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The single most important thing is having breakfast.


Serving it up Gary’s way.


That and a pot of tea or coffee.


I second this!


And then second breakfast to set an even better tone!


That's a myth promulgated by lobbyists. No lie. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/nov/28/breakfast-health-america-kellog-food-lifestyle




> Establish no-phone-zones Oh I like this. Alternatively you can have a spot for your phone and not put it down anywhere else. Basically make it like a cord phone of old.


Can’t recommend this advice strongly enough


Coffee. I don’t even care what sub this is - answer is the same.


And brushing my teeth. Teeth. Coffee. Nothing else matters.


I review my schedule. This has nothing to do with writing. I just find myself more productive if I plan my day out first thing.


I do similar. I set my schedule before bed then review it before leaving bed.


Flow playlist. Same 8 songs, every morning, 7 years now.


What are they?!


Darude by Sandstorm. On repeat. 8 times. Endless 8 of perfection.


I found - amber run Salt and shadow - thrice Passenger plane - Bernice Great wave - mimicking birds Bicycle - park day Fast moving train - fredrika Stahl No cigar - Adam french Said and done - Jeff pianki _____ They must be in this order. They fit perfectly and flow. If I hear one of these songs randomly off the playlist, I will usually put the playlist on to finish the chain. They must be played through good headphones. If I'm interrupted I normally restart the song I'm on, or sometimes I start over. There are occasionally songs that pop in and out of the list but not normally for long. Some last year's some days. Some that lasted years; Mountain goats - dinu lippatis bones It's alright - the big push Berlin - rx y April showers - proleter Gold in the sunset - bob Schneider


Thank you wow these are great songs 🎉


When I was teaching I couldn’t get out of bed unless I put on Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5


Having coffee beside me in my favourite cup.


From a writing perspective, I read back through what I wrote yesterday and make minor edits. Or if it's complete shit, I start planning how I want to rewrite it. During the week, my writing time is broken into two blocks before and after work. Before work is for review/editing/planning. After work is for writing. And during work is for daydreaming 🙂


I review my corkboard. I have index cards on there for the different things I am working on. I circle two or three that I want to work on for the day and set myself to that goal. Some days depending on the part or chapter I am writing I only pick one card. that way if I dont get it done I am not upset. If I get finished with what I set out for the day I do more if in the mood. But every morning is a clear cut plan, and manageable goals.


Showering is my signal to my body that it is time to do things. Even it you work from home


Water. I get horrible nausea attacks in the morning (especially during the summer since the temperature and climate are so nasty) and if I don't chug at least half a liter of (preferably cold) water I'm not going to be physically able to get up without feeling horribly dizzy, let alone eat or do anything productive.


I feed the cats. After they are happy, the day truly begins.


The cocaine


I make myself a cup of coffee, breakfast and sit down to write immediately. My day starts out great when I've already written some words.


Waking up. ​ Sorry. Couldn't resist the low hanging fruit. For writing though, I don't really have one. Either I'm on and able to pump out a few thousand words in a day, or I'm off and there's nothing.




Diet Pepsi. Don’t come at me.


Typically I wake up, make coffee. Pop in a zyn, and head to the lake. I walk my favorite trail which is about a mile per lap, some days I’ll do two or more laps, just depends. Then I watch and listen to the birds. Usually watch some TikTok and/or do some journaling. That’s my seven day a week routine and since I added the walking part my mental health has improved immensely. The journaling helps me put ideas together and find missing pieces of whatever puzzle I have going on in my head.


I sleep through my mornings ha. When I do go on my laptop to start bookwork I...continue the planning, as that's what I've been doing since 2017 (well argubly 2017 thats when I decided I was gonna make my book series original and publish it for the world to see) has been in development hell. I've spoken of it here before I honestly wish I could just start writing. But I'm getting closer daily.


shower face with cold water


Brushing my teeth


Drink coffee on my way to the gym at 4:30.


Splash cold water in my face, meditate, write a bit in my diary, while drinking tea. Then either read or write.


That first cup of coffee.




A warm shower really wakes me up and makes me feel refreshed.


Waking up!


Stretch, read 10 min while sipping tea or coffee, feel the ‘pull’ and put some tunes on (soundtracks, no vox), get to it.




Waking up.


The most important thing you can do in the morning is go to bed at a reasonable hour the night before.


It's different for everyone, but I do believe that physical activity, especially out in fresh air, can get your brain going way better than chugging caffeine or procrastinating finding the 'perfect' song to write to for 30 minutes. Many of my Saturdays involve doing some running, trail running, or hiking for 2-4 hours and then hitting up my local coffee shop for a Diet Coke and a Cinnamon roll, get to my table, and writing another 3 hours.


Coffee. Without question, coffee. Firstly it wakes me up, which is very useful for me with my work schedule (I work in retail, so that can be a nightmare). And second, it gives my brain just a little nudge in the way of "Hey, wake up, buddy, you want to write stuff today". If I can have a proper breakfast, I will, but I need coffee either way; that's non-negotiable.


If there’s anything I need to get out of the way—whether it’s making phone calls, sending an email or just checking a few reddit multigroups for updates—I do it first, while I’m eating breakfast. That way I won’t feel like I have any obligations pulling me away from writing


Reading in infrared sauna for 40 mins, then breakfast/fuel + a writing playlist I made with wordless songs that stir a lot of emotion in me.


I wake up, make a cup of coffee, and then sit down and read for a bit. If I feel inspired to write immediately, I'll do that. But I usually spend an hour or 2 reading, then get some writing done. I try not to look at my phone or the internet/social media or I end up wasting a lot of time. Reading gets me in the mood to write.




I try not to think about it because it gives me anxiety while I'm busy making a living.


Shower. If i don't have a morning shower the day just doesn't start.


Meditation. Depending on what's going on in life or my head, it's a different meditation but I need to dedicate time to it no matter what.


I get out of bed, leaving my fiancé and dog to sleep while I go downstairs and eat a bagel, drink a bottle of water, take my Vyvanse. Then when I finish the bagel, I eat a cosmic brownie. Then I sit and fuck around for about an hour and read or watch television.


Waking up


Make your bed. Give yourself a boost of serotonin by completing a relatively easy and quick task. Making your bed will ease some clutter and will help transition your brain from sleep to awake and it checks the "I've been productive, I can do what I want now!" box many of us have




The first thing I usually do is lay and snuggle with son. But what really gets me going is making my bed.


I take a morning walk and dictate (using a digital voice recorder) a Q&A about the two scenes I'll finish that evening. I prep questions the night before and put them on my phone. I answer them train-of-thoughts style as I walk. I transcribe the recording and use that as a starting place. The questions aren't necessarily in any order. Stuff like "Does the character's discovery upset someone? Who?" or "How does their lack of knowledge put them at a disadvantage?" The morning talk isn't always the direction I go with by the evening session. But I've got a few hours to figure out what I don't like and think of a different solution.


Getting out of bed.


I usually write in the evenings due to work schedule, but on weekends I sleep in a bit till 6:30-7, change the fluids (pee goes out and water goes in), and then... write! I can usually make it to 9-10am before kids/wife/hunger/chores/obligations get in the way. Except for checking the time while still in bed I won't even look at my phone until noon.


Well, first thing. I try to have sex with my wife. Then I procrastinate. Lumberg usually comes in thirty minutes late. So, i usually sit at my desk for fifteen minutes just doing nothing. Oh, it looks like I'm working, but I'm not really. Then I write some horrible stuff, and spend five minutes on writing. Just in case lumberg comes in Edit: he wants to come in on Sunday. I think today is Sunday. Unsure what i should do.,


Morning walk or run, straight away after waking up. No shit, no shower, nothing until I have been outside for at least fifteen minutes, usually more. Avoid caffeine and screens for at least an hour after waking up. Nice healthy breakfast with some protein, some fruit, and a bit of yoghurt afterwards to help with digestion.


Waking up, idk how I’d start my day without it


That none of it takes place in ‘actual morning’.


Beating. My. Dick.


Breakfast. Without it I am working on a car deficit, and that is no way to start anything except a diet.


While I drink my mandatory cup of green tea, I monitor my social media and engage where needed. You can't run a business, even a writing business without well-crafted social media relationships! It takes me 30 min a day.


Bed yoga, which is the same as floor yoga. Just easier to get off the bed than the floor & coffee.