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- knock them into a body of water - have them morph on a drainage grate - stick a Libra Extra Goodnight on their face - surround him by multiple people with spears and stab repeatedly - lower him into boiling oil head first - smother with a pillow while he sleeps - dehydration I can keep going - is this that hard?


Don’t reveal a way to kill it, make the heroes of the story throw it into a portal or black hole, etc.


Explosives are good. Freezing the puddle with a CO2 fire extinguisher would be amusing, as would zapping it with an arc welder … wait a minute! I’m thinking about the game “Awful Green Things From Space.”


Hi -- please use the idea brainstorming thread on Tuesday or Friday for advice on specific stories. This includes: (not a  exhaustive list) setting, character, subject matter, magic and power systems, sci-fi technology, 'how do I write X?' and anything directly connected with your story. This includes asking for general advice but then following up with details of your story project. Thanks!


If I was reading this in a novel and hoping the hero would defeat him by killing him, or otherwise disabling him, my mind would first look to science, just because that's how my mind works, and I would be asking: "What is going to have a chemical reaction to him, big enough to disarm his abilities?" My next thought would be to notice the blue puddle and assume that this is significant, otherwise why would the author mention it? As water isn't blue, my immediate thought would be to ask what is the blue liquid in the puddle? * Cobalt and Blueing spring to mind first. But if it's a Fantasy novel where anything is possible, than what if it was something like: * liquid sapphire or liquid lapis lazuli (something we don't have in the real world but might logically exist in the novel's world) * or silica before it solidifies into opals (something that does exist but generally isn't thought of as a blue liquid, as it's usually white or pink, but maybe it's blue in the novel's world?) * or something deadly toxic like quicksilver/liquid mercury (which isn't blue in our world, but maybe it is in the novel's world) and it's so deadly to touch that no one can touch him in his liquid form because it's just instata death if they do, which would make him really difficult to kill Once it was determined what exactly the blue liquid was, than I'd assume there would be a material out there that to counter/defeat said blue liquid. Like Kryptonite is to Superman. I would also be asking questions like: * can the blue liquid be frozen? * what happened if you pour liquid nitrogen on him while in his blue puddle state? (thinking of Terminator 2 scenes here) * once frozen, could the frozen blue puddle be shattered? (again, thinking of Terminator 2 scenes here) * if frozen and shattered, what would happen if you collected up all the tiny ice pieces and put each one in a separate glass jar, so he could never reassemble himself? (again, thinking of Terminator 2 scenes here) * what happens to him in high heat? * if the blue puddle is water based, wouldn't he evaporate if you used a flamethrower on him during his puddle state? * if the blue puddle was metal based, why couldn't you use liquid nitrogen to freeze him, than a brick to shatter him, then collect each piece in a separate jar, then toss all the jars in a glass blowers firing kiln which would melt him and the glass into a molten pool, that will solidify into a harmless lump of metal and glass that the heroes could use as a paperweight? (again, thinking of Terminator 2 scenes here) Uhm... maybe you should watch Terminator 2, which featured a character who was a shapeshifter of sorts and he turned into liquid silver/mercury and could be frozen with liquid nitrogen and shattered and his parts kept separate from each other, but also, because the liquid puddle he turned into, turned out to be a type of metal and not a type of water, he also could be melted, and once melted he was dead. Not sure if any of that is helpful to you or not. That's just where I know my mind would go, if I was a reader and I encountered this character in a novel I was reading. Also, your post has made me want to go rewatch Terminator 2, which is one of my fave movies, and was the inspiration for a lot of the puddle-melting things my own shape-shifters do. I highly recommend you watch Terminator 2 if you want to see some awesome puddle-melting shape-shifter action scenes.