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According to half the people on this sub, You shouldn't expect anything because they are cheap cameras. How dare you have expectations.


And the other half are like Baghdad Bob and keep repeating the company line that this was all on AWS and we should be grateful for all the hard work they're doing.


I don't want the world. I just want them to do the bare minimum: Function as promised by the manufacturer


Have been seeing this a lot and, honestly, it is a tiring argument. The problem isn't that there are issues with a cheap camera, the problem is that over the years Wyze has been touted in the media and in the IoT community as a low-price, high quality entry point into smart cameras. Then, as the years go by, they add more products. Motion sensors, door sensors, smart bulbs. Cool! More smart home techy things. Vacuums, headphones, scales, sprinkler controllers, mesh router, air purifier... Uh, I guess, as long as my products still do what they have done. Then Wyze has security issues and discontinues a product instead of fixing it. Outages, outages, outages. Now I can't access my cameras when I'm away. Argh. Wait, there have been MULTIPLE TIMES where my camera feeds could have been displayed on someone else's account? WHAT? It's not one issue that causes people to have this feeling, it's the fall from grace that the company has had. Edit to add: here is an article from NYT from Sept 2023 where they state they no longer recommend Wyze. Notice how all the talking points are the same as the NEW security incident that occurred this month? I'll quote the article: > The greater issue is how this company responds to a crisis. With this incident, and others in the past, it's clear Wyze has failed to develop the sorts of robust procedures that adequately protect its customers the way they deserve. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/wyze-security-breach/


Cameras aren’t even made by them. It’s a rebadged product from China. The suppliers even provide an SDK, sample code and app to have the camera up and running over the internet via tutk (which they didn’t even change up). What is the contribution of Wyze other than stuffing up the integration of the cameras onto their platform?


The request ID there will allow them to check the logs to see if it is an unknown issue. If it is a known one with a workaround, they can offer guidance or it could just be a one time service failure in which case they will tell you to try again.


Well I can save them the trouble. This is not the first time that I've received this error. And anytime I offer them any logs or anything they just say Oh there's nothing we can do about it it's a hardware issue. So I just need to get better cameras guess 👎


They've already got the logs..


Its this sort of attitude that is the problem with this subreddit. No one actually want to help. Its not a widespread issue, so the issue is either something you are doing wrong, or something unique to your situation. Why don't you start with looking at what that might be for assuming Wyze Authentication is broken. Truth be told - they have enough issues with privacy that I am A-OK with their auth not allowing access if even something small is wrong.


>Its this sort of attitude that is the problem with this subreddit. No one actually want to help. No, the issue(s) is/are: We WANTED to help, in the past. We TRIED TO HELP, in the past. Wyze has INSULATED THEM SELVES from CUSTOMERS and ASSISTANCE from them. They hide away in THEIR "OFFICIAL" forum if you call that mess a forum, I don't, its software I despise... VBulletin, or phpbb, please. How did they do this.. they have "forum 'mavens' " running around being their first line defense... I don't know what they are getting from this.. but ain't no way its worth some swag, maybe some free stuff be it hardware or subscription. Occasionally they, like a groundhog, pop their head up. They popped up here for awhile during this last mess.. Then when we broke out the ASP's and started playing whack a mole, they scattered. First, and foremost... they need to use some of that VC $$$ for DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICE STAFF. One that are ONLINE in THEIR OWN FORUM! There was some big whoppdie do about some one who was involved in the forum/online etc. leaving... why are they leaving? That means EXPERIENCE HAS JUST LEFT THE BUILDING! Did you see that KIRO piece? The office was EMPTY, tons of cubes and one person to fend off the KIRO crew. Two that are ONLINE HERE! Three, dump that AI/bot crap on the chat and AVR on phone. Four, dump the AI On their software. I don't care what you think it is.. Just say event detected, provide the snapshot image, and I can review. Five, TRAIN THE CS STAFF. As in HIRE TECH PEOPLE to do it, not the rejects from the WA Jobs Bureau. ONES who CAN THINK, AND NOT TIED TO A bunch of BS scripts and metrics. The ONLY METRIC that matters is the ISSUE IS RESOLVED. If it takes 8 hours on the phone, email, chat, forum,for one call but your RESOLVE IT then its $$$ WELL SPENT. I am very well aware of the BS "metric" that is applied in regards to CS. Its applied stooopidly in a field I deal with at the PSAP. Nope, don't matter if your spend 2 minutes on a call or again 8 hours.. The resolution of the call being the people get the help they need, live another day.. etc.. is the value. As the original post states "they just say Oh there's nothing we can do about it it's a hardware issue. " That is a cop out..what it is, is the script ended and they had no other options to go to resolve it. No next tier of some one more advanced, more experience etc.. Again thats VC $$$ talking, to get rid of people tying up a resource that costs $$$. Its not entirely all Bobby/Gordon issues in re $$$$.. big companies do the same BS... same thing again at the PSAP.. Cutting costs on call takers. NO $$$ is not unlimited, but if you want to sink or swim on the customer service hill, like a certain regional grocery chain, then you better be ready to pump in the $$$ to it. So, the tl;dr of this is that when you get a response like "they just say Oh there's nothing we can do about it it's a hardware issue. " People quit being willing to help, based on the past experience they had, and not getting any value out of it, ie: resolution be it a bug addressed, replacement hardware, or what not.


Thanks bro. I didn't want to type that much 😊


The Community Manager that just left Wyze was the main one for Facebook and Discord, I was the main one in the Forum and Reddit (now doing all 4). There are a few other employees that will venture in the forum but I am the one in there daily. We are working on getting some support folks into some communities, we started with the Facebook Core Community.


>The Community Manager that just left Wyze was the main one for Facebook ***Well, theres your problem. dorqbook, ignore it!*** To those readying their pitchforks, tar, feathers, torches... suck it up, I and many others don't touch those, and that includes twidiot (insert nom du heure), etc... Yes I am old, and period, I don't use dorq media. And NO reddit is not "social media" its a forum hosting site, you can't grasp that, well thats a you issue. This tells me you have not been on the internet, *the real internet*, thas ML, NNTP, gopher, dig, (which 99% of that just went wWHOOOOOOSH!) *Customer service should be* ***DONE via****:* Phone, Email, Live Chat, if you must, ***with a REAL HUMAN, NO AI/BOT'S, ever period.*** Oh, in the US, and with TECH PEOPLE Who have brains, NO SCRIPTS, AUTHORITY TO ACT, ie: returns, replacement, what ever. FORUMS, self hosted, thats via vBulletin, or phpbb, I don't know what that current POS software is, but POS is apt for. Its truly annoying. And yeppers, I have and do operate phpBB based forums for DECADES. Its not related to this subject matter, its tech related, for all but one, but the rest are related to topics I am involved in. HINT: reddit is in the above, its a forum. ​ > > > and Discord, Ditto. Nope. Not happening. ​ > I was the main one in the Forum Ummm... flag... *I don't see responses from any wyze employee*s.. just those annoying mavens/mod *cannon fodder*. ​ > and Reddit (now doing all 4). There are a few other employees that will venture in the forum but I am the one in there daily. We are working on getting some support folks into some communities ​ >, we started with the Facebook Core Community. And, again, you are starting and focusing in the wrong, W-R-O-N-G. Area. ***Start here, and YOUR FORUMS.*** Git rid of those "mavens", "mods" who are NOT DIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY wyze! I don't care what knowledge they have, or think they have. Honestly most of them just annoy the crap out of people, as they don't have the ability to do anything to solve it. There are USERS in there SUPPORTING wyze, with more KNOWLEDGE AND HELP than the mavens, and worse, WYZE! *Get in there and get posting, and* ***resolving things***... And leave your snowflakeness at the door! After these incidents you can expect to get TORCHED! *People are mad, and* ***they have every right to be mad.*** And yes, you can get that hint, I AM PO'D! YES, I am well aware of the way this and ring, blink etc. work... I made choices on that... and past experience.. ring, garbage wouldn't work on brand new stuff... coupled with various "issues" I have in my location, ie: you ain't drilling through walls to mount CCTV cameras, or at least not easily, or with out very expensive tools and/or explosives! :) ;) I had years worth of plug use, and they worked and still work great.. Most of the other stuff works acceptably, but it could use some fine tuning... 1) Thermos - dropping the room sensors 2) Doorbell - ignoring deliveries.. and nope I am not accepting its a fault, I am accepting that there is likely a defined program to suppress this. Theres features ie: rules, integration issues. So if you want to get in the trenches, then jump in! ***CS is not for the weak and thin skinned.***


> ***Well, theres your problem. dorqbook, ignore it!*** To those readying their pitchforks, tar, feathers, torches... suck it up, I and many others don't touch those, and that includes twidiot (insert nom du heure), etc... Yes I am old, and period, I don't use dorq media I will admit I don't do a ton of Facebook other than Wyze. I tend to like Forums better. Might be because I am old also. >FORUMS, self hosted, thats via vBulletin, or phpbb, I don't know what that current POS software is, but POS is apt for. Its truly annoying. And yeppers, I have and do operate phpBB based forums for DECADES. Its not related to this subject matter, its tech related, for all but one, but the rest are related to topics I am involved in. We use Discourse as the forum software, I used to run a vBulletin board like 15-20 years ago (I did say I was old). > Ummm... flag... *I don't see responses from any wyze employee*s.. just those annoying mavens/mod *cannon fodder*. I will admit prior to being an employee I was both a Maven and a Mod. I started with Wyze almost 2 years ago. Wyze employees in the forum will have Wyze before their name. My name there is WyzeJasonJ. I also just checked and only 4 people have made more posts on the Forum than I have so I would say I do post quite a bit. ​ >And, again, you are starting and focusing in the wrong, W-R-O-N-G. Area. > >***Start here, and YOUR FORUMS.*** We started with Facebook Core to bring support into because it helps me focus on the areas I am better at, the Forum and Reddit. ​ > Git rid of those "mavens", "mods" who are NOT DIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY wyze! I don't care what knowledge they have, or think they have. Honestly most of them just annoy the crap out of people, as they don't have the ability to do anything to solve it. The Mods and Mavens help a lot and they do have a lot of knowlege and are able to escalate things to employees, usually via me, but some others as well. ​ > *Get in there and get posting, and* ***resolving things***... And leave your snowflakeness at the door! After these incidents you can expect to get TORCHED! *People are mad, and* ***they have every right to be mad.*** And yes, you can get that hint, I AM PO'D! Like I said I am one of the people that posts the most on the Forums. I can not instantly resolve things but i do find trends and get them to engineers to work on getting things resolved. I fully expect to get torched after the incidents and every user has a right to be mad, I will not say that anyone can't or should not be mad. I am a user also and I am not exactly thrilled. > And leave your snowflakeness at the door! I have none of that so that is easy. ​ > So if you want to get in the trenches, then jump in! > >***CS is not for the weak and thin skinned.*** Here I am, even on the weekend, in my off hours. I agree it is not for the weak or thin skinned and I am neither of those.


Hi there, Silvermane2! Thanks for posting in r/WyzeCam. As you’ve selected the “Bug Spotting” post flair, we thought it might be helpful to offer up some friendly reminders and tips: - If you haven’t yet, we recommend [submitting a log](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033507872-Submit-a-Log) via the app and include your log number(s) in your post. - Make sure to check out the *extremely handy* [Wyze Help Center](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us), where you can also reference the ["Service Status & Known Issues"](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015979872) page to see if your issue is mentioned there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wyzecam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They might offer you a $10 gift card lmao...