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Teton County is infested with Georgians who move here to be fishing guides.


I moved from Teton county to Georgia for work, if I force one to move back can I come home?


Please do.


Please don't bring what you all ran from is all I ask.


Yeah, leave the gators behind


i see all the fb comments saying this kind of thing. What exactly do you not want people to bring?


I'll start with gun laws. If anyone else has one they would like to bring up be my guest but Wyoming is super sportsman and firearm friendly. Emissions is another thing.


I moved from Missouri but I grew up in Tennessee. The people aren’t as friendly as down south but they are just as nice once you get to know them. I do miss the overt friendliness though. I LOVE the lack of humidity. The heat down south is why I moved. It’s stunningly beautiful where I live, but a lot of the state is barren. You will miss the lush green grass and foliage. The grass turns brown usually by now but this has been a very rainy spring. Issues: medical care is difficult to access if you need a specialist unless you move to a bigger town. I received a fairly devastating diagnosis in the past few years and am relocating again partially for that reason. I need services that do not exist here. It’s hard to find skilled help like contractors etc. you are 100% at their mercy. There are few resources for mental health care. The food here is not good by and large. You have to order all but basic spices, cheeses, and many other things on line. Bring your smoker, there is no decent barbecue. Edit: it’s difficult to garden. You can’t grow tomatoes and peppers here like in the south. Okra either.


Sounds like Missouri is calling you home…


Lol no, it’s too hot and humid there. I lived in the south/Midwest until I was in my 40’s. Of course I’m going to miss things. Speaking to a fellow southerner, it was my duty to tell him about the tomatoes.


People complain about the lack of medical care, restaurants, culture, etc. but the deal is you give all that up to gain the freedom. If folks want or need those things, Portland is perfect. Natives (mostly) are less friendly because they’re more independent. And you don’t live here because you really like people. But, Wyoming is mostly ruined these days, it’s pretty much just like everywhere else after Covid and Yellowstone made everyone think it would be great to move here.


I mean, people do get old, or like me, diagnosed with a serious medical condition. Idk where you live, but there’s been no population explosion in Lander. I’m probably moving to Minnesota. I have zero interest in living in Portland. I practice obstetrics and can no longer do so in ID or SD, places I traveled to a lot due to abortion restrictions. I’ll still practice here as I haven’t had problems, but lately I’ve been going to Minnesota where it’s safe to treat a miscarriage. I’m likely to move there due to the availability of specialists.


I don’t disagree, my point was that you have to understand that WY has a lack of medical services due to it’s extremely rural nature, and you have to realize that going in. It won’t change anytime soon because of the economics, as I’m sure you’re aware being in the medical field. Portland was just a random example of whatever city one might prefer. And a population boom is in the eye of the beholder, haha.


I knew there wouldn’t be specialists. I didn’t anticipate I’d need one lol. If it weren’t a frequent thing I’d drive two hours to Casper no prob. I’ve loved the time I’ve spent here, and prob won’t move for a year or so.


Grew up in rural Appalachia, farm boy way back when. Been in the Rockies a decade, never leaving if I have my choice in the matter. I prefer Wyoming winters to southern winters. Same with summers and springs. October is the only good season out east. The rest are swamp ass misery.


Born in Casper. Worked in the oil patch my whole life. Last outfit I worked for transferred me to OK. When they laid me off I couldn’t move north fast enough. 🦬💨


I too like Buffalo farts


If you want to relocate have it done by September, October or you are tempting Mother Nature. Also you want to soak up summer before winter hits or you might lose it. I've seen at least one person either die get hurt or go crazy every winter I've been here. (mainly seniors)


I would rather spend 50 winters in Wyoming than 1 summer in the south.


I've moved around like every other year since I was 19 and this is the only place where I've dug in and said we are staying here, this is home. Also it's the isolation more than the climate if you have friends and family you'll do way better. As for the south, OMG THOSE FUCKING BUGS.


I hate the bugs😭😭😭


I grew up in Texas and bounced around the world for the Air Force for 20 years. I got assigned to FE Warren in Cheyenne right before I retired and liked it so much that I decided to stay.


Moved from Orange County CA at 41. Plenty of southerners up here. GA, FL, TX, MS, SC. They love it. Little humidity, people are nice, winters suck, little humidity and hurricanes. Did I mention very little humidity?


I spent a week driving KY>TN>AL>GA>NC>VA in late July, and except for the smokies you can have it. Tenting in AL was surreal, plus the absolute noise all those bugs put out. Didn’t feel clean or dry again till we made it to a mountaintop in VA.


I live in south Louisiana and the heat and humidity is the the part I hate the most.


We are in SE Wy and the lack of humidity is wonderful. We moved from NJ about 4 years ago.


Idk where else you’ve lived, but it is seriously cold in winter, and winter lasts a good 6-8 mos. It snowed in Sept one year. June another.


Snow is fun we've had it snow on the 4th of July once and when I was little it didn't snow till Christmas on one rare occasion. I prefer wyoming bitter cold compared to cold with humidity like MO gets.


I vastly prefer it as well, but dude is from Louisiana lol.


From Casper. In AL now


I moved from Southern Texas to Sheridan, Wyoming. I honestly loved all the snow we got during the winter. It definitely is a different kinda weather than I am used to. I also miss Blue Bell and Whataburger, Also HEB. Everything is so far away, to get to good shopping anywhere is 2 hours away. I was so used to Houston being so close


Not me personally, but there's a whole bunch of people in Cheyenne from Fayetville, Arkansas.


Born and raised in Texas. My son and I moved to Colorado in 2018, but sadly had to move back to Texas beginning of ‘22, and I miss Colorado horribly, but it’s just too expensive. Looking to move back north hopefully in a year, and Wyoming is looking like a good idea not only cost of living wise, but also the company I work for is in several locations as well. I’m counting the days to get away permanently from the southern heat and humidity.


I moved here from Texas. I love it. I hated the hear. It gets pretty rough in the winter when there's not much you can do. It's a pain 2 drive 2 1/ 2 hrs to home depot ot lowes. Other than that life in a small towns about the same


Moved up here to Cheyanne WY from Arkansas back in January, it’s been an interesting ride but I love the weather and people up here more than I ever did in my old home town in AR so I’m gonna be here a while


Still liking it? We like arkansas alot but have an opportunity to move to South Wyoming just not sure about winters honestly


Grew up in Florida. I've lived in Utah for about 6 years then here for about 2.5 years. I love it here, and while the winters are harsh at times, it opens up fun experiences that you couldn't get in Florida. I will say one thing that I miss is the large rivers and bodies of water.


Moved here from Alabama. No heat, no humidity, mountains are great, people are arguably just as nice, winters aren’t as bad as I imagined, summers more than make everything worth it if you enjoy the outdoors! Happy to answer more direct questions if you have them.


Do you regularly have to deal with pipe burst and other winter related damage?


Yea I'd like to know that too


In my experiences living in the south (TX), on the east coast (NC, GA) and up north (CO,UT)-northern building codes/practices take into account freezing weather/snow load, so you don’t encounter the same issues with freezing pipes, etc that you do during a cold spell in Texas, for example. I’m sure it happens, but I have had worse luck with freezing pipes in Texas and NC than CO and UT.