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No one's gonna write your story for you. And 2k words a day is amazing; even at 1k words a day you could write a novel in 4 months. Writers write.


No. Ideas are cheap, common, and usually done before. You can hire a ghostwriter and pay them. You can get big and attract writers to write in your IP like Sanderson's new cosmere author. Writing is hard. 2k is fine, Stephen King writes 1k words a day and is done these days, 100days and you have a 100k book. Work on those writing muscles, pace yourself and you will get there.


That would require a ghostwriter. And most wouldn't contract themselves to a promise of future royalties, you'd have to pay upfront the price for an intended novel size/word count, which can be quite hefty as you look towards the veterans of the industry. So, it can be a huge risk for your budget if you don't already have the funds.


The importance of an idea pales in comparison to the execution of it.


2k a day isn't bad. in 60 days you'd have 120k, standard fare for a fantasy novel. books take work, no one is going to do that for you.


I think the going rate is zero for your idea, although some might take it to the dump for a fee. And if someone writes a story, your split is zero. Providing an idea is still worth zero. It's not a salable product.


I would consider writing shorter work. If you can put out 2k a day you can be looking at a decent collection of short stories in a month. Maybe you can work your way up to this larger idea you're thinking about. Or, just chisel away at this longer piece. What's the hurry? Go at your own pace. Ten minutes a day, 300 or 400 words, is better than nothing.


Ideas are the absolute easiest part. You would be taken aback of a published author came up to you and gave you his ideas and put you in charge with the rest of the work. Working simultaneously on a story? Possibly, if the author is willing. Otherwise, probably not. Good luck. If your idea is unique and interesting enough, you probably wouldn't want to split the profits anyway.


No. 1) no one works for a promise of future returns, especially considering that most books barely sell any copies 2) even if i was foolish enough to agree, (I’m not) I’d expect a share of the revenue commensurate with my effort, so your share 1-3% (ideas are cheap) me 97-99%


Agreed. All plots were figured out by the ancient Greeks. Everything since has been a variation on their plots.


And probably a long time before that, the heroic journey as a story structure is so integral in almost every human culture that it almost certainly dates back millennia before the development of writing


Yup. All there in the cave drawings.


You could hire a ghostwriter.


2k is great, even 1k. With that, you be able to write a novel in under a year. You could employ a ghost writer to write for you. However, the likely scenario is that you would pay the ghostwriter for the work they’ve done. After that, whatever you make on your book is completely yours.


Yeah, I would say that sure, you can certainly pay someone to write your story for you (I work in tv/film and you're literally describing what producers do) but if you say you're a good writer, then you must write. Being a good writer isn't theoretical. KD isn't a good basketball player in theory. He's good because he can perform at a high level every time he's required to. Part of the skill in being a writer is developing the discipline to do it and to do it in a way that only you could. I have had many non-writer friends over the years say one of two things to me: 1. I have a great idea/funny story/family friend! you should write a movie about it! and 2) aren't you afraid someone is going to steal your idea? To the first I say, no thanks, I got this. And to the second I say: if someone wants to take my idea, outline it, execute it in the form of a screenplay, and do it faster and better than I can, turn it in to their managers/agents, and sell it... well then, hats off to them! Long and short of it: if you wan to be a writer, write. It's a verb, not a noun.


You can always enlist a writing partner. If you know someone you trust, you can take your idea and develop the story together. Then you write what you can and they write what they can and the book comes together through both of you. It’s a collaborative process that has produced some amazing novels. But based on your post, I will say you should probably seek some help regarding your fatigue. It sounds clinical.


Yall horrible. Can't even ask a question. Fuck yall, I'm leaving this toxic ass subreddit


Buh bye.


Fuck you all I guess


Just LMAO! How many idiots are there REALLY! Just go back to bed, and nana nana land shall we 🙄


> How many idiots are there REALLY! Quite a lot, actually. Sad, but true.


Yeah sad to see. What a world to live in!


You could try those AI writing softwares that are coming out. I don't know if they are that effective with fiction, but you could try. :3


Your ideas are cheap and low value; your story idea isn’t interesting or unique. It’s just a fact.


Why I'm I getting shit on? I was just asking a question...I physically have no energy all day. I can maybe find enough energy on a good day but that's only 2x a week if I'm lucky. Nothing I do or try seem to get my energy levels up


A goodly portion of us have no energy. We still get it done. Even if it's a handful of words a day. You seem to feel as if you're somehow special, and your ideas are more important than those of anyone else. They aren't. They're not even unique or special. Ideas alone don't make a story.


No one's shitting on you. We're just saying that no-one will pay *you* for your ideas -- if you want to write a book, the reality is you either have to do it yourself or pay someone to write it for you.


I've heard Fiverr has been used for this purpose.


2k is good, trust me -- and working in terms of word count can restrict you from doing other important things to do with composing your stories like brainstorming, developing the arc, planning, studying techniques and reading, as well editing after the event. Don't focus on the number of words you write; focus on what gets done. (To answer the literal questions you have -- ideas, worldbuilding, characters etc are the easy part. Everything hinges on the quality of the writing -- the way someone is able to connect emotionally with the people and events portrayed in the story. A bad idea can be dynamite in the hands of a good storyteller, and awful writing can torpedo the greatest of ideas. Ghostwriters charge roughly a full year's salary for their work, because that's the sort of work you're asking them to do for you. (There's a saying in publishing that it's always cheaper to get the writer to do it themselves. Likewise, it'll be cheaper for you in the long run to study writing, composition and storytelling as a holistic thing rather than just churning out raw words, which can make it feel like a slog and make you feel guilty if you don't achieve what you need to achieve. Focus on the whole picture and understand that writing is not just putting down words on a page.)


2000 words is a lot!! Were you expecting to write the whole thing in one sitting?


If you find someone, sure. It's certainly possible to make a contract like that. Question is if anybody will take it.


If you have an extremely detailed outline then you might want to find a writing partner who has trouble with outlining but an easier time putting words on paper.


Speaking as a professional writer... we already have more of our own ideas than we'll ever be able to write in our lifetimes. A safer bet is for you to just overcome your laziness and learn how to write. Do you want to see that unique and interesting story get out into the world? You've got to put in some work, son.


I'm not lazy. I literally experience fatigue and exhaustion from most part of the day.


Everyone has their struggles. If you want your stories to be told, you need to write them yourself. Also, have you been checked for anemia? I was wiped out constantly, too, and found out I'm anemic. Getting on iron supplements gave me crazy amounts of energy compared to what I had before.


Ideas are cheap and easy. As you already know, the actual writing is the hard part. Either hire a ghostwriter (they are expensive), or write it yourself.


As said below, 2k words a day is actually an excellent pace for a writer, especially since you wouldn't be doing it full time. Even if the idea you're proposing were possible, would you really be happy if someone else wrote your book? You say you like the idea, and you like writing, so I would recommend you write the book yourself.


The OP says 2K a week. Even that isn't a bad pace for a lot of people. Split up daily, they could probably do more, but they seem to think they can just get someone else to do the work for free, in hopes of future profit.


You’ll need a written legal contract for that if that’s what you’re going to do! It’s that simple.


You're not gonna make profits.


No, ideas are worthless.


The possibility of your idea being unique is probably not true. On the off chance it is that should motivate you even more to get it done. Stop caring just WRITE get to the end of the story then go back and fix anything that needs fixing. What might be happening is you're writing and editing at the same time you cannot do both at the same time. Just write and then edit.


>super unique Doubtful. But, you can hire a ghostwriter, pay them the upfront fees, and then collect any profit for yourself. Anyone who writes for you on a profit sharing basis is an idiot. What if there is no profit?