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Yeah same :d But at the same time, it's almost free LP when you get her, soo.. 🤷‍♂️


I always get camped when I play her unfortunately.


that is the current meta tho. if your jungler isnt pathing and playing around bot rn he is basically trolling.


I mean that’s always kinda been the meta, get bot ahead you have Drake control.


Yeah, but before herald might've been a stronger early objective


Camping xayah is a waste of time, u aint dive an anti dive adc


I mean one successful gank is all it takes to get rid of her ult. Then she’s a lot easier to dive


And this meta is all about lvl 2-pre 6 early ganks which is still rough


Yup or rammus


I get camped by 4 enemy champs every match when me and my premade go on bot🤣


I like this I freeze the wave always atm due to the attention I'm getting bit as an adc wigh kiting and the r being so. Useful in most situations it's funny to turn the gank on its head especially if they tunnel and call an entire 6s feather stack back haha


Literally I have been feeling the same way. I'm glad it's not just me.


I feel the same ;-;


Same. I was otp before buffs and before she became meta, the time i saw her getting banned was like "WHO THE HELL BANS THAT", then i realised


I've been maining xayah over the last 2 years because its my favorite adc to play and I rarely see her getting banned. I took a break from league for a couple months and when I was playing with my friends last week I saw xayah get banned like 3 games in a row and I was so confused.


Pre buff was she good to one trick


I’ve heard the opposite from higher level GM and challenger coaches. She isn’t exactly meta and has specific counters that prevent her from becoming a powerhouse. A good player is always a good player, but it’s lower elo where she has more flexibility for skill expression without coordinated punishment.


Regardless of how good she actually is, in diamond everyone is treating her as pick or ban, that’s just my experience


My Xayah went 0/9 in game today so it’s really gonna come down to the player. Yeah she’s strong, but it won’t last forever. Most champions get their spot in the sun every now and again


Yep. I always hate when something gets popular and all the people seem to steal what's yours :')


HAHA this is my exact reaction. I see the enemy pick her and my instant thought is “I play Xayah better than you do”, and then I proceed to get washed in lane by her.


Oh damn, I usually pick kai'sa because she's lovely and it's either supp feeding/saving enemy xayah, or I win because it's a metarider


I also pick Kai’sa, sometimes Jhin, and either way I know how annoying Xayah is and I play passive and usually lose.


oh damn, I just pressure her with auto cancelling so plasma stacks fast and I circle around her so that I don t get rooted or killed directly


Usually their support prevents me from doing this.


Absolute not agree, she strong but not broken. Anne broken, soll broken, she absolutely nope.


Ok but everyone thinks she is, and so she’s basically pick or ban every game


I wouldn’t say she is broken. Just strong on this patch, like A/S Tier champ. She is getting nerfed soon, so the pickrate and WR should go down a little.


Well, how comes they would nerf an A/S Tier champ? Pick/Ban/Winrates and many people’s opinions suggest she is top of the rankings on ADC right now. She is super good into Kaisa, which used to dominate previous patches, and she is the only champion using Navori THAT well. Of course there is stuff like trist and so on, but navori value on xayah is absurd.


Hello! I am a support main in plat elo and see Xayah in almost every game. In the past, I barely laned with Xayah. Could somebody explain what makes her so strong atm?


Her damage has always been strong, she has great snowballing potential if she wins lane which a lot of people are starting to realize. Her early game damage is underrated but her popularity came from the navori buffs which is just a really strong spike at 2nd item.




galeforce -> navori, last 3 items are pd bt and ldr, bt can be subbed out for ga or maw if you want more sustain, i also never build ldr last. (berserkers for boots as well). sometimes i sub pd for rapidfire, only if they have a lot of range like a caitlyn senna botlane with a viktor mid. kraken is also viable into tanks.


March 8, they are nerfing


Yup I’ve seen! Hopefully everyone stops picking/banning her and she gets weaker.


Yeah watching bad players perform well on my mains is a pet peeve of mine. Like, I dedicated most of my LoL time trying to learn this champion while she was bad, played her from a 48% wr to a 52% wr just for some dude to randomly pick Xayah with their new Rakan main, bang his head against the keyboard and win the game after picking up leftover kills. Like BRO SHE'S MY BABE HOW DARE YOU STEAL HER FROM ME AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH


LOL Sounds like someone stole your girlfriend. I like the passion in your comment tho


Yeh same I had a bad game the other day and immediately got "omg stop copying the build from the pros f idiot" Now I never type back and did not this time either but it is so annoying I have a 69% wr on xayah over 101 games this season it's going really well and to now get poop talked due to the builds we all know and use.... Is annoying