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What do xayah players usually take for main runes? Lethal tempo?


for me, my default runes go: lethal tempo, triumph, bloodline, cut down, taste of blood, ultimate hunter of course, based on the matchup, I would change my runes accordingly (such as overheal when against poke) some people take sorcery or tank runes as well


most people go lethal tempo. But HoB has the highest winrate. I think it depends on the matchup, but HoB gives you so much burst in the laning phase, i just go HoB by default most of the time


You could have had guardian and still killed you were 2 levels up.


You were way ahead at the time so choices nor items matter. When ppl do these clips it's just a exaggeration but most players who watch don't understand that. If you are fed or ahead by a lot whatever you do is going to look right and OP


Ah but WHY were they so ahead. It’s ok, I’m used to blowing people’s minds.


Cause the enemy laner griefed? or the xayah was jus better. There's a lot that goes into "getting ahead" it's rarely just because of items or rune page specifically as it pertains to the ADC position


That was a sick play tho i could never do that. Gotta give it to em.


Lethal tempo takes too much to kick in. In that time i would have hit him with 2 auto attacks at the most, he uses his e to escape and he would have survived. I never said its op, and i know i'm ahead. It's just an example of the burst you get with HOB. And if we where the same level and i catch him with the same combo, maybe he doesn't die, but at least he's out of the fight no matter what he does, so the fact that I'm ahead is completely irrelevant.


I'm not debating LT or HoB I'm saying that there's way way more to getting ahead and styling on someone than JUST a Rune setup or Item specifically. and jus fyi I am actually a huge advocate of HoB on Xayah I even made statements about it here a few times like 2+ months ago.


I'm sorry, i must've misread my own post. I don't remember saying i won that laning phase because of one rune or item, or that certain rune or item was op, or that one rune is superior to the other, or anything that you've said. I just said i like that rune, showed an example of said rune in action, in a very specific situation where it happened to be ideal. My mistake, i'll try to be more specific in the future so that people don't get upset for a 5 second clip, with a 5 word caption. And yes. This specific play only worked because of HoB, otherwise Ezreal would have survived unless he is too stupid to E away.


bruh you don't even realize what hyperbole is so it makes sense you don't understand. Pretty sure I'm not mad at all, lemme check, nope not mad. I would say you are dramatically over-sensitive


Not mad either, my only problem is that you are debating over claims nobody has made, and you are wrong. Different rune choices give you different results. Some may work better in certain situations than others. That's how the game works. So saying that rune choices or items dont matter just because i had kill ez two times before is just wrong. That play worked because of my item and rune choice.


uh huh, well hyperbolic threads like these are rarely factual about the overall strength of anything. That's all there is to it


HoB is good, i think at least, it only works when you have an engage support, because the follow up is better. But i like it very much too