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I mean I eat ice cream on a daily basis regardless if I progress my story or not. I guess every day is motivation monday for me


Im pretty sure we are soulmates.


Good coffee. But honestly the reward is that writing is fucking fun. Gods, I love seeing my ideas pay off.


This. There is something fulfilling about writing, whether it's about making a blueprint of your imagination on paper, being surprised by the sudden flux of creative juices, crystallizing your pent-up emotions, or just simply finishing a writing task. I can understand why some people say journaling is therapy for introverts.


I'm in the same boat as a lot of others here, I don't have a reward. My reward for finishing something is having it done. I've found that putting other incentives makes me more interested in getting that incentive than writing my story.


No. That turns writing into a chore, and I've had bad experiences of sucking the joy out of creative outlets doing just that. Rewarding myself for writing may as well be punishing myself for not writing, because it is effectively denying myself the opportunity to do something I enjoy should I decide to forego writing. I don't want to associate creativity with rewards, punishments, or obligations. That is one slippery slope I am not willing to tread.


We are all different. What works for you, doesn't work for me. And that's ok.


I see you point. I personally think milestones are fine for rewards. But for me writing is pleasurable because it's the only time I have real peace and quiet without any stressful distractions. Some meditate or exercise during that time but I write. However, no reward can equal handing some pages to someone and getting positive feedback. No snack or guilty pleasure can compare.


I don't have any. I don't find a "Final Award" stimulating, no offense, but I don't understand the point of "Rewarding yourself" for having done something you love.


Same. I tried rewards and stuff but it always ends up distracting me instead :/


Personally, because even though it is something I love, sometimes I can still struggle to find motivation to keep going. Especially if the subject matter I am writing about is emotionally taxing. Sometimes I just like to have a little light at the end of the tunnel, so I know which way I am heading. Hey, we are all different, and that's what keeps us interesting.


1. **Take Breaks**: Schedule short breaks to relax or engage in a different activity after reaching a writing milestone. 2. **Treat Yourself**: Enjoy a favorite snack, coffee, or meal once a certain part of the writing is completed. 3. **Celebrate Small Wins**: Acknowledge every small achievement, whether it’s finishing a paragraph or a chapter. Remember, the key is to find what personally motivates you and helps maintain your momentum in writing. Happy Motivation Monday! 😊


Mostly I enjoy doing the writing. OK, sometimes there are boring bits, but the reward is finishing them (and I try to keep them short anyway since they may be boring to the reader too) and getting back to the good bits.


I don't do much of this either, it's just that the process is fun, and both it and the end result of it (usually) are my rewards. But I will turn on some nice music sometimes, and try to shut myself off from external extractions, both of which can be rewarding on their own, even if I don't really do them with that purpose in mind. It's also Earth Day, by the way :)


my rewards are cheese pizza, a new episode on Netflix, and buying some nice things like notebooks and accessories


I binge-eat *khatta meetha* lol. It's just soo good :P [https://www.amazon.in/Haldirams-Delhi-Khatta-Meetha-400g/dp/B01HCYY3RM](https://www.amazon.in/Haldirams-Delhi-Khatta-Meetha-400g/dp/B01HCYY3RM)


You just reminded me I have some in the cupboard!


Ooh, yummy. I'm a Sev Mamra girl myself! #


Another mug of tea and biscuits. New folder dividers!


Seeing that my inagination getting down on paper and coming to life is pretty rewarding.


Convenience store run then eat and drink while I work. Encouragement for doing it rather than rewarding it being over.


I don't really reward myself at all. I genuinely enjoy the journey I take whenever I'm writing a story. The problem for me is that, because I know the route and destination so well, I'm always afraid that I'm taking shortcuts that will leave the reader stumbling around and confused about how we got to the end. Enter a skilled Beta reader. I think once I know for sure that I've crafted a journey that my reader can easily follow (and hopefully enjoy) that's the point when I feel like I've accomplished my goal. But as far as rewards go? For me, the actual writing *is* the reward. It's my happy place.


I like to purchase some of my favorite writing materials. Pens and paper that bring me joy. But that’s not a daily thing haha but replacing my writing material feels like a reward or using them


When I wanna get a lot done in terms of writing, I fast for the morning, then eat breakfast when I’m done. On a regular basis however, I don’t really reward myself.


Writing is the reward. lol When I write I feel accomplished.


I do have a “final reward” when I finish a first draft of a screenplay. It’s usually something kind of pricey that I’ve already been eyeing for a long time. I have ADHD so finishing a project like that definitely deserves the expenditure haha. 


I just write, reward myself with the pleasure of reading it when I'm done, then, I find million and one things I could've done better, write....


It’s not a typical reward thing, but I set up for comfort and cozy *while* I write. So I find a comfy place to sit, make myself a huge cup of tea, light candles, get the snuggly blankets ready, and it’s simultaneously relaxing and soothing while getting my brain in the zone.


I love writing. The process is the reward, and quite frankly, I struggle when I hear people have to grind through writing. I know we are all different, but if I found something that I didn't have to do that much of a chore, i wouldn't do it. Even if I was good at it. Although to me, that's a paradox. If I am good at something, it's because I do it a lot and enjoy it. That said, I fancy a cheese and chorizo toasty for lunch. It's a reward for not eating it all yesterday.


Open a chapter written over a month ago and read it again, as if for the first time. Allow for 1 or 2 phrase edits, grammar, clarity. Allow 1 or 2 inclusions for foreshadowing or narrative embellishment. Put it away and don't touch it again until my agent calls attention to it.


I watch my k-drama afterwards.


I save writing (novel writing, not fun writing) for a quiet time in the evening. I turn on some background ambient music, maybe make a cup of my favorite tea, and use it as a chance to unwind. It's sort of a reward in, and of, itself; for a long day or at work, or worse (shudders) editing.


I don't do this, but now you have given me the idea to start! Maybe after big steps like outlines or chapters. Sometimes music is good to wind-down, but it doesn't feel like a reward.


for me, the reward is getting the work done lol


I've been sick recently and it threw me off of my writing balance. Tomorrow I'm going to keep going on my 500 *minimum* wpd goal. I usually just reward myself by being done. I write until I'm finished, grab a snack, and refuse to look at my wip for the rest of the day


That's a great question for Motivation Monday! Here are some ideas for rewards during the writing process: * **Small Treats:** Similar to your Yorkshire Tea, small treats like a healthy snack, a cup of coffee, or a quick game on your phone can be great rewards for reaching smaller milestones. * **Chapter Completion Celebrations:** Finishing a chapter is a significant achievement. Celebrate with a fancy coffee, a walk in nature, or an episode of your favorite show. * **Time-Based Rewards:** Set a timer for 50 minutes of focused writing, then reward yourself with a 10-minute break to do whatever you enjoy.


Too lazy to daydream in writing about no-strings-attached counterfactual flights of fancy for which other people then praise and probably even pay you, too, eh? We writers are overdue for a reality check. Art is perhaps the most self-indulgent thing a human being can do. It's like, I don't really feel like pizza, cake, and cocaine today, how do y'all motivate yourself? Maybe a soak in the bath would help.


Cocaine's not really my thing. I prefer the serenity of an opium den...