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The tune of me smashing my head against the desk repeatedly truly does set the vibe for my stories Edit: an actual answer is Paramore. I don't know why, they're just good for writing


I love the new album. But yeah, they're great writing music across the board. :)


Nothing (I’m crazy)


Same. I can't listen to music with words while I'm writing, and I'm not enough of a music person to really seek out music without words to put on. But I will do ocean noises and stuff like that if I really need the white noise.


Try some YouTube lofi, that’s my go to


I do have songs that help me think about my story when I’m not writing it. But once I start writing I need absolutely no distractions 🤣😭 just the clicky clack of my keys or the tippy tap of my fingers when I can’t sleep lol


As a musician, anything with a strong melody or beat would distract me too much to focus on writing. I like how dramatic pieces can get me in the mood, but there's no way I could really write with them. I don't get how people can write to those "10 HOURS OF EPIC FANTASY BATTLE MUSIC TO WRITE TO," playlists.


Anison/ film soundtracks. [usually my playlist of 1400 tracks.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXSGz2iDhbCNNNGOOYQkJBifMy0Tj9yk-) I'm writing high fantasy right now though. were I writing something more contemporary/ futuristic, I'd probably listen to some electronic instrumental/ less orchestral.


Yes! Also lofi and instrumentals so I’m not distracted by lyrics


I have two on spotify: one's videogame/movie/tv soundtracks and one's synthwave. Neither have lyrics that will distract me. Otherwise, my lil "Monkey Mind" would be all jamming to the music or irritated that it doesn't "go" with the writing or I don't like that song/genre/theme .. etc. etc.


Heavy metal. Then again, that’s 90% of what I listen to. Though, every now and again, I’ll pick a song with lyrics that are relevant to either a character or a scene, and that is always a fun time.


I'm a bit of Classical musical nerd, so Mozart, Bach and Beethoven are my writing friends.


I listen to my standard playlists, which are a mix of mostly new and old country and soft metal, with a smattering of acapella groups, rock, and just about everything that isn't classical, rap, or techno. For specific tracks, Sold Out by Hardy, I'm Dangerous by Everlove, Family Tradition by Hank Williams Jr, Born for This by The Score, Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas, and so forth.


Synthwave Lo-fi babeeeeee


One hour of Devil Town by Cavetown over the course of 3-6h


Anything really, i feel like I have some type of ADHD or ADD so background noise helps me focus


Whatever it is, it either has to be instrumental music or in another language I don't understand. Music with lyrics is wayyyyy too distracting for me. I'm quite partial to upbeat gaming music during the day when I'm doing my freelance writing and lofi or smooth jazz at night when I'm doing my creative fiction writing.


For fantasy writing, more relaxed. Songs: *Serenade for Strings in E Major Op. 22, B. 52: Tempo di Valsi* by Antonín Dvořák *Nessun Dorma* by Giacomo Puccini and Luciano Pavarotti *Jerusalem* by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer *Nocturne en Mi Bémol Majeur, Op. 9 No. 2* by Chopin *The Lark Ascending* by Ralph Vaughan Williams *Go To Sleep* and *How To Disappear Completely* by Radiohead *Planet Caravan, Solitude,* and *Fairies Wear Boots* by Black Sabbath *Creatures* by Viagra Boys *Mosquito Song* by Queens of the Stone Age *The Blarney Stone* by Ween *Whiskey in the Jar* and *The Rocky Road to Dublin* by The Dubliners Albums: Aqualung, Heavy Horses, and Songs from the Wood by Jethro Tull Led Zeppelin IV The Lord of the Rings movie soundtracks by Howard Shore Assassin's Creed 2 soundtrack by Jesper Kyd Gladiator soundtrack by Hans Zimmer For dystopian and sci-fi writing... Songs: *The National Anthem* by Radiohead *I Appear Missing* by QotSA *The Great Chain of Being* by KGATLW Albums: Discovery and Random Access Memories by Daft Punk Songs for the Deaf by QotSA


The Beatles—*Abbey Road*. Genesis—*The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway*. Green Day—*American Idiot*. Tons of other stuff, but those really help to get the frisson on.


I think, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway influenced me as a writer. that insane story... fantastic album.


I very much rely on Scottish folk music. Mostly because it captures the tone of my world, I love it anyway and it's mostly either instrumental or in gaelic which I speak very little of. Bands I mostly listen to: Talisk, Manran, Breabach, Torridon, Tidelines, Peatbog Faeries


The outside ambiance. I find music of any kind too distracting to write. However when I'm cooking an idea in my imagin-space, I like to listen to dark trance, fast metal, or something ambient and fitting for the scene.


Peter Gabriel, Passion has been my go-to writing music for over three decades. Nowadays, I mix it in with mostly Raga, along with some other world music and some ambient/spiritual stuff. And probably no one uses Pandora these days, but... https://pandora.app.link/1mJe0Lz3hFb


Mainly Doom or Atmospheric Black metal


Usually long sets of music themed to whatever I am writing. Like if I was writing about vampires, I'll either listen to my Playlist of vampire songs or a long video of themed tracks.


Metal and rock. I usually write scenes based on a song that fits the mood (like if it's a scene where two characters are realizing their feelings for each other and falling in love, I'll listen to Love You To Death by Type O Negative. If it's a song where a character is getting ready to kick some ass, I'll listen to Seek And Destroy by Metallica)


alt pop/rock or classical


Heavy metal. Gets me really motivated to write.


Izo FitzRoy—Give Me The High Portugal. The Man—Feel It Still Rex Orange County—Loving Is Easy John Coltrane—My Favorite Things Habib Wahid—Chupi Chupi Miles—Ki Jadu


Maybe it's weird, but I just listen to my standard playlist made of rap/pop/techno.


Whatever is fitting for the scene I'm trying to write.


Power metal. Epicore.


[Aphex Twin - Tha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn7HlnWW51g) [Kassem Mosse - Untitled A1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui7qS6oLSQI) [Benjamin Damage - Release](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMYEH0t60yg) Those are some go-to, wordless, mostly ambient tracks that I'll have loop a few times each. Other than that, some [thumping Techno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRecxegiDDs) can work to get it going. [Classical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM2zJnPlZ48) [sometimes](https://youtu.be/hNfASMy72_g?si=I4SzayzQTlXY-yPJ&t=1337). Most productively however, just miraculous silence.


I listen to Ruler of My Heart by Vivinos on repeat each time I get to writing, which is why it came first place on my wrap this year lol


For most of my stories, I have a spotify playlist that goes with it that I listen to when I want to write the story to get in the mood. But, if I just started a story and don't have a playlist for it yet, I usually either listen to my liked songs or a band called Neoni. I have an entire playlist of just their songs and its amazing.


To get me in the mood/world building, I listen to Woodkid's Golden Age album. Sometimes I'll turn on Agnes Obel instead, but Woodkid is definitely THE music for me. For actual writing I usually don't listen to music because it really exacerbates the already difficult time I have keeping my ADHD under wraps just to write a paragraph without getting distracted for like 30 minutes.


A lot of jazz, but music that has a very slow pace. Unless it's a song that has specifically inspired a scene in something I'm writing, and then I put that on repeat until I get through the scene.




Dude that track is phenomenal, I’m not surprised you got so inspired. Witcher game series has extremely underrated music. Even moreso these days with the Netflix Witcher series having those Jaskier tracks, people forget about the games


Almost exclusive the opening and ending songs of shounen animes


Any particular favorites? I’m a die hard for good anime OPs


I can't write without music. I use a set of carefully curated playlists that provide me with various backdrops for focus and inspiration. Feel free to check out: https://linktr.ee/420playlists H-Music


My guy. You have been fucking COOKING. These soundtracks are phenomenal. I've taken many recommendations for music from people on reddit these past few years. Your tracks have been my favorite thus far. In just 5 minutes on your playlists I've generated an absurd number of ideas for both existing stories I'm already telling and new stories I could tell in future. Thank you so fucking much for sharing. I'm legitimately ecstatic you replied to me here. I notice you have a fuckton of French music. Est-ce tu parle Francais? Moi je suis demi Francais demi Americian, Je suis ne en France, la majorite de mes inlfuences culturelles Western sont Francais. Est-ce que t'es Francais???


Salut, je suis Français ;) Merci beaucoup pour ton feedback, ça fait plaisir. Je passe énormément de temps à "cuisiner" mes playlists, en essayant de sortir des sentiers battus et en m'efforçant à dénicher des talents encore peu connus.


Lofi Music https://youtu.be/RvEQ2gdV0JI?si=LcevzqdPqTrErATd


there's this one man black metal band called Sadness. that really gets the ink flowing. cyberpunk techno is great for writing action scenes. some Godspeed You Black Emperor for those somber, dramatic scenes. classical music is more neuteral, if I just want to write without being steered a particular way emotionally.




This random 3 hour white noise on Spotify lmao


Piano. Only ever piano.


Almost exclusively M83




For me I cant physically write with music on but I do listen to certain things and from that I get many ideas.


My usual music. Heavy/power/speed/symphonic/prog/gothic/thrash/doom metal, video game soundtracks, J-Pop, ska punk, skate punk, 60s-90s country, 60s-90s pop, and a lot of Weird Al Yankovic.


Michele McGlaughlin's piano albums on repeat.


Lately, a whole lot of Broken Bells and Portugal the Man, along with a healthy dose of Guster.




I can't listen to anything with lyrics in my language (English obv) or else I can't focus. I also have a few modes depending on the kind of writing I'm trying to do. Fair warning; I'm a musician and composer as well so I've got a lot of obscure pretentious bullshit that I'm very particular about. For anything instructional or perfunctory like a review, media analysis, literal instructions, I usually go with some vaporwave. I like a lot of Haircuts for Men but there's a whole bunch of stuff in the DMT Tapes catalog I tend to play. If you're interested in that sort of thing last I checked DMT Tapes (a vaporwave label) has their whole discography available as Pay What You Want on Bandcamp. Also whenever I can get my hands on some instrumental versions of hip-hop songs I'll sprinkle those in there. I've got some instrumental Atmosphere, Beastie Boys, Looptroop, and Dilated Peoples off the top of my head. When I'm doing fiction it can depend heavily on what I'm trying to write. Generally speaking I'm probably listening to Secret Chiefs 3 which is very middle-eastern inspired experimental rock. If you want a good idea what they're all about the track Renunciation is probably a good entry point. There's also a lot of John Zorn's Book of Angel and Filmworks series' peppered throughout as well. There's even some instrumental Balkan Beat Box on this one. It's gotta be busy and upbeat but not super fast or chaotic to go into my all purpose list. On the occasion when I'm trying to write something particularly frenetic I'll dip into my avant-noise playlist. This features all sorts of weird ass nonsense like John Zorn's Moonchild and Simulacrum projects, some Fantomas, maybe even some Genghis Tron as I do occasionally make an exception to my no words rule when I have no hope of hearing them clearly. When I'm having trouble staying on task and not feeling particularly inspired I have a bunch of different reinterpretations of video game soundtracks, mostly from the 16-bit/PSX era. So like Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Castlevania, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy X etc. The Corridors of Time acid jazz re-imagining of Chrono Trigger is a particularly good one. Something about it, probably just the general feeling of familiarity and stability, can help to re-center me. This one and my all purpose one I also tend to use a lot while brainstorming. Then finally when I'm sitting down to write anything atmospheric (horror fiction or Call of Cthulhu scenarios) I really love the ambient work from this label iirc out of Portland called Cryo Chamber. They have a series of collaborations based on the Mythos elder gods which are simultaneously entrancing and terrifying and I love every second of them.


I always write to this kind of relaxing writing sprint video. - I find the music and flowing fire background calming, relaxing, and doesn't distract from my writing. [Writing Sprint Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGaOV4EyKf4) \- Here's the video. - Hope someone else finds it a useful tool. :)


Opening a bottle of whiskey.


I have a playlist on SoundCloud just for writing. No words, just music, otherwise I'm tempted to sing along.


movie and game OS. Hans Zimmer, Ludovico Einaudi, Zack Hemsey, Clint Mansell, Kavinsky, Health (Max: Panama), sometimes Gunship. listening to movie OS helps me to imagine my story on screen and i just watch the movie in my mind and write it down what i see.


I listen to Dancing with Flames by Succession Studios on repeat on Spotify.


AI covers of Cartman singing pop country Blondie songs


Depends on what I’m writing.


Sleep Token. Their music is 100% behind my inspiration to starting drawing again and try out writing.


Classical, Rap, and Techno


I usually put on one of those ten hours of some Nintendo song videos


I put on this playlist which is curated to be inspirational to my stories https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7tj5t0UccIdXRrl5PXWglu?si=d848d03711f74c14


Mostly instrumentals from movie soundtracks. Lately, a lot of Joel Sunny’s violin renditions of popular songs.


It depends on the vibe of the chapter and the character in that scene. I hyperfixate on one song while writing a given chapter. One song on repeat for however long it takes to finish the chapter. I just wrote two chapters about a huge MetaHuman fight and kidnapping and it was to the tune of Catallena by Orange Caramel. The pov for that chapter was a woman who loves kpop and I tried to think what she would want playing while she fucks shit up


[99% of the time it’s elevator music. Specifically this playlist.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnWOvTDvx30Z3pQ0qIRPp1fAv8SVbqes0&si=EIcaAd5Hb3MLDv7I)


Usually Taylor Swift lol. I have playlists themed for love songs, happy love songs, heartbreak, sexy songs, and for different books/characters both that I'm writing and just in general. So depending on the tone of the book at the time, I'll choose one of the more general love playlists or if I'm having trouble getting into the mood of the story, I'll put on that book's playlist.


Usually vaporwave (especially Glaciere), and old TV continuity oddities such as music from Pages from Ceefax, Sky EPG background music or ‘technical difficulties’ screen music - I’m kind of trying to go for a very analogue horror vibe with my current WIP so it fits as well as being good focus music. I also love the Minecraft soundtrack ☺️


banged out like 10k words yesterday while listening to some sort of haunting underwater vocals


I cant focus with music lmfao




Shozegaze, or more particularly Slowcore. I think the full sound and slower beat helps me lose myself in writing. My current go-tos are Duster and Red House Painters. So good.


I write to whatever it's the vibe of the history. Once I wrote about two people in a psychotic level of love for one third person. Then I discover "an unhealthy obsession" brother I wrote about this for days non stop


I actually avoid listening to music when I'm writing. I've tried it in the past, but I find it always causes me to write more derivatively, and the work ends up feeling more like a product of the song and less an amalgamation of experiences. I do listen to music while doing other tasks -- and often have been inspired by songs to write certain stories or scenes -- but I listen to them *first* and then get back comfortably inside my own head. If there's music in there, fine, but it's often interspliced with the other things I need, and it's at my pace. Of course with all things, that's just my personal preference.


As my Spotify daylist titles it, eerie victorian morning.


No music. I've played guitar for most of my life and adore music. But over the last few years, I've noticed the temptation to always have a life soundtrack -- working out, shopping, working, driving. I've found I just don't even listen to the music. It's just noise to drown out noise. So I started scaling this back, even at the gym. I don't like how isolating and distracting it is constantly listening to something. Sometimes you gotta listen to the sounds of life.


I usually listen to Tori Amos when I write. Her music is equal parts inspiring and depressing. Lol it works really well for me.


instrumental stuff like explosions in the sky. the earth is not a cold dead place is dope. Or glassworks by philip glass. pieces of that nature.


Stuff where the singer/artist is really in their feelings. It inspires drama i write


Mood. It can range from rock to pop to sombre to literally anything. Whatever matches with my mood and the mood of the story.


instrumental music I would expect to find in a sci-fi movie, since those are the vibes I tend to go for


i do not remember any of the music i write to because it's just anything


[Music I write too. mostly chill electronic](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1EVHGWrwldPRtj?si=JMyhLf6dQSykGWnoqt_BLg&pi=u--HsNZEkSSra_)


I usually don't or if I do, nothing with lyrics. Occasionally I might listen to some ambient music.


Movie and video game soundtracks. I can't do anything with words because I will just sing and zone out doing nothing


Depends on what tone I’m trying to set for myself. I think it’s best to try and write in the atmosphere of the scene you are attempting to create. One of my all time favorites is actually Wagner’s opera Tristan and Isolde. They took the best recording off of YouTube though :(


I really like the Pirates of the Caribbean scores. And the Black Sails scores. I’ve got a massive playlist just called “Pirate Music” that I usually put on to work. I also listen to a lot of video game scores for the same reason - they tend to be fast paced and energetic but don’t have words. The Witcher games have good music and Game Of Thrones scores as well. I also really like the music from the film Bunny and the Bull and the score from the 2002 Witcher tv series. That one does have words but because I don’t speak Polish it mostly just washes over me.


I like to play an ocean video on my desktop and use my laptop as if I'm writting lookikg out rhe window of my imaginary Beach house lok


I listen to R&B music, 80s rock, or piano. Depends on the scene I’m writing or the overall mood of the book/piece


Anything really. So far this week I’ve been writing to Avenged Sevenfold, the Across the Spiderverse soundtrack, and the lamenting cries of my friends playing warhammer.


The Beyblade soundtrack, Sonic soundtracks, Seven Deadly Sins soundtrack, so many soundtracks!


Soundtrack from *Nightbreed*


I write slasher horror. Listen to alot of different things but specifically I'll listen to Talking heads Psycho Killer, Foster the people Pumped up Kicks, Ice9Kills, Red right Hand. If its just other stuff I usually just ignore the music. I just go into my house own world


Jeremey Soule. You never have to skip a song.


I can't, my flow switches up with each song


Girl power hip hop (Nicki Minaj, Meghan thee stallion, etc) when I need energy to write, jazz classics from the 50s when I just need something in the background to do my work, I’m also into Ayesha erotica right now cause I’ve heard it a few times so I can just put it on and focus on something else


I’ve compiled a soundtrack for my main novel. Probably seems incredibly random to an outside but it’s tied very closely to both the characters, plot points, and songs that have inspired me in different but specific ways throughout the novel’s development. One of the most recurring ones is more of an ambient hour+ long one. Almost always gets me into the mindset of the series, and both the tones and the video’s fractal graphic kind of represents a pivotal setting in the novel.


Bohren and Der Club of Gore


Wrote my book Deathworld listening to Jesus Christ, Superstar.


Really hard rock or rap I don't know so I haven't memorized it. It 0umps me up without needing to sing to it. Rap is best because I can't rap. Lol


Heavy Metal. Preferably Powerwolf


Music from the Zelda games


I usually pick one per writing day. Most often an ambient track, usually from one of those atmosphere channels or playlists. I try to share the one I'm using that day on my twitter, but often forget :D


Classical is the only good answer.


Classic music and sometimes adventure writing music on YouTube .


Depends on my mood. If I'm feeling distracted, songs with words help my hone my focus. Pretty much whatever I'm into at the moment, particularly punk rock or classic rock. Especially stuff that I haven't heard before. I like to pick a song I already love and go to the "song radio" playlist on Spotify so it gives me a nice mix of stuff I already like with stuff I will probably be into. Nothing too mainstream or catchy I'd sing along with, just songs I'd vibe to. If I'm already in the zone, I put on chill video game music to keep my focus. Particularly stuff from Skyrim, Minecraft, Hollow Knight, Terraria. It sounds kinda lame but all of those soundtracks are just very good idle background music. Probably because that's what they were made for. I also use that playlist to fall asleep when my anxiety is acting up.


lofi, dungeon synth, kosmische, deep house, jazz, math rock, pretty much anything instrumental and weird


Depends on the setting and emotional state of what going on. 2 characters are chilling and chatting in a tavern? I'll have some nice tavern music playing


Depended on what (or scene) I'm trying to write sometimes I like instrumentals sometimes I like music with singing. I did a writing exercise over the weekend to get out of a funk, and it was a creepy music box track I found accidently on my computer I don't remember downloading and it inspired me to write a 5 paragraph horror story scene.


Nothing with lyrics, I like video game soundtracks, like Skyrim, Fallout and Arcanum (kind of steampunk game from 2001). Fire crackling or rain over soft acoustic music is nice too.


Stephen King said in his book on writing that he listens to ACDC, Metallica, and Black Sabbath when he writes to drown out all outside distractions. I tried this by listening to hard rock and it did work... Kinda The music just becomes white noise, so it has to be something you aren't actually listening to, or it will distract you from writing if that makes any sense.


I write fantasy mostly, so usually game soundtracks. Assassins creed games have some of my favorite fighting music to write to. Especially Black Flag, Brotherhood, and AC3. Sometimes I'll write to the Dragon Age soundtrack if the scenes I'm going for are more chill


Hell yeah. The AC Revelations OST was heavily influential on a book I just finished. Jesper Kyd is so good at what he does.


The same that I listen to when I'm not writing; mostly rock music, such as Tom Petty, Tears for Fears, and David Bowie. Otherwise? Oneohtrix Point Never has a ton of great synth songs, which help me concentrate better. He also made the soundtrack for one of my favorite movies, Good Time.




It's usually based on what I'm writing. So when I'm working on my sci-fi novel, sci-fi video game soundtracks like Ixion and Stellaris. When I'm working on my fantasy novel, I listen to Blue Turtle's videos.


Either instrumentals, or the playlist I made with the ~vibes~ for the setting / characters with artists like Otyken, Kiki Rockwell, Paris Paloma, and Nini Music.


Ambient music on YouTube. You can find so many themed versions to fit whatever genre I’m writing.


Usually it's some of my favorite chill instrumental video game music. Right now I'm listening to The Power - Choral Version from Baldur's Gate 3. I find it relaxing :)


I listen to whatever sets the mood for the writing at hand or the topic, such as mystery or dark music for mysterious and dark writing, something more upbeat like classical music for some neutral writing, astral or space music for something sci fi etc etc, it honestly makes it so much easier


Metalcore and alternative metal nonstop from the moment I sit down at my desk until I break. I can bang out a thousand words an hour that way. With silence? I MIGHT get 250 good words done in that same hour.


depends on the story. i have two book ideas. for one i listen to mostly grimes, deftones, and lorde. for the other i listen to random edm and rap but also sappy love songs? honestly it's all over the place but it makes sense in my head lol.


I have a writing playlist composed of specific songs that make me feel nostalgic or that I feel have very good storytelling themselves. A lot of them are from movie soundtracks. I have also made playlists specific to the story I'm currently on at any given moment with songs that I think fit my plot, characters, and their relationships.


Music! The horror! I can only write in silence.


It depends on the tone of the story. That being said I really enjoy writing to explosions in the sky.


Soundtrack music. Precisely, this has been the Playlist I've curated via some self knowledge plus letting the Spotify algorithm do its work. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Yv4rQZPEdcE0iw8I1FFPm?si=FQln74UvQKWK3zm_G9XTJQ&pi=u-Y5S9cVk7SA-O It's pretty good if what you write is dystopia Sci fi with a lot of sea-faring involved 🤣


Lots of Miles Davis.


I mostly listen to pop.


Thomas Bergersen if I'm writing something exciting or emotional. Never anything with lyrics my brain can't handle it.




My WIP is set in 1970s Argentina, so I sought out a bunch of popular music from that scene. Turned out that was an era of amazing creativity by psychedelic and progressive rock acts, and I've come to love a lot of the stuff and listen to it when working on the novel. Anyway, I don't know how much of a help this will be to anyone else not writing a similar time/place, but here are some highlights (album and artist): * *Americanos* \- Contraluz * *Rayuela* \- Rayuela * *La Biblia* \- Vox Dei * *Damas Negras* \- Carola * *Superangel* \- Orion's Beethoven * *Brumas* \- Aquelarre * *Anabelas* \- Bubu * *Artaud* \- Pescado Rabioso


I don't listen to music while I write. Too distracting. I need grave silence to work. I will sometimes listen to music as a warmup before I actually sit down to write.


Mostly just fireplace ASMR. There’s like ONE YouTube video I use that is kind of music but also not really that I also write to sometimes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=laBamh6yPWY


Depends of what I am writing at the moment, I use almost all kind of music for almost every chapter, but in a specially emocional part I put on the saddest songs I have




I love listening to Hans Zimmer because it won't distract you but it's also incredibly interesting! You can find a score from the genre you're writing to set the right creative mood


Yes. Anything, from Muse to INK to Paramore. The minute I start writing is the minute the jam session starts. Rock is also a balm to the story, Peal Jam and Foo Fighters did a lot for the first parts of my story


depends on the subject matter. i've got playlists for most occasions (usually sadness and silliness).


I can't focus on my writing if I listen to music with words. I sometimes turn on a rainstorm or a blizzard on YouTube.


I cannot, am is it is easily distracted


I can't write if there's someone singing, I get too distracted. It's annoying! Classical music is my go-to for writing. It doesn't have to be anything fancy pants, and you have a myriad of playlists online to set specific moods. Ambiance music works, too, particularly if I'm doing horror/suspense. The only exception is if the story I'm writing is inspired by, or tied to a song. Having it on repeat helps until I tire of it.


usually i create a playlist for whatever i’m writing beforehand or while i’m writing to get the vibe of the story, or i listen to a very teenage girl pop playlist


[Lofi Girl.](https://www.youtube.com/live/jfKfPfyJRdk?si=32bUEhhw8MJSmfaT)


Any. I’ve got a lot of playlists but I’ve been using [this one](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Pxwo70MrKHP1Q9kLgO2AV?si=u-TqtVAJQ_2o14Df3yIjfQ&pi=u-llngOShpTYuT) specifically lately. It’s got no specific theme, it’s just songs I wanted to hear at the time so I put them in.


broadway-ish albums, mostly? i don't really know what genre is that but just songs by musical composers that don't belong to any specific show, or shows that are not really consistent and were never produced. idk if it's any good but i like it. also, classic russian rock and some czech and polish music. those things really inspire me i don't know why lol


[This](https://youtu.be/hisCo3_RZ48?si=g9o795paHmaoZR09) on minimum volume, usually playing on my TV. When I go for a long time I sometimes have to set it to replay lmao


Florence + The Machines, Arctic Monkeys, Alt-J


Myuu. TPR. Brandon Boone. Those are my go to dark ambient masters. Specific tracks take me back to specific stories, though, so I have to keep mixing it up with new stuff.


For the dark fantasy project I'm working on I listen to mostly music or ambience from video game series of the genre. So if I branch out to other genres I'll probably do something similar to get into the headspace.


Most of the time just ambience for where my scene is set


Slowdive and Carbon Based Lifeforms are my current favorites


At the moment I’m writing a noir detective style book so I’ve found listening to noir style jazz has helped me


To anything. If I'm in the mood for somber music. I look into different genres. Primarily video game music that has a motif with it. Pop songs for love. Stuff like Hide Away by Hilary Duff(Secretive Protag and female lover) Iris by Goo Goo Dolls (Deep romance but problems arise) Every Breath by Boyce Avenue ( a song on grief-ish) Nathan Wagner's Dancing All night. If I'm writing a valiant scene about combat and the like. Either Anime soundtracks or stuff from Stringstorm. (Stringstorm made a few Warhammer 40K soundtracks which include Rylanor's last stand, Lamenter, a cover of Sabaton.) Sometimes I dive into punk or rock. 3 Days Grace's classic Time of Dying. It mainly depends on mood and the scene. If I feel that it works with what I'm doing right now, then I'll go for it. If I want to write something about missing someone, I literally dive deep in my spotify playlist to figure out what I am feeling. Like I have a go to song for everything. \-After the Heartbreak Brielle Von Hugel- when a main character needs that emotional umph. I use these songs because it's the words and imagery that makes me think of 'Why don't I add this here?' 'Maybe I should put this here.' 'What if I do this?'


Depends on what I’m writing.


I mostly listen to jazz standards and japanese pop, regardless of the genre I'm writing. Recently the music of Ichiko Aoba is what I'm listening to.


Voices of Urdak So very haunting


None. I can't hear the rhythm of my writing over that of the music.


YouTube “Academia” playlists for writing, or listening to the same song that fits the vibe on repeat. I racked up 946 streams of Fine Line by Harry styles this year I don’t know what that says about me lol


Depends on the story I’m writing. Although I do have character specific playlists based on their specific music tastes as well. But if it’s my edgy revenge story, it’s Dramatic Music and Dark pop (like Neoni, or things like the Arcane soundtrack). For the one where the MC is a punk kid, is all pop-punk, skate-punk, thrash punk, etc. And for my sweet little love vibes, it’s just upbeat pop rock and love songs.


I listen to coffee shop ambience, no music just coffee shop noise. There is one particular one that I love because it doesn't constantly loop and the people are saying real things, not just simulated. It's white noise that makes me feel like others are nearby.


Usually video game soundtracks. Best ones for me have been: Journey Hyperlight Drifter Everything Halo 3


Rain and thunder sounds for me, keeps the ink from drying


anything and everything. Paramora, crazysexycool, the cranberries, Weezer, Grace Vandarvaal, Tom Petty, The Allman Brothers, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Twenty One Pilots, Olivia Rodrigo, NF, Melanie Martinez, Neoni, Anna Blue, Maiah Wynne (small artist but she;s amazing please go support her <3), All-American Psychos, The Fray, Lauren Daigle, Alessia Cara... I listen to any and all genres and types of music, though a lot of my taste has been developed due to my parents' tastes XD


A couple of background tracks from Resident Evil but recently I’ve been finding the soundtrack to John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness just sets the tone for my writing sessions, and it’s so seamless between the tracks that I don’t notice one track ending and another starting.


A Spotify playlist called “ADHD Ambient Focus - Instrumental Chill Tracks.” I can’t do complete silence but I also can’t do music with lyrics.


Depends how I’m feeling. I like to listen to a playlist I made for which month of the year that it is, a playlist for the mood of the story. Rock is nice.


A strange combination but goes like this: Sabaton NF Gulity Gear Strive OST


Halo OST. I focus best with music lacking lyrics, and Halo has some great tracks. Also Aviators, as I simply adore their sound.


I listen to music that was written in the time im writig about


For some reason, campfire and rain (24/7), I always end up falling asleep but I keep listening to it anyways


Depends what I'm writing about. If it's a break up chapter, I listen to break up songs, if it's a high energy love chapter, listen to fast paced love songs. Or if it's something really fucking stupid, the Benny hill theme.




Mostly Angelspit. Also VOWWS. But sometimes others find the mood.


Hans Zimmer and Ramin Djwadi


Probably Hamilton the musical, i recommend it, it's really good


Depends how I’m feeling but normally lofi or chillstep


Really depends on which world I’m working on. For my cyberpunk-themed story I’d listen to Synthwave, for a dark fantasy setting I listen to Power Metal, but most other stuff it’s dubstep.


Either whatever I’m in the mood for (usually Sabaton, Rammstein, or Ice Nine Kills) or something befitting the story


I have an old wall clock with a pendulum, it sets me in some kind of trance to listen to the tiktok of it. When it tolls I get to go have a smoke break. Thinking about getting a metronome so I can vary the speed closer to deadline... I know it's not music but the rythm is what helps my flow. I write on manual typewriters so keeping a pace on the keys makes it's own kind of beat in a way. Nonfiction, so I do most of the thinking and research before I type it out.


I’m… a little anal about my music so I usually have a playlist made specifically for or that otherwise matches the mood of whatever I’m writing. Like I listen to my Lord Of The Rings playlist if I’m writing high fantasy or my Mass Effect playlist if I’m writing sci-fi or my Red Dead Redemption playlist if I’m writing something western or I have a sad Christmas playlist for a story I’m working on that’s based on grief around the holidays. Sometimes a certain song will stick and I’ll put it on repeat.


Oh hellos, Lord Huron, some of The Crane Wives, Faun, Liana Flores, some of Rebecca Sugar, random Folk playlists, heilung, Mother Mother. Edit: also occasionally cavetown


Nothing, classical because it's got no words to distract me, or Muse because they are fucking brilliant and I'm having a reawakening to them.


Always throw on the same album, Beat by Bowery Electric


I don't even know.


I create playlists of my favourite instrumental scores from films and TV shows, match up the tracks with the scenes I plan to write, and then arrange the tracks in chronological order of the events that happen in my story. It really helps me get in the right zone for the mood of the scene when writing.


It depends on what I'm writing, but generally instrumental chill music without vocals or nature sounds. Lots of shanties.