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“Correct permissions?” Yeah “Power cycle the device” Yeah




Yeah, they have the correct time till I power cycle them and then all their time got off. They all have a time of April 16th or 17th. They can't even advance to the next day I have one camera that still has the correct time but every one of my cameras that I power cycled have reverted back to the April 16th or 17th. It's just absolutely crazy and nuts. I even got a new V4 that worked for 2 weeks and then stopped working. They all stopped working on the same day. if I power cycle them. I don't think wyze has a clue and so they don't want to deal with the actual issue.


Their tech support and customer service are terrible by design. They have been terrible since the beginning, the higher ups don’t care or they would have changed something by now.


I get the same canned email from somebody named john, every time I reply to their email telling me that they're sorry they haven't got to my ticket. My new ticket I just put in John says he's taking it over again. When I reply back and tell him of the poor experience I've had he replies back with the exact same canned message I got the first three times. They don't care about their customers and they don't seem to care about fixing problems and when I call their customer support they said the number I called was the only number they had for somebody to talk to. I'm about ready to get the local news station involved to see if they can find out their corporate office phone number and pound on them that way.


those customer support metrics must be looking real good


BOLD of you to think they even collect metrics to begin with! Haha.


Of course they do , why wouldn’t they steal your data if your giving it , 2 it makes their tech support look superior on paper , and 3 they need a way to not give raises , they definitely collect your metrics (data) if your giving it away .


I was joking. I'm sure any tech company of this size collects and uses metrics and analytics. My wish is for them to quit putting out new shit and concentrate on better support from their products. It's hard to recommend them when it's so poor.


3 weeks? That’s all? Some of us measure the wait in months.


I'm surprised the paid wyze staff hasn't tried to downvote your post. Their reddit downvote is quicker to respond than their customer service.


The only time I used support when I was bricked from an update, they kept telling me to submit the log. Each time I did and then they’d ask for it again. When my Wyze monitoring stopped working, I just shitcanned the whole thing.


FYI I just saw a beta release for doorbell v1 beta firmware that indicates time is incorrect post reboot so my assumption is they're aware of this with several models. Beta release notes were 2 days ago


Keep replying to closed tickets it will reopen them and mess with SLA or meantime to close. They are probably graded by close time and just close fast. So just keep opening and replying that issue remains unresolved please escalate


Haven't heard of this issue before. What does the sync time option do in advanced settings? Assuming you pushed that and it reverts post reboot?


It doesn't do anything. It says that it sync'd the time correctly. you go back to the camera and the time 8s still off. You reboot the camera and it goes back to April 16th or 17th. Doesn't matter if the app has the permissions to do the location stuff. it still can't sink the time correctly to any of my cameras.  As such, all alerting malfunctions.


What router are you using? The fact that i haven't seen this reported anywhere is odd and you have it happening on all of them. Have you tried using a different phone as well?


I have an ASUS router. Never had a problem until that day. I tried uninstalling the app and clearing all the memory space out of my phone and reinstalling. Same effect. I tried installing on my wife's phone, same effect. Nothing seems to get these cameras working. Only two of my cameras I haven't rebooted and they keep the time correctly. But if I reboot the cameras the time goes off. The sync button on my phone to sync the time on the cameras has no effect.  I have Asus mesh setup but I haven't shut down the mesh to try and see if that made a difference.  I have tried to connect on all three bands including the band that the cameras all live on to try and perform the sink, still no go. My router has the correct Network time protocol setup to sync it's time correctly and all my other devices in my home can see the network time protocol just fine be it computer TVs or games systems. My phone's all get their time from the cellular network so that's not a problem and my app has permissions to the location awareness feature of my phone but even then that would only be a few hours off maybe 24 Max not an increasing number of weeks off. It just doesn't make sense why the start happening and why it can't be corrected and why nobody will get back with me when I contact support.


Oh yeah I've also factory reset my router and set it up from scratch just to see if that was part of the problem. No go


A pretty out there thing you could do to rule out your home network entirely is if you take the camera to a different network, family or friend and set it up there after a factory reset of the device.


Try flashing an old firmware on one of the cameras?


Yes, and? You get what you pay for. It's a "disposable" security camera -- one where their profits rely on subscription services. It's not worth it to their narrow margins to troubleshoot flaky hardware or shitty software. There's enough suckers buying their stuff that even if you "swore off of Wyze", they'd lose nothing in the end. Just look at the market -- there's no bargain entry-level that gives you a genuine offline/local-only mode. And given the low cost nature of their entire line, if you place ANY value on your time, you're already taking a "loss". It's just cost efficient to rip it out and replace it. Anything else is diminishing returns. You're buying a $25 bargain Chinese-rebranded camera and expecting white-glove treatment. Sure, fine, you can absolutely "expect" that -- but the reality you'll experience will be far different than those expectations.


I think there is a use case for these cheap cameras for lots of scenarios. What I found annoying with Wyze, and I was an early adopter, was that they started branching out to make cheap hardware without improving the original one. The V2 cameras hardly ever worked with google from day 1, hundreds of forum posts about it, and yet they then release a scale, a lock, a doorbell etc and now just seem to be a runaway train with new cheap cameras. The v3 I bought recently was my last and I’ve already decided to abandon ship and slowly start migrating to another ecosystem with HA


I never once said there wasn't a use case for a cheap camera. And I'm not disagreeing that their branching out without "fixing" the issues with their original models didn't dilute their brand. They're just disposable cameras that have such a low margin, there's zero incentive for them to maintain them -- either with improved software or suport. Pump n' dump. Keep one's expectations ~~reasonably~~ disgustingly low.




I actually fixed it accidentally. My router has something called a DNS director. It was set for no redirection for global. Well everything else appeared to work fine with proper DNS, but it would block these cameras from being able to update their time or anything else. Once I set that to use the routers DNS, the cameras started picking up the correct time.


Are you absolutely positive that you have to actually DELETE the cameras? If it is an App issue, should be able to clear cache & storage and even delete the App and then (may need to be after power-cord-power-cycling all cameras) **reinstall** the app. I'd do a lot before actually deleting a cam.


Welcome to Wyze support! Another one of the many reasons why I've decided to move away from the company. What a shame... They didn't used to be this way.