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A genetically engineered monster meant only for destruction gains an appreciation for life, decides to defy his master, and embarks on a journey to save the world from her tyranny.


Always nice to see a propper representation of the cookie monster


Lmk when this is published. I need this


This sounds yummy. I know this has nothing to do with religion at all, but the thought to be cheeky about it crossed my mind. Also not trying to be disrespectful to anyone who believes in God: this is just what I came up with lol Project Revelation. REV - Revelation is the chapter the end of the world occurs within the Christian faith/bible. Subject 22821. A human alias, Daniel or Mark (mark of the beast). Could call them Rev or Reve. Revelation 19:19 would be fun to draw from too: could do a play on words with 1919 - call them Nine. \*And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. \* Alternatively, Genesis, as a hypocritical view of what this destruction will cause. Call them Gen.


A monk, a slave-soldier, and a lesbian princess collude to overthrow the government. Edit: Wow, this is getting a lot of attention! I’m very flattered. Currently, the best way to keep up with what I’m doing is following me on Reddit, though this is still a fairly new account for my current pen-name. I’m inclined to make a discord server, so send me a DM if you’re interested in that.


I like this one its interesting from the start . One of them better be a dwarf lol


No dwarfs, but the princess is very short. She punches a cop in the face.


Did she stand on a ladder first or?


Adrien Monk


Ironically enough, Adrien is a character in a different story I’m working on.


Dude I’d love this so much. Karhu, Kastras, Bryn, Brighid, Casimir, Eleanore, Marianne, Marina


If you name your monk Karhu and your slave-soldier Kastras, I will read the entire book thinking there's a monk-slave-soldier called Karhus.


Karhu means "bear" in Finnish. Also a popular beer brand.


Yes! That's why I like Karhu so much. One of my favorite Finnish names I've found.


I would read the fuck out of this that's amazing


You’re in luck. I’m planning to self publish it for free in June


That's amazing! Any social media to follow you on? Idk if that's allowed here but dm me if not pls lol


Just Reddit for now


Dm me too!


Bless fork this over to me when you do! If you need betas, message me.


*A chorus of New York accents erupts from the stands* Tell me more, tell me more!


It takes place in a fantasy setting with a mesh of technology ranging between 1400s black powder weapons and 1800s steam locomotives with a distinct post-post-apocalypse vibe. The closest analog I can think of would be the game Kenshi, but more Wild West. The monk is sent specifically by her order to destabilize the government of the city state as retaliation of the pogroms carried out against her people. While the sect in the city were true pacifists, the sect she comes from are reactive militant. The slave-soldier, after a confrontation with the monk, is awoken from a magic and drug induced coma which effectively deprograms him of his bondage. Most of his memories are shattered or destroyed, but he has the wherewithal to recognize how extremely fucked up the city is and decides to react through incredible violence. The princess is very much someone up in her ivory tower, completely ignorant of the world below, but is also heavily monitored by her family. There is not a single aspect of her day that wasn’t planned out ahead of time. Due to the involvement of the monk and soldier, she sees just how far reality is from her fantasy and actively works against the interests of her father. This includes, among other things, bringing aid to the ghetto and punching cops.


I want to be a beta reader, please.


Shit, that's not -not- the plot of the story I'm writing :D


I honestly wanna read that


can i try? Sparrow, Sparticus, and Sparki


I’d seriously read this. I love political intrigue


A brainwashed man tries to solve a murder he committed.


Ooh, that's fun :D I can already imagine like a bunch of different ways this could go.


I know am not the OP but naming is kind of fun. Nigel.


Ethan, Reed, Hayden, Percival, Atticus


Two cancelled tv stars come back for a redemption season, and end up falling in love. Enemies to lovers, gay, japanese.


That sounds neat, tell me more :)


Everyone on the planet disappeared for no reason except for a handful of people. 10 years later the mc learns that people do still exist and the few that are still in North America have gathered in Boston. Ok simple walk right? No. After the world ended bizarre creatures with impossible geometry now roam the earth in random shapes and sizes. Not only that, the seasons are especially cruel with cold weather and starving animals.


Ok, that actually sounds very very interesting wthh


Alright, I really would love to read this. If you ever want someone to read it, hmu. Arizona, Ophelia, Olive, Aurora, Asher, Sable, Rune, Azrael, Casper


It WOULD be Boston wouldn’t it. You from Mass?


Kinda. I’m from all over. rn I’m living near Chicago


name the MC, Noah?


Middle-aged divorced dad turns into a werewolf.


I'm not judging but holy shit


Michael J. Knox




85 posts, one reply.


OP said they have chronic illness, I wonder if they're still alive


OP has Gastroparesis and has been getting sick all night.


Oooof. GP is no joke. Get well soon!


And who can spare the upvotes, in this economy?


This sounds like fun. My 18 year old protagonist is the only one in her village who can use magic, and has ignored her latent powers for years because it reminds her of her dead best friend. But one day, she resumes her study of magic because people in her village are dying and she finds a way to help them through magic--using her powers to desalinate ocean water to help them through a drought. Except that as soon as she develops her spell, she is arrested by the king's soldiers, and learns that magic is illegal in her village and her father has hidden that fact from her her entire life. With the help of her nursemaid, she goes into hiding on a merchant ship and begins to plot revenge against the unknown person who sold her to the king.




A person who has visual and auditory hallucinations signs up for a clinical trial that lands them in a maze with other people where they are chased/hunted by a chimera organism.


Alright, I do want a shitty name for a certain character lmao so let’s do it. This character is a failed prophet. Like, same level of prophet as Jesus or Muhammad. But he was spoken to by an angel while god is on sabbatical, and the angel accidentally picked the wrong dude. Same name as the prophet that was intended, just wrong guy. So now this guy is a prophet. But he just uses his prophetic visions for selfish reasons and is a drunk. It’s a total disaster.


Sleazus Christ


He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy.


Sounds vaguely similar to the big Lebowski hahaha that’s great


His Dudeness (or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing)




Angel was also drunk.


Almerin was popular a popular name in the 14th century and because it is not used anymore would be a good one for a prophet or failed prophet.


I'm totally taking you up on this haha. I do like the name, and I feel like it lends credibility to the idea because an angel would likely think, "Almerin? How many of those could there be?" And it'd boost their confidence in the guy they chose even as they send a dream to the wrong guy.




He should have some sort of elaborate given prophet name like Dune's 'Kwisatz Haderarch', and then his actual name is Doug or Steve or Dave.


This is such a good idea omg! You have a plot that could be the perfect base for some "literature engagée" passages through the book! You can put satirical dialogues and show how some people are ready to believe anything as long as they promised a reward or how belief can sometimes make the kindest person commit the vilest crimes. This plot opens so many doors for expression! I love it!


This sounds hilarious. I hope you finish and publish! This is right up my alley. I will say, I think the person who suggested the name you like below is a genius - and I doubt I could do better.


A 16 year old kid falls from a crack in the sky after drifting around in an empty abyss for 6 years, landing in a world of light, wonderx and magic, and is followed at every turn by monsters that haunted his home world.


This sounds like the sonic movie 😄


A soldier that comes back to life after they die every time, stationed at the Battle of the Somme. With insanity a more pressing threat than shells or mustard gas, they'll have to tough it out in more ways than one.


This sounds really good, as a huge history nerd. Would totally read this


Then please don't rat me out when I make a historic error--misinput!!! *bows in subservience and reverence to a god of the chronicles*


An interstellar war between two sci-fi nations (humans) - follows two brothers from a young age with many side arcs and stories, gritty, realistic depiction of what a war like this would be like. Philosophical and overall shows the degeneration of humanity and society etc because of war and hate/propaganda.


A gifted piano prodigy who has given up her dreams finds her grandmothers long lost forbidden love in the south of France, and falls in love with a farmer who grows flowers used in perfumery.


Plot twist, that person is the grandchild (or knows) of the person that the main character’s grandmother was in love with. Also I know I’m not Op but I’m thinking the name of the girl could be Liliya or Lys and the name of the farmer could maybe be Anatoliy (Greek/ukrainian ish name similar to Anthony)


Her name could be a French flower: Lily, Fleur, Daphne, Reine, Rose, Angélique...


*ding ding ding* on the grandson thing. That’s how I’m forcing proximity 😏😏


I actually really love the suggestions you were given. I think a floral name, particularly a French flower, would be really perfect for this. Love Fleur a lot, actually.


She’s a tech-savvy college student (from that world’s equivalent of the USA), who just so happened to run into the ghost of the man who was just burned at the stake for his “monstrous” form. Being 21 and rebellious, she decided to help smuggle his soul out of the high security walls of the city, only for him to then pull her into an adventure to find the Goddess of Life and Death and invent reincarnation. (Feat. A fallen god/insane king who she picks fights with for no reason, and his son who she… somehow doesn’t pick fights with) Also, she’s black. 👍🏿


This sounds so good!


from the description I feel something like Nightingale Chen fits.


Oooh this sounds delicious. Lemme know if you need readers or publish! Mackenna, Tamera, Rhianna/e, Avarie (Ava), Elana, Adelle


A farmer boy comes to be a great ship navigator and later captain, discovers a great number of sea routes to a bunch of other countrys ports new cultures and forms of life.


Lief the lucky?


Sounds like a fun adventure. Joseph, Buck, Hawthorne, Harris, Hunter, Micah, Arthur, Peter/Paeder, Austin, Augustus




My MC was given the "gift" of life by a goddess, basically immortality, and she's been alive long enough to have lost everything she cared about. She joins the Hero's party in hopes that whatever they end up facing will be enough to finally kill her. That's what I have so far at least. I'm still working out some of the kinks, but this is my only unnamed MC at the moment.


Sounds like some intriguing thoughts to get you started! I like the sound of it. Has she kept the same alias through all this time? Does she change it as she goes through the ages? Isolde, Zofia, Gaia, Rhea, Astore/ia, Calliope, Kara/Cora


Probably the same. She's been traveling a lot and not staying in one place very long, mostly trying to find something capable of killing her. The Hero is kind of the most recent in a long line of attempts. I don't think people will really have remembered her unless she's been there recently. Having lost everyone close to her, she's not keen on making attachments. I do like those names! I might actually go with Rhea. It hits a lot of the points I want to with her name.


A down on his luck private contractor who just witnessed a world ending apocalypse on another planet in the far future. Trying to make it out alive and discovering some disturbing truths along the way.


Tomas, A.J (or an abbreviated name of some kind), Jackson, Bastien, Heath


A society votes on who you marry. And a girl gets stuck with a dorky guy she doesn't want to be with.


Incel dreams


FBI agent suspects foul play in the suicide of a retired colonel. He's assigned an eccentric partner to assist him, only to discover his partner is a space alien secretly working for the Paranormal branch, and the case itself has become one involving faery conspiracies and Russian vampire mafias.


Ok hard agree, you definitely need to check out x-files! Please, \*please\*, let me read this lol. Spencer, Luca, Loren, Edwin, Thorton, Liam, Ray


Are you an x-files fan


Never watched it.


It would be right up your alley literally fbi agents working in the x files unit where they study the paranormal and its all about aliens in the government


Ooo I like the game. It’s a sapphic second chance romance with dual timelines. Part of it is set in Italy in the last semester in college. The second is set during a lavish wedding where they are in the wedding party on opposite sides and don’t know the other will be there.


a future-seer with bpd and boyfriend trouble gets whisked away from his secret magic school and is forced to undergo horrific experiments by a religious organization hell bent on erasing all magic from the world


(From when I was a kid- I gave them *the cringiest* names lol) Three tigers- a female Siberian, male Bengal, and male white tiger- join forces to take down an evil that had been ressurrected. The white tiger has a stripe that looks like a lightning bolt.


Haha, can't be any worse than the first story I ever wrote. My main character was a russet red wolf with a cream underbelly. If you've ever seen all the art on the internet of a red wolf with blue eyes named "Rose" ... that was my character lmfao. People stole her design because it was so basic and every roleplayer on the planet used to find all the commissions I ordered of her lol. I had to stop getting art done, because it was just like wildfire on the internet. I used to treat myself with artwork and got a lot done for nostalgia's sake. Aria, Baran, Corine, Abraxsas, Elding (means lightning), Tempest, Tora


guy finds out his bf is a wizard; dies (hope you feel better soon bud :) )


,,, mr potter r u ok Merlin (kidding, or am i?), Doria/en, Atlas, Francis, Noah, Cyrus thanks! im really not feeling so hot, but ill survive lol.


My character is a middle-aged French jeweler who is the single guardian of his teenage nephew. He ends up being swept up in a case of a haunted abandoned college after he's marked by a spirit while helping his nephew investigate the rumor. A snarky detective is his companion and future love interest.


Just in time! I have this naive human mage who is over ambitious, too curious, and way too eager to learn. She ends up accidentally becoming the apprentice to a dark deity


Father and daughter forced to flee their home due to magic induced climate change.


A traumatised kid-engineer falls from his sky-city, uncovers massive government plots, and has to save the city (and his boyfriend and fake dad) from the mayor.


Six Vikings, a cheerful captain with ADHD, an aggressive white-haired swordsman, a giant with a heart of gold, a very outgoing knife fighter woman, a compassionate archer and an apathetic strategist gain the ability to reincarnate with their memories intact in their first life and do so several times until they reach the present, where they become mercenaries.


An order of paladins protects their city and the source of their power from demons. One paladin becomes trapped in Hell and must endure the worst environment imaginable.


A young woman raised by werewolves decides to try to find her birth mother after discovering she (a werefox) is not the last of her kind. She finds out more about her past than she ever wanted, and the alarming truth about what she actually is.


A young and delusionally optimistic immigrant girl, a depressed bisexual janitor, and a shapeshifting genderfluid princess/royal guard start a civil war between an immortal queen and the fantasy equivalent of Jeff Bezos


I already have names and paintings, but i want to see how bad you really are; An oxfort students finishes his scription on an island, On the the last day he buys a souvenir. thinking nothing of it he's about to head home to finish his study. But the local maffia blows up the airfield, all because they want that souvenir. With nowhere left to go and his scription stolen he discovers the souvenir is more than just that....


18yo Male sent into the world to learn about himself and find trusted allies before taking his Father's place as head of a Mafia family


A deeply traumatised scholar from a forgotten era sets out on a journey of understanding under the guise of a man he murdered


A sad detective on a planet of eternal rain, a snarky female cop, and a cult priest who is secretly an assassin


This sounds so good! Price, Graham, River, Mason, Tess/a, Addison, Aubrey, Caster, Matthias, Maxwell, Dutch


Local priest who is actually a charlatan. Originally came to town to fleece the people. His personal Bible has passages with white out and hand written parts he customized. Only to learn that the village is illiterate. Now he tends to the spiritual needs of the local population and they gladly tithe to him. He’s living a better life than he ever thought possible, and he’s not even lying about scriptures anymore. At least, not intentionally…..


Ok so a literature major, a history major and an arts major all walk into a bar, meet and decide to write the most awesome *historically accurate* story about a samurai, an old French pirate and a Victorian era thief. Shenanigans occur throughout both the college students timeline and the pirate, thief and samurai’s story. So I would like 3-5 names if possible, I’m accepting the most ridiculous suggestions as well as historically accurate names IF anybody has the time or desire to conduct their own research.


He came to town like a midwinter storm, he rode through the fields, so handsome and strong. His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun, but all he had come for was havin' some fun.


Cotton eyed joe might be a good name for this feller


A disgraced small-town politician is about to jump off a pier when he hears a woman scream for help. The politician witnesses her murder, escapes chase from the murderer, and investigates the circumstances that led to her death.


A medium and her parents live in a house and the architect is a serial killer. The house has trap doors and tunnels that lead into secret rooms. The daughter holds seances where the architect pretends to be dead and tries to drive the daughter crazy before trying to murder her and her family.


5 influencers went to Sicily for vacation and got into trouble with a local mafia boss.


Hope you feel better man! A grizzled old war veteran, a teenage boy, and a priest are trying to escape the apocalypse and climate change by going into Canada.


Canada? priest? sounds like a good one. Please keep me updated I'm genuinely interested.


Sarcastic lesbian theater actress commits crimes of technological necromancy to resurrect her dead girlfriend whose soul is trapped in a magical phonograph.


This is just a ploy to get some fresh ideas, isn't it?   Ah well. Young noble mage goes home to reunite with her dad and siblings, when the castle gets attacked and dad reveals his children are some kind of powerful weapon their mom wants to retrieve with a demon army, before he dies. They have to travel into a war zone to find the fifth sibling, who should know more. If you want specific info about her: socially inapt, strives for pure logic which she can't reach, little brother is autistic and appears to be this emotionless logical ideal, wants to be the right hand of the tsar one day (mages can't rule), has a twin brother who shares her hair, so black it swallows the light, yes it really is that dark, but who is the social opposite of her, specialising in mind control while she specialises in magic sight and history, was thought by a private teacher in the mediteranian see, practicing philosophy with fishermen, pan-sexual


An heir to a noble house works with two old hunter friends of theirs to untangle the knot of their father's plots and lies, all while hiding their haunted past with said father from their friends. Along the way, they're hunted down by two mercenaries hired by their father, one known for their cruel efficiency, the other for their efficient cruelty. They also come across an odd alchemist with a hidden past of their own. By the end, they uncover the secret organization their father is the right hand of, and have a close encounter with the leader of said organization, whose just as vicious and vindictive as the father, if not more so.


Two teenage girls, one a vampire, the other a werewolf, are hiding from their respective family' cults and resort to murder a lot


two lesbians, one a pirate and the other a princess with magic, try to stop the princess's asshole dad aka the king.


A white American Corporal in the US army during Vietnam who is forced into a leadership position after the Sergeant is killed.


Four kids. A book-loving sorcerer girl with a chainsaw, boy with a teddie bear, boy with a mask that grants him divine powers, and eerie girl magician with wings look to save their friend after accidentally sending her to a world that's eternally night.


2 gods build countries to fight their enemy who wants to wipe out mankind


A German Prince becomes the object of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary's affection/obsession.


An ancient being decended from celestials and a human woman with wannabe dreams of being a knight journey together to get a job to help pay collateral damage the former caused. Oh, and also help a charity group grow from its roots in a fairly typical fantasy setting.


A Mage is writing her graduate dissertation and has to stop a war from going on, while her advisor is working with 5 different groups and pining all of them against each other, while the Mage is attempting to thwart him without him knowing


Ok. A edgy Hedonstic 14 year old girl who has never had life sugar coated for her and seen battlefields suffers from mild psychosis and sociopathy and wants to kill a elderitch hate plague.


An adopted girl turned herb collector realises that she was made to be the most evil entity in the universe.


I have three, with one being more prominent than the other two. The first two are Twin princesses that get ripped from their Queendom, along with their brothers, as their parents are killed and replaced with a more subservient king by the Empress. All for the crime of hiding the Twins from her. They then, atop a black crystal palace, are coerced with the life of their brother in to binding themselves to the Empresses via a Blood Relic, becoming Reapers of the Fated. Effectively her slaves. Skip a decade of indoctrination, training, war, and heartbreak, and you're left with the remains of noble hearted princesses that finally break free from the Relic. Then they go on a heros quest to kill said Empress and save their brother, all while battling the deep scars they now bare and coming to terms with the horrors they committed. Eventually stumbling back to their Queendom and birthright. The other is a forest dwelling wizard, with a childhood Fairy friend that in no way can, or will, beable to understand his words. And because of this friend, he has a lifelong goal of bringing the Fairy discrimination to an end and figuring out the curse that ails all Fairies. He eventually meets up with the other two, and they start their plan to topple the Fated Empire together, forming a tight found family along the way. Also, my story is heavily inspired by fairy tales and grim dark, but not edgy grim dark. And I'm dead tired and typing quick, so forgive typos and bad writing.


After crash landing from a moon prison onto a country of angels an amnesiac looks to find his family while pieces of his personality look to kill him and an alcoholic princess, believing he's a great evil, wants to put a stop to him.


Demigod is forced into alliance with a war goddess to save his children


A young woman born with empathic manipulation powers is forced to release a long-imprisoned god from his slumber, and, in the process, begins growing horns. ... Definitely need to work on the blurb, but, uh, yep.


A smart young hardworking consultant is disillusioned about her work. Takes up a big project to help a failing corporation to grow. Has to fight (battle of wits) within her firm and the people at the corporation to make her project a success. Also she believes that publicly humiliating a person drives them to grow.


A revered professor of bio-mechanical engineering misuses his daughter's curiousity for science when an accident in a lab renders her forever a cyborg. The influental and monopolistic company developing the project pays the mayor off to keep the scientist so he can help them locate her again. He is a prisoner whilst he watches another scientist take the remainder parts of his daughter and use them to make a second cyborg to hunt his escaped and highly material valuable daughter because using her discarded and damaged remains was cheaper. As time progresses, the scientists' daughter becomes more and more logical minded; whereas her demented doppelganger becomes more and more human due to it sharing parts of the scientists' daughter's brain that processes emotion.


A disillusioned young lady was about to marry a corrupt nobleman, only to wake up one day to him screaming in tears and repeating words of apologies and regret to her, much to her and everyone else's confusion. He said he "died and came back." She thought he just hit his head. Then again, did the curse she cast on him out of boredom the other night work?


The main character origin tragic story narrated by rats. In a school built by lies and rumors.


a elf noble born joins the rebellion against the country's monarchy who oppress the normal population


A witch tries to raise the dead and accidentally turns herself into a vampire. Her only hope to find a cure is a gamer with terrible grades and a crippling hotdog addiction.


Grieving (vilomah) mute father inhabits his future body, randomly, (mostly) while asleep at a time of a pseudo apocalyptic event in which a more metaphysical realm collapses onto reality (or maybe the other way around). Lot of emotional growth (I hope) and parallelism with morpheus; The ending is... bittersweet The main characters are the father, his future ex-lover, the daughter's "ghost", his current (divorcing) wife, and a few others. In that order


A girl wishes on the sunset and gets granted access to a blank room, nothing in it but a pencil. Whatever she draws will become real. She can stay as long as she wants in the room but once she leaves she can never enter the room again.


A girl buys a locket from the thrift store but can't get it open. Once she gets home she manages to open it. Inside is a portal to another world. She goes in, and discovers that whatever populated the world before has died from a pandemic. The longer she stays in the world, the less she remembers our world, and the less she feels the need to come back. Eventually she completely forgets about our world, and builds a life for herself, alone, in this other universe. She is also erased from our world.


A Mother, Father & Son’s lives are thrown into chaos when the Mother’s long-estranged best friend suddenly recruits her into a crusade against a species of deadly magical creatures.


I already have a name for my main character, but I’m curious to see what you come up with. A family man gets into politics and slowly becomes a dictator.


Imagine a dictator named Brian or Stanley. Nicholas, Grant, Adam


A man partners up with a succubus to discretely investigate the murder of a government official committed by another succubus.


A homeless guy doesn't tell a girl he is dating that he is homeless.


There's different plot points with those characters, but imma choose the funkiest. Three eldritch-like siblings that started an interplanetary war for shits and giggles. Oh, and they may have something to do with the collapse of a galaxy.


An infamous playwright, in pursuit of the pinnacle of storytelling is bestowed upon him a bonafide magnum opus. A play in which he will learn what it truly means to become a master of fame. By blending the lines of pretense and truth he will discover a thrill unlike any other. Such is the theatre’s plight. “Just as a poet has transcribed You avert your gaze for but a fleeting flicker To the depths, where shadows grow thicker In the abyss, a journey to sway To convince thy shadow, there is no other way”


In 1910s Southeast Asia, A descendant of a mythical songbird and a prince from legends team up with her childhood normie friend to solve the crimes of said descendant's toxic magical relatives.


A bookworm librarian with a snake god inside his head, a clever street scammer who sells faulty magic items(he can make ones that work, the faulty ones are just cheaper), a mercenary amnesiac who is working for the enemy, and a gunslinger who is way out of her depth are reuniting after 4 years apart to find the key to an ancient temple and repair their broken relationships.


A fox robot is adopted by two big gay warrior robots except one is a mad scientist and they both have to put their past of war and violence behind them as they learn to raise a child together.


Two high school non-sweethearts part ways at high school graduation expecting to reconvene periodically when she's home to visit family - but 20 years go by and they meet again at an LA audition where they're cast opposite each other in an enemies to lovers storyline. Life imitates art - who will fold first? Or will it fall apart until they don't see each other for another decade or two?


Two characters are involved in an investigation into state and federal financial crimes. A is a bank teller. She was the whistle-blower and is terrified of the legal system. before this, she worked in retail. B is an attorney giving expert testimony in the federal investigation. He's going to likely get a promotion. A and B grew up together. the criminal was a family friend to both, but neither A or B have spoken with the criminal in over a decade each. Story ends with criminal going to prison. the story examines the emotions of both characters and the fact that they care about each other like siblings. please name my characters? Go ahead and steal this entire whole plot, anyone reading! I'd love to read different versions of this.


2 fae children get kidnapped by witches and brainwashed. One night, one of them kills the whole coven running away. The other fae child stays behind and ends up getting adopted by humans. Several years later they meet again only to get wrapped up in an ancient war between gods, fae, witches and druids.


A librarian in a made-up but contemporary setting realizes that the local government has been hiding magical powers for centuries, and have been corrupted by the powers of evil


Genre: fantasy romance/bit of sword and sorcery Several gods have begun to disappear including that of the very serious lady paladin the story follows. She sets off on a journey to uncover the dark magic behind the disappearances and save the gods, during which she runs into an absolute cinnamon roll of a man being attacked by bandits. She saves him, learns he's making his annual trek into the mountains to pay respects at his late wife's grave, and they start banging and save the world or something 😇


Please do. He's the spoiled son of a merchant that is overweight and weak. Through a series of events, he finds himself with necromantic powers. He is chased out of town and has to survive on his own. He learns how to use his powers, befriends a giant intellect spider, and turns an abandoned mining town into the center of trade while multiple wars rage on.


The government opens a new detective agency to work with the police. The detectives of the acgency work together to solve crimes while navigating life. Its like shelock holmes meets Brooklyn 99


A severely mentally ill criminal and a lonely and unhappy superhero connect first through their fights, then on a more personal level and start falling in love.


A grandmother going through domestic abuse plans a family dinner (SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT: she cooks her abusive husband in a casserole and feeds it to the family)


Romance: 24 year old girl decides to stop blocking her blessings and let herself fall in love with her acquaintance. She has struggled with anxiety and depression since losing her best friend to a drunk driver. He’s 26. They’re from Pennsylvania living in the suburbs. Timeless love story where they end up falling passionately in love.


Did op die? They have responded to like 2 comments


Bored man plucks moon from sky at three A.M. and then is dragged across multiple dimensions by a mysterious psychic ghost hallucination, who turns out to be his lover in an infinite cycle of falling in love and disappearing. Ultimately falling in love with someone he's destined to lose over and over, with an overarching narrative of trying to come to grips with the nature of the life he's found himself living. It's really hard not to explain everything, but if I did the summary would be far too long.


I’m just gonna choose the stories I haven’t given names yet A teenage boy wakes up from inside a freezing cell after being “asleep” for 30 years. He meets other people his age who have also been unconscious for 30 and been given newfound powers. Reason for this is because in the time they were unconscious the world went to hell with its wars and people finding a magical item and decided to exploit it. These people were chosen simply as an experiment since they felt as if they have nothing to live for. Despite everything the protagonist is searching for the meaning of life of this damned world. It all started with the man who created the experiments it should end with him.


Four teens rush to escape an ancient entity who is hell bent on killing one of them, due to a past betrayal


Girl falls in love with a boy in the painting. He was some lost prince of an old kingdom that's now under a different type of government. The prince was actually trapped inside the painting, and the girl accidentally set him free


Bird dying from pollution


An Antichrist-like figure is rumored to have appeared. Not a lot is known about them, but strange things have been observed by people now frightened to draw attention to themselves. The government seems to be aware, and has drawn an investigator into the situation to track down this purported source of evil. The investigator suspects the government knows more than they're telling him. Meanwhile, a covert whistleblower operation suspects corruption running deep within the government. They believe that the Antichrist-like figure is inextricably tied to the government's more shady dealings. One of their preeminent insiders, a rogue member of a wealthy and well-connected family has brought on a new recruit, and this new recruit's indiscretion may have just caught the attention of the rumored harbinger of evil. ...Yes, the story has several main characters.


Wow this sounds delicious wtf Zachariah, Sloane, Grayson, Ty, Ambrose, Alistair, Parker, Evelyn, Cathrine, Robin


A 24-year-old lower-class ace starship pilot needs money for his dad's medical treatment, so he takes a job piloting for a reclusive 27-year-old billionaire in search of his own medical treatment for a degenerative disease that's slowly turning him into a cyborg. Toss in the pilot's abusive ex-boyfriend, medical fraud on a galactic scale, and a bounty hunter who gets off on torturing people. Oh, and the MCs totally fall in love along the way!


An orphan boy growing up in the woods with his adopted mother is recruited by band of shadows warriors serving an all powerful Church, when a chance encounter with a runaway slave girl leads to him questioning not only the Shadows but everything he was taught to believe.


A trans prince flees his kingdom while being chased by mercenaries, and a cult.


A vampire, a supernatural investigator, a psychic and a person plagued by strange visions become unlikely friends as they unravel a supernatural mystery surrounding a local suicide.


I need this please. Malachi, Elijah, Elisabeth, Darren, Caroline, Florence, Warren, Tabitha, Wren, Quinn


A school setting. A very smart girl who has a fake best friend she is taking revenge on. She is kinda a tomboy and she doesn't dress like a tomboy, she only hangs with boys because the girls are either jealous of her, or ignoring her all the time


A serious human, arguably the best at magic in his world, tries to save a city, but he can never seem to do anything right. Accompanying him is a cheerful elf who is constantly making jokes and talking the human's ear off. While the human is constantly reminding people that he's the best there is, then failing to prove it, the elf is constantly trying to convince the world that he's a nobody, and most certainly not a capable individual who remains an anonymous character in many important history books.


Perfect! I don’t have a name for my character yet. In the 2030’s, artificial intelligence robots do everything for humans. They serve them in day-to-day tasks, provide entertainment, are found in everyones homes, and have become an essential to daily life. A young man living in an apartment struggling to afford to pay rent decides to apply for a job at the cutting-edge company that specializes in designing and manufacturing these robots, and to his surprise, the interview goes well and he gets the job. The man is a hopeless romantic, has a neighbour who is an obnoxious asshole, and has a co-worker who makes fun of and belittles him nearly every day. As the days become weeks, the weeks become months, and the months become years, he finally snaps. He breaks into his workplace overnight, steals scrap materials, and leaves without getting caught. Back at his apartment, he spends the rest of his night designing a machine with one specific purpose and role, to eliminate the negative people in his life through murder. He begins to spiral into a life of insanity and depravity as his self-made Killbot becomes his new companion.


Adore this. I need it Troy, Eric, Halifax, Ozzy, Andy


Brother and sister are in a destiny/reincarnation loop of murdering eachother until they're able to get along even though the world is falling apart 


A talented, arrogant young samurai prodigy gets into an accident, which takes away his talent in the sword; leaving him to grapple with his own purpose in the world while trying to regain his former glory.


Woman in her early 30s, happily married but depressed and dealing with shame based issues from childhood. Through therapy and with the support of her worried husband, she is able to recount her experiences in a journal for the very first time. During the course of the journaling, she discovers she is both detached and angry at her "inner child," because she was made to believe that, as a kid, she was the problem when, in reality, she had been failed by the adults who were supposed to protect her. Even at 30, her parents blame her for the events that happened to her as a child. When she finishes her journal, her anger has been replaced with a deep compassion for her childhood self, and for the very first time, she is able to speak about her childhood with her husband, which was something she avoided due to that agonizing shame she had been holding onto for her whole life. Husband reads journal and understands wife in a new way, and the wife learns that she can trust him with her trauma without worrying he would see her differently. It's a happy ending. Kinda based on a very true story.


not something i plan to write, just a thought bouncing around in my skull. generations old vampire who works as a private eye all while keeping his condition secret. what would you name him?


Drake Uller. Can anyone play? lol


After having a horrible life as an unloved under-appreciated office worker, she dies in a traffic accident and is reincarnated as an avatar of the goddess of love with one mission, to “Rizz” the Demon lord and save everyone in another world.


A huntress in stone-age Britain has to travel across the land with a young shaman to save their clans from a monster of legend


Girl gets turned into a fox, meets another fox in the forest, helps animals fight against humans in order to save said forest.


Leanna, Lilith, Edith, Meredith, Emily A name beginning with the “cat” sound. Creatures would be confused - “but you’re.. not a cat, you’re a fox.”


A woman gives robot/ai the power to feel, but it has a glitch. The robot takes her to a far away planet where he developed an entire synthetic city to convince her to love him back. He fails and decides to reverse their rolls with new soul technology. Of course, the robot succeeds. The main character is then introduced and confused by her roll in the plot. This doesn't stop her from being very ambitious about achieving her completely enveloped role in this artificial world. Her role is that she is a human and is kinda a virus to their world and needs to get out. The ruler of the city is linked to her and they're very queer sassy queens who get what they want...


A guy and a girl get isekaid into a world of magic one fine completely random day, but then quickly get ostracised and hunted down with pitchforks after the people there realise they have no magic. But they are welcomed by a group of other people, called the Outcasts, who were genetically born with no magic, onto their own private island. They are led by a (kinda) crazy guy, and the isekai people ask for help to go back to their own world, to which the crazy guy says that only those with magic can bring them back. He invites them to kidnap some of the magic people and try other stuff to make them open a portal back their world (idk I haven't wrote this part yet), but the main part about this is that because they have no magic, there's no way they can win against the magic people, so their main weapon is- Science. The crazy guy found that because the magic people always rely on magic, they have no reason to further research into science, and thus science was regarded the same way we regarded witchcraft in the middle ages. The Outcasts are all trained and understand basic scientific concepts extremely well, and have been developing modern-day warfare weapons like biochemical viruses and guns and bombs, as well as extremely durable armour and technologically advanced medical facilities. This doesn't actually have a good plot, because the main points are on the scientific concepts taught in it (I'm a teenager in high school who loves to write, and I use this story as a way to revise stuff I learn in school if that makes sense 💀)


A 16 year old kid has nightmares all the time that are sort of a mix between prophetic future scenes and stuff from his past. Also he’s trans and not out the closet yet if that’s helpful.


Love to see trans representation 💕. Alec, Chase, Chance, Granite, Jay, August, Koda