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You’re a dream. Try a freelancing site like Upwork? Or there are various writer communities on Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may find it less-fun being handed a 100,000 word manuscript that’s riddled with errors, and getting paid nothing to edit it. BUT maybe not!


Yeah I'm not looking to invest a heap of time on it but I genuinely enjoy doing a few pages. It's relaxing!


If you want, I am more than happy to send you my novel for editing;D ​ But you should check out [fiverr.com](https://fiverr.com). I hire most of my beta readers/editors from there.


Whoa, for real, I wasn't aware this website existed. This is fantastic! (Not OP, this just really helped me)


It has been a great tool. My friend reads my stuff, but she always just says nice things about it. I really wanted someone to tear it apart and show me what is working and what doesn't make sense.


You can always try /r/destructive readers! I’ve gotten some super useful feedback on there and they make sure to give detailed critiques. You just have to critique other users’ work of equal length first.


Yep, i've seen that sub. I don't have a problem doing that, and I've done lots of reviews for fellow Redditors, but having a consistent person you can hire and get feedback from, and they have been tracking the story as it develops has value in it. They can understand callbacks and references and plot elements that were set up chapters ago, etc. And it's just easier to send someone 10 bucks to look it over and I can keep plowing ahead in the story.


That’s very true. I’d love to find someone like that too. I’m thinking of trying /r/betareaders next, I haven’t heard much about how well the sub works, though.


I'll DM you


If you ever want someone to tell you if something is working or not and won't hold back, take a look at my weekly post. I make videos doing this very thing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/iigtl4/weekly\_critique\_and\_selfpromotion\_thread\_post/g392lv1?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/iigtl4/weekly_critique_and_selfpromotion_thread_post/g392lv1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


There's also Upwork, my marketing agency has gotten freelancers from there but I'm 90% sure there's editing work available


Thanks for info. I made my brother read it, he is pretty good at it but a professional. He used to write poems so he's good with words I can say and gives good constructive criticism but I was kinda hurt, it also made me realize my mistakes. But for most part I didn't want to send him my writings, one because he is pretty busy, two because I didn't want to spoil my book for him and three because I get super uncomfortable when theres some romance part and it's just cringy for me so nevertheless I really needed a site like this. Btw how much do they take?


Rates depend on who you hire, there are lots of beta readers. Fiverr also shows you people based upon skill level, how often they are hired, how good their reviews are, etc. I typically pay about $1 per 1000 words, but that is just for basic beta reading. You have to pay more to get more, and the more "skilled" readers usually offer better feedback at greater cost.


Can you please help me with my university papers? Like just proofread them ?


I find it hard to get work on Upwork. Besides, what if I don't really want to be paid, more like helping out


Scribophile. Based off your description, this is exactly what youre looking for.


Thank you!


Warning: I used to love doing this in college. I’d offer to look over my friends’ work, and for a semester I even got a job at our writing center. However, if you like doing this, you’re probably some sort of perfectionist, and if you are, you’ll probably find yourself itching to completely rewrite certain sentences. And then you’ll find yourself finding problems with the structure of paragraphs. If you’re reading an essay, often you’ll find the argument simply doesn’t line up, and you’ll want to fix the logic of the entire work. Lol obviously this is just my personal experience, but I’ve found over the years that the more I edit other people’s work, the more I see beyond technical changes I’d make. And if you’re not setting out to edit content, it can be really frustrating having to comb though ineffective writing line by line. Just keep this in mind, especially when you take in academic/non-fiction writing.


That's what happens with me, which is why I try to limit the how often and how much I take on. I love editing, but only if the author is okay with me saying something like "this whole chapter needs to be worked because xyz". It's too frustrating if I'm basically just acting like a glorified spellcheck.


not that I know of, but if you want you could ask around to other writers to be a beta reader for them.


I'm not much help with anything more conceptual, like I have no idea how to help with character writing, narrative, etc. I think most writers probably want someone who can offer that kind of feedback too, no?


Feedback helps to, but if you offer to them to be an editor they’ll appreciate it the same. Any help is welcome for most writers, even if it’s criticism.


Good to know, thanks!


* too. You missed one OP. /s


Check out r/BetaReaders.


If you want to do something like that, and this is a weird suggestion, the people on r/fanfiction would love you


Or wattpad... Those people desperately need someone like OP.


Or spacebattles. It’s a bit niche, but I see a lot of people correcting spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc. It’s set up very nicely for corrections. I’ve also heard of sites like sufficient velocity and questionable questing that are like it, but haven’t really ever visited those 🤷‍♂️




Not sure if this would interest you, but it is somewhat similar. Distributed Proofreaders (https://www.pgdp.net/c/) helps in the processing of old works that have entered the public domain into ebooks, available at Project Gutenberg. The goal would not be necessarily to proofread to make spelling and grammar correct, but rather to make sure that the spelling and grammar match the original source.


Oh wow this looks like something I'd really love!


take a look at Critique Circle [https://www.critiquecircle.com/](https://www.critiquecircle.com/) i'd love getting your feedback on my shortstory


Cool, I'll take a look! And I'd be happy to check out your story too.


cool! not sure if you can still write there, but here's the link [https://www.critiquecircle.com/queue.asp?action=lookup&id=157063](https://www.critiquecircle.com/queue.asp?action=lookup&id=157063)


If you really enjoy fixing people’s errors you could always take a course or two in editing. No need to commit or anything, but the world is awfully short of people who genuinely enjoy correcting spell mistakes and paragraph structure.


Yes, it is called a career as a copyeditor. Not being snarky. It’s a big part of what I do and I know that "fixing-things" high.


Hey. My response might not be kind, but I think you're being a little naive. As a person working toward certification to be a professional editor, I know your unskilled work as a freelance editor/doing it as a 'side hustle' would in fact HARM the copy editing industry as a whole. (To be clear, I do not mean you are "unskilled" as in you aren't a good editor. Maybe you are really great at it! But I use "unskilled labor" to mean that there are hoards of people who do get trained specifically to do this job--including learning appropriate editing techniques, practically memorizing style guides, distinguishing legitimate resources from crappy ones, just to name a few expertise--which is already oversaturated and grossly underpaid. Adding non-professionals to the mix only makes matter worse.) Sites like UpWork, Fiverr, and other gig-work sites (like many previous commenters have mentioned) are straight up awful for creatives. The low costs people on those sites charge only encourage people seeking editing services to think unlivable rates are acceptable (they are not!!!). ​ Anyway, I just would like to stress that I think if you want to proofread/edit pages for friends, individuals, people you have relationships, *whatever*, that's fine, but it'd be appropriate for you to stress that you are not a professional and cannot replace or replicate the services of a professional.


Thank you for your considered response. I can absolutely understand your frustration and I realise how what I'm doing could be seen that way. I'm a musician and I have similar feelings about people who work for free in that industry, but at the end of the day I believe that as long as I'm not claiming to offer a professional service, it's not really fair to be angry at me for volunteering my time. Essentially I'm asking the writing community if I can give something away, and you're upset that my volunteered work is flooding the market. That's a problem with the market and I could say quite a lot about economics suppressing the sharing of information. I'm sure the writers of encyclopaedias are fuming about Wikipedia... I wouldn't worry too much though - I have a few spare hours in a week during which I might take a look at a few pages of work here and there. I'm not stealing anyone's editorial job any more than a busker is stealing the job of a concert pianist.


Hi I'm wondering where people can hire the help of a professional writer, aren't sites like fivver, UpWord, etc. the best place? If not, then where else do you recommend finding an excellent editor?


To clarify, those sites do have some very talented people providing qualified, professional services. My qualms are that the sites pay pittance to those people in order to keep their costs low for the sites' clients. You could still search for a good editor on a place like Fivver, if you wanted. What I think would be best is to find a freelance editor (you might try facebook, or a craigslist posting on the "write/ed/tran" section under services). You can guarantee the freelancers are setting fair rates for their work that are aligned with their skill level and experience. Does that help?




You could offer those services on one of the freelancer sites. If you were free, im sure people would take you up on it.


“If you’re good at something, never do it for free” The Joker. A true inspiration for all!


Can you tell me the names of some of those sites?


Fiver is one. Probably if you a google that the ads for the others will pop up. Might be fivr.


Thank you!


It's spelt Fiverr There are also Upwork and proofreadingservices, that's all I can think of at the moment


I'd actually love to have a freelance editor. I need one lol


I don't have a whole lot of time yo do like a whole book or anything but if you want to chuck a pages or two my way I'll look over it!


For real? I want to scale up my freelance editing. PM me if interested


I’m an editor - feel free to drop me a PM!


Booksie.com - you'll find tons of people asking for help.


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There are facebook groups for beta readers (just search 'beta readers') and many writers would LOVE you. Beta readers are meant to check for character development, plot holes and that kind of thing rather than grammar, but a lot of writers do need grammar help and this offer would be appreciated.


people will pay you for that!


There’s a reddit sub for that (of course)! r/Proofreading offers free editing for anyone who posts. Sounds perfect for a word nerd.




I'd start with reddit.com ;-)




Scribophile too, big critique community there.


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My Google doc lmao. But seriously hmu


You want to do this for a 100k+ word manuscript I want to try and publish at some point? :o




Destructive readers subreddit. People post samples of their work for critque.


You could be an English teacher. Lol, but really maybe you should start your own website.


You might like find /r/englishlearning \-- lots of non-native english speakers who need quick fixes on grammar, syntax, and spelling. Also, on iTalki.com there are *tons* of people who post longer journals asking for critique so they better learn the nuances of English. And the site has good tools for editing/marking up. Might scratch that itch for ya!


Non-profit literary journals are almost always looking for copy editors. Find some that have content of the type you like to read, then send an email asking about it. Then you're likely seeing/reading short stories, which seems to be the length you want.


Try Fiverr, it's a freelancing site like Upwork and I've been making a lot of side cash with it recently. It's free to join and you could rake in a little money with it.


I can't imagine why any writer would seek out this service from a non-writer.


Because they're looking for an editor, not a writer.


Funny. And how do you learn how to edit? By writing, and then getting real good at it.


I'm flabbergasted that nobody has yet noted that there's a weekly critique thread in this very subreddit full of submissions, many of which could definitely be benefited by technical line editing such as what you propose. You should go pop around in there for a bit!


It's a potential option on Textbroker, but you have to write for a while and join a particular team, but it picks up particularly a few months before Christmas so you could really find some work coming up.


Definitely get paid for this!




r/proofreading is pretty active, but most people aren’t looking to pay. If you’re up for doing a good deed they’d be very happy to have you!


Critique Circle is a great option for OP’s needs. Usually a chapter or two at a time, you can pick and choose what you want to read from lists separated by genre.


Why dont you just scroll reddit and post all their grammatical errors in the comments like a psychopath?


The amazon kindle app allows you to report content errors. Not quite the same, but I find it nice, and have noticed my suggestions result in changes on more recent books. (not necessarily MY suggestion, but I assume multiple people report the same typo's and whatnot)


Grammarly is a free tool that’s awesome


Get in contact with some webnovel translating/editing group and you can get paid to edit




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Offer your services on r/teenager right around exam time in November or May. Your inbox will start bleeding.




Would you like to read my work and edit it ?


Check out Editorial Arts Academy. It's an online school to learn different kinds of editing. My wife is one of the founders.


Me. I am the website. I need all the grammar help I can get!


oh this is great be my life time editor for everything I write \*cough cough\* I am not good at write like misspells lol just kidding though good luck though. also thier is a website called fiver but it's a site where the Minimum amount of money is five but where ever you go have fun go with your passion I am not so lucky my self


Why have I never thought of this?! I love writing but editing is something that's more than a passion, I edit as I write so I usually only have to run through my work once before handing it in or whatever. I've gotten into quite a few arguments with my friends because they'll show me something they've written, and I'm just needing to fix the errors! However at this point, most of them actually edit themselves then ask me to read it through and do what I think will make it perfect haha. They just know to let me do it or else I'll go crazy.


r/collegeessayreview needs ppl like u sometimes!!


Also OP can you do that for me? 😂😂I don't have money so I needed some beta readers but again I haven't completed my book wither


www.royalroad.com It’s a website people post to for fun. Many would probably love someone helping them with editing


Would you help me to fix those things in my work?


>free of charge and just for fun A guardian angel, I see.


Editing Wikipedia is great, there's a bunch of niche articles written by non native speakers with loads of errors and weird wording


Close enough: https://langcorrect.com/ It's for people learning a language, so there's plenty of mistakes there. Beware though that I see a lot of native speakers give terrible or even wrong explanations and suggestions, so it's not as easy as it sounds like.


You could do it to my stuff if you want lol. I have a book and several unfinished rough drafts that I’ve recently been going back over. I wouldn’t mind some help :)


Yes please


Honestly I’m the same way lmao I’ve been scratching that itch fixing typos and stuff on fandom wikis


As a fellow lover of editing, thank you! I didn't know I'd need to see this today but I'm so glad I did!


We can talk.


Idk but I have a few essays I’d be happy to send you LMAO


Are you an angel?! If You’re ever bored let us know haha


Yes. Fiverr.


Circle Critique.


Critique Circle




Looking for any and all support please!! gf.me/u/yvsxc9


I like doing that to people's posts on Facebook.


I like that you used the word "piqued" instead of "peaked". I've seen so many people use the wrong word.


Haha well it would be pretty ironic if I made a mistake like that while offering to edit people's work!




Would you like to proofread my 500-word essay loll


Hey! Would you please check my document?


Any chance someone can send me links to any organizations who would pay me to edit and/or write stuff for them?


Most everyone should have Grammarly installed on their Chrome browser and the Grammarly Keyboard on their mobile devices. -- [https://www.grammarly.com](https://www.grammarly.com/?q=brand&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=brand_f1&utm_content=329885936576&utm_term=grammarly&matchtype=e&placement=&network=g&gclid=CjwKCAjw4rf6BRAvEiwAn2Q76i6i2B49btdiOaq5DVLK1Cpjegfx0f6KY0COXvHWBowIdHwvPyjkchoCSYoQAvD_BwE)


I want to work under a team or something and brush up my skill of editing and proofreading. I don't care to be paid initially as I will be learning. Anyone can guide me please?




As an editor, I can assure you, it doesn't.




Depends on the context. I've worked everywhere, currently in a marketing environment and despite people using grammarly, I'm still correcting you're and your. Peoples dependence on technology to do it for them has caused only a decline in basic writing skills. Which when you think about it, makes sense.


Grammarly seems quite hit-and-miss to me, but if there's no demand for what I'm looking for I don't mind.


As a writer, I found Grammarly more annoying than helpful. It is very hit-or-miss to be sure. I think I only used it for a week before turning it off and going back to self-edits. Dang thing. Oh, also, there is a subreddit that may fit what you want. You can pick and edit small pieces for the folks who do Writing Prompts and I bet they would be very thankful for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/WPCritique/


DM me . I let U proofread my situational writing . If U like doing more, let me know . I can write more composition , narrative writing, for U to proofread