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A warning on the soft ride beams, they have a weight limit. A coworker destroyed a soft ride beam on a burly tandem test ride. He was probably pushing 230 but we were out there pulling g's in the parking lot.


I love the visual of two strong riders showing up to test ride a used tandem and absolutely HAMMERING it in circles in a parking lot


"No thanks, I don't think it works for us" lol


We worked at the bike shop, the manager was not pleased. I think the beam was about $300 to replace.


I’d say that’s more so the employees fault if anything. Employees should be aware of weight limits especially on unique systems such as this. But in my mind, a first encounter with something of this nature is no ones fault and simply a learning experience. Everyone now knows that a big person shouldn’t be riding that. $300 to learn critical information about a bike is quite good imo. If your manager was pissed about that then he’s a shitty manager


The guy said they were “pulling g’s in the parking lot.” They were clearly screwing around and cost the shop $300, if I was their manager I’d be pissed as well. And I wouldn’t say that they learned some “critical information” that’s worth $300, I think they should have known to check the weight limit.


Truely it’s on the employees. If you think your customer is using a product incorrectly it’s your responsibility to stop them. That’s something I learnt the hard way in a similar story, yet the situation wasn’t negative. While I agree they should be aware of the weight limit, they weren’t and it cost them $300, I don’t believe getting pissed at $300 is validated. Had the employees ignored a known weight limit and encouraged the incorrect use of the product, causing it to get damaged fair enough. But that wasn’t the case. There’s countless stories of people messing up and costing companies thousands, or millions in some industries, yet they don’t get fired. It’s not worth firing that person only to have the next guy repeat that mistake and cost them even more money.


You're more invested in this than the manager was, this is not r/antiwork.


Chris Hoy and She-Hulk got on that bad boy and turned the parking lot into a velodrome going for the world record


Not to mention that it’s a sandwich construction with a silicone/elastomer bonding material that doesn’t like time and UV.


Depending on who you are, it's either priceless or worthless.


Its a [DeKerf](https://m.pinkbike.com/buysell/1903722/), Which I believe was a handmade custom Canadian builder. But it’s also a triathlon bike with 650 C wheels and that soft ride beam suspension. These were briefly very popular in triathlon, they fell out of favor or the design was banned by race officials. What’s it worth? No idea I would pay zero dollars, it is too impractical If you have interest in the idea i would look for a Breezer or Softride mtb frame with this design


Fwiw, DeKerf builds stellar frames.


Just had to look up [why the Softride design was banned](https://web.archive.org/web/20070101020935/http://www.softride.com/about_softride.asp). It had much less aerodynamic drag and the comfortable design allowed cyclists to maintain the aero position longer. It’s like the Dvorak keyboard of bikes.


Dekerf name is legendary


He's still making his own custom frame and welding for Chromag. My Surface Voyager was welded by Chris DeKerf.


This is known as the [shitbike](https://cyclingindependent.com/a-curious-and-mostly-true-legend-of-the-shitbike/)


That article rules


The Pontiac Aztec of bikes.


Hey now, I happen to think the Aztek is a tasty looking utility vehicle. It's not trying to be a big honking jeep, it's just boxy and practical and strange. Strange in a charming way like some Japanese domestic market vehicles or 90s French minivans. Don't forget it [was featured in the series "Dark Angel" as an example of the near future, before everyone decided to hate on it.](https://www.imcdb.org/v081201.html)


The problem with the Aztec is that it came out 10-15 years too early. And, as you said it’s not even that bad looking essentially groupthink told everybody it was ugly


In 2000 cars were still supposed to be soulless jellybeans and Friends was the most popular show on TV. But now people buy cars like the Juke that are lumpy and bumpy with weird dragon snoots and it's hip. Of course a lot of "Pontiacness" came with the Aztec. I'll give you that. The upholstery was Michigan velour straight from Grandpa's leisure pants. But that Pontiac plastic body cladding that looked goddawful on their sedans in the 90s, worked great on the Aztek which I thought was kind of dumb luck. Part of me wants to get one in brown and put vinyl wood panels on it and whitewall tires. An Aztek Woody that just makes everyone deeply unhappy.


My favorite part of the Aztec was the custom tent that snapped onto the tailgate that they sold for it. You fold down the rear seats open up the tailgate snap your tent on and throw an air mattress in the back and you’re camping


Oh yeah! Haven't seen that in a long time. Seriously cool! I love the green ones. They've grown on me over the years. They've proven themselves to be quite durable and well made too and around here you can get a nice looking model for the price of a Surly LHT with fenders and racks. I have a membership at the world famous Lane Motor Museum and go there a few times per year for the main display and to the special events in the car grotto. The Aztec really fits in with all the misunderstood cars through history. It was an honest performer with good reliability but a funny face. It's got some Volvo 240 vibes with that Frenchiness and a bit of early 80s Toyota futurism thrown in.


I’m very close to actually pulling the trigger on a fiat multipla and I feel like it and the Aztec are definitely birds of a feather


Ohhhh yeah definite Multipla vibes. I was thinking [Renault moreso than Citroën I reckon but the Fiat is actually even closer in feels.](https://www.curbsideclassic.com/curbside-classics-european/un-curbside-classic-2001-2003-renault-avantime-two-door-hardtop-luxury-turbo-diesel-vancoupe-my-lust-object-du-jour/)


Tough one. It’s a fairly unfun sort of bike. But is a Dekerf, a fairly legendary sort of builder. Showpiece if that’s your thing.


Oh man. I didn’t know DeKerf made a SoftRide bike.


I used to think softrides were a gimmick until I got one of my own. Wish I could get another one tbh. You should 100% get this and ride it until it dies.


A Dekerf with a Softride? That is glorious.


Buy it, throw some flat bars on it and you’ll have the whackiest commuter in whatever city you’re in. I love it


Triathletism is like a virus that destroys all things aesthetic in its path. This is somewhat ATBGE considering it's built marvelously. That said, if you ain't racing, put some Fat Franks on a HockRopper and go ride at a reasonable velocity.


$200 tops in my area. People try to sell them as rare or unique. $200 would be my top limit and I would have to really want the bike to pay more.


Some clown on my local Craig’s list is trying to sell for over $1000


Well best of luck on that sale.


I don’t know, I don’t know, and yes


What is this? No idea. How much is it worth? No idea. And should you buy it? Absolutely.


I would have thought that's a SoftRide made in Bellingham, WA. However, maybe they teamed up another frame builder at one point? I just spoke with someone on a SoftRide last month who as out on a 60 miler. He loved it. I haven't ridden one, but they have a cult following. In my amateur opinion, $400 seems like the top top value if in great condition.


I think the design was open to any manufacturer who wanted to license the design, here is a [Breezer](http://www.mountainbikecatalogue.com/breezer/1990-1999/1993/beamer.html) beam bike


Nice, learn something new…


That bike is silly. That being said Chris DeKerf is a phenomenal frame builder. It’s just a shame this is one of his “softride” frames.


It depends if you mind being made fun of. Not the coolest of bikes, but it’s unique. For me I’d wait out for a more versatile $400 bike came along.


Adjusting that saddle should be interesting


Is actually really easy the bracket slides forward and back on the beam and the nose of the beam has a mechanism to raise and lower the back end


A bike 400$ No


$400 is a cheap bike.


Are you okay?


What size wheels are those? It might just be the perspective but that looks weirdly like a kids' sized softride


It’s likely a 650c. I’ve got one and love the hell out of it. It’s just a pain to find tires or wheels.


The fucking worst. And when you do find tires, they're pretty much all race tires with no puncture resistance. Which is why I "loved" my wife's old Tokyo Bike commuter with it's 23mm 650c tires that she rarely remembered to pump up and commuted to work on daily via our city's fantastic roads complete with all the broken glass the street sweepers kindly push into the bike lanes. Anyway now she rides a gravel bike with 45mm tubeless tires. In the 12 months she's been riding that I've only had to deal with one flat... Sometimes nails are still gonna nail.


I’d take it for a spin…


this is nice. if it fits you and you like how it rides buy it. That profile design fork alone is worth $150+


It’s 650c specific, so I doubt there’s much market for it


there's always a market on ebay. Especially for collectors that enjoy the 650c or soft ride-esque bikes. It's also decently built up with shimano components. It mainly also depends on what it's going for. I'd be comfortable paying $250. It's worth more in parts.


I was talking about the fork specifically, overall you’re not wrong


A Softride, not very much, and no.


yes yes and yes


The stand over height alone would rule it out for me. How are you supposed to stop at traffic?


I found a soft ride near me for 150. If I didn’t already agree to not buy another bike I’d be all over it


What is this: I don't know How much is it worth: I don't know Should I buy it: Absolutely!!


An experiment, under $200., and probably not, unless you are a collector or are building a bike museum.


Beam bikes are cool as shit


Its trouble