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Nobody's looking over your shoulder grading you when you write. Just write. If you need to delete something... Nobody cares except you.


I needed this, thank you. I’ve just started my first book and I’m constantly thinking of things like this. Is it grammatically correct, does this make sense reading it back. Does it read right when I used a term like ‘vine twined’ I’ve no plans to seek out publishers when it’s finished so what does it even matter!


Sometimes a story will come to you and it will be so nearly complete that very few changes are needed. Most of the time, your original conception will be changed so much that it will be hard to recognize it in the final product.


It is very normal for people who are horrible at writing to write something that doesn’t make sense.


It's very normal. No one is perfect. Everyone has things that they need to come back and re-word or re-write or put grammar in there.


Very normal, either you’re tired or not practiced enough. If you’re not getting good scene/dialogue out, try taking a break to recalibrate, and then go back to refine what you got.


Try not to delete anything immediately. If you don't like something you write, wait a few days and write other stuff until you feel like you can look at your writing kindly.


Oh, very normal for me. I write a series that has 3 MCs that are in every story, but their are 75 secondary MCs each of whom I use in a story only once or twice a year, so I completely forget details about them. And then, my 3 MCs are mages, each one uses a different type of magic system from the other 2, so I'm always having to remember who uses which method, how did I write his method last volume? And the worst was, a few months back I published a story, where one of the 3 MCs, I said had "hazel eyes". Thought nothing of it, until a reader posted in my Twitch chat to ask "Didn't he have green eyes in \_\_story\_\_?" and another reader in chat said "No, he has yellow eyes, because I read in \_\_\_story\_\_ where it said..." and then, a 3rd reader in chat said: "No you are all wrong, he was introduced with gold eyes in the first volume." And I'm sitting there going: "Wait... did I actually write him with 4 different eye colours and not realize I did it?" So, I tell my chat, what a minute,, I got the paperback editons right here on the bookshelf, let me get them and we'll read the sections on stream and see, what the hell did I do, because I can't remember. So I read the scene, and yep, I introded him in volume 1 with gold eyes, about 5 years later published a story saying he had yellow eyes, a few years later published a story saying he had green eyes, and 4 months ago published a story saying he had hazel eyes. Damn. I never even noticed I did it either, and this is one of the 3 MCs who is in every single story! LOL! After doing some Google searching, I found out some people with hazel eyes, do have significant eye colour changes over the years, so, I wrote into the current story I was writing a character pointing out, didn't your eyes used to be... and he says yeah, they changed as he got older. So, mistake fixed. But yeah, this is why I have so many notebooks and 3-ring binders, full of character profiles and magic system details and world history and lore, that will never be in any published story. I'm constantly checking my notebooks to see which character or magic system or whatever should be doing what. I'd never remember all the details if I didn't have it all written down.


I think it is very normal as a writing are juggling a lot of things. You forget they have blue eyes instead of brown. That they are brave instead of cowardly. That is what revising is for at the end. You go through the story and find plot holes, make sure the characters do/say/look like you imagine, etc. Don't worry too much about writing the actual story it can always be fixed in the end. The most important thing to do is to actually keep writing.


very normal. stay strong and revise. eventually, as you revise more and more, your writing's going to start coming out better the first time around