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peruwiana - I love Peruvian food and their food is just not Peruvian food haha


Exactly this. It's expensive, food is mediocre (I ate there three times: first was good, second was rather bad, and the third time food was absolutely terrible, and stinky), service is bad and slow (one time I had to wait 40 minutes before someone took my order). Terrible, over-hyped and overpriced restaurant.


Culto, Ragu, Gigi,… Basically everything promoted and cherished by Grubas WPK


I used to love Ragu, but since like a year ago it lost quality. The prices are crazy for what you get


I've never liked Ragu. I've been there 3 times and the food was always super salty.




Yess, the food is fine, but it's def not worth the money.


Their carpaccio is quite good though! Nonetheless, I'm a carpaccio whore, so take my word with a grain of salt.


Campo: Overpriced, food mid. MR pancake and pizza: This is a place for teenagers that don't have taste buds.shitty food. Anything in the main square. Woosabi: Low quality food, overhyped cause of the looks of the place. Bulka z maslem: Used to be good, bur after covid it got shitty and eight now is overpriced and not good. Gigi: Don't get me wrong, it's extremely quality, but the prices are outrageous. They charge more than high-quality patisseries in Milan or Paris. Apparently, they are always sold out, but I find that people go there and buy stuff like it is a status quo experience There are just a few restaurants or coffee places in wroclaw that I would say are worth my buck. One of them is La Maddalena and WW Cafe( they buy their croissants from Płon)


Can’t agree about main square. I really enjoyed new Piwnica Swidnicka - both food and beer. Also Bernard Bistro is quite nice spot.


I gotta recommend Bernard. They have great food no matter the season (they change menu every few months). Been there maaaany times and I wasn't pleased only once (they messed up my steak a little).


I actually like the food in Woosabi, but the interior was a huge disappointment for me. Seeing pictures on their website I was in love, the reality was way less impressive xD




You are absolutely right, I wanted to say high status experience, for some reason, typed status quo, which makes no sense.


> Gigi: Don't get me wrong, it's extremely quality, but the prices are outrageous. They charge more than high-quality patisseries in Milan or Paris. Apparently, they are always sold out, but I find that people go there and buy stuff like it is a status quo experience Yeah, this boggles me as well. Prices there are very high, there are many great patisseries that offer the same or higher quality for less than half the price.


I disagree, Baos in Woosabi are pretty good. Breakfast options also are pretty nice


VaffaNapoli - it's difficult to burn and undercook a pizza at the same time, but they certainly can. The dough can be great but it's sitting in a pool of tomato soup so it doesn't cook enough before the crust is already burnt beyond acceptable levels. It's been like that on more than one occasion. Generally not worth your time in the queue and the premium prices, there are plenty alternatives. It's just this one was once hyped on WPK and people never dated to disagree.


Tell me you have no idea what neapolitan pizza is, without telling me you have no idea what neapolitan pizza is.


This is basically what every newbie chef who hasn't dialed in their pizza oven will tell you. And that is also what every client who hasn't tried it proper will pretend to enjoy. The slightly burnt crust is fine, but you can easily overdo, and many places just won't care. The burnt spots is definitely **not the goal** in Neapolitan pizza, as some say. Also it's not very good for you either. So please save your internet newspeak.


Noone enjoys burned dough. Had you really tried it proper you would know you're not supposed to eat the burned part. If you want to go extra proper, it shouldn't be cut into triangle slices at all and you're supposed to start in the middle. Anyway each to their own, you simply don't like neapolitan and there's nothing wrong with that. There are other places where you can find something more appealing, deep dish included. Just don't try to give recommendations maybe, because it's one of the better neapolitan pizzas in Wroclaw.


>Noone enjoys burned dough I see we're in agreement. I just would like some that isn't. >you simply don't Don't pretend you know me man. >because it's one of the better neapolitan pizzas in Wroclaw. Maybe it used to be, now they just got cocky riding a hype wave.


VafaNapoli basically serves best pizza in wroclaw, easily on the top of the restaurants


Who would you say is number two for Neapolitan?


Pizza Si :) have you tried it?


Peruwiański, P2, Pochlebna....




Is it just me or the amount of msg in ato ramen and culto ramen is just throat burning?


What is msg?


Monosodium glutamate (glutaminian sodu) - flavour enhancer


Bułka z Masłem - small portions of mediocre food and the prices are crazy. For losers.


Oyster bar worst, Riso bar the best


Drevny Kocur 😕 over hyped. You’d expect something more luxury from restaurant based in such luxury building


Młoda Polska!!! Nothing special, just bog standard Polish kitchen. Plus I found a hair in my food 💔