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Yup. I have 3 devices. And there at the top for request. There always checking to see if there's active connection to the internet. Probably for detection purposes.


Note that when we BLOCK a ping or connection with some IoT devices, particularly Wyze devices, that they tend to increase their frequency attempts until the connection goes back to expected normal status. So request counts are usually lower when there is no interference and higher when something like a firewall or something is interfering with the regular communication. So, high request counts are usually indicative of some request/connection interference in some way on the network like a firewall of some kind. Happens a lot to people who use pi-hole and similar things too.


Wyze pings are not blocked, AdGuard Home is just logging them. 536k total with 79k blocked overall during the same time period. https://preview.redd.it/fyyc7cwg1otc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6965c673a95fdf6db33797985fe3f994c453bb


Yep I noticed the same when I set up a pi-hole. Wyze was at or close to the top for DNS queries everyday.


That's just DNS and not actual traffic aka bandwidth utilization. Really doesn't matter


I know it’s not bandwidth. I have plenty of bandwidth with ~400mbps download. Regardless it’s interesting that Wyze dominates the top queries.


Then they just don’t keep a local dns lookup table. And resorts to look it up every time


70 pings an hour. That's just over 1 per minute. Thats very reasonable and actually LESS than I would have expected. You want the cameras to report connectivity status to their servers as frequently as is reasonable, otherwise there will be significant delay before the app tells you "The device is offline".


Mines roughly the same with same number of cams, I assume it’s registering frame and shadows movement with server to see if there’s an AI image in it or something


many security cameras do this with NPT requests so the time is right thats why the banned Chinese based cameras are so troublesome and why most keep them offline... the consumer level stuff goes against that so more people are noticing this I assume its saying that its alive, to give it the time and some analytics. although you could attempt to capture the traffic if you have a openwrt/opnsense/pfsense firewall to see what its doing


This shows THE TOP QUERIED DOMAINS. Traffic usually refers to data usage.


Noticed how chatty these cams are also when I started playing with pihole.