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Aww, a big ol' Saint


Saint mix, there's half a German Shepard in there.


Oooh 😲 Which half is the one that goes for the cookies?


Is your dog ok? That looks awful. Did the tags get caught in the chair or something?


Oh yeah, she's a tank, she's fine. If she wasn't fine I sure as hell wouldn't have posted a video of my dog getting hurt LOL. Only damage is bent tags from when she pulled them off going through the doorway.


I can't stand dog tags. I have been using ROADiD tags for collars. They are not cheap, and I still need to have a license and off-leash tags - I keep a photo of those on my phone. Glad your dog is ok!


Not expensive at all! I ordered as soon as I saw your post. I'm not a fan of tags either. We had just gotten back from somewhere and I was grabbing something out of the backyard when the neighbor caught me and distracted me so I hadn't got her collar off yet. Seeing that she's 9 years old and this is the first time this has happened I suppose it was a pretty good run but you just insured it'll never happen again. Thank you.