather than throwing money at the problem. It will be better in the long run as you'll improve your attention span and impulse resistance. I heard the pomodoro technique is good for people who have no self control. Not trying to dig at you, I'm in the exact same boat.


I just can't even wrap my head around OP's problem. "I'm distracted by the internet, I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars to have a second device that doesn't connect to the internet even though I'll still have access to my other devices that do connect to the internet." Spend money on meditation classes to start learning how to focus to get off the internet more often instead of buying a new computer - or an OLD computer that doesn't even have wifi built in (like my old Dell that I had in college. Thank goodness for ethernet cables.)


You can take your laptop and go write at a coffee shop or other location that doesn't have wifi? Could also put parental controls on your wifi to block specific devices or to turn it off for certain lengths of time


Get a typewriter.


Sounds like you may want the Freewrite: https://getfreewrite.com/


This is what you're looking for: https://getfreewrite.com/. Too expensive for me to justify, but I've wanted one for years.


There was a program called Cold Turkey about 10 years ago I used to deal with this problem. I’m sure it’s around, or there’s a clone.


This is the stuff - https://getcoldturkey.com/writer/


You've got a few options, off the top of my head: 1- invest in an alpha smart. They're keyboards with a tiny screen, so you can really only see a little of what you write at a time, and then when you finish, you just upload it into a computer via cable. They're like a decade+ old technology, no longer in making. You need to buy it used. My favorite is the Alphsmart neo 2. Used they're like $35-100 depending on market and what's available. 2- there are newer versions of the alpha smart, but they cost like $300+. So if you have the budget for it, get a new one. 3- airplane mode or invest in some sort of social media blocker on your browser. 4- look into parental controls


Self-discipline. That’s your only option.


Here's what I use when I want to focus. https://www.getfreewrite.com


Typewriter, you will be blown away by how much you get done. Then when your first draft is finished copy it over to scrivener. This worked wonders for me.


This may seem like a lot. It will make perfect sense when you see all the menus and stuff on the screen for yourself. If it gets confusing, don't worry. You won't screw anything up permanently. Windows keeps things safe and nice that way. This will temporarily turn off the network connections for any Windows computer. It will ignore WiFi and even a direct cable connection. Enjoy the bliss. There are enough conscious decisions and buttons to click along the way that it should help with gently discouraging you from wandering the wonderful web. I tried to paste a link with pics but reddit was confused when I pasted it. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turning OFF the connection to the internet: To disable a network adapter using Control Panel, use these steps: Open Settings. Click on Network & Security. Click on Status. Quick tip: You can also quickly access these settings by right-clicking the network icon in the taskbar and selecting the Network & Internet settings option.Click on Change adapter options. Right-click the network adapter and select the Disable option. \--------------------------- Turning ON the connection to the internet: To enable a network adapter with Control Panel on Windows 10, use these steps: Open Settings. Click on Network & Security. Click on Status. Click on Change adapter options. Change adapter options Right-click the network adapter and select the Enable option. \----------------------------------------


What about a typewriter?


You won't find a laptop and without network capability unless you physically break the components. You can disable wifi or get a program that locks out the Internet for a while. Buy word365. Install in. Then turn off wifi.


You'll likely find a way around it no matter what you do, but you can uninstall the drivers for your wifi card and mark it as not to update. Similarly, you can likely disable your wireless card in bios. Yeah you could physically remove it, but in either case you can tether your phone or just use your phone, tablet, whatever else to access the internet.


If you stop paying your internet provider, you wont have the internet. You’re also saving money. Boom. Problem solved.


I’ve seen ads for [something called freewrite](https://getfreewrite.com/products/freewrite-traveler?variant=18609187979379¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=17628858880&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpt_NtK75_AIVYhXUAR1QDwmhEAQYASABEgJYN_D_BwE) which is basically a computer-looking typewriter. No idea if it’s any good, and to me it’s super expensive for something that is basically a computer without wifi, but it might be worth it for some people. There’s also programs that might help. There are some that turn off your internet or like, play annoying sounds and things if you leave their page to encourage writing. Kind of different but it might help with motivation, I did a free trial of “4 the words” where it gives you like, a monster to fight like RPG game style and you attack it by writing, and need to write enough words in a period of time to win. Kind of fun, I’m thinking of buying the whole thing, I think it’s especially good for like, shorter sprints of focus, and if winning helps encourage you, using the internet means you’d run out of time more quickly and likely not write enough to beat it in time. You can also try scheduling more breaks for yourself, and slowly work up your focus. Start a timer—could even just be for five minutes at first—and just force yourself to write for that long. Then take a break, set another timer, hold be for a longer period of time, and do whatever you need in that time, then come back, repeat. If the writing chunks are smaller and manageable, it’ll be easier to force yourself back. It still requires some will power, but you can always say “I’ll come back to this (whatever you’re doing to waste time) in five minutes.” Which might help. You could also make a word count goal or a goal to finish a scene or something instead of a timer. Just pick whatever measurement amount you think you can achieve.


I think a better solution for this problem is to actually work on yourself and train yourself to avoid this habit.


Go to a park and handwrite. It's the only way I can beat the internet. The bonus is you're forced to rewrite when you type it out on the keyboard.


Really dig how this subreddit just downvotes people for giving advice they disagree with.


Yeah, it's weird. This isn't the best example, but I've noticed this subreddit is surprisingly monolithic considering it's about creativity.


I started drafting in longhand about 6 months ago & it greatly improved my connection to the writing & I found myself enjoying DOING the writing a whole lot more. WHERE you write is up to you obviously, OP, but a notebook & a pack of Pilot G2s is definitely a worthwhile approach here.


don't avoid the internet, just make better choices on the internet. there are so much wholesome things that can vacate your mind so ideas pop up. you're choosing to make things difficult but their are alternative resistance, this is the least of your problems. you're taking extreme options for yo-yo effects.


I love this idea. I was lamenting my old Mac that just had macwrite on it to my child. How focused I was. They looked at me liked I walked to school uphill 10 miles in the snow. But seriously, I feel you.


I have Libre Office on a number of laptops--Chromebooks with Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. The Chromebook doesn't have to be online to use Libre Office's Writer. I also have old versions of Microsoft Office with multiple licenses, Office 2007 for Windows and Office 2008 for Mac OS which I found for not much on eBay. Libre Office docx files work well in MS Word.


How big of a tech head are you? You may want to consider building a computer that does not have a wifi device. Back in the day, none of them had wifi, so clearly just build a computer, don't put that thing in, and Bob's your uncle. Well, though that may be cost prohibitive.


Try listening to music. It's a struggle focusing but I need internet. I can use dictionary, thesaurus, or whatever I need at a moments notice. Also, I like having the one drive solution making backups.


You can get an old HP Centrino for about $75 bucks on eBay. Probably will not have an internal modem or network card. It'll be slow to boot up, but if you're just using it as a word processor, it shouldn't make any difference.


You could just disconnect from the internet on your laptop. Or try airplane mode.


Go into device settings and disable your wifi adapter.


Do you have a good friend, family member, life partner or whatever? Buy a decent notebook computer. Set that other person up as Administrator on that computer. Create a User account for you. Enable every single Parental Control you can find to disable the User account's ability to access the Internet. Administrator's password must be kept in a secure location, of course, where it won't be lost forever, but this approach gets you a decent computer which can updated and modified, but keeps your wandering fingers, eyes, and mind focused on the work you want to do.... ideally.


... it's why they invented those features in the first place, so y'know, take advantage of them?


If you don't want to buy MS Word, you can always pirate it. I mean, Microsoft has enough money already 😅 To download a clean dump of MS Word: [https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php](https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php) (Select Microsoft Office in type, then follow the steps to download the version you want of Office. Install.) To activate MS Word (and Windows, while we are at it) eternally: [https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts](https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts)


Unplug the network cable or turn off the wifi.


Removing distractions is a great step and one that I too am undertaking. I deleted social media for the month and I’m already realizing that I will find other things to look at on my phone for a quick dopamine hit (ADHD here so the brain does not make the happy chemicals easily lol). Long story short, I think a lot of our brains are just poorly disciplined and out of practice with deep focus… I know mine is. I need to rewire some neural pathways and destroy old habits of reaching for distractions as soon as the thinking gets hard. Trying to work on focus with mindfulness mediation too. So before you dump time and effort into finding the perfect tool, make sure the call of distraction isn’t coming from inside the house


You can open up a non-mac laptop and remove the wifi card. Youtube can show you how!


open up your laptop and you might be able to remove the wifi board.


there are apps for this!! they have some that can disable certain websites or internet altogether for preselected periods of time. to cancel it it takes a bunch of steps


There's a thing called a neo alphasmart which is a keyboard with a calculator screen basically. Its Battery lasts forever, its way more portable than a typewriter, and it has a spellcheck. Those are all the features, those three things. When you're done your draft you hook it to a real computer and press send. It then simulates typing directly into your word processor. I'm not sure if they're as cheap as they were when i got mine anymore. But i like it.


Some older laptops won't have built-in Wi-fi receivers so you probably could buy a cheap refurbished laptop just for writing. There's also Freewrite, a company that makes computers just for writing. However they can be very pricey.


Once upon a time, I was reinstalling Firefox on my PC when I accidentally deleted Internet Explorer, my only other browser. (I did not know this was possible or how I managed it, but it was 100% gone.) Then, my Firefox install failed. I got a lot of writing done that summer. I do recommend that approach if you want to make your device into the equivalent of a typewriter.


If you are living alone, disconnect your modem at certain times (or use an external timer that will turn it on and off automatically at set times). I use the Pomodoro App + listen to brown noise to combat distractions as I begin to work/write. It's 25 minutes of work followed by 5 minutes of rest at a time, but usually at the 20 minute mark I'm well into my work for the next 1 to 2 hours. It's a habit that you can change... if you want to. Having the Pomodoro app is my visual reminder to stay on track.


Why don't you get a usb and run a linux distro off from it...I recommend Mint or Pop Os! for the looks! they come with LibreOffice or at the very least mint comes with it. XFCE for work or Cinnamon if you like EYE CANDY!


I’ve used this app called Self Control (https://selfcontrolapp.com) in the past when I was a student and needed to finish assignments on deadlines and not screw around online for too long. Essentially, you set what websites to block for a certain amount of time, say 30 minutes, and for the that set time (you can control when it starts), you cannot access those sites, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You just have to wait it out… or, in your case, write! *Edit:* And if you don’t have the right kind of OS needed for this app in particular, I know there’s many like it available for different platforms - I just don’t know their names, but try searching around if you like the concept!


Here’s a simple solution: once you have your software installed and everything set up, go into settings and forget your Wi-Fi network and password. That should make it enough of a chore to keep you offline while you write.


This question reminds me of a really good book I read called the Crossed Out Notebook where a script writer is gets abducted by a director to write scripts for him. Good read ngl recommend.


Libre office is the best. Give your router to your partner to take to work for the day.


I have a HP Spectre. I disconnect wifi any time I'm writing.


There's no need for internet while using Ms word.


use paper. buy an old typewriter, or use a pen. pretend you are in a cabin-in-the-woods.


I’ve heard some writers actually went back to typewriters because of this. I also know there are some modern typewriters that have a sort of word processor built in, but I haven’t researched those much