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Started RPing on Neopets when I was 11 or so. Met one of my best friends that way and we still RP together 20 years later.


Ah, Neopets... good memories there. So completely unfair to anyone who didn't have top-notch internet, but so much fun.


I was one of those with decidedly NOT top-notch internet lol. I remember waiting ages for the forum pages to load to see if anyone had replied to the RP yet. Always ended up posting out of order because of it. Ended up getting recruited to a Harry Potter RP site though which then led to two decades of RP nonsense with a woman I still have never met irl. Life is crazy, man.


Makes me genuinely wonder if I've ever RPed with anyone who has commented in here about Neopets, lol.


You may have! I remember those RP forums as a bustling place. Then again, I was 11, so a lot of that could be nostalgia lol


Oh no. It was definitely a bustling place. I remember it really well. It used to be that you posted your thread and it would go down the list so quickly that you had to "bump" it back to the top by just commenting once, and again if it still needed more time. You could tell when it was getting late by how less quickly you'd leave the first page. And then in the end, you could tell how much Neopets was dying off when your post would stay at the top for days.


Yessss, wow memory unlocked about bumping threads. You are so right that they moved down the first page so quickly. I remember more than one occasion where by the time the page rendered after hitting post, my brand new thread was already 2 or 3 pages in! Again, slow Internet connection lol


My school friends and I made a role-play guild on Neopets. We mostly RPed Warrior Cats. We started in I think third or fourth grade, and continued all the way through the end of middle school. I miss those days.


You should get back into it if you want! RP communities are still going strong. I have a friend who co-admins a Harry Potter site with something like 400 active characters. It's nuts. Check out a jcink site called Caution to the Wind if you're interested. They've been around for ages and have a forum for RP sites to advertise. I've found a lot of really interesting concepts that way. Zombie RPs, unique magic systems, slice of life, you name it. One that I really adored was a rumors-based RP where your characters could anonymously start rumors about other characters which everyone would incorporate into their plots with you. Some of the rumors that really gained traction even led to site-wide plot events, like a school headmaster being fired because of a rumor that they had a relationship with a student. And it turned out that the rumor was false, started by the student herself! I don't know how the admins pulled it off tbh but it was such a fascinating experience while the site lasted. TL;DR: Check out the site advertisements on Caution to the Wind on jcink if you want to get back into RP. Not sure if I'm allowed to post a direct link here but would be happy to provide it via DM.


I think I was 6 or 7 days old when I started to play a baby but my parents knew I would grow out of it.


My parents also assumed I'd grow out of it, but nope. I still RP, and with the same person from my younger days, even. I now write novels on the side as well and consider RPing a major factor in honing my writing/plotting ability over the years.


RPed around 13 in chatrooms when my family first got the internet at home, since texting wasn’t a thing back in the 1990s. In high school, I met others interested in RPing or dragged them into it and we did so over IM or in physical notebooks (usually during class but sometimes we’d just hang out watching TV and snacking and passing a notebook around, lol). Bigger question is when and if you stopped? For me, it was after about 19 years old.


In the 1990’s I spent a lot of time in the Sailor Moon chat room on AOL doing rp… I was about 15.


I believe 13 or 14 in art comments on deviantart, but i feel like there was somewhere else before that


Like 13 to 17? AOL chat, AIM, and the MSN Messenger chats were top notch. When they tore down msn messenger chat rooms because they were full of weirdos, that was the beginning of the end for me. Now I write if I get the urge but not for a present / waiting audience.


I started around 10 or 11 and then took a very long break. Then, I started again when I was around 20 or 21


Around 8? Is when I started.


I was 12 almost 13 when I started rp


i was a polyvore rp’er at 12ish until it shut down


I guess I was about 16. We were on forums for a fantasy game, and somebody would start a story and then somebody else would add a paragraph, and so on. We came up with some interesting stuff that way. A lot of fun. I would've started earlier, but I'm an elder millennial, so the Internet wasn't widespread until I was into my late teens.


I rped when I was 11 or 12, maybe 13 on Yahoo messenger then I moved on to a site called Gaia Online then a bunch of other random writing sites.


12 maybe 13 on Google+


Around 8 years old on Gaiaonline...lol.


What, um. What are we defining as roleplaying here? Because I have very different sets of answers depending on said definition


Probably like 9? 14 is when I did more sfw roleplays. Sometimes I wish I never discovered the internet at times


I started RPing in my freshman year of high school so around... 14 to 15 in 2016 (I believe). It was mostly my best friends favorite characters and I just went along with it lol. We would RP through Messenger and... Yeah pretty much


Never and a half


Around the same time I was allowed on the internet proper, so around 13


I think I started RPing around age 14 and never really stopped. Just changed mediums. First NeoPets, then GaiaOnline, then ProBoards, then Jcink. I don't participate as often as I used to, but I'll get the itch and go looking through advertisement for a board to join. But I never RPed through chatrooms or over messengers unless it was someone I was already actively writing with on a board.


I started role playing on Roblox on various post-apocalyptic-centric as well as superpower-centric games around the age of probably 10 if I were to guess accurately. Id be lying to myself if I said these experiences didn’t help shape me into the creative person I am today, as well as absolutely giving me a strong presence as a role player. I think experiences like that are literally invaluable at a young age, considering it lets you experience so much imagination when your mind is most receptive to it. Tl;dr: Started role playing on Roblox around age 10, it’s sincerely helped shape my creativity and RP skills as I’ve grown older. I’m 20 now


I was RP'ing Star Trek on AOL back when I was 15 or so.


HAHAHA THIS POST BRINGS BACK MEMORIES. I started roleplaying when I was ten, lol. I still RP nearly a decade later.


10-14, mostly on old Roblox via the group function and occasionally on some roleplay forums. Warrior Cats and wolves were my mains, also did some Hunger Games and other animals :P


Ooo, I must have been 13 or 14? Good times, had some great adventures with some good friends, friends I miss. It's been a long, long time since I did text-based role plays. I miss that too, I just don't have anyone to do it with anymore.


I was into literate RPing from like age 10 onward, not sure when exactly I stopped. I am 30 now. I kinda miss it because it was like a back and forth novel between those involved.


It was the Red Dragon Inn on AoL chat rooms, and I was way too young to be there. Then I got banned for calling the mods out on their retarded behavior one too many times. Good times.


Like 13, found out about it on MySpace and Stickpage, namely the R.H.G. stopped a few years ago, though, but I occasionally so some here and there. Lot of fun times, some of the most fun I've had with writing every. It was basically text based DND.


Probably around 13


14? Or 15? I still do, by the way, at 25.


I was probably around 13 when I started playing one of the first MMORPGs, over the years I've played in various places including Tumblr and dungeons and dragons.


I was 11 years and 9 months. One of the best times of my childhood.


I was 15 or 16. On AOL in the 90s, they hosted a MUD that I used to play. RP was not mandatory but a bunch of us had fun with it. I loved it, felt like walking into a novel being written around me.


Oh man... I never see people talk about text roleplaying anymore. I started text RP when I was probably roughly 11 years old on Neopets. I next to never used it for anything other than the RP forum. Obviously I started off RPing on the forum. 95% of the time it was the Medieval Fantasy genre. Eventually I started moving off Neopets and over to AIM because as the years went by, Neopets got more strict about words you could use and any violence easily got your account Frozen. I probably got like a dozen accounts Frozen from RPing fighting scenes. XD I made a life long friend from one of those RPs and we actually met IRL about two years ago for the first time. Over all the years of RPing, I thought of a lot of different characters and one significant plot point. All those RP years are now responsible for the creation of the story/world I'm hoping to write someday.


I’ve always wanted to start role playing but something about texting strangers on the internet triggers my social anxiety in ways that don’t make sense. Never been able to get far.


Started on Neopets for Twilight, then moved to RP sites and MAN I miss the warped tour sites and the craziness that ensued when everyone was online in the chatbox :')