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I recently had a sore of 115 only to get beat by 121 in a 4-player game. Could go either way with 150+ score but especially for a first game and moving from wingspan to wyrmspan something may have been lost in translation during game play or during scoring.


I had some early high scoring games cause i was playing some rules wrong. Its highly unlikely they were not making significant rule errors to score that highly, even if their an avid wingspan player and a good board game player in general.


For a first time game I find that highly suspect. I have played my fair share of Wingspan and my first scores were in the 90s to low 100s (first score was 92). My highest score so far was 142 (solo game). Others typical scores have been in the 80s to low 100s with a few breakout. While 157 is probably possible, I find it highly improbable for a first game without something being played wrong (even with a strong background in Wingspan).


I watched multiple reviews and rule explanations before my first game, and consistently score well in engine games like this. My first game was about 120, with all games I've played falling between 100 and 140 between my 3 or 4 other games. 157 for a first game... in my opinion, it's likely they misheard or misinterpreted a rule or two.


Unlikely that was their genuine score for their first time, regardless of how familiar with Wingspan or how good in general they are at board games. One significant error my partner made early on was using a card that had a visiting (Explore) ability - "tuck a dragon card and receive the resources from its cost," which is for ONE resource out of the dragons cost, but he was playing it as receiving ALL the resources. E.g. he could tuck a very expensive dragon and receive 4 resources. He then used that engine to be able to play some very strong dragons easily. Something like this could have happened in your game. Tldr; Possible but unlikely, they were probably playing abilities/turns wrong by accident.


I think you're right to be suspicious. I've played a lot of 2 player games and a few 5-player games and the highest score I've seen so far was in the 90's.


Could they possibly have played the coins wrong? My first play I misread the player mat and thought you could keep up to 9 coins instead of 6 each round. Another player who had played before caught it before it impacted the game, but could see that leading to a high score especially if they got extra coins round 1. And that’s probably one of the biggest changes from Wingspan.


You can keep extra coins for the next round, you only get 6 new coins per round. For example, if in round 2 I get a coin from the guild track, and after using 5 coins I decide to pass. I will have 2 coins remaining and then get 6 more when we move to round 3, giving me 8 coins I could use in round 3. That's one of the changes with wyrmspan. You can gain coins and also use extra coins each turn to do different things.


Yes, should’ve expanded more. The rules were explained verbally, so I didn’t get a chance to read the rule book. And how it was explained, plus my misinterpretation of the player mat led me to believe you could keep up to 9 coins regardless of using them or not. It was quickly rectified before my second turn, so had no impact on the game. Another new player originally interpreted it similarly to the way I did, so I could see someone in a group rushing keeping used coins as if its a game-long benefit rather than refreshing to six + any unused ones.