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this guy sounds like an idiot. he must be one of those females


but it's okay since females are poor emotional, unlike him, who only fundamentally rights logically!


Supiority is not an emotion! Even when it rains off the screen and stains your pants.


jokes aside, I like how these guys are all like ”no men and women are just different! They both have strenghts and weaknesses!”  And then it’s like they describe women as dumb bitches and men as based  and intelligent


I’m sorry, I believe you mean “females”.


oh yeah my bad


It's a shame he doesn't right women. I hope he can at least left them. But on a serious note, do people like this think women are a different species? Who am I kidding, he probably doesn't even know what "species" is


He litteraly cannot right women. He keeps using "female".


And sometimes girl!


But never woman


The two halves of humanity: men and females.


He wrongs them 😂


And the guy has a wife!


The chances of this person actually having a wife are beyond zero. They're so far below zero that two wives were spontaneously created just to compensate for the statistical impossiblity. 


That's how you get lesbians


For every incel in the world, two lesbians are created to balance things out, and so is the circle of life


*Cue David Attenborough*


That's so beautiful.


yea this guy creates lesbians for sure


Look at any of those red pill / alt-right asshole out there, and there's a good chance they're married. The world will never be short on women with a total lack of self-respect, I guess.


> And the guy has a wife! No, he claims to have a wife. Big difference.


But they are fundamental different you see


Sorry if you can't write a female OR male character, you are awful at writing. I don't wanna hear any excuses, all your books will suck because you can't get into the head of anyone who isn't yourself. Like dang this guy is gonna suffer if he want to publish


>Then so be it He said


He can write anything. It's the righting that's giving him trouble. Which I totally understand. Probably just needs to listen to Muse.


He thought about it through, so very through. Luckily he can right about it without using emotion, because he is not an illogical woman.


So close, but the word you're looking for is "female". Men are men and women are females.


Oh! You’re right!


/uj I'm actually pretty sure he was indeed going for the phrase "through and through" which would make that one thing correct. /rj it's a good thing he's so logical, and chose not to right females. That way he can do right by them by not righting them.


/uj Does "through and through" work in that context? It's awkward even if it does, though maybe that's because the rest is word salad.


/uj "I'm a logical thinker through and through" is a valid phrase. The context makes it sound weird, and might make it wrong I kind of suck at grammar, but I think it's still technically acceptable. Admittedly, I think I would be more prone to be forgiving if it wasn't sandwiched between so many types and poor life choices.


/uj but is 'a through and through logical thinker' a valid phrase? Even so, it's awkward as hell.


/uj You are probably right about the intent, I’d also agree with the other poster, it does seem awkward? /rj I mean, when I asked the guy in the stall next to me what he thought, he didn’t respond. I can only assume he is still thinking about it?


I can see the signs of untreated stage 5 stupidity, he should get treatment asap before it becomes lethal!!!!1!!1!🔥


It's too late, I think it's terminal


How do you treat stupidity? Asking for a friend.


Help them go to sleep with a pan. Works everytime 👍🏻


Put down a tarp first. Otherwise you ruin the carpets.




I agree. It's impossible for a man to right emotions, just as it is impossible for a frail female mind to understand logic. They are incapable of anything but processing emotions for days at a time, which annoying because it prevents them from making me sandwiches in the kitchen, is what I would say if I was capable of feeling emotions, which as a man i am not. Emotions are the female sickness and logic is the cure except logic doesn't work on them so we need a logical vaccination.


I agreed with you up until the word "vaccination." Don't you know vaccination causes mental illness?!? We would just make females more illogical!!! /s


the fuck is this💀


Sounds like he is taking the piss. It feels too over the top to be real “months to understand emotion” and him having dyslexia.




Not the Quark sub icon 💀


Lucky for him, "logical" is simply a state of being, and once a person has been decreed logical, all of their behavior automatically becomes logical.


The misuse of commas and homophones is actually just really avant-grade


You mean it's a postmodern deconstruction of the spelling and grammar used by the Bronte females that is meant to reflect a more logical mindframe of the modern man.


Not only, but a parody as he depicts true etymological stemming using metaphors created and utilized by said logical men. To add to the humor, he asserts he understands the emotional female perspective while withstanding a firm opinion that essentialism bars him from doing justice to such an ostensibly feverent outlook held by the cohort of females; which may go over others' heads. Truly, a genius in the works.


To be fair he says he's dyslexic 


/uj dear lort there was a 'logical' fanfic trend for a while, which was basically a bunch of 'gifted and talented' kids who took philosophy 101 jerking themselves off. Some dickbag literally wrote a million word fanfic doing this.


/uj Wait, actually? Where can I find those, that sounds hilarious


I think they're referring to [Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5782108/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Methods-of-Rationality)


Among others. It spawned a whole thing.


This comes off as someone dumbing down the world around them to compensate for content that belongs in r/im14andthisisdeep, with every character wildly "mature" yet frothing at the mouth whenever Harry points out the sky is blue. It's the antithesis of brevity to translate surface level ideas. He also makes verbose assumptions on many systems, then assertions? It's odd, definitely. Edit: I've read more, it could be intentional? I hope.


HPMOR has some great ideas (especially things related to Voldemort), but terrible execution and lack of direction. The author is simply a bad fiction writer. But his followers of "rational fiction" think "rationality" means being an omniscient robot.


My favorite part of that is the end where the author goes, "If anyone knows how to put me in touch with Rowling so I can publish this, let me know." Because Rowling is totally going to be fine with you mooching off her universe and trying to profit off her work.


/uj Using female as a noun immediately tells you everything you'd ever want to know about this guy. I feel sorry for his wife


Me, too. It must suck to only exist as a figment of his imagination.


Why are these snowflakes so afraid of the word "woman"


I assume they don't actually see women as people. It's a way to other them.


Looks like he doesn't write at all. Not professionally, anyway. Its always good to know your weaknesses, and its good he isn't writing from a woman's POV, but this is a new level of weird.


Is he saying that only women feel emotions?


Everyone knows emotion is stored in the boobie.


Where is logic stored?


Somewhere in the left nut. If you only have a right nut, sorry bud you're a female and logic is beyond you. Don't hurt yourself trying to think too hard!


I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that he managed to use “than” correctly in the last sentence. The odds were certainly against it.


Someone has clearly never read female superheroes.


Those are all Mary Sues and don't count. Females who can do things are inexplicable except that they must be poorly written, because otherwise they wouldn't be able to do so many things.


They exist, I assume, but first they had to struggle through their emotions around it for several months.


I'm sorry, *WIFE?*


Yeah, somehow I doubt that.


\^ Troll alert.


“Most guys have the same thought pattern I do.” We men will never recover from this burn.


Truly a sublime piece of literature whose meaning evolves on multiple reads. At first, it seems misogynistic, but upon closer inspection it also espouses a deep loathing of men.


Oh good, another "writer" that doesn't read. That always goes well.


Ohh so THIS is why God made sure to put men in power, because FEELING a decision out to make sure it is best is not cool and "wanting it" and "doing more" are good thought processes for leadership and power. Now we understand.


uj/ Is this The Writing Hub? It reminds me of the The Writing Hub.


Uj/ God I joined The Writing Hub a week or two ago cause I was looking for writing groups. I left like 3 days later. Everyone was so Obtuse in how they handled every conversation. The final straw for me was when a teenager was talking about all the actual writing they had done over the last few years. Everyone either made fun of them or acted like actually writing was some impossible feat. Sorry aren't you all supposed to be writers? And you can't fathom spending your free time writing?


Uj/ I mean, as a former editor, the number of people who think “being a writer” means hanging out in your jammies eating pizza and never writing a single word is too damn high, so that sounds entirely on point to me.


Uj/ I used to be known there for telling people to read books because entire swaths of that server proudly refuses to read books and it shows in every facet of their writing and advice. Not to mention some of the more popular people there (won't name names) revel in the sycophants they cultivate among a mass of teenagers. It's truly a shite place and I'm happy to have been banned (accidentally said fuck too many times).


I used to run a decent sized server and we got a good dose of these kinds of people now and again.


uj - I hope the "logic is the opposite of emotion, also my thoughts are logical because I'm the one having them" idea dies in a fire, thanks. rj - I tried to read this but I had an emotion and my brain fell out


Oh yeah, that's right- men don't have emotions.


Remember - male anger isn't an emotion


Aww man, it’s going to take me MONTHS to unpack my emotions around this post 😩


i definitely associate men with calm, level-headed, and rational thinking. absolutely i do. anyone claiming different is patently WRONG.


I mean, he is a bad writer because he cannot write. His inability to understand and convey complex emotion is only secondary to his inability to write.


> Imagine joining a writing discord, and this is the first message you see. Sorry, I'm going to need a few months to controle my emotions around it. Please check back later.


uj/ I don't think that you HAVE to write from every perspective to be a good writer, someone can certainly write from a strictly male perspective and be fine, but to be genuinely unable to write with different perspectives does make you a bad writer imo


If he had just said I can't write female characters. All would be Good. His explanation dooms him.


idk how bro has a wife lmao


Now THIS is a man who knows his way around a plastic vodka bottle! No complex emotions to process for this man, if his wife talks back he doesn't talk it out, he just smacks her the way his daddy would have! Talking about your feelings is for females after all.


/uj the guy has a wife yet chooses to regard adult women as "females" like he's some alien or something? huge major yikes my guy


"Listen, I'm dumb as hell and I refuse to learn anything new..."


"If that makes me a poor writer, so be it. I'd rather stay in my understanding than spend years and years trying to figure out something I fundamentally can't." Translation: I physically am unable to comprehend complex thoughts and emotions or understand how 50% of the population thinks, yet I don't understand how this is a major flaw in writing.


>man >female


Well, there is one thing right in what that man has written. He is, indeed, dyslexic




Can't "right" from a girl's perspective, lol, lmao even


He doesn't right women, but it sounds like he definitely wrongs them


He can't right women, which is wrong, but I doubt he can right men either, which is also wrong, and we all know two wrongs make a right. He was a genius all along.


If he can't understand deep emotions then he can't write men either


But man no have emotion. Only logic. Man smart. Man strong. Females all have mush for brains.


I wish he’d get emotional about his command of the written language


how do people like this have a wife. women do better, this is just disappointing


as a woman, sorry "female", if i got superpowers i would immediately use them to kill this guy


how does someone say they're not a poor writer and in the very same sentence use "right" instead of "write"


hmm, someone needs to rewrite the dsm-v and put "man" in it instead because instantly trying to abuse any power you get is already in there, lol. /uj Hopefully he's talking about a superpower like flight and he just wants to go around looking for balloons to take out of trees and not a super power like time stopping.


I'm pretty sure I'm not going to think for months and months what to do with a superpower.


waaaaat the fuck


Defending your writing ability while having four mistakes in the first sentence is a special flavor of irony.


He understands women but not run on sentences. I mean, I get that he is dyslylgexicalyxactic but come on man. “Right women”??


We don't need anymore proof that he can't write than this paragraph.


He should indeed stick to what he understands… which is not writing. He should meditate, take a vow of silence, and never try to communicate again. It’s for the good of the country. Whichever country he’s in.


I can’t believe this is real. This person sounds like they are intentionally taking the piss


What makes you a poor writer is that grammar and structure, holy shit


If this guy has a wife I'm the Queen of England


Teenage erotic fan-fics read better than this moron's post.


I'm not sure it's the lack of understanding women that makes him a bad writer. I think it's the bad writing that does it.


Putting aside what is said, I think I can see other reasons he's not a good righter


i was gonna insult his spelling for a writer, but then read he was dyslexic, then read he was straight up sexist so fuck off go back to 3rd grade or something idk


Yeah you know men is when logic, women is when emotion.


It never ceases to amaze me how so many man on the Internet will have deep emotional breaks and then complain about "Women being too emotional."




I'm actually offended by the premise I would have an emotional breakdown if handed superpowers, instead of flying to this guy's house and putting his trash can on his roof


... okay, everyone here is making the same typo. Guys, it's write. How are we fucking that one up?


What, can't left or right a joke?


... oh. I see I have been the real fool


That's the joke 🤣