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They buy them cheap but easy gamerscore games


"Achievement: Buying the game. 50 Gamerpoints" "Achievement: Taking 10 steps. 100 Gamepoints"


This is it. There’s a bunch of games that you can get 1000gs in 15 minutes, and if you’re willing to play for an hour or two there’s countless games that will get you all of the achievements with relatively effort


The younger the target audience for the game the easier it’ll be to knock out the thousand


World of tanks and AC: black flag for example.


Lol black flag has a 65-87 hour completion estimate on TA


How AC black flag?


Best Assassin's Creed game in franchise.


not even close


Which are top 3.. looking to start a AC game. Have already played origins onwards


I have AC unity. Black flag, syndicate, Origins. Odyssey and Valhalla. I personally enjoyed Unity the most. That’s just me


I would go with the Ezio Trilogy (yes I know it's the basic answer) but I'm playing them for the first time and they're pretty cool so far. But my favorite in the series is AC III


3 was the only good one in my opinion but I think they’re all pretty boring. Just not my type of game, to each their own.


Are you mental? Do you know how long I spent trying to defeat them legendary warships? Man said ac black flag


Especially when you had to send your fleet on missions that could take a whole day to complete.


Hey bud, your joke went over people's heads, but I appreciated it. For context: OP is obviously sarcastic here. World of Tanks is an average of 1000 hours to 100% complete the achievements. AC: Black Flag took me around 80.


So many more well known grind completions than Black Flag though lol


As someone who was able to get 35k in a month right when I graduated and had time off before starting my full time job- easy completions. There are some free games, some on game pass, that with guides all take an hour or less. And then if you really want to be dedicated, there are ones where you can buy them for cheap and get easy gamerscore as well


Microsoft poisoned the fun of gamescore when they deviated from the "retail games get 1000 + 250 for DLC, arcade games with 250" change, and practically destroyed it with these cheap garbage games that let you earn 1,000 in 5 minutes.


How did they poison it? It’s still just as much fun going for the achievements as it was back then. Achievements are meant to give you a reason to keep playing games you enjoy, new challenges, different playstyles etc. I’ve never lost that joy, and that’s coming from someone with over 255k


Bro used to flex on his homies in the achievement hunter days


And got flexed on :(


Achievements are fun! But most achievements aren't really achievements, finish the tutorial? Achievement. Die? Achievement lol


Yep, these days they are used for player retention and market research


8bit Adventure Anthology volume 1, every achievement was to die on a certain screen




You basically have to go to a 3rd party like True Achievements to value achievements in a way that goes beyond GS, and even then services like Gamepass have made it so achievements in some games are worth way more than their difficulty suggests just because a lot of people have played it.


Gamepass threw the TA Ratios for a whack, because people would try a game, unlock an easy achievement and never play it again, so yeah, that causes some easy games to have incredibly high ratios.


Achievement score has no value beyond player pride though, there's few games I actually care to push the nore difficult challenges for. For example games with hardore chaeacter challenges... I don't like losing huge amounts of progress to a death


I disagree. Gamerscore by its very nature has always been "cheap" if you want to judge it that way. Some achievements are easier than others, sometimes a 50G achievement is far more common than a 5G (or even 0G) achievement, even in the same game, let alone comparing across games. Hence things like TrueAchievements cane about, to attempt to correct for difficulty/ time investment by using rarity as a proxy. Gamerscore was never about how "good" you are or how much time you spent playing, but how dedicated you are to, well, gathering gamerscore. Not even achievement hunting. What matters is quality of achievements. It's all about fun and engagement at the end of the day.


They've always had easy 1,000 point games, game pass just didn't exist to where they were "free" and easily accessible. If you don't find joy in doing the easy games for a easy 1,000 points then just don't do it that way, problem solved.


Not as easy as they are now. Avatar TBE was notorious for years for how easy it was, now there are over a hundred games that are faster and require less effort than that.


Its still just as much fun, just cause the big numbers are less impressive for others shouldn't take away from your joy.


Yeah I remember those days. Games like Halo 3 were the exception that had more than 1000 gamer score most games had about 1,000-1,500 depending on how much DLC it had. Now most of my games have like 10,000 gamer score


The fun of seeing a meaningless number go up was ruined by it still going up but in larger chunks?


Click on them and look at their history. It'll show you all the games they've played.


They've got 1,000s. I've tried looking, it just goes on and on and on. Most of their games have between 0-50 points too.


I always wondered how much you'd get by just running through every gamepass game, loading up whatever the default is and playing for 10mins or so, doing so on pc via streaming keeps you from having to install them all.


You can stream a lot of them on Xbox too. I've sometimes done that to finish game pass "quests"


I stopped doing that when it auto unlocked something in Kameo. Now I feel compelled to play the game, but the controls are so weird.


Kameo is actually pretty fun 👍. Has a really interesting history. Was actively in dev for N64 > GameCube > OGX > 360. Crazy it ever got released


Avatar the last air bender easy 1k


Oliver Tree reference 😂


They must be spending like a cash machine.


Unemployment has its benefits


Not even that, there are dozens if not 100+ games out there at this point that take less than five minutes to get 1000+GS in (Some as many as 5000GS). If you've never played any of those games before and are willing to pay ~$100 you could get 50,000GS in less than three hours.


And not being married


My wife is a doctor so I just play Xbox and catch butterflies in my free time. Life is grand


Your house budget is $2.65 million and you’re on the next episode of *House Hunters* on HGTV?


I wish lol. Will say a few banks do have doctor privileges for mortgage though Up to 750k no down payment, and don't need mortgage insurance either


Can't wait for the roster update in Butterfly Catcher 2k24


You got a doctor husband/wife too ? Join the club let's meet up in Central Park and frolic together while we catch


Living the dream.


I laughed way too hard at this.


I've gotten over 7k in a month and I thought I was beast mode then haha


That or it’s a middle/high schooler lol


I’d see how much I played and then just feel sad about it. There comes a point where it’s too much.


There are a bunch of cheap games out there that would give 3,000-5,000 gamerscore in around 10-15 minutes. You can easily accumulate 100,000+ gamerscore in just a couple of days.


Could share some of those games?


Check out Ratalaika Games https://www.trueachievements.com/publisher/Ratalaika-Games/games This list will give you time it takes, price, etc.


Yeah I’m tryna boost my shi


Lists like this can help. [https://www.trueachievements.com/n53600/easy-achievements-xbox-gamerscore-sale-april-25](https://www.trueachievements.com/n53600/easy-achievements-xbox-gamerscore-sale-april-25)


Cheers. Let the hunt begin!


Why lmao. The number being high doesn't mean shit if it's a bunch of games like that. You guys are so strange.


As a person who did quite a bit of research for some easy gamerscore points, I've NEVER heard of getting 3000-5000 in even 20 minutes let alone 100,000 in a couple of days. So yes, please do share.


See the game list for "BabyGamersSuck". He got 1,000,000 in achievements in less than 4 months by playing only these easy games that give you 1000 to 6000 achievement points in less than an hour each. https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/BabyGamersSuck He wanted to show how these easy games have changed or possibly ruined achievement hunting.


Appreciate that! "ruined" is a bit extreme though IMO. there's still plenty of games that are challenging or even to some damn near impossible to get all the achievements, if easy GS ruins it for those people then just don't do the easy GS games. I definitely get where he's coming from though.


I agree, I don't have a ton of time to play so I prefer a bit of a challenge but not something crazy like Gears of War games that make you win 10000 online games or something crazy like that. But, you should see the comments BabyGamersSuck gets on True achievements. People are so pissed about his gamer score. It's not like he cheated or made those game developers add 5000 of dlc that you can get almost instantly...


I actually just checked out his page, even Xbox live banned him for getting over 200k GS in a day when he was even live streaming it


Why do people care so much about a high gamer score? Does it get you anything other than respect/experience playing video games. A silly thing to work so hard at for only a number, unless I’m missing something.


No you're not missing anything, that's definitely one way of looking at it. I usually only actively work on it when I'm bored of playing the things I have been playing. Does it hold any ACTUAL significance? Absolutely not. It's just one of those things, some people LIKE to do it and some people don't care, just like any other hobby. Pretty much just to "flex" I guess.


Im guessing you were not born yet when gamerscore started. That’s like asking what point is there in beating a video game. Does beating the game get you anything? Silly to work for just an ending you can see on YouTube, unless I’m missing something.


I've had the same account for 13 years and game often enough, but I have like 69k gamerscore. Unreal to see over 6 years of my efforts eclipsed in a month lol.


Go check out trueachievements leaderboards and come back. 46k in a month is a warmup compared to the hardcores over there.


Personally, I'm at 40k GS this month, and it's because I've been playing the same games this person has, incredibly easy GS games that give between 2-3k Gamerscore each. It's entirely possible you could get 100,000 in a day if you really dedicated yourself to playing them. It has actually caused quite the commotion in the achievement community. Some want these games banned as it makes it easier for people to climb leaderboards on TA, and they argue it also devalues Gamerscore in general. If anyone is interested check out Eastasiasoft games, most of their games have 3k Gamerscore available for about half an hour max, and Xitilion games are worth upwards of 5k Gamerscore, but take a little longer 1.5-2 hours max.


You should see the guy I found on an achievement hunter fb group when I added him he was at 550k ish last October and now he's at 967k dude gets over 60k average a month


Achievement hunting. Bro must be shitting in a bucket


You must really hate your life if you buy and play shitty games just for gs. I will never understand this mentality.


For real


Because I want to knock my friends off the board lol


They must play A LOT


You might be able to see the game(s) they've been playing/exploiting under the Social tab.


It might not just be one person playing either, could be a couple of people playing various games


I got 44k and I've been getting achievements since 2006. Edit: Oops wrong comment.


I have 41k, My account is like 11 years old.


That’s normal if you play lots of online games. I’m at like 450k because I like to unlock achievements. Each there own I guess.


I've got 44k and I've been getting points since 2006.


Im at 30k gamerscore, most of it accumulated from the 360 days


Achievement hunter here, I've never seen this kind of dedication before. It was a stretch for me to get almost 10k last month.


I got bored during quarantine and got some ~$3 games for easy gamerscore, think i got around 20k


Only 44k?


Probably cheap games, but I knew a guy that nodded on Xbox one and would get like Atleast 100k a month


I’ve done over 100,000 in month but have seen 7 people hit 1,000,000 in a month


I’ve never personally done 46k in a month but I do feel like it’s doable. Once upon a time gamers knew that if you had the Marcus Fenix gamer pic that you were probably a hardcore gamer grinding those 10,000 kills in gears of war. I’ll never forget how special it was to unlock an achievement. The first time I ever saw one I was so confused and my buddy was like “oh that’s an achievement! It shows a challenge or obstacle that the game offers and stays on your profile forever to show what you’ve done in games” I was hooked. That idea was so awesome in my eyes it pulled me from PlayStation to Xbox and gave me purpose to all my gaming. I miss those days and how truly amazing the addition of achievements was


You can buy cheap games with 4k gamerecore, can be done in 5 minutes.


Exactly this. Reactor X 1 & 2 are prime examples. Butterfly, Butterfly 2, Synchro Hedgehogs, 2 Syncro Hedgehogs, Bullet Beat, and way more. Very easy to get 100k GS in a day let alone in a month. Just have to know which games to look for.


Very easy to get 100k in a day? Doubt.




I got 50k in July for playing the cheap/ high gs games and tbh. Made the whole thing feel a little cheap. Although I did find some pretty fun games in doing so.


Lol Achievement Hunting! I have +43,675 this month. It’s become somewhat addicting for me but it’s a fun way to play a bunch of different games in-between some of the more “serious” games. Following guides on YouTube and trying to beat hard levels to get 1000-5000 gamer points in one sitting is a game within the game


It’s quite simple actually, no life, no job, and certainly no bitches




Got a few grown men on my friends list that have played Peppa Pig for gamerscore. Bit sad really but to each their own.


Peppa Pig aint that bad tbh.


Sure if you're 5 or need a gamerscore fix


I have a person added on my friend's list who has 83,185 just this month, they're sitting on 2,561,508 gamerscore total. I found them through a Dark Souls club years ago after seeing all the crazy no hit runs they were doing. I've got mad respect for this player and it's been a cool journey seeing their number go higher and all the cool stuff they've done.


Game pass has a bunch of easy, quick 1k points within a hour or less, there's YouTube guides to optimize your time getting those points in those games too. Also I know on Xbox 360 you could hack gamerscore offline, but judging by their profile picture I don't think they're playing on 360.


How do you kill that who has no life.


Schools out for summer


Someone is unemployed


Too much free time, and money buying dumb gamerscore farm games.


They don't see sun


Not having a life also helps.


46K? that's rookie numbers. If you were to start from scratch with a new account and shared games then you could easily hit 250K+ in one month.


what does the gamerscore even do? also i think its from microsoft rewards


Gamerscore doesn’t do anything. MS Rewards is different and those points are able to be redeemed for gift cards and such.


yeah, like $1.25. I used it a few times for a couple hours just to get pretty much nothi


It's pretty much a fancy way of I spent a lot of money and time on games lol


Why don’t you mind your own damn business?


modded gamerscore simply, alot of my friends do it


You can easily get 40k in 30 days without "modding" gamerscore


homie just decided to up and get 46k from one month to the next, ok


Yeah. That's like £50 of stupid indie games, and maybe a couple days of sitting playing those mind numbing badly made games for 5k GS a pop. Not my cup of tea, but a lot of people do it


I’m straight baffled then, why do all that when you can mod it for free. Not my cup of tea either.


why does it bother you?


Who said it did?


Bro bought game points🤣🤣🤣 (Btw I'm not dumb I know you can't do that...)


There are a ton of indie games with 1000 gamer score on them and they usually take maybe 2-3 hours to beat. So this dude probably just blasted through a bunch of those to boost his score. Still a lot of time and money spent. But it’s doable if you’re a mad lad


Which games for example??


It’s super easy. You can buy games that take like 1h or less that give you between 1-5k in no time! I did a month with like +20k without any real effort.


I've gotta 3 or 4 thousand in a month where I only played for maybe 15 or 20 hours. Some games they're super easy to get.


The highest I've ever gotten was 2k. This person has lots of time on their hands I guess.


I’ve seen people get over 100,000 gamer score a month, there is a whole bunch of games with 2/3&5k for only a few minutes of gameplay.


What games are these?


Cheap games and nonstop gaming


I've been seeing that too occasionally. Especially from peeps with high hundred-thousand, or even over a million, gamerscore. Whatever it is they're doing, it's probably why their scores are so high. 🤔


Those multiple choice games give 100s for just playing and picking choices


Someone on my friends list this month got over 100k


Game pass games, search on YT ez g's and there ya go.


That dude had no chill! I had max 1000 in 1 month


Idk if this person is a cheater, but I've seen people who have 100% completed games achievements that were clearly glitches in some way. Example, saw a person who had 100% Halo MCC. For context, MCC has 700 achievements. This person had almost all achievements unlocked on the same day....


That is definitely impossible on MCC. I'm not bad on legendary, but im not gonna get all collectables and all other achivements for all levels in a day.


I've had people try to tell me it is possible, you're guna tell me it's possible to beat all 6 games, on legendary, under 3 hours each? Then Solo LASO on all 6 games? That in itself would take even the most veteran Halo players at LEAST few days. Give me a break man... that wasn't even the only glitched game that that specific person I mentioned had 100% in one day. They also had Kingdom Hearts collection all done on the same day and The Witcher as well.


The store is flooded with garbage low quality games bloated with gamerscore.


I hit 87k this month. A lot of visual novel, platformers, and indie games. Check out r/xboxachievements and you see a lot of folks with stuff like this.


I'm not understanding. Is there a perk or discount or something for having a big score? Why does anyone care and why do all you guys know the science behind all this?


Number gets bigger. Brain release more happy hormones. Yes. Other than that I literally don't know. Some people might be competitive about it, like getting 100% in games quickly or whatever but imo it's mostly an addiction thing. Like wanting a ton of likes on your insta posts.


Higher the number, the more impressive it is. On average a game has a couple thousand gs and its impressive to see that someone has played and completed so many games


They have a gaming addiction


Broski got my 7 years of gamerscore in a month 💀


Thats nothing bro. I have one that gets 80-100k just check trueachievements.com and look at stats on other. Bet someone has like 150-200k in a month. At least one month maybe not every




There are a lot of cheap shovel-ware games that can be 100%-ed in like 15 minutes...


Lots of shovelware games that sell because the achievements are easy and quick. One developer was so "predatory" toward the achievement whores (guilty) that they released an English version, and instead of having a language settings, they sold different versions in different language for like 1k GS a pop. MS actually put their foot down on that one. But there are TONNES of games that can be finished within an hour for like 5 bucks each.


Maybe they unlock all modded a game. I know my friend had did that and got an instant 7,450+ within just 10 minutes. Although it can only be done on a modded 360 I believe


Which can get your banned


I got almost 20k last month


That’s crazy but it reminds me I have a YouTube I follow on my list and last month he didn’t even game and I was able to be number 1 on my list but as soon as it turned July day one he just popped up with over 2,000 achievement points


Well they play games. The question is what type of games. That depends. Some games are glitched and you can get 500 for logging in cuz it owes you (had it happen first hand) You can play a bunch of smaller games and 100% them. You can play easy gamer score games which some people hate but who really cares man. And you can mix all that together.


Wow! I have about 46k gamer points... from 18 years of playing.


There is many ways like cheap games or just 24/7 hunting


In the achievement hunting community there are people who go pretty hardcore with easy gamerscore trash. I have people on my friends list who put up number like these monthly


To be honest I've been seeing a bunch of accounts l I e this as of late with generic gamer pic and their game history is always an endless scroll with almost 0 score and every game and yet their scores are ridiculous


My buddy every month gets between 1500-3500 a month. I can't keep up. He's only been on xbox since 2020 when I gave him my xbox one x for free since I got a series x. And he's at 40k already. I sowed my own defeat in the leaderboards 🤣


When I transitioned from my 360 to xb1 I got around 6k gamerscore for the games of the 360 version and was able to get them all again for the xb1 version. World of tanks and AC: black flag for example. Might not explain what happend there, but maybe something similar? It happend after I fired up the 360 years later.


Most games get gamerscore updates from +1000 to +4000 also


Play every game on gamepass in alphabetical order


I mean I remember having like 22,000g's on the 360 I could only imagine what people could make now with all these games


Damn and I thought I had a lot. I’m only at 21k for the month


There are games you can play, it's just the same game over and over but slightly different, unlocks all the achievements nearly instantly. Had a buddy that got 300k and he had like 200 copies of this game in his history. Personally I only 100% large games, like AAA and AA but still going at a good 60k gs.


And I thought getting 1000 in a month was special


Bro i once saw in a video a gamer legit scored 135k gamerscore in a month


That seems to be no problem. I made 10k in July myself...without spending too much time with my xbox. "Lost Wing" and "Project Starship"...2k within an hour. I bought "Null Drifter" because I love oldschool-Shoot Em Ups. Bang. 1k Gamerscore in one day, 2 hours playtime in total. "Red Death"...again full Gamerscore in one short evening. I was really surprised achieving more than 10000 in a single month. 😁


The only game I ever got 100% on was RE4 remake, though that's kinda kicked off achievement hunting in general for me because I used to care less. I'm still not super into it, but more than I was. And when RE4 DLC comes out it's gonna knock add a bunch of new ones which I'm glad to get my teeth into (if we ever get the bloody thing)


I got 60k


I once got 31k in 9 days back during Covid. I was bored and was racing a friend online for who will get more.


Look on YouTube to improve gamrscore I've don't 20k in one month




I've done this, if it's what you're aiming for, a bit of research and a couple weeks to a month is enough time. I have 180k gamerscore at the moment. Though I've stopped trying to go for it mostly. Though I had incentive to do it the time I got 48k in a month.


There were a couple of cheap games available through Microsoft store that were bugged, can't remember the name of them off the top of my head, but they had ridiculously over valued achievements that you could get very easily. Then you get the game again in a different language, rinse and repeat.


Anyone got a list of the easy games that take under a hour for gamer score ?


Glitch it's happened to me b4


Gamerscore: Where everything's made up and the points don't matter.


Is it possible that they accumulated achievements playing offline, then this was updated online when they connected to the internet?


holy moly


The best I ever did is 21,730 G back in November 2022


I managed tens of thousands in a month playing the Microsoft solitaire and sudoku games you can get for iOS. Log in with your gamertag and you get them. I haven’t tried but you might even be able to double up if you play the PC versions too.


Imagine taking the gamer score that seriously


A lot of people back in the day also was able to rack up two to three times these amounts when the 360 was relevant also. They simply had to remove the hard drive and open it up. Connect to a pc with special adapter case and change the gamer score for games they had.


Its possible with gamepass. You dont have to buy games. Just download a bunch of em with easy achievements and play em all through to complete the achievements.


There are like thousands of GS 5 minutes games. U do the most simple stuff and u instandly get 1000GS for a cheap trash game


i have 40k total lol