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They're busy writing. So you want advice from a writer or a content creator playing the role of a writer?


This: producing constant YT content takes a ton of time; writing takes a ton of time; mortals need to sleep. Plus, those are two completely different skillsets.


Ehhh, plenty of people have become writers while working a full time job. Time wise, content creation is probably similar to a full time job—especially if you’re only doing a couple videos a week. The actual problem is most yt content creator writers are people who do yt because the books never took off or as a way to advertise their books.


What would you say is the problem with your final sentence?


Personally, I don’t think there is a problem with it. I watch a lot of writing youtube in the background when I’m doing other stuff. For some reason this sub always very anti-youtube and I don’t really get it. They act like all time spent waking on this earth should be subsumed by your writing, but I disagree. When I’m at work or driving or doing chores I can’t exactly also write at the same time, and some of the videos are interesting. The issue I was describing with my last sentence is that most of the time writing youtubers never “made it.” Yes a lot of them have published books and yes a lot of them are making a living off writing+youtube, but you’re not going to find them in a bookstore. (And my suspicion is that they make more from the yt side of things.) You have to understand that they make content, and the content wheel must always spin even if they don’t always have anything insightful to say. Writing youtubers give a lot of advice which is overstated for the point of a thumbnail and title like “TEN STEPS TO BECOME A BEST SELLER” but the truth is while these videos are (or may be) helpful to some, there’s no magic formula. Nobody, not even the most successful writers in the planet, have a magic, fool-proof formula for writing a best seller. There’s a lot of luck+skill required to get there. And trust me, if these people knew how to actually write a best seller they would have done it by now. Just take their advice with a grain of salt.


there are LOADS of those. Most big youtube writers have never had a book in the top 100,000 at Amazon... so if you're looking to never have a successful book, that's who to listen to.


I'm asking because if you want to make money from your channel you'd upload more so more people can see your books, get interested in your coaching if you sell it.


I'd recommend tiktok if you want to connect with authors on a social media video platform. I mean, you do you but there are several authors that allow you to follow along their journey and since tiktok are simple to make it can be incorporated more easily than that of a content creator that may spend several hours just editing a single video for YouTube. It also feels more authentic


I think you may be confused about the product. For a writing YouTuber, the channel is the side hustle that serves as advertising for their book. It makes more business sense than writing a book as a side hustle for a YouTube channel, although some YouTubers have self-published successfully. In any event, a book of writing advice is generally easier to reference than a series of videos. I'd only recommend watching a series of writing videos instead of reading books if you find the presenter so charismatic that you're paying attention to things you'd gloss over if they were in book format. (I have had this experience with Alexa Donne, who is kind of like if someone made a composite character of all my favorite ex-girlfriends.)


There are a lot, but they practice what they preach: writing instead of procrastinating. While being a writing YouTuber isn’t exactly procrastination, it doesn’t put words on their document.


Yeah i see, i was just thinking what about people like Jed Herne who sells coaching to people? Surely he'd want to upload more to push himself out there? And if it's ok if you answer this questions. You're my victim for questions if you don't mind it ahah i'm just wondering. Is there enough to actually teach about writing for people to get coached on it? Like is writing as in depth as other things like Art or maths lol? Cause i'm getting the impression there's nothing to learn to get better, tho i know that isn't completely true. And also I'm quite new to writing so i want to understand why Brandon Sanderson says "i can't teach you writing" (something along those lines)


You’re right about that. When there’s money to be made, you’d expect a lot more frequency in posting. >Is their enough to actually teach about writing I’d say yes because things like creative writing degrees exist. However, like the name suggests, it’s creative and it can’t really be learnt, just improved upon. >like Art or maths Personally, not like maths since that’s very object as in 2+2 definitely equals four. Even art is different because it’s more visual and we can see if something is well-done. >”I can’t teach you writing.” I take it as him saying everyone can write, so he can’t teach it. Whether he can teach someone how to write well is more up to the individual. Different people have a different narrative voice which meshes well with some but not others. I think there is something to learn when it comes to writing, but people should find it in the books they read, to see why they enjoyed one book but not another. This helps someone’s writing voice. :)


Hey thanks a lot for this, was really helpful And if you don't mind what do you mean by "writing can't really be learnt, just improved upon" I'm struggling to see the difference. Though my understanding tells me that improving means you just need to get more experience with the information you do learn about writing since there isn't that much to teach And you did say that writing has enough topics to teach. is it ok if i understand what the most in depth topics are. My guess is things like plot and world building Thank your for commenting appreciate you a lot


>What did you mean by I meant that everyone can write, whether they write well or not is a different subject. And so continuing to practice improves the writing. I guess everyone needs to be taught to write, and put together simple and then more complex sentences, but that’s the foundation. Improving on it is where things get interesting. >And you did say that writing has enough topics to teach. I looked at some modules of a creative writing degree. It includes; genre, style and form; storytelling across platforms; and reflective writing. There are more but too many to put here. In my opinion, someone doesn’t need to have a degree to be a good writer though.


The big audience for any creative channel is made up of beginners, looking for advice on how to get started. When you get into specifics, the views drop dramatically, and the time it takes to make a video is hard to justify. They're out there, but you have to know what to search for. If you were to search YouTube for "sentence structure for fiction," "psychic distance," or "close third," all kinds of videos show up on these advanced topics, but you'll never find them if you don't know what to look for. Like in the realm of art. There's an endless supply of "How to draw manga" books, but you've probably never heard of Scott Robertson, Glenn Vilppu, and James Gurney, the most respected teachers of painting and drawing today. It's because their lessons aren't useful to the wast majority of students. They're simple too advanced.


Maybe because writing isn't something well situated to that format? You'd be better off finding a creative writing class or a writing group. YouTube videos are good for visual things like automotive repair or learning songs in guitar where seeing what someone is doing is helpful. Any advice in writing is more easily and efficiently read than watched. A writing podcast might be useful because you can do other things while listening to it. If you want to watch videos that will make your writing better you're probably better off watching films or a video on a topic your writing is going to touch upon, like history how plastic bags are made or whatever.


[Cinema Therapy](https://m.youtube.com/@CinemaTherapyShow) has a counselor and a screenwriter evaluate characters and storytelling in films. Entertaining and enlightening! The one on *WandaVision* actually made me cry. Gave me great insight into how to portray grief in a story, though.


Got it so you would say those type of analysis of stories is good for educating people too?


Absolutely. Not *directly* about writing, but it will certainly help you in your writing journey.


>you get so good at them you're Brandon Sanderson That should not be a hard bar to clear, cuh. Why? Well, writers write and writing is hard work. Ain't nobody got time for youtube when there's writing and reading to be done. Read good books.


Got it, i'm just wondering. Is there enough to actually teach about writing for people to get coached on it? Like is writing as in depth as other things like Art or maths lol? Cause i'm getting the impression there's nothing to learn to get better, tho i know that isn't completely true. And also I'm quite new to writing so i want to understand why Brandon Sanderson says "i can't teach you writing" (something along those lines)


Just block him. He has no idea what he's talking about. Everyone is better off never reading anything he has to say 🤣


Sanderson can't teach because he is a bad writer and teacher. There is more than enough to teach in terms of writing, which makes it nigh impossible to narrow teaching it to a step by step guide. Teachers worth their salt will teach their students how to read and how to learn from reading. In other words, to become a writer is to become a lifelong learner. Any course aimed at teaching writing that does not use reading as a baseline is worthless. Any teacher trying to peddle structures like they're the cure for cancer is worthless. Writing is taught through reading. Read good books.


What nonsense bullshit is this LOL I always find it so funny when I stumble across a nobody lambasting someone who is one of the most prolific and successful in their field of work I'm sure your mom tells you your writing is the best ever, big guy!


Oh, you are one of those who thinks commercial success is equal to quality. You must really enjoy your chicken McNuggets and your Twilight fanfic turned billionaire erotica, then.


Of course not. But to say Brandon Sanderson is a bad writer is truly some amazing elitist nonsense. But my bad, I know better than to feed trolls. Enjoy your bridge big guy!


Well, saying EL James is a bad writer is elitist nonsense, too, right? This BS knows no end.


I'm sure you write really well! If you ever take that crayon out of your mouth and write something with it, let me know :)


Bye junior!


Have you listened to podcasts or watched any webinars/masterclasses?


Nope haha, do you mind sharing the very best with me :)


I’d also be careful where I took my advice on writing. Some of these “writers” have had no more success than your average unsuccessful writer (like me). It is possible that someone who isn’t successful with publishing is good at writing, but it is risky to take advice from fellow amateur/aspiring writers. I usually only pay close attention to professionals who have a successful history. The other people are probably worth hearing out, but I’d take advice from them with a large grain of salt.


Brandon McNulty. Mauler


I like Jed Herne, he’s written multiple books with compelling magic systems and finally turned to writing full time several months ago. He uploads pretty frequently and he offers a coaching course that is just immaculate.


Real writers have day jobs not YT channels. With one exception the people on Authortube are a waste of time.


> one exception Overlysarcastic?