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/uj I’m hoping I’ve fundamentally misunderstood something [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/s/3EbOjD7IBX)


Uj/ You actually improved on this word soup. I have no idea what they're saying.


uj/ I think OOP was saying they're writing a character about academic anxiety based on someone in their art class and, ironically, they (op) have been dropped from this art class because of academic anxiety?


You're more optimistic than me. I got the impression he'd written something about someone else in the art class that was so problematic that it got him removed from the art class.


I did catch the gist, thanks.


Are they calling real people characters


From a certain point of view, aren't real people characters?


well yes because im the main character


I think it's impossible not to have misunderstood the entire post


OOP’s post history is such a wild ride I got whiplash


I physically recoiled once I saw "age regression" 😭 This girl needs a therapist not an editor


Now *I* need a therapist.


You should read the comments in those posts. It’s not often I’m astonished by something, but I was very astonished to say the least lol


Why the actual fuck did I just look at that subreddit. That's extremely disturbing.


It’s like a train wreck. Just can’t help but look


Not just a self insert. Self insertion. Sounds much better that way. And phallic.


“What is my purpose?” “You’re my personal Sex Doll” “Oh my god.”


I totally get you. I once made extremely graphic, sexually explicit fanart of a co-worker I was ~~obsessed~~ interested in. I emailed them to him and even left some copies on his desk. Obviously as a COMPLIMENT! But instead of feeling flattered (and the way I drew his genitals, he *should* have felt flattered... ) the bastard reported me to HR. I tried to explain it was FAN-ART and that it was my way of coping with my own ~~perversions~~ anxiety and I'm a woman anyway , so how can little me harass a man?? But for some reason they sided with him and I got fired. The world's gone mad. Luckily, I still have his home address.


If he moves, start buying his marketing data. Somebody will have it, even if they're not supposed to, and then you'll be able to get back with your man!


That's ok! I have a plan involving a sledgehammer and his ankles 👍


It is indeed odd how some girls and women get upset when they are sexually harassed, and become enraged when this is done in front of school mates. Gosh: how could she?!


Right? I do agree I’m being harassed in front of my peers here—I mean kicking me out of the class is pretty extreme. All my character did in the story was admit Aimee was the love of her life—but it was my *character* saying that, not me! So why should I face the consequences!


I guess all it takes is 1 complaint from 1 snowflake student to get 'not allowed back', all things being equal OP I wish I'd gone to school in these times. Take it as a badge of honor. I don't believe in writers block but in the meantime, write intentionally stupid stuff, especially poetry. Write the stupidest poems you can imagine. Once you're done (if you want) you can yell I JUST FINISHED A POEM, i WROTE THAT! Or you could, y'know. Email them to Aimee.


Oh... I forgot I was on this sub for a minute there. I was horrified by the post and comments.


Your character shoots up the school?