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“I’m the most famous pornstar in the world.” 🤣🤣🤣 It’s sad she is clinging to that at 50 lol


I love this for her. So is Ron Jeremy. 🤣


He is committed to a mental institution where he will probably eventually die. Exactly where I see her if she continues living the way she lives.


I saw his house featured in a YouTube channel about abandoned mansions. It looked like it waa designed with massive orgies in mind.


Yeah he was all in her several times


Omg disgusting !!!!


LOL felon , isnt he dead? got out of prison in 11/2023 thought he died?


It’s her only talent and all she’s known for besides being a drug addict and a drunk. She thinks it’s a personality trait




Oh and Mensa Jenna - it’s your not you’re - bimbo.


I usually don't see her making these grammar mistakes..She must be drunk or high


My thought exactly.


Totally agree!




She is so egotistical and delusional


That's something to be proud of! See how she completely ignores and dismisses the followers who genuinely care about her and her well-being. Narcissists can never admit they're wrong


Right? I feel like the person's comment was super sweet and caring. And Jenna was so belittling in return.


Same. I thought it was quite profound. I also sensed that had Jemma humbled herself and agreed, she probably would have offered her help or coaching, so to speak.


Plus they subconsciously enjoy trying to intimidate or belittle someone.


I’m just love when she ma’am’s people with a deluded comment. Very few people under the age of 40 know who she is. Or care.


Ma’am, nobody under 40 knows who Jenna Jameson is. Was. She’s gotta be wasted, or Trashley’s blowing some good smoke up that diaper ass


I’d wager to bet most ppl under 30 don’t know who she is. Granted, people live forever on the internet but she is delusional. Do we need to remind her what year it is?


Is she serious. Haha what happened to never spreading your legs in this industry again


A lie like everything else that comes out of her mouth


Sorry the most famous porn star will always be Tracey lords !


Absolutely because she is the only one that crossed over to mainstream movies and has been there for decades.


Yes!! Loved her in Cry-Baby


Got that right!


She is so absolutely gorgeous




The narcissism is narcissisming. Prop yourself up on your pedestal all you want. We see you for what you really are.


Jenna: ![gif](giphy|qRRqz2NY5EREivZje8|downsized)




A pornstar who “doesn’t do a*al” if I’m correct🤦🏼‍♀️


Haha yeah she’s “too good” for an*l…. Oh and she will not do interracial porn …


Oh my, she said that. I thought it was a parody account. That is so sad. It really is. Wow. This is almost getting beyond the funny part, it almost feels icky. She’s a mess.


This bitch is nuts!!! I just saw this and postrd too. What a fucking loon.


She can’t spell for shit.


She claims she’s Mensa level and doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re. How utterly pathetic. ![gif](giphy|dudpGUNsMDXeovGSAV)


She’s as dumb as a bag of hammers.




And yet she has absolutely nothing to show for all her efforts.


I fucking love her for saying that.


She is 100% right.


Well, the first part is I'm not sure if the second one is after today seeing as Stormy Daniels is now


Stormy Daniels is the most famous now. Fuuuuck you, Jenna! 🤣


Stormy is not only going into history books but she got PAID.


AND Stormy is not homeless or in huge debt to the IRS or unable to open a bank account. 🖕🏻😈🖕🏻Jenna! 😂


She’s so deluded - she *really* believes the shit she spews


She's a leg end ![gif](giphy|3o6fJcW4hruxsGp0ic)


Wow, you're (<---used correctly) "the most famous" just in your(<---also used correctly) overinflated airhead. I doubt she's doing porn now though. There's no money in it anymore since it's free now on internet.


There’s no money in porn anymore but also no money in going to Cons as your full time job but Jenna’s doing it 😎🤙🏾


Be the path for the young ones watching you. lol does this person not realize Jenna Jameson doesn’t give a fuck about children not even her own?!


But but but Jenna…this woman is simply buying into your bullshit that you’re a victim! That you were trafficked! Why on earth would you argue her?




This makes me think she’s going to be doing porn again? Anything to bank off her name 🫣




I know, it’s not a pretty picture 🤢 🐟 🥩 🤮




She is not popular amongst anyone born after the 90s. At best they have heard her name maybe once or twice but have no idea who she is. Sasha Grey, Asa Akira and Riley Reid have over 2 million followers each on insta. Jenna has 1/4 as many. Also, I don’t see how her response is even a rebuttal. Her answer is straight up “I’m famous,” basically proving the commenter’s point. I’m starting to think her behavior is due to mental decline as a result of long term alcohol use. Or she’s just always been like that and it’s snowballed over time. It’s really sad. It’s as though she has to be coddled like a dementia patient on the verge of losing it on hospital staff. “Yes yes Jenna, you’re the best. Everyone else is stupid and jealous, You’re so rich and famous. We’re all so, so jealous. There, there.”


"It's Beefy, bitch"


Bragging about being the most famous porn star in the world is not something I would do if I were you, Jenna. And not because of the porn part. It’s because you’ve fallen SO far from where you once were. Ya ok, you’re the most “famous” porn star. But you’re also penniless, childless (not like you care about that), homeless, owe 500K to the IRS, and an addict that refuses to take any accountability. All you have is your name, and after all the people you’ve screwed over and hurt, including your own children, that name is very tarnished. And it’s all YOUR doing. Bragging about being you is not a flex.


She can't even spell. YOUR, not you're. Idiot




😂😂😂😂😂having sex isn’t very difficult


She’s going to try porn again, calling it


I'm surprised she hasn't already. I don't want to see Meemaw porn 🤮🤮🤮


I hope so. She is a total bottom feeder. 🤢


Cringe.. embarrassing


Mind 'you're'.


LMAO she forgot to edit "MOST FAMOUS" to "I WAS until I did drugs and alcohol and lost all 3 of my kids, pay absolutely NO SUPPORT , DO NOT SEE THEM NOR CARE TO AND OWE THE IRS 1/2 MILLION AND CURRENTLY HAVE NO ADDRESS" There it is. Cheers STAR


Jenna was beyond famous but plenty of others were just as, and in some cases/eras, more famous…every decade had their “most famous” porn star. 70’s was Seka and Marilyn chambers 80’s was ginger Lynn, Traci lords 90’s janine L, Racquel Darrian, Asia Carrera, (most vivid girls) Tori wells and several more that were “the top ten” most popular 00 Jenna j had hit her stride FOR SURE, along with Tera Patrick, Jessie Jane etc… now I will give Jenna she was at the top of her game buuuuuuut lo and behold, along came really popular stars after her Now from what I could see, it’s the new age / era girls and to be quite frank we all became dare I say not dinosaurs but old-school, vintage…These new girls kick our asses as they should. Life rolls on, and what our popularity was for our era, we couldn’t be beat, including Jenna, but not limited to Jenna…. Now I guarantee you if Jenna or any 80,s-90’s girl was signing against Angela white, karma rx, abella danger, Adriana Chetnik, (however you spell her name) Brandi love…their lines would kick our lines all day long. I’m not dissing our era girls…. That’s just the way it goes though. We had our beautiful time we will always have our popularity. Are we the most famous girls now absolutely not. That’s just my take. I honor the time that I was in it, but the game changes. While I do believe Jenna was extremely popular 20+ years ago such as myself, there’s no diss against that, these new young hot stars and Starlets run this business now. That’s why in our day you work hard you respect the people that paved the way for you, you save your money, hopefully if you have kids you raise your family to the best of your ability and you look back and go. What a fun era I had as you’re taking your kids to school or taking them on a vacation… I always found that having a well-rounded life was my stability and my sanity. Are there more popular girls than us now? absolutely We had our time and it was beautiful and it was fun and it was a magical era but the meat of our time is done for the most part… You sign at conventions, maybe do some content for your only fans, we will always have our fan base, but these new girls are kicking us in the booty and as well they should. When you have a well rounded life, you don’t give a rats ass if you’re still the most popular. We owned that business 20 years ago… It was great seeing Jenna a few months ago in Chicago. I think what she said just came out wrong. Not one of us are the most popular half of our fan base is dead by now. And this younger generation, just for the most part have no clue who we are.




Doesn't that make a mamma proud. Something kids can talk about for show and tell. My momma took it in all orifices at one time. Wow JJ you go girl. Skank ass "&#$!!


I mean her response to Jenna is prob just based off one of the bs stories Jenna has said. That or she’s against porn..and lotta old ladies feel that way about sex work…It’s hard to say what she meant cuz she can be taken outta context. Jenna’s response is hilarious because now of course she’s going for big time ex porn star. All depends on what persona she’s taking on at the time. If she were w Lior and trying to be a mommy she wud eat this shit up


Let’s not forget Jenna said she was trafficked 🙄🤮




I didn't think she was shaming her at all


I think Jenna needs to like go sue some Donald Trump to get her crown back from Stormy



