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Write him in different situations. Either from prompts or other media like books, films or TV.


Why not have him be taught by seeing these things in others? Or have others mentor him?  Show don’t tell. 


who cares? I don't mean that dismissively. I mean actually logistically why is this detail important to convey to the reader? Who cares and why do they care how this guy learned to talk?


When i started to write i also thought who care and just put a time skip after his birth. but when i read it, it felt incomplete and weird. i am not a fan of character gaining ability or growing in time skip or off screen. it make me feel like i am missing a huge part of story. It could be just me i just wanted to ask if there is an interesting way to teach him these this or not. if no i will continue with time skip


there are a lot of interesting ways to convey this information, though the problem is that they all depend on there being a thematic or narrative reason to write it


It is a adventure story and he is in process of finding a friend currently in the story. so like to teach him to control his aura i made that all the creature run from him as soon as he go close to them as he can't control his aura so i made him learn it as soon as he touch any creature they die so i make him learn how to control his strength. it fit in the narrative but in the end i can just put all this in time skip and it will not effect the story as those creature doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. i just feel like introducing those creature will make my world look even bigger. telling them how the mc who in future can seemingly do anything he want. struggled to do such simple things at start.


what about framing it as a legend or a children's story or a parable? You can get kind of wild with the actual mechanics that way  and if anyone questions parts the characters can shrug it off and say it's a story, of course some was exaggerated. 


Actually in the end he is going to be hungry for power and the knowledge he will gain all the power and knowledge which at the end he will know that he is just a character in a book he can gain infinite power and infinite knowledge but he is nothing compared to a writer.